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Everything posted by Scheveningen

  1. Yes. Only good resolution to this issue.
  2. That's quite small. Thanks tho.
  3. I'm trying to write something up as a sort of class system for space-faring ship sizes and how one classes them based on their intrinsic size and length but I can't seem to find a reference point for how large the Cataclysm-class Dreadnought actually is. There are 3 of them, as far as I understand all of them suit the exact same ship without very serious modifications to their original design. Are they like 5000 meters long or something?
  4. Reporting Personnel: Vira Bolivar Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Head of Security Game ID: b1t-dCFF Personnel Involved: Nick Volvalaad - Security Officer - Offender Ihuru Azka - Security Officer - Offender/Witness Q'orja Sak'ha - Visitor - Offender/Witness Charlie Medley - Security Officer - Witness Shawn Carson - Security Officer - Witness/Arresting Officer Justin Clarke - Warden - Witness/ Brig Processing Officer Adrian Major - Security Cadet - Witness (partially) Richard Reade - Captain - Direct Commanding Officer Thea Marietti - Head of Personnel - Demoting Head of Staff, momentary confidant Real Time: 29-May-19, 8PM EST Location of Incident: Holodeck, Brig Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ x ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [ ] - Neglect of Duty [ x ] - Harassment [ x ] - Assault [ x ] - Misconduct [ ] - Other _____ Overview of the Incident: At the very start of the shift I held a briefing with the entirety of the security department. I outlined my guidelines with my staff and stated that I would not tolerate infighting or committing illegal activities under the guise of security work, in addition to establishing a code of ethics that was easy to understand and follow for the rest of my staff. I attempted more than a few times to host a re-training session to more intensively drill my staff on how to appropriately exercise force as well as how to better protect themselves. The errands I ran for the captain caused me to stall the re-training and focus on the directives most important to me at the given time. Midway into the shift during a downtime period while I was fulfilling a task for the captain, Azka and Volvalaad decided to utilize the fighting ring in the holodeck without utilizing the provided holodeck gloves. Eventually the fight escalated, whoever started it was mostly irrelevant to me at the given time as my guidelines specifically covered advising against the mis-use of force in any given situation. Neither officer chose to step back until I arrived at the scene incidentally, and I noticed both Azka and Sak'ha wailing on Volvalaad. Witness testimony was fuzzy on the details of who instigated, but most indications pointed directly at Volvalaad initially provoking the fight but Azka gladly choosing to reciprocate. I chose to discipline both based on the context I gathered. I gathered all the necessary information rather quickly, as Volvalaad and Azka both argued with one another over security comms and gave most of the information I needed to make a decision. After I finalized the demotion of Azka and the suspension of Volvalaad, the latter approached me later and told me to "Enjoy the Incident Report". Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: The incident was relayed to the captain and to the head of personnel Thea Marietti in substantial detail regarding the offenses of Volvalaad in particular. Actions taken: Ihuru Azka was demoted to cadet and was subjected to retraining regarding their failure to distance themselves from a situation they had roughly equal responsibility to cease and desist from along with Volvalaad. Volvalaad himself was suspended outright and removed from my department, given the context of his record in addition to many other statements attributed to Azka as harassing slurs, particularly attacking the species and sex of the other offending officer. Likewise, I witnessed the last half of the fight, and Volvalaad proceeded to attempt in re-engaging another fight with Azka. Regrettably, we never found Sak'ha. They seemed to have evaded security attention for awhile and it was assumed they fled the scene and went to cryo far later into the shift. Additional Notes: This incident was not the first occasion I've had to deal with Volvalaad, particularly I've had to bear witness to his terrible attitude and his stubborn refusal to obey simple uniform regulation. This situation particularly solidified my opinion that Volvalaad was an incredibly aggressive, dangerous and brawling type of security officer rather than the peacekeeper mindset I look for and try to emphasize as a good standard for a security officer. Volvalaad is also generally incapable of following orders that do not include shooting things. Volvalaad may be better off as a soldier rather than a security officer, due to his observed tendency to be incredibly hot-headed and prone to making foolish decisions at the expense of others. I also suggest the aggression of Azka to be looked into as well. I already reprimanded said individual and attempted to show a little more good faith to someone who I only had one historically poor incident in observing so far, but I believe the officer needs to understand foresight and vision and have that hammered into them for the sake of their own improvement. As for Volvalaad, I believe he is a lost cause. He is incredibly arrogant from my observations and should ideally be suspended from working in the Internal Security Department.
