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Everything posted by Scheveningen

  1. ^ Not actually garn posting, Voltage hacked Garnascus' account. Sorry about that.
  2. Unneeded. Striking system works to my liking. "Meme" rank is for shitposters who ought to not shitpost if they don't want to be memed. It acts as a filter for people who continuously post nothing of value outside of #trashcan. If they want to participate in meaningful discussion, then they merely need to ask to be broken out of the Meme jail.
  3. Are you still accusing him of lying, then? Because if we're going by this: ..then Alberyk did nothing wrong here. You're relying on people to speak up for you when said people do not even exist.
  4. Pinpointers function "across" z-levels in the sense that they will not properly pinpoint individuals on another z-level. Upon entering a new z-level, this might change if they are on that z-level as well. Advanced pinpointers are an extremely powerful tool for this reason, arguably better than anything else in an ERT's arsenal given the very propensity of having a device that allows you to track down anyone on the map. Hence why I do not really see why this complaint was put up. It seems a bit absurd for a player to come back from a God-knows-how-long hiatus, play a few rounds on their first day back, and then write an incredibly long-winded and vitriolic complaint based on false assertions of game knowledge and a complete lack of understanding of what tools the ERT have at their disposal. Plus the "I have seen this admin do this stuff before" with zero backing or proof in relation to that. Especially considering this is your first day back. The same modus operandi applies for us, if we claim a player has a long history of relevant misbehavior but it isn't noted down, we must go by notes and escalate according to that, not according to what our gut feelings tell us. Wearing gloves has absolutely jack shit to do with the pinpointer functioning or not, speaking as someone who also enjoys playing ERT, particularly as a combat medic, and has utilized the pinpointer for multiple situations. Whoever has the source of the DNA gets pinpointed. It is not any more complex than that. Neither of the administrators lied to you. The accusations you made were dumb. No one who is a "high-ranking staff member" can support you in this because this is the first I've ever heard of the assertion that Alberyk has apparently abused his power, and even if they did, I doubt they would be so foolish as to support you on your sinking ship of a complaint here. Hollering, "LIAR! LIAR!" at the top of your lungs does not give you the position to have a full understanding of the context of the situation. The only thing that Catnip got wrong is that the pinpointer tracks DNA signatures and not fingerprints. An easy mistake to make, taking into consideration you actually thought you needed gloves on to counterplay a pinpointer that tracks DNA... All an ERT member needs is a PDA with medical records functions or direct access to a medical records console to copy-paste the DNA string to hunt a man or woman or thing down. This is dumb. It is a dumb thing to say when you claim to have gathered "proof" and all you have is two screenshots of where Alberyk, as an ERT trooper, tracked you down using their pinpointer.
  5. Like many of the other policy suggestions, I do not see a need to change the regulation based on how it is being used. Instead, scrutiny needs to be held under the sight lens of each officer that is misusing this regulation for their own personal advantage. Players can take part in this by two ways: 1.) If has so far only been an IC threat or a minor enforcement of the regulation, tattle on them with the IAA, the captain, or the DOs. Especially the last one, the DOs do not get enough work nowadays to warrant existing, partly as a failure of the community for not using the DOs as an IC outlet to an IC issue. 2.) If it goes above that, tell an admin of shitcurity. If the issue is that bad, the security player in question will get chewed out without remorse.
  6. But buffalo aren't that threatened in the United States. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_bison
  7. Easy solution: Only Positronic brains can be fashioned into IPC units. Problem solved, transhumanist agenda set back for the next ten years.
  8. Isn't it ironic that officers abuse the regulation in order to metagame/powergame, rather than actually using it to stick metagamers or powergamers with?
  9. It's enough to deny an appeal. I waited two days to hear anything from a staff member evidently telling the OP that their plants "didn't kill anyone" and that it was the other xenobotanist causing the deaths. We've had close to no line-up change in administrators in the past month. Maybe two stepped down to moderator, but none have quit since the 1st of June. Nobody spoke up. Inclined to believe that what Absynth said was not true. If this appeal is of any indication, you should not lie to have your ban appealed. You shouldn't lie, ever. It gets you into a worse situation than if you told the truth. That being said, unless I see marked improvement from the OP in the coming months, Absynth would be hard-pressed to get this ban appealed ever. Appeal denied.
