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Everything posted by Scheveningen

  1. Alright, deal's been done. Thank you for selling your soul to Aurorastation. You will be unbanned after this reply. Moving this thread to be archived and locked.
  2. Contraband encompasses any item with a certain form of propriety that a person of X station should absolutely not have as part of their personal possessions. This includes but is not limited to: Smuggled items, non-standard dangerous items or weapons, controlled substances, narcotics, stolen items or anything else that a person of your rank would not be able to receive through normal access means. If you can't walk into standard tech storage normally to grab the insulated gloves, you should not have the insulated gloves. A laser gun would be contraband if found on an engineer without sufficient reason. A laser gun on a security officer during code blue, less than likely to be contraband unless they purposefully stole it from the armory. Intent is fairly important, as it is for all crimes. The question "why" needs to be asked when someone has an article of contraband on them. A high-caliber revolver being on anyone's person in most cases is probably an unlikely situation to be able to bullshit your way out of.
  3. Hi. I hope you understand that in the appeal process of most bans there are a fair few of a specific archetype we get in terms of an appeal, the kind that say either their roommate/brother/cousin's dog twice spayed and removed shindig that we hear a lot. The problem with this is confirming whether or not this is true. Normally with appeals if people apologize immediately and ask to be let onto the server again we normally take those apologies at face value depending on the situation and lift the ban as soon as we can. Unfortunately this is harder to do in the scenario that people say "Oh my brother did it." We have some people that can empathize with that. But the thing we're not responsible for is your own BYOND account security, and in some cases we do have to keep brothers of actual banned people off the server at least from a same IP standpoint to avoid the situation of the actual griefer getting back on to cause more trouble and waste not only their time but ours as well. So, tell you what, since I've had a similar situation before and the staff member on some other server chose not to take a chance with me. Ensure your brother has his shit slapped, point one, and ensure your account is logged out before you go to school every day or at least when you stop playing to ensure your brother doesn't goof off again. If you assure me you can do this and no further incidents arise with your brother being an ass, I'll lift the perma straight away. Because if similar situations happen again, whether it's your brother or not the ban will have to be reapplied and we're back around to point one again. Cool, capiche?
  4. No, you didn't. That is why you got permabanned.
  5. 私はすでに死んでいる
  6. This is not a good application. I cannot tell which part of it is actually serious or satirical. It is indistinguishable and it hardly matters either way because none of the right things that need to be said for comprehension's sake were actually mentioned for this to be an at least passable application. Major issues: You would constantly go AFK as a head of staff. In one specific instance I saw your ckey both logged onto Aurora and onto Colonial Marines at the same time. You would often shirk your duties as a head of staff to partake in less important social calls or you would completely disregard your own safety and the necessity of your own survival in order to get yourself into a situation to be kidnapped by an antagonist. You would be as good as dead at this point because your departments would be without heads of staff. You have cryoed consistently as a head of staff for rounds you have not completely afked through but have stored yourself with gear pertaining to your department in cryo. You have a long history of bug abuse and chucklefucking, the latter of which got extreme enough where you got your whitelist stripped. Point-by-point in response to the app's contents: Meh up until the last sentence. Utilizing ad hominem to identify issues in how other people command medical does not win you any points, and considering your own past, it seems like empty words. It is a requirement in our rules to disallow characters to suddenly gain knowledge in how to do something in a pinch. Deus Ex Machina moments go against the spirit of roleplay and by extension break the rules on character knowledge limitation. If a situation demands a specialist to deal with something and there is no specialist who can deal with the issue, then anyone involved is supposed to suffer the consequences. Everyone needs to roleplay being competent at their job to reasonable degrees, either down or up, within the middle without being ridiculous or going too above and beyond. Antagonists may do as they wish according to the rules. They are not required however to be violent in order to provide an interesting experience to other players. Medics/engineers or whomever are not required to be forced to be cowards nor forced to be brave. We require characters to be reasonable and have a decent explanation for why they did something before they even try to do it, so that they can defend themselves in saying their decision was accounted for. Swing, swing, swing, miss, miss, miss. These are not the only things whitelisted players are supposed to be doing for the community. I'm not certain if you can be trusted to not afk mid-round as a head of staff again as you say. There are a lot of things you did to diminish the factor of being able to trust you as a head of staff to do the right things, to make the right decisions while also being present in your lane in the right moments to support not just your department but the command team and other auxiliary functions. Skipping the character background because it is mostly fluff and entirely satirical-sounding nonsense that probably isn't suited for an app. It's hard to say much else at this point Why do you deserve another chance to be a head of staff, what can you say to excuse you from having been such an awful head of staff in the past? You've done a fair deal of things that give head of staff whitelistees a less than stellar reputation due to consistent displayed incompetency and neglect of your duties.
