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Everything posted by Scheveningen

  1. wrong, cyborg is the best job in the game
  2. Making deadchat IC would be interesting at best, though I'm not sure if it would be feasible/worth putting effort into considering the usual SS13 expectation of deadchat is that it is a place you go to to complain about how you died and otherwise talk about the round, or just general stuff, etc. Being dead as a ghost would have to have impact in some way to justify the removal of the OOC facets.
  3. The jury-rigged lasers are pretty shit, I agree. It's simple enough to resprite it so that the arm doesn't look odd, and a plasma cutter would be far better. It also restricts their range to close-quarters, which is pretty typical of a combat RIPLEY anyway, but that's not a bad tradeoff considering that plasma cutters are still robust in the intended range they are meant to be in.
  4. It's not really relevant, honestly. You should not use copyrighted content (straight rips of assets from games in the mainstream, especially not) of another game. It can get people into trouble, the chance of trouble is what people want to avoid.
  5. When the horse stops pulling the cart, you don't put more wheels on the cart, you replace the horse. There is no niche that RND doesn't fill at the moment. Cryostasis chem sprayers would be neat but I only say that because it would be interesting to tool with chem sprayers that shoot ingredients for metal foam for instance.
  6. If you want to shake things up a little, you need to do a lot of work, if not outright tossing RND out as it is. Otherwise RND will always stay as it is. (Experimental welders ain't trash tho, they're an amazing convenience as someone who plays a gearhead-specialized scientist.) The major problem with RND right now is that it's immensely punishing and difficult to grasp as a new player (citation: me trying to teach people, yet the concept is difficult for newbies to grasp), and likewise the actual process is really stupid. You have to keep a mental note of every item you need in a list format and hunt it down. I personally have an RND guide for myself that doesn't require I ever leave the lab. Other people aren't equipped with something like that. I physically can't release this RND guide to others because it would spoil the discovery part of RND and it would be a metagame guide if it was released. Either way, one can pretty much say that optimizing RND requires an amount of powergaming and a smidge of metagaming, and a little of either is regarded as unacceptable. Yet it's required as part of gameplay to progress. LFWB's got a cool solution to this issue. They advance their tech levels one item of technology at a time and hop into a Matrix-style simulation, where their sim avatar is meant to gather 10 data bits while avoiding hazards. Only problem is that if they run into certain hazards or take too long in a 'level', they become fatigued and may suffer specific consequences in the real world, such as permanent brain damage. To keep it from being repetitive and too easy, the level of tech also influences certain mutators and how soon the simulation starts to turn against its user. Unlike our RND, however, the skill floor is pretty low and it becomes a gradual task of learning as the job goes on. The risk and danger of the RND simulation scales based on how far you've successfully progressed, so as to keep within the bounds of ensuring the job still remains interesting and challenging.
  7. Keep in mind anything that affects the crew on the medical side will also affect antagonists that will get hit in combat. Proposed changes are also unfeasible in terms of balance, considering that this would motivate people to just play IPC, speedrun the ions and throw it out the airlock.
  8. This sounds hilarious.
  9. This is a cool resolution to the issue, imo.
  10. oh okay i misread that yeah okay arguably that's worse
  11. 200% agree with this. It's agitating to deal with the same characters who roll antag 3 rounds in a row.
  12. It is known to be on-again off-again at the moment. I have raised the issue up to Arrow already.
  13. I like it, seems cool.
  14. I'm glad you demonstrated a wrong answer on purpose (and pretend that's what I want as a resolution) so as to push the idea that the flawed status quo is the only alternative. It is not. Your argument is full of straw. There is a way to resolve this without anyone receiving warnings of any kind or anyone being forced into making decisions that make no sense. This is an example of a thread, here --: -- that was created because of some heated discussion that happened earlier in this thread: Unlike anyone else in that suggestions thread (this isn't a slight or attempt at insulting anyone who participated in that discussion, just a statement of fact), I went ahead with my own implementation in my own vision. And then I posted a projects thread linking the PR in its description. The project thread links to the PR and the PR links to the project thread. The information given is 1:1, there is no inconsistency. It's that simple. Make PR, propose commits, ask for reviews, post projects thread on forum, ensure the PR and the thread link to each other. It's not a complicated process to follow - in fact this process is what I was told by @Arrow768 themselves to do in the past. -- The situation I outlined above contrasts with what Arrow took action for. The mistake on his part was not posting a project thread of his adaptation of a proposal (it's irrelevant if someone else suggested it in the thread), but rather a mistake in not using the projects subforum for its intended purpose. This isn't intended to be a slight against Arrow as a staffmember or anything. He made a mistake, and mistakes should be corrected for the future.
  15. For the sake of transparency, should PRs link only to their respective project threads to ensure information is accurate and transparent in regards to what the PR contains, considering what was mentioned by Skull? Ensuring information stays 1:1 helps discussion stay on track in regards to discussing active attempts to make changes, since there was apparently immense confusion by people who apparently didn't read the commits on github in a thread recently.