  10. I don't think you think you know what you're saying. This thread would not be up if this ban was unappealable. There are no unappealable bans, save only one case. Until I hear Absynth take accountability for their actions and how it affected other players, directly or not, and promise they will not incur any further egregious infractions relating to science in the future. Otherwise, I will be forced to deny this appeal, as it would defeat the whole purpose of disciplining a player who refuses to be cooperative, refuses to look back on their own actions and analyze where the fault actually lies in making those decisions. Administrators and moderators don't force you to do anything. It is a person's own choice whether they decide to follow the rules, or say "eh" and do their own thing. There are consequences, good or bad, for doing either. It is not cruel and unusual to ask someone to self-reflect on their actions. One must take reasonable amounts of responsibility in relation to what happens, accept that if what they did was wrong it does not deserve repeating, and understand they should play with more caution and consideration to the lives of other characters while in-game, and take safety measures accordingly. They should recognize that not doing so, causes more damage than it helps, even if their intentions were the opposite of malicious. It is important to make the effort to avoid making the same ineffective decisions, whether bad judgement or a mistake, over and over, because in doing so exemplifies harmful ignorance that eventually develops into perceivable maliciousness if left to fester.
  11. I do not recall telling you that I didn't punish him because it was his first offense. There was no evidence to suggest that he, alone, did anything wrong. I did check up on the end of the other xenobotanist before I placed the science ban on you, and there was no evidence, at all, pointing to him having thrown any plants at people. He said he had not left the lab nor left any of his plants outside of the lab. It would've been sloppy of me if I didn't check up on him first, because false positives can happen. Despite that, he didn't have any attack logs of having thrown plants at people from what I could have seen, you did. How modified rice got into the garden, I'm not sure, but one person in this thread says you were transporting plants out of the lab to the public access garden. I can only assume this was extreme negligence on your end. I am not blaming you solely for spacing two people, but your actions got them spaced because two non-regulars (one with a record of violating RP guidelines and server rules, one without a record) got their hands on modified rice. Because you ignored directive four, on purpose, as you had done a few times prior leading up to your previous science ban before this one. Why were you carrying modified rice in your plant bag, why did you take it out of the lab if you knew it was dangerous, why did you throw modified rice at an officer, and why did you allow for it to be accessed through the garden?
  12. karl "hecking" marx, professional assassin, engineer, soldier, and he whips up a mean tofu-fish sandwich
  13. Who told you, then? I'm curious as to how they've never said anything related to that in staff chat.
  14. You threw both forms of plants at folks. Modified rice and ice peppers. Both got out of the lab and caused a lot of havoc and the other xenobotanist said they did not carry them out of the lab. According to VV, you had both the modified rice and the ice peppers in your plant bag. The other xenobotanist did not. He had no history of messing around in science and being self destructive, you did, guess who is the most likely suspect? You did not seem to have an understanding of what a "short leash" is, either, so if you're confused as to why I was on guard after reports came in about you screwing around, it's because you just came off of a job-ban earlier. A chance that myself and the other staff decided to give you, and then you blew it. •Conflict is acceptable, even if you are not an antag, but it needs to be believable, and meet roleplay standards. The average Joe will not simply decide to blow up their workplace one day. Keep in mind, the more drastic the action, the more motivated your character has to be to commit to it, and the consequences it brings. Unless you’re an antagonist, this motivation has to be developed through roleplay on the server: backstory cannot legitimize drastic things, such as trying to assault security staff because of a bad childhood, for example. It is also very much encouraged that you roleplay out the consequences to such conflict where possible. •Only escalate conflict in a realistic manner - some characters might overreact, but you would not realistically go berserk or attempt to kill someone if they stole your prized pen, for instance. Again, your character must be motivated enough to commit to more drastic action, as they undertake it. If we also wish to go further: •Don't be a dick. We're all here to have fun, not fight and argue with assholes. Don't ruin the game for everyone else, and use common sense. This includes anything from attacking other people, starting arguments over nothing, etcetera. Note that this rule applies primarily to OOC, LOOC, AHELP, and DEADSAY. Reason being: . . Inevitably I care very little about this incident itself, I would have lifted this job-ban right away if it weren't for a couple issues. 1.) You are often inflammatory and rude to other people, regardless of their status or station among the server. 2.) You are a bit of a bigot, you don't really apologize for what you say and you take accountability/responsibility for close to absolutely nothing. 3.) You do not handle in-game power OOCly well and you invoke emotional responses when defending yourself from criticism. And that is largely attitude oriented. You have not really made any marked improvements in those three issues, either, if anything you've either stayed the same or gotten worse, I have not been paying enough attention to know exactly which. If these weren't factors and you just asked to have this appealed politely, I would have lifted this job-ban sooner. That would have surprised me, but it would've been less of a headache for the both of us, I would think. I'm not unreasonable, if people would take the time to be civil and list why they should be unbanned without resorting to being inflammatory, and concisely listed out why they think they should be unbanned, then I would have very little reason to not unban them. I don't usually ban reasonable people though, nor does this team make it a point to ban people with similar descriptors. Why should you have the job-ban lifted? This is poor handling of a job-ban on your part and looks rather immature.