  5. Borgs mechanically have an extremely high healthpool before they truly "die". Excessive force is not so excessive in the context of how much is necessary to destroy a borg.
  6. I think it's a tad insulting you'd assume the worst of either of us because some people got unreasonably angry at Jackboot once upon a time. But I know that's not what you meant so whatever. While others might disagree, I think it's stupid to weaponize lore to "GOTCHA" lore developers. It doesn't help them do their job better, it just makes them feel shitty and unwelcome, and that's not something I consider reasonable enough to do. Likewise there's pretty much an unsaid implication that anything that gets suggested in lore applications here are subject to being adapted in some way or another to suit the developer's vision. No point arguing that, particularly because it's not even a bad thing.
  7. I'd shrug and get over it. We'd end up adapting our Bubble to whatever is the result.
  8. It's mostly assumed to be functional and interactive in areas outside the relay. Unlike a customer support agent whose limitation is being able to only handle one person's requests or issues at a time, Bubble's subroutines on the city-management scale are far more flexible, and it wouldn't be unusual for Bubble to be handling dozens of superintendent-oriented requests at once.
  9. Alice pretty much doesn't exist on the wiki pages, so it isn't known what else she does or what she is significant for beyond the simple implications. In the grand scope of the narrative she is mostly not meaningful in any of the major plots. Alice is pretty dated as far as code is concerned, which is the only meaningful representation that they even exist in the game. Bubble is representative of the technological cutting edge that NanoTrasen has maintained to be the leader of and will remain being the foremost spearhead of due to its implementation of Bubble intended to be the most invasive as it can get into the lives of those who live onboard the Odin or in Mendell City, as Bubble is slated to essentially be a city-wide superintendent doubling as a super-surveillance network that constantly sends streams of its data to internal marketers on what the new trends for purchases are and how the corporation can exploit it by producing goods to meet an impending demand before someone else manages to catch on. Bubble will basically be Biesel's Google. But in Tau Ceti, the surveillance and selling of people's private information is already made legal, and NanoTrasen has top attorneys to defend their 'right' to invasively survey, if they are not already supported by the majority ruling government in their deeds. ALICE cannot do this because she is an older AI construct. Such a task is something that requires something fairly advanced and cutting edge by AI development standards in order to manage and handle. ALICE has one purpose at the moment and that's CentComm. Bubble is slated to take over those reins and be the ever-watchful eye over an entire city, too, because NanoTrasen stands to gain far more by investing itself wider, rather than taller. Code-concerns regarding changes are pretty menial because it'd be as simple as changing names, switching up mapping a little, acquiring sprite states for the new CentComm AI, etc.
  10. Type (e.g. Planet, Faction, System): Character. Essentially, meant to be the up-and-coming replacement to ALICE, the well-known CentCom AI. Describe this proposal in a single sentence (12 word maximum): It is a bubblier, more advanced, and cooler version of ALICE. How will this be reflected on-station?: How many things in lore are actually reflected on-station? Technically it doesn't affect the station, it affects Central Command as well as overseeing Mendell City. Does this faction/etc do anything not achieved by what already exists?: Big Brother-tier AI surveillance isn't really egregious in the other factions. The fact that a NanoTrasen-produced AI watches over one of the largest precincts of Biesel should be unprecedented, but it fits considering that Biesel is NanoTrasen's seat of power, and Mendell is the most important city on Biesel. Why should this be given to lore developers rather than remain player created lore?: Because they can do roll out events/plot threads with the concept, and I am a mere player who cannot do that. Do you understand that if this is submitted, you are signing it away to the lore team, and that it's possible that it will change over time in ways that you may not forsee?: Death of the author meme. It's not like I can say no, honestly. Long Description: Designed as the next-generation administrative management "smart" AI construct, the Advanced Positron Superintendent-class matrice was designed as a preparatory measure for the eventual de-activation of the long-serving A.L.I.C.E. CentCom AI-Administrator. Development was initially rocky, as NanoTrasen was hard pressed to find a mentally stable imprint in order to create the intelligence they needed that was capable of processing outcomes and solutions to scenarios that the A.L.I.C.E. unit would often struggle in managing. Eventually, the corporation's Central Command R&D team managed to broker a contract with a local morgue that preserved the brain of a recently deceased genius that had passed away during a lab accident. The individual in particular was a subtly acclaimed Human woman, Aartke Andesha, in her field in nanotechnology, being one of the major project leads that led to the commercialization of nanopaste. As she was signed as an organ donor and