  7. I'm not supporting the unban. Most of the reasons as to why I don't, mostly encompass things you've been spoken to before leading up to the permanent ban. I won't spend a few paragraphs writing something you won't understand if you haven't understood our attempts at communicating with you before.
  8. Prior to this complaint being opened, I had already spoken to Frenjo in regards to one particular situation that was a bit of a shining example of multiple scenarios we've been the unfortunate bearers in witnessing: McCoy forced themselves into a scenario wherein security was investigating a crime scene at the research outpost. McCoy sneaks in with security to be involved with what was happening. The outpost soon gets vented and McCoy is still present, insisting on finding the person that apparently insulted the honor of his IC friend. The conversation that was undertaken did not go in a direction in which Frenjo understood that there are consequences to some actions and that some things are not worth taking the risk over in IC. I asked them to tread very carefully because their insistent meddling and forceful insertion of their involvement in IC issues would absolutely lead them to more trouble than they bargained for, both ICly and OOCly. To me, I've seen enough to make the hunch I had into more of a educated guess with substantiated evidence that McCoy is a character that engages in rather aggressive clique-like behavior, and attempts to force their own involvement upon other characters. The interaction rarely seems or feels organic, if McCoy is being played on the server you can bet that McCoy will find a way to either generate or be a large part of the on-going round-related drama. Whether due to antagonism or conflict between crewmembers, it doesn't matter, it's been observed to be so much of an overarching issue at this point that the moment we try to judge this case-by-case, we end up with a flood of evidence that points to McCoy being a very aggressive and RP experience-invasive character. Another part of the character is their attitude to authorities. As listed above by Ezuo, McCoy doesn't get just very defensive when questioned about any of their actions, they downright defy authority and they detest being told what to do. They react accordingly in the sense that they act like an uppity dick in response and they get surprised when they're arrested. This gets really tiring the 14th time you've been insulted by McCoy over something existentially tiny in IC. And finally, my last issue that I absolutely hate that is a problem; McCoy has a very suspiciously wide skillset and has been seen doing a multitude of jobs. This includes one situation where they stole a blind doctor's ID and then proclaimed themselves to be the CMO. Another situation where their skills doubled as an engineer. And there's the meddling in security affairs as an unofficial civilian investigator of which really pisses me off. Nothing undermines the work of security more than a person who has no records to suggest he has ANY expertise in ANY field trying to pretend to be an uppity pretend-head-of-security with their head so jammed far up their posterior that their relative pivotal balance as a bipedal being would directly influence their ability to be impartial. And yes, that is correct, you did read that right earlier. We have checked McCoy's skills and records, in terms of records there is no written justification for the cross-class bologna. If the issue with the skills was off my list of grievances I would significantly care less about the behavior of the character though still enough to want the character to tone down. In this case, Julian McCoy is a character that is played in a very toxic manner and their influence on other characters is beginning to affect the enjoyment factor others experience while playing on the server. These issues had best be recognized by their player and sorted out as soon as possible if they would like to continue playing their character without further admin intervention. I don't speak for the rest of the staff but we've discussed this at length and many of us had things to say on the matter. Many of my points made were those that were addressed by the other staff members.
  9. That works for me in terms of a mathematical standpoint, CG.
  10. As for the above, I absolutely agree in the case of the faulty logic displayed over "If nobody took issue with it, it was obviously okay". Yes, the name is an issue but it's hard for myself to take more particular issue with it when that person happens to be a staff member of equal or greater rank to me. It was also a minor case of delinquency from a staff member that I couldn't in good faith report to a superior about the issue because I would get handwaved for how minor it is. It is worth taking into consideration that while the pen name was hardly a decent psuedonym, Muncorn did roleplay properly to the best of their abilities despite being overshadowed by a pair of extreme troublemaking xenobotanists who were thankfully dealt with. The most that can be done here in the case of Muncorn would be to pick less of a meme name while also at least picking a name that is a suitable silly psuedonym to keep with the theme of the gimmick, next time. Just not anything along the lines of "Spess Wizwoz".
  11. Wickermarrow was a spitballed name, yes. It's a spooky name that isn't osteoporosis.
  12. Damn it. I for one would love to further propagate katawa waifu shoujo elements into ss13. My suggestions: Wickermarrow: The minimum break thresholds of an individual are reduced by half, making it easier to break a person's bones through damage due to more susceptible and brittle bone structure. Treated by any form of calcium supplements but not wholly cured forever, to at least temporarily raise the thresholds to less critical ratios. Epileptic: The afflicted sustains occasional dangerous seizures throughout the course of the round without medication. They suffer a stun, begin to convulse violently and cannot speak until the seizure is done. In order to prevent them from hurting themselves against adjacent objects, they must be moved to an area where they are clear of any nearby people or objects and allowed to seize up until it is over. The frequency and severity of seizures is mitigated through certain mental suppressants, giving them an actual use beyond RP fluff. Hypertension: The afflicted will suffer from painful headaches, occasional nausea, vomiting, confusion and occasional vision problems without having consumed a high animal protein diet. Certain races cannot experience hypertension due to 1.) not being able to consume animal protein and 2.) different anatomical composition to avoid headaches with code consistency. Untreated hypertension can cause sudden heart failure or strokes.
