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Everything posted by Jakers457

  1. Wiltshire, Mother England, United Counties of Britishland
  2. I think it was my stance on sex that got me into this position. (Pun not intended)
  3. I've yet to encounter roleplaying crushing cliques if I'm honest. I play a good hand full of characters, none of them really have a group they 'cliquedy clique' with and at the same time, I can usually find myself chatting to people without little hindrance and that's without them knowing who the player is behind my character. I remember saying as my IA character to another, who was apparently new to the station, something along the lines of 'people will take awhile to warm up to a stranger. So don't take it to heart, you can't make people like you and you should trust me on that, I work in Internal Affairs.' Which is something I'm now inclined to tell all new 'employees', it takes time for people to warm up to you and it's like the in the real world. No matter how much we can argue about pretend characters in a pretend setting, the social tendencies of people will always be real and that includes people not being super warm to strangers. You can't change that, you just have to work with it, even irl workplaces have cliques and it's near impossible not to have them.
  4. Reporting Personnel:Fumiki Kamachi Rank of Reporting Personnel:Internal Affairs Personnel Involved: Officer Scorpio (Plaintiff), Officer Libra(Perp'), Officer Scourge(Witness?), Artificial Intelligence Zodiac (Chassis Owner), CMO Sarah Milne(Victim) Time of Incident: Location of Incident:NSS Aurora Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty [x]Harassment []Assault []Misconduct []Other _____ Overview of the Incident: The transcript will speak for itself. The case pertains to an IPC unit by the name of Scorpio making a complaint upon itself, or one of it's 'partner' cores. It requests the removal of the core as he claims that she takes unauthorized control of the chassis. He also reported that Libra is somewhat dangerous to crew safety due to her lack of patience. Sarah Milne was reportedly arrested when Libra had taken over Scorpio's chassis and it would be wise to get input from her at the most recent convenience. I believe this exceeds the authority and ability of Internal Affairs and should be forwarded to the Duty Officers for further action. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: I am the IAA speaking on behalf of the Officer in question. Additional notes: The transcript.
  5. I've been neglecting this post sadly. But I'll put Revvy to the chopping block and with the offering of blood, I wish for someone to give me a character I would recognize so I can get a proper good dissection of them.
  6. Due to living on the Northern Hemisphere where food was short during the long, cold winters. My ancestors adapted to overcome their lactose intolerance that is common with all species once they've out grown their infant state, to be allowed the ability to drink milk and use the colder climate to preserve primitive yogurts and cheeses for sustenance. And because of this my friends, I enjoy drinking my milk once the cereal has reached a minimal level, it is an obligation to my neolithic ancestors for adapting their bodies so that I may enjoy my dairy products.
  7. I suppose that might be a possibility, but I remain hopeful that people will shake up the roleplaying formula if given a handful of opportunities.
  8. The image predates the csi update. IT IS THE SAME IMAGE FROM THE MAP THREAD FOR THE PLANETARY MAP Damn I thought when he said current, I thought it'd of been updated slightly. How misleading.
  9. Not sure where'd you guys would fit such a thing in medical, but a lot of the rooms are quite big, quite wasteful so we shall see. But I've noticed on another map that they have a little examination room jutting off from the medical lobby, where as you've guessed it, people can drop in at medical if they strange or hurting and have the Doctors give them a run down. Never know, could be fun for roleplay.
  10. CSI seems to be still outdated, doesn't have any of the new shtuff.
  11. It's either going to go down like Soylent Green or, they eat humans.
  12. It would be good if we could add some sort of fatigue or increased hunger from wearing them for long periods of time. You know, as a gift to those darling Engineers who spend like, two hours minimum in them.
  13. I would personally prefer a claw hammer to shatter peoples knee caps.
  14. I believe in results and dislike circlejerking. I'll start threads that I feel lean towards policy such as uniforms and cloning in the head's section, there's less people so it's easier to gauge people's opinions and find some sort of resolution to the subject at hand. With that, once everyone's come to sort of conclusion then I'd put it up for everyone to see. Because of that, I insisted on keeping the Head board as a whitelisted forum. Sometimes we need to discuss things or set up projects without much interference from the community, which might sound shitty, but it's about practicality. As stated, I've recently posted a discussion about Uniform etiquette and lack there of by the crew, if I had posted this on the general subforum it would've had people repeating eachother or getting aggressive for no real end. Because I kept it with the Heads, we've been having a pretty civil discussion which is actually yielding results. It's not me fearing the arguments, as I will argue plenty given the amount I actually care about the subject but at the same time, I am willing to back down if there is a compromise or if my points aren't getting me anywhere... which isn't always the case with others. Also! I have an idea for 'shitposters' and how we can cater to them without it causing too much incident.
