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Everything posted by Scheveningen

  1. debatable, based on the conspiracy theory nonsense already seen written from the standpoint of 'the sec mains'. not an amazing demonstration of discussing points and perspectives in a logical and fair way
  2. I don't know what I just saw but I like it. Excellent. I approve. Verified. I did not read a single word. I applaud what just happened. You guys also managed to annoy an admin. Absolutely hilarious. Anyway, more seriously, I think deadlantern is worth a trial. He's a level-headed guy and remains pretty cool under fire.
  3. oh god i can't wait
  4. Hmm, today I will post on Synnono's dashboard to tell them that I miss them.

  5. Sufficient response. I think you're worth trialing just to see if any recurrent issues pop up and if they don't, then people's initial worries can mostly be dismissed for the time being.
  6. Finally, I can get ahead of the curve. Love this.
  7. The way I see it, you have had some difficulties in the past being courteous and showing courtesy to others, even when certain 'others' contribute to being part of the problem, I've seen instances where you where you got unnecessarily sassy and nasty to people due to discussions getting heated as they tend to. Likewise I've also seen particularly disparaging language from you to describe certain members of the community, and when challenged on the matter, you didn't step back and clarify if you were joking, but you would stand your ground and more or less repeat what you already said to mock the person further for getting upset, which often drove the affected individuals to get even more heated. What steps will you take to minimize these occurrences from repeating themselves, if you become a moderator?
  8. Report mechanical issues to github, please.
  9. Ridiculous way to show it.
  10. It's very satisfying to see someone not only want to discuss narrative issues pertaining to synthetics and how they sometimes fall flat in 'fitting in' but also provide solutions on how to address that problem. I really love this justification for veronika in that fashion. I never really thought of HK-47 like that either, so I honestly think that is a very interesting take on how synthetics can actually perceive themselves and others and assign certain value to themselves or others. It's definitely sensible. The best part of this is that you recognize despite all this indication of sentience of synthetics, you understand that a synth should be able to distinguish itself from organics while keeping fluidity and a dynamic narrative in mind. It's very cool and I'd love to see more of the same promoted among other synthetic players. For what it's worth, +1. This application is very sound and well thought out. You will definitely make a good lore deputy. Just be careful about how many hats you wear in this community, Drago, that's all.
  11. Right, I understood that, I was applying my own thoughts on the matter.
  12. One's an anomaly, two is a trend. And Burger has done this far more than just twice. Right, but how long has he been here? How many opportunities has he been given to try and understand this? How much unnecessary leeway has the staff given him anytime he goes out of his way to target specific individuals for what are essentially IC issues and then openly harass and attempt to embarrass those individuals? Mistakes become failures when you refuse to address and fix mistakes. As already demonstrated in his response post, he doesn't demonstrate his understanding of how he affects others at all. He does not care enough to demonstrate that he does.