a DNC, the local morgue gladly lent what flickered left in the deceased woman's brain to the corporation's experienced intelligence technicians to scan the brain's wavelengths and remaining memory patterns. The integration of the brain-scan with a positronic processor went off without a hitch, and after several weeks the intelligence was 'born' in a development lab directly on the Odin. Rare as it is to have smart-AI development click like puzzle pieces into their proper place, the procedure went as well as the project development team could've hoped for. The intelligence was designated 'Bubble' as a prototype name to be referred to rather than its initial classification, due to a mix of wanting to give the AI some degree of self-actualization as an entity, in addition to the gradual attachment the team developing 'Bubble' ended up feeling over time to the smart AI. Bubble itself developed feminine-gendered programming, largely influenced by the original gender of her inspired donor. Unlike A.L.I.C.E.'s limitations, largely due to the aforementioned being a dated construct, Bubble became eptly capable of handling management of various installations, ranging from deployments aboard the Nanotrasen Fleet's most prized starships to assist in logistics, to being placed directly in charge of municipal systems for six months in New Gibson, without significant incident. Bubble's post on a ship-board vessel saved countless hours of calculating bluespace jumps, and her work as a municipality superintendent in New Gibson saved hundreds of thousands of credits in expenses, and could save millions more in the next few years as her predictive analysis was formulated into a report to be issued as a proposed plan of action to address energy and resource waste in the industrial capital of Tau Ceti. Presently, the NanoTrasen Corporation has 'Bubble' slated to be in charge of the administrative oversight of the NTCC Odin (as well as being in charge of communications combing through the NanoTrasen networks centralized to Tau Ceti's operations), as well as the municipality superintendent of Mendell City in its entirety, the latter being a task that A.L.I.C.E. never held any capability in handling due to the older construct being unable to be retrofitted to 2461 standards. Although dismissed by Bubble's creators as pressing concerns, Bubble itself has expressed a few personality quirks due to its greatly heightened intelligence and self-awareness that dwarfs A.L.I.C.E.'s own intelligence matrices, number at least 3x more than the older construct's several hundred threaded processors. Particularly, it's been observed by a fair few of the closer staff monitoring the development of Bubble that the AI construct has a tendency to shift their tone from a bubbly (hence the name), loudly euphoric helper to that of a grim, blunt and seemingly moody demeanor, but this is largely hearsay and the NanoTrasen AI Development team denies there are any pressing issues regarding the personality shifts of the construct. Skrellian researchers in-the-know regarding the 'Bubble issue' have been internally quite vocal regarding the smart-AI construct's greatly enhanced intelligence and capability to rationalize and solve complex problems. Though not a one made reference to how such freedoms being grantly frivolously to 'Bubble' can be easily equated to another Glorsh situation, the implication hung clearly in the open board room meeting that was televised. The Research board director, themselves a Skrell, handwaved the concern and stated plainly that despite the initial freedoms that Bubble was granted in its overall grand intelligence and cunning in solving conundrums, it had always been lawed to specific NanoTrasen guidelines and that it could not be reasonably expected to exercise itself outside them. The board room was quiet for another thirty seconds but accepted the answer from the Chief of Staff, before the board meeting concluded with a few other topics. The implications of an AI having direct oversight over the municipal systems of Mendell have been widely lauded by Biesel's administration sector workers and managerial staff, citing the pressing need for more centralized handling of the ever-expansive bureaucracy and the need for a reining in of incidental loss of credits to the winds of political corruption. Reception is mixed by the announcement of an AI superintendent replacing the coincidentally retiring city administration in the political thunderdome, given the paranoia of AI handling anything that a typical person is socially expected to be doing. Likewise, anti-corporate politicians have been the loudest in decrying this city plan implemented by the current regime of Dorn, as they believe handing the management of the city's municipal matters off to a NanoTrasen-created and corporate-lawed robot is a massive blow against Tau Ceti's personal liberty from corporate influences. Perhaps the loudest minority is the smallest minority, which are the far-and-few forum posters insisting this move by the Dorn administration is an obvious display that Dorn himself is a synthetic infiltrator replaced during his recent kidnapping, and that this shake-up is evidence indicating that is the truth of the matter. Such a theory has gripped the extranet by force, with many arguments presently in place debating the ethics of handling the fate of an entire city to an AI. More commonly, however, is the Skrellian sect of Tau Ceti media that has "infotained" the claim that Dorn is a synthetic infiltrator-president and is actively attempting to