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Everything posted by DeadLantern

  1. "Part of the thing is that length is a concern here. The subsidiaries for the PMCG are bound by their length - as such, I don't think it's viable to try and expand further upon their methods and operations." It is viable to expand on their methods and operations. The Dagamuir Freewater Private Forces include their methods, and I see no reason why you should necessarily exclude it from your descriptions. Just keep the useful stuff, the stuff that might inform the player's roleplay. Otherwise, I don't really buy the coalition PMC force. You say it yourself, they are very disparate and a very diverse group of people, and that by itself is alright. I see no unifying force, though. The Kazarrhaldiye Operations Group mainly recruits from Tajara veterans; they are all very different, but there's a unifying force right in there. They served in the same war. I understand why this exists and how they would be played. You can draw the same comparison for Nexus or Dagamuir. I can not see that for this coalition force. Yes, they're all united because they are all from/active in the frontier, but what does that even mean? It is so random and so separate as to inspire no broad sense of feel. You could theoretically make a character from any background and they could fall into Sachar's. Maybe this is because the frontier itself is too separated; in any case, I really don't feel like that would be an interesting addition. You have a bunch of randos from the coalition that are unruly. I can see this group adding nothing to our current PMCG roster besides that. If you want to play an unruly coalition fighter, you can join any other PMC group/corporation, it would be the same experience, generally. The Solarian force looks interesting, however. Recruiting from Solarian outer-edge police people is a much more defined niche and it provides a nice way to have Solarian characters on station.
  2. I think this should be answered, as it is pretty true. What would be below? Living quarters? Nothing? I think this could be answered pretty easily, but it can be answered in a multitude of ways, all affecting how the NBT is actually crafted/made. So I think this is a question worth answering.
  3. Hopefully you come back, canon.
  4. When you've felt like that you've collected enough suggestions/ideas, be sure to compile them and upload them in a proper canonization application.
  5. On the Unathi Guilds part, even though it is just an example, individual guilds would not be working on the Aurora or any SCC installation. Guilds do not export labor. You could be employed by Hephaestus who has ties to an Unathi Guild, however.
  6. There is like 0 mechanical difference. The squares are so small when you use the telescopic eyes that it is only useful in certain contexts. The eye flashlights have less shine than a flashlight. Not to mention that other races get similar buffs... who cares, really? This is so minor and I like the fluff for Zeng-Hu.
  7. Narcissistic
  8. Hello DanseMacabre... x2 Becoming the lore deputy, you are likely to be assigned various tasks for you to do. You may have a choice in this, or you may not. Sometimes you will be able to write what you want, but other times you are going to be forced to write about things you may not be the most passionate about or things that you were not expecting to write about. Would you be willing to write about things that aren't necessarily outlined in your application--even if you don't really want to write about these things? I understand you dislike the concept of Megacorporations in general when it comes to sci-fi; however, you may have to include corporate influences in your planets or write things exclusively relating to megacorporations. Would you still do this, even if it goes against your idea of what makes lore good? Would you take it well if ideas you think would be good for the setting get shot down immediately? Often times, as a deputy, you may have ideas for things, and though they may be considered, your loremaster may shoot them down without that idea even seeing the light of day. I'm not saying this will be the rule, but it is probably going to happen. Are you fine with your ideas being deferred to fit the loremaster's vision?
  9. Hello DanseMacabre... What do you think the place of Humanity is, in our lore? Should it be more important than the other species's lore? Should humanity be centerfold, with all other species acting as second fiddle to humanity? Do you think only certain human factions deserve reign above all others, or is it humanity in general? Any response is fine. Besides that question, the passion can not be ignored. You are obviously willing to dish out the time and the skill. The voices before me (and after me) will surely speak about the ability to work within a team, however, which is the most important attribute required to be a lore deputy. Other than these observations, I only have this one question, as you've stated the directions you want to go in if you get the Deputy position.