  15. I'm attempting to communicate to you that you should not type in all caps rage and start flaming people in deadchat the moment you get upset at other people. You agreed you would dial this back, yes or no?
  16. Calling me a liar is not convincing me to lift this ban.
  17. Looks pretty cool, also characteristic of a bar to do that. I'm down for it.
  18. I mean. It's not really like killing yourself because you're out of orange juice. It's more like removing someone from the community because they cannot control themselves, and we really don't want someone on the server who will shout obscenities and "AHA AUTISTIC" whenever they get frustrated. If that makes sense?
  19. My issue with lifting this jobban straight away is that it would countermand the point of issuing discipline when the person in particular outright refuses to hear a lesson in responsibility and accountability. The garden is public access. Said ice chilis were re-appropriated by two crewmembers to throw two folks into space by the time the emergency shuttle was arriving, in addition with Absynth throwing an ice chili at a crewmember, who would strangely turn up dead in space later on in the round. One person who threw the ice chilis appropriated out of the garden was permabanned as they logged out when questioned, and has yet to make an appeal. The other was ostensibly warned as it was their first related offense. The other xenobotanist, in fact, did not have any plants on their person, nor were there any logs of them throwing ice chilis at people, unlike Absynth who did on both accounts, and upon VVing I did find out Absynth was the one holding ice chilis with a teleportation mutation in her plant bag. Personal testimony starts having less value when such overwhelming evidence is present to point in a different direction. I'm curious. Why did you take out the equivalent of bluespace crystals outside of your own lab to the garden, which is public access and also definitely not the lab? Why should I lift another job-ban relating to your destructive science shenanigans if you ended up messing up a day after appealing the first one? What did you learn from the first time you were job-banned? Not to chuck bombs at antagonists due to their destructive nature, right? In addition to, hopefully, understanding that blaming everyone but you is not exactly an ideal method to be undertaking if you want your ban appealed. I feel like there's a similar lesson here somewhere, but I am not too sure that was ever learned initially for this to make any sense to the OP now. On top of acting like a complete brat in front of the RD who wanted you arrested, you flung many slurs their way during the point in time when I was watching, since more than a fair few of people had complained by then. You kicked and verbally fought your way to the brig and never once attempted to restrain yourself ICly because it got to the point where the lines were blurred in the distinction of whether it was the character, Sofia Pennington, was upset, or the player behind them. Initially I supported your original unban from science. I cannot speak for the others, but the actions you took in this particular round betrayed any trust I held in that you wouldn't abuse your power as a scientist to screw over the round. Your attitude towards others has not improved much since then, so I cannot really support an unban without an administrator overruling it.
  20. i have a bad feeling that someone you spoke to had to be told like there's no told ever told.
  21. Use the format. https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=15#p36
  22. [mention]Alberyk[/mention] I should note you were largely banned because you logged out after having done it, which looks like to us that you didn't have any interest in sticking around to be spoken to, so a perma was in order given the level of destructiveness your actions caused as well.
  23. "Many false pacifists that rule our governments preach the credence: we are who we make ourselves to be, war does not define us. How can they know that, having never walked the battlegrounds as we wounded, tortured and hurt one another upon?" Prologue "Magistrate." It was raining. Rather, 'when it rains it pours'. Matías liked that turn of phrase, especially apt when looking out the window to the veranda from his office, sitting in his comfortable chair. The weather conditions were dreadful. The roof sounded like it was about to give in to the harsh coastal rain. Less than a hundred meters of visibility. Clouds darker than the hearts of the- "Magistrate, sir?" Forget the poetic tangent. She was called here for a reason. He'd turn in his office seat, more than a fair few of pins and awards adorned on his breast. To name a few, the Insignia of the Eridani Colonial Magistrate, marking him as the officer in chief of the illustrious position of having to rabble rouse, organize the defense of developing worlds against low-grade piracy, the active suppression of any potential riotous gatherings by typical citizens of the frontier worlds with protection and security licensed solely to the Eridani Corporate Federation, and so on. His charge, Vao Zhara. He wouldn't have it any other way. This work was far too important to have someone else do... incorrectly. Funny how that happens too often. Sweeping his leg around the base of the office chair, he'd pivot and rotate himself on the chair around to face the newest prospective Wrangler. A rank-and-file enlisted Federal, to be sure, outsourced all the way out from home to guard the special interests of the ECF's grandest investments. A long way from home, anything