  15. 1. Forum moderators only moderate the forums, they do not have any power (in my mind) on the server and presumed to be normal players server side. While standard Moderators, would have best of both worlds, moderating both the server and forums with equal responsibility. And why did I opt for Forum Moderator? Well I did nag Doom and Skull about there being forum moderator positions, because that was more of the area I wanted focus on opposed to having to sacrifice my gaming to monitor things server side. I also wanted to start a few forum side projects that some of the community might like. 2. Don't be a dick is the most important to me. I feel people can state their opinions, arguments and disagreements without making personal attacks and otherwise nonconstructive attitudes toward someone else's characters, suggestions or requests. I'd be keeping a beady eye out on anyone who needs to take a step back, and take it down a notch. 3. A healthy community is that of a reasonable, objective staffing team that keeps the environment non-toxic as humanly possible. I also feel a healthy community is where people can come to a level of understanding to the point where they are willing to make a compromise opposed to holding a completely hostile front to any idea they disagree with. A healthy community is also a community, where someone can post without the fear of being chastised for having an unpopular opinion (save for any topics included in Rule 2) and where they don't feel the need to revoke their own whitelists or titles because of negative responses. An overly idealistic, mature environment. Bonus Question: Simple, I remove all luxuries from the child emperor and give them the bare necessities to live. Once they have suffered, I will show them compassion and empathize with their plight, giving them the luxuries they once had with hopes they have learned what it is to suffer, and it is to be shown mercy. I will then say something from a Buddhist's scroll relevant to the lesson at hand, then drink tea on a midsummer's noon under a cherry blossom tree with the child emperor. With great hopes he had learned to be compassionate, and will not have me torn apart by four horses leashed to my limbs.
  16. SOME IPCs are owned by NT = Vandalism. SOME IPCs are free = Murder. Some are owned by employees, like Karime = Lawsuit on NT for allowing her property to get kill.
  17. We could use SS13 assets?
  18. I am not saying that I can make a better sprite, but can we at least keep the green-black-robotic feel/colour scheme our current pAI's have? I believe this was the alternative, and one I might lean towards.
  19. Yes, but the good thing about you don't need to charge for food, you can still give it out for free. But that ruins the spirit of it all!
  20. People cry about being charged for food though. Otherwise, I like the idea.
  21. My one weakness! I'll get on it.
  22. Basic Information Byond Account:Jakers457 Preferred means of contact: Gmail, forum pm or pager Age:21 Timezone:GMT How often do you visit/use our forums?: I check the forums daily, to check on my own posts and what's on in the community. Experience How long have you been with our community:Since October Do you have any experience in forum moderation or administration?: I helped ran a forum roleplay site and I've also moderated on one Roleplay Server on Minecraft. Have you ever been banned from our server or forum, and if so, how long and why?:Nope, not yet. Personality Why do you play SS13?:I enjoy it as a platform for roleplay, it has something GMOD will never have and something the forum rp just doesn't itch. Why do you play on Aurora?:You guys are alright, I enjoy the server and a hand full of people here. What do moderators do?:To moderate. But nah, they're there to ensure that the peace is kept. They watch out for harassment, inappropriate posting and ensure community ethics are kept in place. What does it mean to be a moderator for our community?: It's kind of like being a ranger on the black wall of Mordor, you're kind of waiting for the blood thirsty hordes to jump the wall and attack you. I think the community has had some uneasy times and I want to make an attempt at being an objective staff member who can make sure no one's getting too grilled. Why do you want to be a moderator?: A sense of obligation I guess? I came to this community exhausted after the last one I was a patron basically spiraled downwardly before tearing itself apart. You guys have kept my hunger for SS13 sated, I thank you for that. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: Well I like to think honest but reasonable, I try not to shit on other people's work or characters but I would be frank in what I thought. I also like to think that I don't hold onto grudges for long is a good quality, seeing as the staff would find conflict with members now and then. I've also yet to make a hostile post that is written to personally attack someone or to derail the thread if my memory serves me right, so I like to think that's pretty good? I also have a few forum side projects in mind that I want to try out for the community, shake things up on the wordy-text side of things. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?:Inverted Rectum once remarked something along the lines of 'me not being a seething ball of hatred' and I do like to think I try to keep impersonal on the forums. There are plenty of people I butt heads with, but I don't hold them to it. Anything Else You Want to Add: (Do not put words here) (Put words here) (Alright) I wouldn't say I'm the most popular guy on the forums right now, but if you want to give me a try then so be it. If you feel I would be awful, something akin to a bloody and foolish reign of a cruel child emperor, then so be it.
  23. But did it actively detract from your roleplaying experience? It would not add to your roleplay if you choose for it to not engage in your roleplay. Not because it was an obstruction to what your character was doing, but more because you disagreed with it being there. So really it's not a question of does it add to roleplay as a whole, it's if you want it in your roleplay.
  24. A In the wrong hands, who knows what destruction and mayhem would occur.
  25. What does an ERT jacket add to roleplay? Or a tatty custom bag? Does it add to a subtle story? Perhaps. What does an image, an identity give to roleplay? It gives you well, exactly that, you see this character, a somewhat colorful product of culture aboard a somewhat, admittedly, bleak station. Now roleplay with me a little here, choose a character that you might have and run through what that character would do if they were to see a colorful character accompanying one your fellow crew members.
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