  10. Any issues or complaints relating to Haydizzle's shared responsibilities of being a Maintainer and a Loremaster are solved. We discussed at great length on what would occur if Haydizzle did get promoted to Loremaster, and I think we both determined that any scenario resulting from that will be good, whether or not you end up resigning from the Unathi team. As an Unathi Lore Deputy, I was immediately faced by Haydizzle's conduct when I was promoted. He is professional and funny. More importantly, he can identify the important things required when crafting lore and see it to its end. More more importantly, he knows how to manage and treat his underlings well. He communicates, he proof-reads, and he gives a fair shake at any idea you throw at him. My experience with him has been nothing but positive, and working directly under him, I feel as if I can say that with the greatest confidence. We have spoke before about species restrictions and disagreed, but I think the opinion that you state in this thread shows that you know how to synthesize an opinion from many different viewpoints, which is something any wise loremaster needs when determining which opinions to collect and which ones to ignore. In any case, denying Haydizzle the position just because his views on one thing relating to species restrictions is not the best idea. He has shown the ability to listen and appraise; even if he disagrees with me on certain opinions, I know that that mindset is essential when approaching a position like this. I also think that any qualms about species favoritism should be squashed. I just don't think that's possible. Haydizzle has cared immensely about Unathi lore since day one of his promotion; if he gets this Loremaster position, he will obviously shift his focuses to the wider range of Aurora lore. After working with him for a few projects, I really don't think something like species bias is going to happen. I think Haydizzle is the best candidate so far. precisely for his ability to manage and forge a direction for lore. I support Haydizzle becoming the deputy loremaster.
  11. Hi! We've reviewed your application and hits on most of the core themes; however, there are some things that are skimmed. Please answer the following questions: 1. You say that Zarkami was smuggled, and that's where that story ends; in reality, it would go far deeper. First of all, for a variety of reasons, a smuggler would not simply touchdown on the City and pick up people to be smuggled. They would have to trek across the Wasteland to a Hegemon spaceport, most likely--a trip fraught with danger taking, at least, some weeks. How would this trek be? How would they enter a Hegemonic spaceport? Unfortunately, it's not easy to be smuggled. Where would she get the credits, too--did she go with anyone? Why, even? You should consider these questions. Additionally: you say that this ship was attacked by a "rival family". A rival family to this Tajaran smuggle? To Zarkami? Why in space? Did they fail? And, if they were so close to Tau Ceti--could they not just launch a distress signal? TC does take in refugees. Just some things to mull over. 2. You speak very little about honor and religion, with the former being especially important for a hopeful-warrior. What are her (and your) opinions on honor? And, perhaps, more importantly, what are her views on religion? A traditional Unathi's entire way of life is organized around religion, especially in the Queendom. What does she think about the heresies that surround Szek'Hekh's bastion? It's implied she follows Th'akh--how does that affect her life and views? Religion and Honor are the two cornerstones of an Unathi's psychology, and it would be best to consider them with great importance. 3. You describe Zarkami's view on the Hegemony politically, but you don't talk about the superseding factor--the social factor. The two ways of life are completely reversed! How does she think about this male dominated society--and what does she think about the gender-equal societies that she's immigrating to? And what does she think of her own lifestyle, anyways? Do males belong in a subdued position because they are weaker, or is it as simple as two different roles for two different genders? These are three basic questions that you should carry with you as you play Zarkami. I have no doubt that this application won't get accepted, but it's important that you consider these three questions and answer them. Thanks for applying!
  12. I support it because he is a good spriter and I think his style would be interesting to see when it comes to non-Unathi stuff.
  13. I really don't think it is wise to suggest ideas before we see the full idea of NBT realized. Some things like Escape Pods can be assumed outright, but I think it is just odd to be talking about a fleet of ships or the lack of break rooms before we see how rounds on the NBT work and the overall atmosphere of the server. Who knows how massive this change will be? Perhaps with the NBT, break rooms make perfect sense (unlike now), or maybe a trail of ships would work really well with the setting. These ideas all seem nice on paper, but I don't see the point. We know very little about how NBT is going to actually work--a lot of people have compared it to Bay, but how similar to Bay is it going to be? I don't know, and you don't know. I think it is fine to brainstorm, but this feels particularly irrelevant, just because we don't know how NBT works and how each round's atmosphere is going to play out.
