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  • Byond CKey

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Zelmana's Achievements

Research Director

Research Director (27/37)

  1. On some paternity leave!

    1. goolie


      OMG I didn't know you were pregnant

    2. Skull132


      Look at Aurorians, becoming fully fledged adults that contribute to society and something.

  2. Which, even if I cannot express without some frustration and perhaps badly wording some of my appeal to later be used against me, I still feel that it was a gross overreaction on your part.
  3. What I said was as much "don't be a dick" rule-breaking as your ban reason of "when you act like an adult". Both are casual, asinine statements.
  4. Especially since this is my second permaban, meaning that this is likely unappealable. I said a simple joke, after having a few years of very good record since my behavior when I was younger/since my last permaban. Like I said above, I think this was given out waaaayy too casually.
  5. BYOND Key: Zelmana Staff BYOND Key: roostercat Game ID: Discord, Case ID 359, 360 Reason for complaint: Unreasonable Escalation, No attempts at De-escalation, Punitive Length/Severity At 6:30a EST an admin made an announcement that an individual was leaving staff. This is due to the player quitting after receiving a strike related to ERP. I had made a comment that was basically the following: " >Advertise ERP Server >Get striked >Quit the server <gif of guy smoking cigarette solemnly>" I was striked for this by roostercat, with the below reason. "Making comments about another player quitting after linking an ERP server. While what they did was against the rules, it doesn't mean its suddenly acceptable to post snipe [sic] comments about them." While I am aware rule 1 "Don't be a dick" is a completely arbitrary rule, I wasn't thinking what I did was worthy of being striked at all, especially without any confrontation or discussion. There was 0 attempts to address the issue beyond just striking. After this strike, I made a remark something like "Strike reasons be like "I don't like what you said". I was instantly banned for the reason of "complaining" and "not acting like an adult". While I was fine taking the strike for something that I disagree with, "don't be a dick", of which there is a tremendous amount of leeway for certain players or topics, and it is ununiformly enforced, I was not going to submit a complaint because I thought the issue was trivial. So trivial that I made a remark about it, jokingly. For joking about my own punishment I then got a perma ban. I think this is extremely punitive and made no attempts to resolve any problem, if there was one. If anything, this has caused conflict and unneeded strife, and at worst, censorship. Which is totally in the staff's right to do, mind you. It just doesn't seem cool to end my decades long membership in this community over such a thing. Evidence/logs/etc: Additional remarks: None
  6. I think this is a great idea. Often times I find that the current relay channels are really unprofessional and kind of not mature in terms of the way characters talk and act. Often times there's characters that are allegedly in their thirties but act fairly juvenile. While there's a non-SCC channel that should be used for more off the cuff style discussions, even our official SCC brand channel suffers from immaturity. While I don't mean to cast the entire channel(s) into those lights, I find myself not being able to interact in those channels with my main characters. This is because I play fairly straight-laced and buttoned up personas as a Command character main. I know that the act of administering that channel to restrict it to command-only will be more tedious, but I feel like it would be helpful. Especially for things like ongoing events. I don't mean to portray that my character doesn't associate with the "riff raff" but all too often it seems that my character is just in another world comparatively to the conversations going on in the relays.
  7. The intention here was to bring back a lot of FCP style roleplay that was once popular. As in, policy to go alongside roundtypes such as ling, vamp, cult, etc. where there is interaction with any major anomalous activity.
  8. Yeah the whole "R" thing is already a standard nomenclature for cartridges. We shouldn't try to change that as it'll cause confusion.
  9. Would a Command checkpoint make sense?
  10. I agree with the Alden-Saraspova comment being two distinct scientists above.
  11. We have saints working here folks.
  12. If this passes review fine you've got 25USD, contact me on Discord. 5USD outstanding for a check on the records system, if the problem persists in records that is still available.
  13. I believe records also have this issue- anyone care to post an example they find?
  14. More catastrophe apostrophe
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