  13. BYOND Key: Scheveningen Accused Players Byond Key: BurgerBB/Burger#3948 [discord tag] Time of Act: Recurrent Reason for Complaint: I was wrong. It is not the weird entangled web of people just behaving like dicks to each other on happenstance. Everything happens for a reason. The current issue is specific individuals that, when they are present, make participating in the community and conversing with others a very draining and horrible experience. Burger is no exception to this. Ever since he started in this community, his attitude has been flat-out awful to other individuals. He warps facts and context to better suit whatever flavor of the month issue he brings up to the community. If there's nothing he comes up with by himself he'll piggyback with his own input on an issue but the fashion in which he conducts himself makes the conversation incredibly unpleasant given his typical demeanor and method of addressing 'issues.' He is a constant negative influence to others, and when he sees someone do something that he considers wrong, he attempts to crucify them with twisted truths to degrade the standing and integrity of other community members. It appalled me when he actually became a staff member despite inevitably not changing his demeanor at all while he was a staff member. It was a breath of relief when he stepped down. He has constantly employed the tactic of gaslighting, a method used to derail actually discussing the subject and making a matter of "arguing the points" into "arguing the person". Anytime he's subject to any form of criticism regarding anything he does, he has gotten incredibly defensive, hostile, and he would employ guilt-trip tactics to try to win any audience around him to sympathize with the plights that he creates himself. The older players who have dealt with Burger are aware of this pattern of his. I'd wager the server staff is just as aware about the problem as well. You cannot 'discuss' with Burger, nor can you rationally 'argue' with Burger. His only care in the world is his way of doing things. God forgive you if you dare think differently. I've been fooled too many times already by Burger's fucking antics. I am not interested in having a conversation with Burger. I am not interested in any sort of compromise with Burger. I no longer care about any plea he makes about really wanting to be here to participate in the community, and I don't care if he says he'll improve. I do not care. He was given a multitude of chances to improve. Literally look at his first discord posts and look at the tone of his forum/discord posts now. What has changed? Very little, which is just as much as "absolutely nothing". I absolutely hate making threads like these. I do not take joy in asking for the permanent removal of an individual from a community. Whether I like the person or don't, I think everyone deserves chances, but Burger has squandered many of them and has never since changed for the better of the whole of this community. In my ideal vision of a community this would never be necessary because everyone would get along and have scintillating, wholesome and fun discussions about shit we enjoy in a video game. Burger is not someone who cares for any of these things. He is here to get pissed off and then try his damndest to piss everyone else off. His methods that have never changed over the course of over a year now. If he cared at all about this community, he'd take feedback from others and have changed himself long before this stupid thread being written out. And I get how this process works, the staff do not like to permaban people either, even regulars that have full reason to be removed permanently. But I ask the staff to consider: Remove Burger from the community. I am absolutely sure you have enough precedent to do this. I believe absolutely that the community would be better off without him as well. He has nothing to offer to this community anymore except more unneeded negativity, toxicity and borderline harassment of other players. I'm tired of the constant antics he pulls. I do not blame the staff for Burger still being around, because I can connect the dots and make a conclusion as to why he's still here. If he had any other reason to be elsewhere, he would be elsewhere. He is neither a regular contributor nor a developer anymore. There is nothing to lose by removing him from the community. Evidence: Recent evidence; He made a complaint just recently in which he was full-on at fault for creating a discussion with inherent negativity and pointless bitching. And then pulled the Pikachu surprised meme when Fowl, among other players, agreed that Burger needed to cut the fucking bullshit. Attempts to "hold staff to a higher standard" yet doesn't bother to report other players (among them, myself and Sonic, Alb had other things to say as well) for doing something he perceives as 'wrong'. Twisted facts in a complaint and also both ICly (as his warden character) and OOCly had me convinced Garn and their character was in the wrong for a situation that ended up being a waste of time. Uses Garn's words against him simply for the sake of arguing, not for the purpose of actually trying to discuss how to improve past an issue. Sometimes shit happens in IC, right? Well, no, Burger doesn't think that, and had me thinking it was more than just "shit happens." Oh, and, the 2 other staff complaints authored by him are literally just "not handling an adminhelp the way I wanted."
