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Everything posted by Jakers457

  1. What's de price?
  2. Please, this how you do it.
  3. Jakers457

    Map talk

    The hallways surrounding the brig are suffering from one of Escher's paradoxes. Might be wise to remove the stairs, or lay it out to make sense.
  4. We haven't done anything substantial for awhile.
  5. Some of us only have time in the day for say, two rounds at most without doing an all nighter so being shoe horned into a round type doesn't seem favorable.
  6. Not after we couldn't find an actual regulation breach to arrest that one geneticist.
  7. LOGIN>Omen PASSWORD>*********************** ACCESS LEVEL>Encrypted. NET ACCESS GRANTED WELCOME
  8. Body identified - Gangland violence confirmed. The Chief Inspector has released information regarding the incident that had taken place this Friday. The body has been identified as Jacqueline Forest, an individual involved in a people trafficking ring that was shut down one October of 2452 but had gone missing in January of this year after a prison transport vessel failed to reach it's destination. The Chief Inspector reports the woman had died due to asphyxiation after being choked by what appeared to a golden pendant necklace. It has also been confirmed that the owner of the apartment is that of a Rebecca Black, Revvy to her colleagues, but her whereabouts have not been determined but has become the prime suspect in the women's murder. The Chief Inspector has implored that her loved ones, or anyone who recognizes her to come to his department immediately to report any recent sightings of her. It is also speculated that others may have been involved at the scene but forensics has yet to determine any conclusive information on this matter.
  9. As with wizard.
  10. Young woman found dead in her apartment During the night of Friday the 26th, police were dispatched after receiving reports of a domestic dispute at an apartment block by the name of Jupiter Apartments. Upon arriving to the scene, the reporting Officers discovered the apartment had been broken into and there were signs of a struggle. Upon searching the destroyed living area, they discovered a young woman within the bedroom. The Chief Inspector is reluctant to give anymore details at this time but has assured that the name of the victim will be released as the case progresses. What can be confirmed, is that this particular case can be linked to gangland violence.
  11. Daniel Escher Humble Engine Technician with a shaggy beard. Peter Stone Old dog Captain who's stern yet fair. Micheal Forte A socially detached Surgeon. James Brook An ambitious Research Director. Revvy Black The dopest dope you'd ever meet. Miko Du'Razhu One of the best barmen of Tau Ceti. Omen A viscous operative, willing to cut down friend or foe. Fumiki Kamachi An Internal Affairs agent, still living alone. Azral Raheem An elderly Tajaran with a stern spirit. John Witherwood A manipulative psychologist with dark hobbies. Amon Eshka A skrell focused heavily on his research.
  12. I come from an acting standpoint when it comes to roleplaying, using what I learned back when I was in school. I wouldn't say I personally self insert or become overly attached to my characters, because to me they are simply concepts I'm merely breathing life into. I'm not always able to create an intricate backstory for my characters at the beginning, but I explore how they would feel or react to certain situations. I guess in a way, I insert the character into myself while I'm playing opposed to putting myself into their personality. Which might sound like convoluted bullshit, but eh.
  13. I wouldn't mind having both. A cheaper firearm would come in handy.
  14. I've been thinking about this for a little bit and I decided in my mind the revolver isn't too useful to what I personally would need from a firearm. Obviously this will be my own thoughts on the matter so it's not entirely fact. What I mainly use a firearm for, is a get away method or a deterrent from pursuers and having a handgun that has a higher rate of fire would be handy, even if it were to lack the ability to decapitate someone. But that's just my preference I guess.
  15. One server I played. The HoS had a robotic bat.
  16. I've seen human characters beat the shit out of and even behead Unathi Officers. Perhaps a species being objectively better than another might be distressing to some, but it's better to add than to take. I'm sure Skull has a work around up his sleeve to make things seem a little more 'fair' I suppose. I'm probably rehashing the points already made, but I wouldn't say it's necessary to nerf two species when there are more fruitful alternatives. Sure, finding yourself toe to toe with a cat/lizard puts you at a disadvantage if you were say, human, but I enjoy that when playing my human characters. You have to choose your fights wisely and make the right calls, it's the same with being an antag. People get salty when they're half-baked plan of holding a room of people hostage with a bomb goes tits up, and it's no different from fighting another species. You want to hold hostages? You need to actually think it through. You want to fight a hulking lizard-bastard? You need to take your opponents abilities into consideration and fight fucking dirty if need be. TLDR: Rehashed arguments. Nerfing is a lazy solution that takes more from the game. Combat situations should be thought out, not expecting to have a fair fight. Set IPCs/Cats a light, they hate the heat.
  17. I would like to see Cres in our little group of salty wretches. Also, RD is a somewhat laid back job for me if you ignore the fact that a Scientist will make an attempt on your life every other round.
  18. Jakers457


    Damn, this was like one of my first posts here. But glowsticks, do it for Revvy
  19. Then perhaps give him something a little more constructive than the inane comments that you've presented it on this thread. You know, approach him like a normal person and tell him you'd want to see him try something different? But even then it's not your entitlement or obligation to give him that either, nobody needs to reach some ambiguous standard to satisfy someone else. If he asks for the feedback or critique, give it to him, if he doesn't then you should probably lay off.
  20. He can make whatever character he likes, the general attitude I've seen surrounding it is petty and serves little merit but to satisfy one own opinion. Perhaps I shouldn't involve myself but I feel at least one guy should cut him some slack.
  21. I assume the abundance of ex-military types are more acceptable than aristocrats? I better make an ERT/Syndicake character who works in Security and is always on edge.
  22. Please read the terms pertaining to posting on the thread. Let's keep it solely to character feedback, not comments on the players. Handy tip: you only need to be fair but brutally honest, no need to be creative. Also, I'll get to writing some feedback myself.
  23. It inspired me to make a feedback thread, not one of a vanilla flavor but that of the taste of blood and tears.
  24. No replying to other posts. Give your feedback and leave it at that, best way to keep things civil, thank you. Edit, hopefully I don't seem pedantic. I rather keep discussions or responses out of the environment. Hopefully everyone understands this.
  25. Dungeon of the Endless? Discourse?
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