  13. Certainly had more to say in OOC than just that. Wonder where all that went, XenosTiger. Wonder where all of the rest of the upcoming feedback from other people was bound to be posted on this thread as well, I certainly would've applauded their honesty and appreciated the fact they took more than two minutes to type something different from "I'm so indifferent about this but I'm going to be spiteful anyway." It is rather odd when people complain about never being heard for their feedback when they do not say a damn thing to begin with. Not even anything meaningful, they just leave off with a sour and spiteful jab and do not contribute a lick of their completely uncensored opinions on subjects they still care about. How can any of you act so complacent if you have stake in something you find important? Why are you surprised when your dismissive attitudes get rather ironically dismissed for being dismissive and negative? And rightfully so. People who follow the rules and keep the focus on fun that isn't just their own will never run into trouble with staff. Funny enough, these people get banned and if they had whitelists before, they lose those privileges. So yeah, really, if you have anyone in mind that fits that bill, you can rest assured we were likely already tracking them if they weren't already down the creek. The assumption and exaggeration that we let troublemakers do whatever they want is unfortunately not really nested upon any solid foundation to be remotely true. Because we kick ass and take names.
  14. Fire sucks if it isn't actively nearly murdering someone the moment someone gets set alight. Only time fire actually kills someone is when it's a phoron fire and it cooks the atmosphere and anyone inside it in and out like a roast on a spit. Flamethrowers are only good vs. blobs and it's kinda dumb. It's pathetic trying to use a flamethrower to kill someone, even with min-maxing toxins, it does not work. Enable it as a decent traitor weapon alternative. Or for xenos. General concept for the system, regardless of whether the room's temperature is hot or cool. Being set on fire is no small thing. So it should be reflected in gameplay mechanics as such. Man set on fire, begins being set alight with a single fire stack in certain situations. The next second they will accrue two stacks of fire. The next second raises their fire stack total to four. This multiplies current fire stacks by two every second the person is on fire, with 1 burn damage per stack being inflicted on the person being set alight. At 16 stacks or more, the fire stacks will begin to harm internal organs slowly but surely. The rate at which internal organs are damaged after 5 seconds elapse (or 16 stacks are given) are within the proportion of 1/5th. For every five stacks, one point of damage will be dealt to internal organs in a certain body part. Which one it chooses is random, and if the fire stacks choose to damage a non-organ holding limb, it effectively will not deal damage to any internal organs for that tick. Additional procs that catch a person already on fire will double their active firestacks, but the rate of burning will remain unchanged. If someone tries to extinguish a person on fire with an extinguisher, if their burnstacks is lower than 80, it will immediately put out. If it is higher, the current burnstacks will be reduced to 1/2. A species' burnmod will be calculated after fire stack damage is concluded. For obvious reasons. Voidsuits without flame protection, upon being set on fire, normally suppress flame, but at the cost of severely melting the voidsuit. Upon passing its health threshold a person wearing a voidsuit can be set ablaze with no chance for protection. Being exposed to a vacuum will halve current fire stacks every second until firestacks drop to 40, in which the person will be immediately extinguished if set on fire prior.
  15. I didn't know humans could be 429 years old.
  16. I'll shoot this over to the modmins and we'll see what everyone thinks.
  17. Moving this thread to be archived as the bans are currently lifted.
  18. Motioning to archive as the bans are lifted. Issues mentioned are taken into consideration for the future.
  19. The ban has been lifted, you should be able to log onto the server now. Note that we don't normally accept appeals on the basis of "my brother did it", as such situations are really hard to prove from the appealing individual's standpoint. So if anything, ensure your account is logged out and your brother doesn't know your password next time or we can't be responsible for the matter. And also ensure your brother doesn't try this server out on another ckey and get you banned for his own shenanigans. Make sure you tell him what's what.
  20. Should add for the above, for mostly unrelated reasons to the actual complaint.
  21. They only existed briefly when we were still running our old code. It was Scopes-code. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora-Old/blob/29e0dc27650fa2b5a0237021edfbede36f7c9515/code/modules/food/customizables.dm This was an unintended consequence when we switched over code bases.
  22. we had gummy bear recipes pre-aurora.3 there are no gummy bear recipes now this is a travesty. give us gummy bears with varying sizes dependent on how many ingredients are put in.
  23. This already expired. Archiving and locking.
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