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Everything posted by Jakers457

  1. I don't get hype or have stupidly high expectations. I went into the game expecting a new Fallout title with some new things thrown into the mix. I do have some minor issues here and there, but it's mainly to do with the storytelling within the game, yet at the same time there are parts, like the Arlan Glass encounter, that really shined for me. Sure it's very killy, but wasn't the last two fall out games incredibly killy too? I mean, the polymer labs quest had a puzzle element to it which changed things up a little and the amount of fluff to read is rather enjoyable. So, really, I'm enjoying the game, it reached my expectations as a /Fallout/ game and I've yet to feel any regrets buying the title. Mad Max on the otherhand.....
  2. All my characters are built from their own concepts. Be it a young woman trapped in a cybernetic body to an old dog detective with too many rough years to count. Use a basic foundation or concept to begin with, then build the character from that. Like when you're playing that character, imagine their background, their experiences and views then ask yourself 'how would this character react to that given situation?' I'm pretty sure you'll have it down to a T soon enough.
  3. So, rabbit people? But nah, it would be cool to introduce a new race with that concept. Though it might flip the current lore on it's ass and will need some work done so everything makes senses, but then again, not sure how many people play by the lore.
  4. Yeah, could even replace the detomax. Seeing as Bay broke it.
  5. Jakers457

    Zippo bomb.