  16. Do you have any other characters besides the one you're applying for? I don't really recognize you. It would be help if you've indicated what other characters you've played on this server. There's a lot of misspelling (and lack of grammar, for that matter), and the background of your character seems quite sparse, seemingly not indicating how their previous lifestyle as a Tajaran living on their 'home plant' has affected them. What region are they from? What jobs did they have in the past? How has politics and events on their 'home plant' affected their lifestyle and changed them as a person? Does your character also photosynthesize?
  17. what are you serious
  18. I actually recall you asking me to make separate feedback threads for projects that are significantly different from the main OP of a suggestion thread. But that's pretty much the only goof I can think of.
  19. Been re-watching The Wire recently and thought about how cool it'd be to be able to (as a traitor) spoof people's PDAs for malicious purposes. Premise: Add a traitor PDA (which can change its PDA appearance, named owner and owner's job at-will, and also possesses a VALUE-Pak cartridge to make it useful) that can be bought in a 2-for-1 alongside the agent ID. The reason why you buy the PDA is so that security is forced to start searching people en masse if they want to prove someone's utilizing a cloned PDA. The PDA's information changing techniques permits the user to utilize misdirection techniques to stage crimes and otherwise confuse specific people to be in certain places that a traitor wants them to be. I'm aware this is already possible in-game, but the only spare PDAs in the game are found in the HOP's office. Presently, if someone were to figure out a PDA was cloned and was also misdirecting the crew, sec could easily beeline to do forensics on the HOP's machinery and closets to find out whodunit. PDAs that can be bought by traitors close this particular loophole and force security to have to be in the right place at the right time to catch the PDA spoofer.
  20. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/6768 Yes, janitorial access is relevant to this thread because the related PR to this issue wants to remove janitorial access while granting EMT access. It is not derailing this thread trying to discuss janitor access.
  21. Format is now "12 words or less"-compatible.
  22. +1. Naelynn's a terrifying antagonist to face off against and a solid roleplayer. Aimee de Belmond is the lass I've had the most encounters with, but nevertheless Nae is a splendid person, roleplayer and member of the community. They're very responsible and cool-headed. They deserve this privilege.
  23. Someone asked me recently whether or not resisting handcuffs constitutes as resisting arrest. Apparently there's a bit of confusion about this, but I won't make this needlessly complex of an answer: It depends on the context. Politely or even firmly refusing to be handcuffed by a security officer while complying to follow the officer to the brig is NOT resisting arrest. Refusing to be handcuffed while also refusing to accompany the detaining officer to the brig IS resisting arrest. This is particularly pointed at confused officers who don't know whether to cuff or not, but the main point of arresting someone is to bring the specific person to the brig. Handcuffs are a means of reliably carrying that out, but only if absolutely necessary. If someone is up for detainment/questioning because of their involvement with a mild, non-violent crime, and they agree to tag along behind you to the brig, you do not need to handcuff them. Handcuffs are just a tool, use them when the situation calls for it like any other. Do note that someone who agrees to come to the brig to be processed for specific crimes does not reserve the right to deny being searched in processing. If you're in processing for a crime that you agreed to either comply for a fine for, or you want to do the time, you have essentially surrendered to security, and certain parts of your property may be taken if and only if it had to do with the crime you committed. Security is not allowed to take things that do not qualify as contraband or as specific evidence to a case. If an assistant is being pulled into the brig only for radio comms abuse, security is not to take their insulated gloves or tools. That is theft.
  24. PR is done, awaiting 2 approvals from contributors/maintainers and then it's merge-ready.
  25. -1. July 13th, I witnessed both an IC and LOOC altercation between you and a surgeon because said surgeon wasn't moving at a fast enough pace to fix my character's internal bleeding (which honestly I wasn't in any real danger, my character's condition was pretty mild). Initially the rudeness from you was merely IC, but then you pretty much chewed the person out in LOOC for not speedrunning their job and insulted them, and said animosity bled out into IC. It got to the point where I had enough of that animosity and I reported it over adminhelp. After it was resolved you snarked at the surgeon's character ICly afterward. And this pretty much progressed without real escalation on the matter that I could see. I was dragged to the medbay, the surgeon came along, took maybe 10 seconds to double-check over me in the scanner, to which you decided was too long and then you yelled at them ICly and dragged the matter out LOOCly. The hostility I saw was sudden and otherwise pretty unjustified. I very rarely see people insult others with a 0 to 60 escalation. It's one thing to be a jerk ICly, another to be a jerk OOCly, and then it's a more complex mess to combine the two to essentially create extremely mixed signals of an unwelcome nature to a player and their character. I have a pretty good indication as to who the player was that you snarked at rather nastily, and I know them pretty well enough as a quality player in medbay that they 100% did not deserve that kind of reaction from you.
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