  14. This thread isn't quite Projects-worthy yet, as I've had a rough low energy week being ill as heck. Anyway, I did some brainstorming with Arrow for the most part. As spoken about in the last thread, it seemed Syndicates need a better candidate for a sniper rifle. The SR-445 will have its own unique caliber of rounds, but new magazines can be attainable through a hacked autolathe (and the uplink for the lazy, of course), albeit quite expensive in materials (and TC!) as the .445 rounds will individually pack quite a punch. The SR-445 will have its visual design heavily inspired by the FD338, the SG 551, and its scope will have its design inspired from the decommissioned real-world OICW. As of most Syndicated gear, it will naturally have its typical edgelord jet black with red accents. The SR-445 will be semi-automatic with sensible firedelay to emulate having to re-sight the target, as well as preventing any potential issues of it being more useful as a close-combat rifle. It will carry six shots per magazine. .445 rounds will not be hitscan. The nature of ballistics causing damage in ways more than just the upfront brute force damage lends itself to needing certain factors to be counterbalanced against those strengths. I will look into whether or not I can make an exception through projectile velocity, but for gameplay consistency reasons I can't make any promises as to whether this would be a good idea or not. .445 rounds will deal an average of 45 force per shot. Why not 50? Largely because I want the .445 to be able to at least maim someone enough to force them to leave the confrontation and consider the fight a loss as they spend time in medical, if they get hit. Likewise they will have a significant armor penetration value at 30. So generally it is optimal to hit someone 2-3 times. If they continue fighting against all reason, the user can magdump. It will at the very least reduce the effectiveness of non-specialized armor and put the hurt on those individuals, and will also be able to reasonably make ballistic armor wearers think twice before sitting in a SR-445 user's killbox. I'll add haywire .445 magazines too, of course. Uplink-exclusive. Certain attachments like laser sights and making the scope having an integrated thermal setting weren't out of the question at first but it is likely the SR-445 will have to do without them, as it will be versatile enough in the marksman's hands. The aim (heh) of the upcoming project is to give Syndicates an actual sniper weapon that continues to have uses throughout the round. Unlike the AMR it will not go through walls, but I will be sure to make it penetrate through glass airlocks and windows.
  15. time to unfollow this thread, I guess, it's given me the plague now.
  16. Well, that is the thing. It does have one strength, but acquiring it and then using it for only a single-case result makes it unspeakably more shitty than even the sord meme weapon. Any arguments I addressed prior was flat out saying, "yes, this thing has strengths, but it's also terriblyat in other respects, and does deserve removal from the masses on that principle." My line of thinking is that most things in the traitor uplink should be versatile in their usage, even if there's an array of specialist tools in a traitor's arsenal that suits only a minimum of cases. The AMR is not very versatile. More or less I can understand if people get pissed when they get hit by an AMR at distance because it's a sort of "one and done" type thing. If you get hit by an 80 damage hitscan bullet, it feels horrible. It wasn't on your screen until it hit you, and when it hit you there was not much else you could've done. The syndicate sniper I intend on implementing won't be hitscan. It will require cognizant usage of ballistic mechanics to use well enough, which will serve as a boon to people who get hit once and then decide to retreat and move perpendicular to the angle at which a sniper is firing. This will be reasonable counterplay, essentially, but 'running away to fight another day' will not necessarily be a hard counter to anyone who uses the sniper rifle. I will also be sure to implement the caliber into the autolathes so that a tricky Syndicate can grab reserve ammunition by theft without resorting to their own TC dime for expenditures. Irreplaceable ammo for something that shouldn't really be an exotic weapon makes using those weapons feel really bad.
  17. AMR shots ignore armor entirely. They have 100 armor penetration. Point is moot. My viewpoint on the matter is that the AMR should be moved to the admin weapon category because it is not worth the TC it costs to buy it. It is a one-trick pony noob-bait weapon. It stops having the pressure it has as soon as it's fired. It is intended to kill people inside mechs, yet it is commonly used to just hit someone with a huge frontloaded amount of damage and then to be disposed of. Likewise, the fool that buys it has no more TC to do anything else with their round, even if they rob the vault, they become extremely limited in their toolkit, because the AMR is not worth carrying around short of the intended purpose of it being a "one and done" weapon. I would agree it is bad as a means of generating roleplay, conflict and tension because it serves as a greater detriment to the person who wields it than anyone on the receiving end. Another tool exists in the game right now to counter mechs, which is ion energy-based equipment. I am quite deadset on removing it now and replacing it with a sniper weapon that is actually worth what it costs. I'm fairly certain would-be traitors would very much appreciate having an option that permits them to completely deny a zone for traversal entirely with a full magazine of armor penetrating rounds to punish anyone who ignores the fact a hallway is pinned down. That right there should be the feel of what a sniper rifle should be.
  18. Your test dummies were Unathi, who have 20% damage reduction from brute sources. Non-Unathi will all be instantly killed by an AMR shot to the face or the groin. Unathi will not.