to get a pair of hands to do some work. Not like she had anything going back home. "Petty Officer First," Matías would grumble, "I'm sure the lieutenant of your division gave you a general idea on why you were summoned to my office." The woman in front of the Magistrate's desk carried herself precariously, cautious not to say the wrong thing, "I'm not sure, sir, she was vague on that note." "I see," said Matías, picking up a ballpoint pen and etching lightly on his fingertip with a certain level of anxiousness, "I'll have to ensure the lieutenant is instructed to do a better job of communicating to her subordinates. Can't have this sloppiness affect communication standards." "Yes sir," the young woman replied in the affirmative. He'd notice despite her characteristic litheness, she still kept a good attempt at ensuring both her arms were at rest behind her back. Perhaps overindulging in this passive-defensive posture, or likely due to how intentionally reserved she was being, especially in his presence. To be this taciturn is almost unnerving. Almost. "There is a vacancy. I'm sure the company has heard of the 'incident' that happened, you included? A useful Marshal of mine went missing." inquired Matías. "Yes, sir, but the after-action report says he was killed in action attempting to claim the bounty-" "That was what I wanted it said," he interrupted gruffly. "I understand, sir." "I'm glad you do. Most in your company are either not too bright to understand, or too morally up-heaved and self-righteous to get why that is." Matías would cease fidgeting with the pen, dropping it into its inkwell on his desk. He would interlace his fingers, right thumb over left. "Now I got plenty of women -- and men, who got just as high marks at the range as you. Just as high marks in the survival room, and I got plenty of chatterboxes in your company with the silverest of tongues this far out in Vao Zhara. Plenty of qualified folks. You wonderin' why I need just you?" "It's not favoritism, sir," she'd remark, gauging the Magistrate's reaction and locking eye contact intently. "Most certainly not." The magistrate would stand, hunched over his desk now, with his palms flat on the desk, ruffling his thick brows and his burly archetypal mustache. "Well, maybe a little. I doubt anyone above me would damn well care if I assigned my own daughter a special post. Despite the amount of damn good shooters I have in the battalion I directly command, I got awful scarce amounts of trust for anybody that ain't you. Too many folks are quick to draw when they have to, but they oft get rather queasy when certain wrongs need to be righted. You been with us for a year and a half now, and even if High Command would have an issue with it, I think they'd still wouldn't mind, since this isn't some cozy workshop I'm rightly going to send you to. For once, this has risks. This is a test. A good test," Matías would squint, meeting his daughter's eye-to-eye focus with mixed contempt and concern. "What do you need me to do, sir?" "Congratulations on the promotion, Chief Petty Officer de Santos," he said with a clear bravado in his tone, his smug expression changing from his serious tone earlier, "You will substitute for the late Marshal Ling Quan, counter-piracy subdivision. You will be part of a squadron of other esteemed Marshals in combating the rise of the narcotics and arms smuggling cell embedded in the local colonies of Hao Tsun, Bao Tsun and Diao Tsun in this sector, as your most recent agenda." Matías continued, "You will serve with nothing less than distinction in rooting out the criminal elements that threatens to undermine everything Colonial Development has invested in ensuring this sector gets itself well set-up. You will report to your locker, grab your ruck, and relocate to your new post. Make sure you remember to speak to your Quartermaster buddy on the way out, he'll ensure you have your uniform pressed and good to go. Can't have you showing up with your dated Wrangler attire." She would remain still and stoic, replying, "Yes, sir. Am I clear to leave, sir?" Matías would settle, sitting down in his chair and fishing a cigarette from his coat pocket, sticking it into his mouth and mumbling, "You report to me now. Not that oblivious lieutenant who sucked her way to their rank. Every development on every case, you'll report to me during scheduled holocom briefing sessions. I might allow entry spacers to sham out of errands but you will adhere to procedure and treat our operation regulations like they're the god-blessed Bible. That'll be all, you are dismissed, Chief Petty Officer," he finished, waving off the woman. She would salute briskly, spinning on her heel and moving to leave through the door of the Magistrate's office, only to be halfway out before she heard a concerned bark from behind. At least four meters away, but his shout carried through the room. "Vira." She hesitated, stopping in place, not expecting her name to be called. Many thoughts rushed through her mind, expecting many things at once to be said by her father. Awash with spite, maybe not hate, but certainly spite, annoyance, revulsion, but still a sense of unconditional love, in its own warped way. But not like how a daughter loves her father. Like how a pawn loves their king, maybe, out of necessit- "I'm counting on you. We all are." Maybe she misjudged. She didn't turn to face him. She only made a silent and subtle nod, and continued her stride, the door closing behind her. ---
  24. You can already slip on tiles with water on it if you're sprinting over it.
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