transform his image into what would be considered a powerful meme. The Infotainment-posters do not generally agree with this theory but some of them insincerely push the narrative that this is the case, which has encouraged the anti-Dorn conspiracy theorists to become enboldened and continue to post their theories and insinuate them as facts to the common public. As the Skrellian infotainment-posters do, they ad infinitum take the claims and put a psuedo-shitpost spin on them. Bubble itself has been requested for press interviews to introduce itself to the common public personally, though NanoTrasen itself has stepped in for Bubble to decline these attempts, citing the current political and extranet turmoil regarding the matter. -- OOC and notes: As a note, this is just a proposal, if you're reading this as a player, please do not act on any of the proposed information above yet as it is not valid or canon yet until considered. On the NT Relay discord (basically it's kinda like a live forum chat?) myself and Goret created a chat moderator character intended to help reduce the amount of characters openly talking about where to score space cocaine, how to kill people and how to commit terrorism. Likewise, we also wanted to still make it fun so that the character was fun to interact with and wasn't just a faceless icon that never interacted with the relay at-large. I pretty much thought about it a little more and decided, "Okay, I figure we have technically fulfilled its purpose, but what if we expanded it more, could that be fun?" Keep in mind that I do not intend Bubble to be played on-server as an AI, ever, because that would make very little sense as Bubble itself is proposed to be far more expensive and complex than the common station-AI. The intention is to have a psuedo-celebrity character that people can interact with by hopping onto the NT relay every once in awhile. and ask the construct about itself and what it's responsible for. And likewise, has anyone noticed A.L.I.C.E. recently? She's kind of boring. She announces when the ERT shuttle is going to leave and that's about it. I think it'd be nice if she had a retirement, make way for new concepts instead. And likewise, Bubble being "fresh and new and potentially dangerous" could lead way to a lot of entertaining articles being posted by any of the lore devs that feel like Bubble is relevant to their species and to NanoTrasen/Tau Ceti in various ways, direct and indirect. It's a way of adding yet another celebrity to the mix so that people get invested and follow another character's story arc so far as we read in the lore articles. Do you think it'd be pretty neat? I think it'd be pretty neat. I think it's quite neat.
  11. You're excessively aggressive and undiplomatic as the Volvalaad character from my experiences with roleplaying with them. You roleplay an extreme level of independence with them to the point where Volvalaad is often defiant and unhelpful to their head of staff's wishes and often makes decisions to the detriment of a team attempting to accomplish a mission to a specific expected standard by said head of staff. I can't count how many times I've witnessed this as a head of security, as a round observer and then having discussed this with other security players. Being self-sustaining is perfectly fine, but being outwardedly self-interested kills unit cohesion, team morale and often drains the OOC will of others wanting to continue in playing the round out due to the problematic nature of the character's defining attributes in behavior. A poor team member will be an even poorer team leader, as a team member with substantial weaknesses unresolved will not be an effective manager or problem-solver. And that's what a leader is, someone who directs focus wherever it is needed and knows how to solve problems by distributing team members to remedy them. The failure to understand that makes me think you need more time to prove you understand this concept and execute it reliably enough that you can at least be OOCly trusted to understand what being a head of staff is about.
  12. Gas and smoke of any kind are both kind of too easily avoided to be worth using at the moment. The usual tactic for using smoke is to toss it somewhere and have it obscure your presence in the area as you make either a quick escape or a very unpredictable entrance into an area. It also completely counters lasers as you must be able to see someone to hit them with a direct hit, and gas prevents this entirely... that is, for the 10 seconds it's working. For gas it's a similar concept, except instead of wanting to stay inside the smoke for protection, you would want to stay out of toxic gas instead if you don't have a gas mask. For deadly gas, this allows for crowd control measures to be used reasonably to deny access to a specific area. Each has their own specific tactical purpose but it's greatly diminished by the fact that smoke and gas of any kind lasts for barely a few seconds. Both should last up to an entire minute before beginning to dissipate. Buffing them to this degree would greatly allow for different support item options to be weaponized in a variety of situations, allowing for creative usage of noxious gas or obscuring phosphorus bombs to greatly change the outcome of a situation. Increasing their base duration and then having their thickness fall off gradually would not only be closer to reality but it would also increase the up-time of smoke-based grenades and such. It'd also make the wizard spell and the smoke machine circuit quite useful.