  19. This is perhaps something that would be worth doing were it on a separate server or something. I may have misheard how this is set-up, though. By the sounds of the main post this seems like something that replaces the roles and setting completely to supplant with an Adhomai-centric setting. This is not something I'd be interested in because I log on to roleplay in the setting of a corporate space station where chaotic stuff happens and the regular characters have to deal with it. I'm not particularly comfortable with having to make a new roster of characters that have to suit the new setting only and won't be played outside of that setting. I support framework in general, but I would prefer this to be an irregular thing sort of like an event basis that you can just choose not to attend when it's happening. (I.e., run this for a few rounds on the weekend) If it becomes a voted map rotation thing, I'd imagine we would end up seeing far more of the Adhomai map initially and that would kill at most 1/3rd of players' interest in the server for awhile, since that is mostly the number of people whom I understand have no interest in Tajara lore at all. But MOST people will want to vote the new map just to see how it goes, regardless of their prior investment in Tajaran lore. Bit off-topic but something worth considering: If we plan on expanding on the concept of being able to toy with different settings later down the line, we should think about drawing up concepts on how to navigate away from NT and try to storytell with a faction that is just as inclusive as NT to allow for a variation of characters in various roles without feeling like you're at a complete disadvantage compared to what other characters are capable of doing just because they don't have scales 'n tails.
  20. This isn't really true. The 14.5mm bullet is potent enough to bypass at most 4 r-walls with good RNG, and at least 2 r-walls. I am going to have to concur with Burger on this, and I think it is grounds for removal from the uplink and being relegated as an admin weapon. At the same time I do think Syndicates require a sniper rifle weapon, and just removing the AMR from the game would feel pretty bad for would-be sniper traitors/mercs. I'll try to have a PR up this week with a semi-auto sniper weapon with high enough damage to be viable but not high enough to roll over everyone. I'll see if I can add existing gear like binoculars with different zoom intensity settings.
  21. Not that neat. Showers are against my religion.
  22. As was asked for, considering how we had an issue in the past where literally anyone who applied could attain a whitelist. Community recognition, even if its relatively milquetoast and not good or bad in outlook, is now a big part of whether a player gets a whitelist or not. There are really only two categories of whitelists. 1. The lore-intensive whitelists that enable access to species with their own specific story elements and backgrounds. There is a bit of responsibility with having a lore-intensive whitelist and using it appropriately, because you are essentially supposed to be one of the many individual factors that try to represent the respective lore developer's vision in your roleplay. After all, you fill the shoes, you do not complain and then try to pick the exact dimensions of the shoes. 2. The responsibility-intensive whitelists which are more character role-centric. Being in one of those roles makes you part of a very crucial piece of a round, and without this type of whitelist, anyone could be in that role and either do well or do very poorly and deal a lot of damage to people's enjoyment. It is often the latter since inexperienced players and a high level of competitiveness for the role leads to an overall lack of quality players in that role. The justification behind #2, in my opinion, is what particularly drives my personal resolve for believing the AI should be whitelisted. It is the absolute most difficult role in the game. There are so many factors that can lead to an AI's lack of success in the role even if an experienced player is holding the reins. We shouldn't burden a newfriend with this responsibility until they're certain they are ready for a new level of difficulty. Whitelisted players try to prepare new players for the starter roles to be able to execute the simpler jobs properly first so they know how they fundamentally work before thinking about leadership. Future leaders must understand how followers work first. Likewise, I think new players should be able to understand how synthetic interfacing with objects works and how their laws work. Let them play cyborg for their first time if they want. It is one of the first roles I started with at first, and it was also how I learned how to hack doors too when I started on Facepunch. Letting a new player immediately have the ability to play AI without building trust and assurance of their progress may just be setting them up for failure. We should do less of that by tying AI to the command whitelist. Rehash it as the "responsibility whitelist" or some other name that doesn't sound as ridiculous, if needed. Either way I think this change is very much required.
  23. I'd prefer we have 5 more of these topics every week for the next year over even one more complaint thread this month.
  24. Roleplay doesn't care about your feelings. RPing as a mouse is so easy. Just literally don't get hit. How hard is that?
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