  14. Also, I would like to add, the security discord and its people are not mocking people every second of the day. Most of the time, it's "normal" conversation (as normal as we can be) and generally without harm. It's a small section of its actions, and it should not be treated as a constant hate machine. It's its own community.
  15. Menown, I read this post a day ago, and I've took the remainder of my freetime yesterday thinking about this post. After resting, this is my response: I recognize that I was rude and offensive in the logs shown, especially to lukebr. Mako Wu, Sam Chalegre, these characters are routinely mocked in the security discord. There are others too, but I won't bring them up. Regardless, the facts show me (and many others) hurting and slinging insults at another's IC and OOC conduct. No matter my opinions on them OOCly or ICly, I, and everyone else, should not be saying these things about these people. It's both cowardly and toxic. If I had a problem with either his IC or OOC conduct, I should have interfaced with the proper channels (by making a complaint or talking with the offender). I really was making fun of lukebr, and I am guilty of doing that to other characters as well. With these logs being brought up, I find it near-incorrigible that me, as a staff member, would even do this. This isn't what makes Aurora a good community with good RP. It fills it with toxicity, vitriolic hatred towards people with "bad" roleplay while refusing to bring it up to the players in question or complaint them if it comes to that. I, or any other staff member, should definitely not do this. I'm ashamed of my conduct on the security discord; I am sincerely sorry. If there is a punishment, I expect to bear the full brunt of it. Community members should also be held responsible. Imagine if dozens of people conspired to mock you endlessly in their own discord, and you suddenly find the truth out? Does it make Aurora a place to grow and roleplay? Does it make it a better place? Resorting to the excuse of "jokes" and "satire" is incredibly babyish. It's just bullying, there's no way around it. If you want to have the right to mock players while simultaneously refusing to do anything about it, you can be a coward in DMs or in private discords. The people with a problem with lukebr's roleplay should bring it up to him, not endlessly laugh at him (especially when he's a minor, and naturally unused to roleplay). They should make a complaint if they think it suitable. There have been discussions about deleting the security discord. I would like to point out that the security discord recently started a moderation system. I think a change of rules would be sufficient enough to stop this problem (or, at least, draw it away from the public's eye). I recognize that some of the moderators/admins actually participated in the mockery--I hope they see the error in their ways and how that does not make for a healthy playerbase. Deleting the discord will just allow the offenders to make a private discord where they can do the same thing. The people accused should step up and apologize and stop their behavior on that discord. My behavior was incredibly childish and I apologize for it.
  16. I disagree. More detail is not necessarily better. The old suits were uninspired Dead Space copies with no unique aesthetic. The new suits have less detail, yes, but they achieve a more unique aesthetic and fit the server. On their own, I still prefer the latter suit, as I think it is more distinct than the "black army man" suit.
  17. The armor would make the HoS easily identifiable if the HoS is wearing a business casual suit. Additionally, I say again: the HoS has the HoS's badge as well as the HoS's ID, making him easily spotted through an examine verb. I think the need for visual clarity is overemphasized in this case. Having HoS's spec out into different types of wear is not going to make them completely unrecognizable--if it does, it's not 'business causal'. Additionally, while you are wearing the armor, you can hardly see the uniform under it, anyways. I really see no problem of identification arising from this proposed change.