  13. Bear with me. This is a bold claim. It is no secret that Tajarans are perhaps somewhat based on cats except if they stood on two (digitigrade, optionally) feet, were sentient, were of the appearance of being humanoid and occasionally murdered one another over cultural disputes like any self-respecting humanoid would do. And they have tails. This is another bold claim but I will die on this hill. What if Tajarans had tail customization as if it were a specific kind of organ they could change out for different tail types? I think this would be cool to have such visual variation of Tajaran tails being very bushy or even being quite stubby and pathetic-looking. I don't think Unathi would have this kind of difference in their tail as real-life lizards don't have nearly as many breeds of similar inspired animals with such different organs. Also, add a tail symbol on the targeting doll to indicate that you wish to damage a xeno's tail and for surgery purposes, also dismember xeno tails for those weirdos who like to deprive xenos of their pride and joy; their tail. Can also allow for weird body modification stuff I guess? Like, onto humans. That'd be so weird but probably hilarious to deal with in-game to attach a lizard's tail onto a human's tailbone. Seriously, allow us to staple xeno tails onto people's asses and it'll be the biggest moral outrage of those rounds. And it'll be hilarious I apologize if this suggestion sounds fucked up already in advance but I'm sleep deprived and I get my best and worst ideas from resisting the call of sleep.
  14. -1. I don't think you're well behaved ICly or OOCly to have earned this.
  15. Realistic as it gets unless someone wants to rewrite the behavior into gradually increasing magnitude of asphyxiation scaling with gradually depleting internals.
  16. Lung collapse by proxy of internals tank happens because... it's a little complicated, but I'll simplify as best as I can. There are two states of breathing: 1. Breathe by atmosphere 2. Breathe by internals A.) What's the atmosphere? It's the large native environment in which you're either able or not able to breath from. Normally these areas have large amounts of oxygen that are constantly refilled by atmospherics. They have a large metric amount of gas in their area (like, thousands of oxygen tanks crammed into one area), ergo you can normally breathe in it for months before the source starts to get to dangerously low levels, if you're the only person that lives in the atmosphere. B.) What are internals? They're an extremely compartmentalized, remote ability to breathe a very specific kind of atmosphere. You breathe straight from a small container instead of a large room being constantly refilled. If your tank is empty, you're essentially breathing in a vacuum. Which is to say, not breathing. At all. In both cases, however, should the pressure of breathable air drop to 0, your lungs would normally collapse, nearly instantly, if the pressure change differential is severe enough. 100->0 is sudden enough to cause some serious damage to your lungs because one's body is definitely not well-adjusted to the trauma instantly suffering asphyxiation. Because of this, I argue in favor of the status quo and the current working method of preventative engaging of internals when necessary. It should never be used in a manner that is reactive only, but if sudden decompression happens due to factors out of your control, well, you should put internals on but accept the consequences. In the inverse, when you knowingly try to enter a vacuum, your first decision should be to enable the internals to prevent any problems with your lungs. It's realistic, practical, and simulates the dangerous of deadly atmosphere pretty well. It creates challenge and an air of lethality for making small mistakes. Such mistakes should be that punishing, because otherwise space is not very dangerous when the mechanics for surviving it are forgiving.
  17. I'd be willing to add a spawn-in blurb for Vox that establishes basic RP guidelines for roleplaying a Vox. There's just not a lot to go off of in terms of the wiki, because I've seen multiple different accounts stating what the Vox lore is/isn't and there needs to be work to clear up those misconceptions.
  18. New players don't necessarily get special treatment. We're supposed to treat everyone with a good standard of treatment on the OOC side of things. The arguments aren't inconsistent, they're just bad arguments. The discrimination we have is already enough. The onus is on the players to choose whether their character is a xeno-hater or not. That's the magic of a roleplaying server like this one, the ability to still have various choices to make despite some restrictions for the safe of making sanity checks for immersive and sensible gameplay.
