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Everything posted by Jakers457

  1. I'm not sure why it's a thing, I hear someone who hated Taj were put in charge of writing their lore at one point so perhaps this is a product of that time. But I find it to be obtuse and making almost no sense, Tajr seems to be a more recent dialect picked up by the lower classes to speak in private, but doesn't indicate in anyway that they'd suddenly forget the language they grew up, especially when it comes to Zhan. You could argue Zhan aren't as smart the other Tajaran races but it doesn't really justify the limitation seeing as there are many accounts of 'poor uneducated' farming communities being to pick up more than one dialect. So.... yeah, change please?
  2. In the same capacity that some of the districts are described. Perhaps something like 'District 16 but more commonly known as Little Adhomai.' And perhaps once more noteworthy locations pop in in the area, it can justify having it's own page?
  3. You could say it gives people a point of reference, like a University or small town. Tajaran characters who aren't living on Adhomai, either to get away from the war or just to live close to their workplace, can use it as a foundation to work upon in conversations. One might say that they live in Mendell, to which another character might ask 'where abouts?' And they can refer to Little Adhomai. And because a district full of Tajaran migrants would be common knowledge and on the wiki, for the player, they've built a sense of familiarity with each other. Opposed to referring to an obscure head canon location in which no one can relate to.
  4. Type (e.g. Planet, Faction, System):Republic of Biesel Founding/Settlement Date (if applicable): Region of Space:Tau Ceti Controlled by (if not a faction):Local businesses and organizations. Other Snapshot information: -Mainly inhabited by Tajaran. -High poverty area -High crime area -Poor living conditions Long Description: On the outlaying districts mainly inhabited by minorities and criminals alike, there's a small cluster of blocks called 'Little Adhomai.' While mostly Tajaran live here, it has been known for other species to find home here and embrace Tajaran culture. The block was not so much founded, but grew into the way it is today in an organic manner. Due to the cost of living to be cheaper in this area, many Tajaran with low paying jobs found homes here but so did many organizations who saw many an opportunity in this outlaying district to set up businesses and various networks to keep themselves in a position of power. As many of them had the same idea, it has been known that fights for dominance occur within the district. This can involve shoot outs but mainly revolves around espionage and silver tongues during business meetings and functions. Many of the community members work together to celebrate Tajaran holidays, by having parades along the main streets with trade stalls selling holiday themed trash to unknowing tourists who come to get a taste of Tajaran culture, be it watered down in comparison to what you'd find on Adhomai. Racial crimes have been known to happen along the outskirts of this district, where Human supremacists conduct raids on Tajaran ran businesses and lead marches protesting against the very existence of a district mainly populated by anything other than humans. Because of this heated climate along the outskirts, groups of Tajaran have lead marches of their own to appeal against Supremacist group who seek only to make the lives of the residents difficult. Though the group's intentions are mainly peaceful, a few Tajaran who have a strong dislike for humans have used it as a front to conduct their own raids against the human populace living within Little Adhomai, only worsening the worsening racial relations.
  5. Miko Du'Razhu
  6. Just found out Techno was banned, for awhile now. Without the counter banter that I was expecting, I will take my business elsewhere.
  7. I've witnessed Technokat's performance as a murreeen. He ignores command and likes to charge the hive, sometimes alone and sometimes with awol marines. Most of the time he gets killed, gets most of the soldiers killed off and cripples the offensive. Get your shit together mureeeeen. But aside from that. Hi Technokat, you little rebellious tyke you. I'll probably post some screenies.
  8. People need to man up about dying, I've been lured into traps and killed by lings. I've been dragged out into space and executed. Both of them were done enjoyably so. It's gotten to the point where I've no clue what to do as a traitor because I might somehow upset someone because they were in my way at the time. Sure, I don't believe in ganking for the sake of ganking, but if killing off someone benefits your personal goals such as raiding tech storage, but having to kill the Engineer because they couldn't just simply give you the ID, then I think it's justified. Hell, even as an Officer I was frowned upon because I decided to taze an individual that was confirmed to be armed and dangerous. I was told that I should have spoken to the man while being in a dark maintenance tunnel, because apparently it's good rp for my character to put his wellbeing /after/ listening to some villainous monologue. I feel if you're in a life or death situation or if you made the choice to pack heat, to wield a gun. You should make the first shot, always, because that's what your character would do in that given situation.* If an Engineer tries to cry for help while you mug him, shoot him because he's going to give you away. If you encounter someone who's confirmed to be dangerous, don't pussy foot. Because if you get caught by the cops, or you get killed because you made a shitty call, deal with it. We're roleplaying in a pretty dangerous universe with terrorists, purple space fish and changelings. Not in a Shakespeare-esque play. 'Shall we converse ere we square for our liveth.' 'Forsooth, we should doth that.' - Ideal Roleplay * Depends on the character, but if they're armed. They're probably willing to take a life, no?