    So, recalling one of the anime's I've watched. Mezzo DSA... not to be confused with the other Mezzo. A small grenade or explosive was used, in the guise of a zippy lighter. The user would flip it open and go about the same way as you would to light a standard zippo, but in this case it turns on the explosive and has a short period of time before it explodes, ten seconds at most. It would make a neat addition to the tools traitors have at hand, for more subtle assassinations or creating chaos. I don't think the explosion should be big or powerful, but enough to severely injure the target with probably a small AOE.
  6. Human's have the monopoly over most of the systems, they run the larger corporations that supply fuel, robotics, bionics, the potential to clone and probably a large portion of the weapon's market. Their culture is the most prominent and the most influential, leaving impressions on the other races through continue exposure. Unathi and Tajara cultures are on the brink, both finding themselves in a vicious cycle of war while being used by humanity as labor and second class citizens. Skrell, from what I recall, having several failed attempts to colonize don't have a large footprint on the galactic map and not as many bodies to throw at bullets as humanity does. Diona have no real culture, territory or governing body. They're kind of like a native species that would be collateral damage in a full scale war. And lastly IPC's, they have the potential to be topdog but they would need a large amount of resources to have a population boom to surpass humanity. They'd also need even more resources to be self sufficient as a state or people. What I'm trying to say is, be it economically or war wise. Humanity is the most advantageous, the most established and the most powerful at this point in 'lore time.' The only thing that ruin humanity's foothold, is if they splintered even further during a crisis and the different factions started screwing eachother out of spite or greed.
  7. -nids-
  8. I would enjoy having another race to the mixture. We are taking about a large scale SciFi universe, with space fish and wizards, surely having more species that are sentient wouldn't be that much of a stretch.
  9. The prices are pretty decent, I would go for it.
  10. Looks pretty decent, I rather like it.
  11. I admit, my Tajaran Miko Du'Razha has gotten into the occasional barfight and will retort with racial slurs like Ape. But I've put work into who he is and how he thinks, feels and reacts to the environment. So I hope it doesn't seem like he's Edgelord McClaws.
  12. Miko Du'Razhu: The Aggessive Drug Dealer Loveable Rogue
  13. LOGIN>Omen PASSWORD>*********************** ACCESS LEVEL>Encrypted. NET ACCESS GRANTED WELCOME
  14. LOGIN>Omen PASSWORD>*********************** ACCESS LEVEL>Encrypted. NET ACCESS GRANTED WELCOME
  15. LOGIN>Omen PASSWORD>*********************** ACCESS LEVEL>Encrypted. NET ACCESS GRANTED WELCOME
  16. http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=79&t=999 Info on Little Adhomai.
  17. Actually makes sense to have, and would help medical officers determine what's wrong when the characters an epileptic fit. +1 and not because I suggested it...
  18. The drink would be offered as a special to customers, and would be in full view on the back counter for people to see. And I don't see any issue with own branded alcohol, it would be nice to add more variety to the bar's selection.
  19. The 'add to roleplay' point is a redundant one seeing as ERT jackets, custom badges, custom bags and mp3 players don't add much in the ways of roleplay either, nor do custom cyborg skins and custom AI sprites that no one will really ever see. I suppose bringing a branded bottle of sake might cause upset, but it is a drink that is missing from the bar and is also a drink that's tied into the character's actions outside the station. If I were to humor the 'benefit to roleplay' argument, which I've already said is a redundant one, it's a part of who he is, an artisan in a provider of food, beverages and entertainment, it's what a custom police badge is to an Officer. A badge of honor, perhaps. Also, with the ability to test chemicals with almost instantaneous results, I'm pretty sure they would atleast test the bottle for he departs from shuttle.
  20. BYOND Key:Jakers457 Character name:Miko Du'Razhu Item name:Miko's Sake Bottle. Why is your character carrying said item to work?Miko enjoys bringing his personal brews from his bar to work. The bottle would be one of his selections at Messa's Bounty. Though you may ask, why is he allowed to bring booze onto the station? With that I say, he has 'sponsors' in high places within NT, and advertisement of Messa's Bounty will benefit the share holders of NT. Item function(s):It contains Sake. Probably the same amount of units as any other bottle I'd presume. Item description:A stone bottle of Sake with a Blue Moon painted on it. Item appearance:It'd be a traditional looking black Sake bottle with a Blue Moon on it. Additional comments: I made this application before, but seeing how it was denied with no comment despite how it was deemed acceptable under one condition, I'm making it again. This item will also be a 'bartender' only item, so it'd only spawn when I go bartender.
  21. Yet you immediately sympathize with them without wondering as to why they receive such criticism? Could it be that the people who complain are inherently bad roleplayers, or exhibit behavioral patterns that would result in such a judgement being doled out? Actually, they came to me a couple of weeks before making the post. At first I simply told them to ignore it, petty individuals aren't worth a penny. But it continued, not only with say, lesbian characters but with a good hand full of characters. I simply observed before throwing the gauntlet and making my views open, with the full expectation that I probably would receive flak for it and that having a lesbian character cost me some credibility. But my point, above all else, is that if you see a character that you don't particularly agree with. Either give them feedback WHEN requested by the player or keep your trap shut and get on with your own shenanigans. Pedigree of roleplay is in no way a validation, to constantly make jabs OOCly. Like I said, I knew full well of the consequences of making this post but I have a bleeding heart and I'm inclined to help those who share their grievances with me.
  22. Not entirely 1138, I've not experienced any harassment on my side of things with having a lesbian character. Could it not simply be because someone came to me about their grievances and experience, that I decided to do something about it?
  23. So after typing 'shitposting' into google for some dank image links. I saw a picture of an anthropomorphic wolf nurse showing me an upskirt. I hope you're happy now.
  24. Just a disclaimer while the thread is locked. I didn't call people who disagreed with me, bastards. I called those who chose to harass people, who had homosexual characters, in OOC to be bastards. Which I think is a fair view, harassment isn't really up there in terms of basic decency. I will also happily take the flak for having this view, because I remained adamant on curbing the harassment. Those who feel that they are being antagonized OOCly about their characters may PM me and I will endeavor to have your grievances looked into and if needed be, rectified.
  25. Cult uses magic I do believe. Though I do agree that wizard is a god awful game mode, it won't be removed unless there's a large campaign for it. As for the map design? I've barely touched the Captain's role due to how stupidly insecure it is, so there are parts I can agree with when it comes to the map but eh, it'll do for now. We've got a large map coming in the months to come so it can't hurt waiting rather than having the developers push their projects back to redo the current map. As for balancing? Well ironically there's a delicate balance to balancing, and it is vital that you get it right. I'm a big preacher on the 'nothing guaranteed' ideal, in which if you find yourself in a situation that is putting your life in danger, then you better accept that one wrong call will get you killed. But at the same time, you don't want to have massively over powered gear being used to tear up the station with very little entertainment value. So you need to find a balance between realism and enjoyable gameplay, I mean we're playing a game with space fish and magical beakers so I don't think realism should be the main priority. TLDR: Balance is key, it's just going to take some work to find the right level of fair gameplay and realism.
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