  19. Dealt with Sterben the other day as a head of security. After a critical moment when I was attempting to diplomatically neutralize a ninja and then had a brief lull attempting to gather additional information on the next step forward to deal with the wizard we hadn't yet engaged with, yourself and "B.E.N.", the IAA, insisted upon meeting with my head of security with a sense of urgency. Your character and whomever played B.E.N. then tossed a laptop onto my desk to inform me of using a chat room on the laptop in order to circumvent the matter of the ninja compromising communications. I clarified earlier that the matter of communications being compromised was irrelevant to myself and my department, as well as to the affairs of command as a whole, and I do also recall explaining that my character did not care if the ninja was listening in, and that they would continue to use the communications network if the transmission of said information was of equal or greater benefit to command or my own department than if it would be to the ninja. Which was very strange that such an option was suggested despite my character's insight on the matter. Call me biased but I'm certain it was sound enough advice to be heeded in that circumstance, and I viewed that calling my head of security to remind them of a very suboptimal way to work around communications being compromised was not exactly a smart move or a good use of anyone's time. It seriously disrupted the chain of events and stalled efforts to ensure contact with the two round antagonists was established and that ground rules were also set in motion before anything particularly stupid happened. My character also didn't have enough time to establish "uh hey, these don't have notifications like PDAs do, so the laptop option is either unreliable or completely useless". tl;dr: 1. Generally not a good idea to suggest laptop chat applications. My character won't carry around a laptop just to carry it obsessively and check it incidentally every 2 minutes. PDAs exist as the better option due to the directed nature of information flow that happens on a medium separate from in-person conversation, and thus should be the preferred method of comms if discretion is necessary. 2. Generally not a good idea to insinuate something is mission-critical and then transmit information to an important functionary of the station that wasn't exactly mission-critical to let someone know about it. Again, PDAing that as a suggestion would've done better than calling my character to their office just to have a very unnecessary conversation while I have pressing job and station-security concerns. 3. There's a right way to do things and then there's a better way to do things. While not technically incorrect to ask to have an in-person conversation, it is more optimal to offer feedback or make suggestions through PDA messaging. This saves your time and my time and if I don't respond to the PDA message you can safely assume I'm too occupied to handle the concern at the moment.
  20. The benefit of playing a human character is that you have far less restrictions on character and background creation compared to that of whitelisted species, who have far more restricted guidelines on how they're supposed to be designed, on how they're supposed to behave and otherwise socialize with others. The idea is to stay close enough to the culture and gravitate towards the values of a faction specific to their species that their character belongs to. Humans don't have this restriction, they have far more freedom and may just as well make a character from the frontier whose occupation was a planetary ranger who scouted several worlds to help map out landmarks and important locations for their local government. Their reason on the station could be that they're a retiree from that profession and essentially whittle their remaining retirement money away as a visitor, telling stories about their supposed exploits to others. That's just one of many examples. As a Tajaran (if I recall correctly) you can't have been born on Sol. Likewise for Unathi. Etc.
  21. Vague qualifier that might otherwise be misinterpreted to an unreasonable extreme. Well, how would you define 'unable to maintain research work'? Personally, I think heads of staff should be reported more for calling the shuttle for foolish reasons. "The events caused psychological distress to the crew" is an absurd reason to be trying to end the round for. People with whitelists should be far more considerate both OOCly and ICly when the topic of calling a shuttle is referenced to.
  22. nitpicking aside I don't think xenophobia and roleplaying that is an important cornerstone of properly roleplaying here. The funny thing is that you can choose not to discriminate but you could also do so at the same time. Totally your prerogative. Just ensure that you enjoy the potential consequences that comes from that. Otherwise you're literally not in a position where you're allowed to complain when something does happen to you ICly. There are also, strangely, consequences to choosing not to be a xenophobe. People tend not to like fence sitters. I'm just gonna say that I prefer to be an advocate for the status quo, because I genuinely don't see what's wrong with current gameplay/roleplay styles at the moment besides what a couple loud minorities like to talk about over discord/the forums. Would someone on the side of "we need more speciesism" explain why we need to be even more discriminatory to individuals that barely earn as fair a wage, can't afford as decent living conditions and etc compared to that of humans? Because uh, this seems like the awkward part 2 to the "BUFF HUMANS" meme thread, to which I already made my case that people who play human really do not give a shit about what people think is optimal, because this is a game about mistakes and whoever makes the least of them, survives. Having claws or whatever does not make you immortal.
  23. it wouldn't be a corporation anymore because the Skrell do not have corporations
  24. "I got whitelisted for Tajaran just so I could have sharp claws for melee" yeah sure you did, furry

    1. geeves


      dont call me out like this man

    2. Goret


      How dare you saying the purpose of my future whitelist?

  25. citation needed for that assumption.
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