  18. These answers show a very good understanding of the lore. I'm sure you'll get the whitelist!
  19. I understand your statement about Nienna. The public lore server is a server with many colors--there are memes, light-hearted discussions, unserious discussions, and semi-formal discussions that may easily become arguments. You were engaged in the latter such conversation, and using lol in that context is pretty disrespectful. It sounds stupid, but it's as if you are mocking them or laughing humorously at their opinions. With text, it is hard to gauge how exactly words will impact the other side. Using lol may not seem significant, but it takes on a mocking tone in the face of someone trying to have a real discussion. As long as you acknowledge that, I'm fine. By pointless, I don't necessarily mean an argument that doesn't have a topic--I consider a pointless argument an argument that ends with both sides dissatisfied, angry, and without increased knowledge. That is a pointless argument, and being abrasive is the best way to make sure both sides end up mad at each other for little reason. And yes, the problem is not arguing in the lore server, it's the fact that you might bring that attitude to the staff lore server, where it is not necessarily more serious, but where its inhabitants are expected to be able to have a nice discussion without devolving into a "pointless argument". I recognize you've acknowledged that abrasive side of yourself. Managing it is the only key here, really. That is my only concern. Anyway, that is it. My reservations about you have been voiced, and I don't really know whether to support it or negate it. I am sure Cael will be a better judge as you'll be working under them.
  20. I am going to echo Nienna's point in that you express your opinions with an abrasive tone. We have had only a few, minor conversations, but I was present when a discussion emerged between you and mostly Omicega. The contents of the discussion does not matter. You argued as if it were a hostile environment, making sweeping statements followed by a "lol"--being generally combative. You later apologized, and that should be noted; you also apologized for the argument you had about Silversuni accents, which should also be acknowledged. You tend to be headstrong with your opinions, I've noticed, and are sympathetic to those who agree and lethal to those who do not. It is good that you recognize your snappy-ness, but one has to see results. Your ability to write lore is not in contest, as you've contributed cool things to Aurora. I, however, am wary of your conduct when engaging in discussions and debates. I've recently been elevated to lore deputy, and I've seen a lot of discussions and arguments involving everyone in the lore team, not exclusive to certain alien teams. Your point of "However, I am not applying to be a main lore developer, so I do not really have to interact with you or your team, if that'd be more preferable to you." is a bit nonsensical, as all sections of the lore team are encouraged to lend their advice to their colleagues. Being forced to not speak to certain people because you simply can not talk to them without arguing is not conducive to a pleasant lore team experience. You should be able to talk to everyone diplomatically, and be able to engage in most discussions without devolving into anger and impulsiveness when your thoughts are challenged. Again, I have respect to what you've previously contributed to Aurora. From my observations, I think I am just a little hesitant. I do not usually comment on these lore team applications even if I'm supportive of the person applying, as I usually keep my opinion to myself. I am only speaking up because I fear that your acceptance may lead to arguments without a clear purpose in the lore chat. This is not an outright dismissal of your application. It's something for you to respond to. I've noticed that you've argued in Aurora Lore Central, and I would like to see some justification as to why you have changed or why you will not engage like that on the lore team or why you were justified in arguing like that.
  21. A fine application, your lore content seems good, we always need more level-headed Si'akh faithful. I'll ask you a few questions about the character. 1. What does Raan think about the late S'kresti and his conversion to Si'akh? Expanding on this question, what does Raan think about the Hegemony as a whole? Growing up in the Wasteland, seeing the horrors of the war and the Traditionalist influences in the Touched Lands--are the Hegemonics invaders or a nation trying to keep the peace? S'kresti, an aberration to the Hegemon or a true king? 2. What does Raan think about the other religions? You say that he is discriminated by Sk'akh and Th'akh which is true, but what does he feel about the religions and their practices? Heretics that must be wiped out? What of the anarchistic Aut'akh? 3. What does Raan think of the lords that rule over his clan, and the concept of nobility as a whole? These questions delve deep into some of the important themes in Unathi lore, so I'm just testing out your overall interpretation and knowledge of the lore. Otherwise, you portray an excellent portrait of Unathi lore in your character.
  22. Alright, thanks.
  23. I understand your point. I'll close this complaint then. I do have a question, though: if DasFox continues to play antag like this, will it ever end up in a ban?
  24. The date of the log was 02/11/2021. Unfortunately, I have nothing more specific than that.
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