  9. Type (e.g. Planet, Faction, System):Educational provider...? Founding/Settlement Date (if applicable):2100 Region of Space:Jargon IV Controlled by (if not a faction):Jargon Federation Other Snapshot information: - Played a pivotal role in the development of cloning. - Remain pioneers in augmentation and synthetic organs. - Other species, on rare occasions, may be enrolled into the University. Long Description: The Aloise University of Medical Sciences (AUMS) was founded in 2100 by the Jargon Federation as a means to improve upon the species, infrastructure and to bolster the health services for the ever growing population within the system. Despite being a Medical University, the establishment has been deeply involved in biomechanics as well as bioengineering. Becoming pioneers in augmenting the federation’s military as well as pushing the limits in what classes as synthetic life forms. Feel free to ask questions, give input and the like. Just so I know what people want to see, or know, pertaining to the establishment.
  10. I was wondering if this has been redacted? If not, could I get a rough date on it's inception.
  11. I don't enjoy wizard, mainly because the wizard is usually played as a blithering idiot with too much power in his possession. Perhaps if we changed the name to something that represents magic, give the outfits a more Scifi/Cyberpunk feel and make them like a cohesive part in the universe. Probably some sort of organization that investigates magic and enjoys stealing bluespace artifacts. Edit: They're probably already that last line, but the representation of that is pretty poor.
  12. Have you tried doing it in different orders?
  13. Oh! Oh! They come in on a cargo shuttle, in a crate that breaks open like a little borg egg.
  14. But Skrell don't have.... what? They're like fish, one lays eggs and the other sprays fertilizer on it, last I checked. I mean, didn't they actually look into the race? Or did they just want a Twi'lek fantasy to come into realization. Edit: Also, liking the changes. No more slobbering Skrell and psuedo-Unathi frog people tribes..
  15. They're not getting telepathy. Just the ability to tell eachother's emotions with different coloured fonts because as everyone knows, the skrell seem rather void of emotion to other races. Edit: Unless Skull has changed the project.
  16. So with the latest lore change that I discovered with some degree of horror. The green/turquoise Skrell are now moss loving tribals, which is... not sitting well with me. For me and some other people, the greener skrell is the original skrell, it is THEE skrell. So, the idea that all the green skrell players now are suddenly playing tribals (unless we have some story about how they want to leave their tribe to be like white man in big city, which is a pain) is just a bad taste. Sure, from an outsider's perspective this seems pretty cool, especially if you're partial to the whole tribal thing with aliens. But it's kind of a rock the boat that didn't seem to be asked for. But I suppose, a race that is far more technologically advanced than the others, may somehow not assimilate it's tribal cultures for some... reason? So, just make them a muddier sewage colour? Something that would suit well with living in a swamp and rolling around in filth, smashing computers with clubs? And then have the Green Skrell back to their good old fashioned intelligent, technologically advanced selves no?
  17. It's a good book, but no one reads on the Aurora. Especially academic doctors and scientists.
  18. My Skrell is currently attempt to improve the organic simulation that IPC's deliver. Biggest issue I have at the moment with Skrell, is that suddenly we now have tribal swamp skrell who are isolationists?? I mean, what, especially when I made a /green/ Skrell before this tribal trollop came about. Am I suppose to change his color so that I don't have to treat him, and his family as moss donning swamp men? Perhaps it's my fault for being away when this retcon or whatever happened but tribal Skrell, big no no. Skrell are supposed to be the big advanced race who are so clinically detached, they gave themselves a genophage to control their population.
  19. Ehh somewhat I guess. I'll abstain for now and will see how the thread progresses.
  20. http://aurorastation.org/wiki/index.php?title=Zeng-Hu_Pharmaceuticals Prior to the Skrell partnership, they mainly worked with cryonics I think? But their ability to clone came after the partnership for sure.
  21. Alright last thing, when I last engaged with this community. It was uneasy times where people were mashing against each other over internet ethics. At this time, and I only speak from how I perceived my experience, you were very invested in speaking for, say, the people to put it one way. For me, like other people's actions, your's seemed a bit questionable at the time. With that in mind, and that time has passed. How would you, as a member of staff, deal with a situation that's nothing but a large can of worms with no real objective solution. One that is based on ethics and one's own constitution more than anything else. (Going a bit deep for a voluntary position on some internet community, but eh.)
  22. This is mainly because I've yet to have any positive experiences interacting with you, but the idea of you on the staffing team only fills me with skepticism. As a politician, you'd be great with your silver tongue and precision in bringing up what people have said in the past to contradict them. But this shouldn't be treated as such, personally I look for a moderator I can trust. To treat this as it were politics, what would you say to give me some faith in your practice.
  23. Jakers457


    Clowns would be the gamemode that would create a deadhour. Think about what people come for when they join the server, Heavy roleplay. I mean, if you really needed a clown experience I'm sure there's plenty of servers you can go on for it. Edit: so many typos.
  24. Roughly around 2416 it was developed via joint research effort made be Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals and a team of Skrellian Scientists. The company holds the monopoly over cloning as they hold pretty much all the patents to it's technology and research. I think because of this, cloning is somewhat expensive but not out of reach for those with a decent insurance scheme, say one you'd get with Nanotrasen who have a mutually beneficial economic and research partnership. I'd say facilities to clone would be common on Skrell planets and the more economically stable human planets. Hopefully that helps.
  25. We need computers we can actually write and send messages on. I know we have PDA's but they're... lack luster and it would be handy to just write all your paperwork on a console and then print it off as and when you need it, rather than having paper all over the place. I don't know, probably not the highest priority thing but it's supposed to the be future and the stations bureaucracy is more analogue than the twenty first century despite the apparent technological advances.
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