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Everything posted by Jakers457

  1. Back in the day I used to write a good amount of lyrics to class it as a hobby but eventually I stopped due to having to work and being a super grownup. But recently my friend said she was having a writers block with her music. I decided to write some lyrics. Mainly the opening verses and chorus, but I still feel pretty chuffed after hearing the song I helped create. Enjoy https://m.soundcloud.com/india-dadden-ga/devils-smile-jakes-toooooonhttps://m.soundcloud.com/india-dadden-ga/devils-smile-jakes-toooooon
  2. I watched a parody of FNAF to have a chuckle... so many regrets. Rue the day I stumbled upon Emi's night at Freddy's.
  3. LOGIN>Omen PASSWORD>*********************** ACCESS LEVEL>Encrypted. NET ACCESS GRANTED WELCOME Ten thousands credits, fully automatic rifle and some of the more advanced tech you can get. He'll knock the price down considerably if Shadow fulfills their services to Omen though.
  4. Belt swords are superior!
  5. I think we should disguise the handle as a pen or some other mundane item that can be used as a handle. Also belt swords:
  6. Zambonie slayin'? I could get behind that.
  7. I think that was due to the event at hand? Can't remember really but it doesn't happen that often I'd say.
  8. Hypatia is the only other Heavy roleplay server no?
  9. If I am to recommend anything Frances, PM Doom and speak to them without interference. It' will probably go a lot smoother
  10. because this is about how staff dealt with this rather then Cassy being in any way relevant to the conversation. If you just intend to persist in shoving this under the rug, might i suggest you walk away from the argument? There's such a disturbing amount of you people that just want to end this prematurely and let the problem fester, you, thundy, Jakers, Delta, Tenenza, yada yada yada... can we maybe stop with the "guise pls nu figt". It's only gonna cover this in useless posts burying the actual discussion taking place. You've made your point, I get it, thanks a bunch We're merely saying why the fuck are you wasting so much energy on an argument over a digital community when there's undoubtedly more important things in your life.
  11. Then when it does cause the community to fall apart, we will simply find another community to go with.
  12. I'm mainly in favor of moving on with our lives.
  13. Just... just think about it.
  14. Techno, my little powergamey gem, I would shake your hand if I didn't fear being stungloved despite it all being pretend.
  15. Though being a man who enjoys the feel and company of a woman. I had once slept with a man because my life was getting stale and he said I was very attractive. After the whole shebang I decided that men weren't my cup of tea and moved on with my life, meeting this rather sensual girl who had a thing for cuffs.
  16. If you don't like the community, or have chosen to leave the community. Rather than using your energy in an attempt to destroy it or to remove the people you are in disagreement with. Wouldn't it be more practical to move on and join a new community? I've done it, it's a lot easier and I found myself forgetting about the last communities I've been with. I'm not speaking for or against any party, nor do I really care to touch upon the drama between people over the internet. I merely think it's wiser that you shouldn't let any grievances you have with people over internet take up your time, don't we all have things that need attention in our actual physical lives? Does this argument hold more importance than say... your exams, homework, jobs, job seeking, training, family, girlfriends, boyfriends and various other things that seem more important than a ban from a server. Why expel so much energy on something incredibly small in the grand scheme of things? What gain do you have for being outraged over something you can easily leave behind and start a new? Would say, putting Doomberg out of commission benefit your life or will it just satisfy your ideals over an internet community? When I see so much energy being put into this drama, when it could have been dealt with in a much more civil manner by /both/ parties, I can't help but be puzzled by it all. Especially those who've long since left the community and find nothing good from it, that choose to come back to apparently satisfy their desire to, I don't know, fuel a fire or something. Can we not just move on? Is this ultimately necessary? Can you justifiable say this drama is so important that it must take up your time in the day?
  17. Just because they have similarities within their taxonomy groups, doesn't mean cats should understand Tajaran. Monkeys and Humans don't speak the same language and Lions definitely don't meow. Not a jab at you furry, but it doesn't make much sense aside from 'I'm an anthropomorphic cat man'
  18. Most of those criteria you've listed would be catered by this server. The whitelist system isn't really punishing, you can have people for you if they've enjoyed your roleplay or if you've produced a solid backstory for your character. So with the process not being controlled entirely by a staff member, applying is pretty easy. Most of our rounds are two hours, with eight being the longest I've seen. We also use a modified Baycode so that'll keep you in the know and events are pretty rare. As for single antag rounds, that's simply the nature of the beast when it comes to most of the round types being single antagged and having the player base vote for gamemodes. I mean, I personally recommend this server over the other Heavy roleplay servers.
  19. His IPC backstory happened in round, making it more integral than the simple fluff stories. Also, Fumiki Kamachi benefits from this.
  20. I recall playing my geneticist once, and being one of those researchers who like to be well... surprised by results opposed to knowing every single outcome of RnD, Genetics and Xenobiology because you've seen it all before! I find it necessary from a roleplay perspective for my character, who cares more about his research than anything, for him to embody his test results to get a better understanding. Admittedly it mainly involves, injecting the enzyme, giving the side effects a quick test before writing down the findings and then reverting back to my normal self. But even then, I've had Captain's and CMO's strut into my lab waving that test waiver in my face with convoluted reasons and arguments as to why I should be legally bound to fill out the form for myself before getting threatened to be arrested for made up regulations. What I'm trying to say, which obviously didn't come out of the anecdote, is that there are some who will have trouble adjusting or simply hate genetics and dismiss any notion of self testing being allowed, so to speed up the adjustment we should update the directives to make it clear as day for these people. Something like 'Self testing is permitted by those who are qualified in that particular field.'
  21. Opening Pundora's box are we? Well I know some eggcellent yolks I can crack. So mousey on over here for some cheesy ones. I won't trout around the bush for the halibut. Anyways why didn't the bartender serve the ghost busters? He didn't sell spirits.
  22. If by controlled, you mean pour oil onto the thread? Then sure.
  23. Some of the mutations have 'fluff' benefits if you actually roleplay the research, which I admit people don't actually fucking do that much but still, things like hulkism could be the key to defeat muscle atrophy in space. I mean, genetics has a lot more than superpowers that we don't seem to have game wise. Genetics is why most crops today can resist herbicides and why corn looks the way it does today. I mean rather than replacing it, it would be good to build upon it to create new foods, animals with new traits and other shit like that, that's what I'd like to see.
  24. LOGIN>Omen PASSWORD>*********************** ACCESS LEVEL>Encrypted. NET ACCESS GRANTED WELCOME
  25. LOGIN>Omen PASSWORD>*********************** ACCESS LEVEL>Encrypted. NET ACCESS GRANTED WELCOME
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