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Everything posted by SleepyWolf

  1. BYOND Key: sleepywolf Total Ban Length: permaban Banning staff member's Key: readthisnameplz Reason of Ban: [img] Reason for Appeal: As someone who's been in the community since 10+ years ago, since when I was still just a young teen, I made a lot of friends here. I also broke a lot of rules in that time! I got an early permaban when I was a completely different, undeveloped person than who I am now, and those 30+ notes I have from when I was a teen effected my permaban in 2022. I constantly get requests from friends asking me to return, and this permaban in place keeps me from being able to properly interact with the server, my friends, and the great lore people have built. Please consider unbanning me, I fondly think of all the creativity the Aurora community encouraged in me!
  2. BYOND Key: (This is your Byond login/Ckey) sleepy wolf Total Ban Length: Perma Banning staff member's Key: readthisnameplz Reason of Ban: i'm a littly zilly Reason for Appeal: I know I would constantly push the limits for self-antagging. The enjoyment of a round comes from that strife and interaction for me, and I often make adversarial characters that are easily swayed by antag interaction. I want to try again, but with a focus on keeping the characters true to actually defending their ideologies with appeals to other people - trying to get them to focus on social antagonism instead of the sometimes physical ones I would do frequently. I'm also going to be more thoughtful on restricting HOW often I toe this line - I'm not going in with the goal of straining the rules or having mods need to keep a watch on me. Conflict is the SEXIEST part of Aurora, and I want to encourage other people to join in instead of trying to be the one at the front. (I often do try to butt in and become the focus.) these thoughts hopefully give some idea of why I want to return! I have so many long time friends here and miss all of you 🙂 After half a year of roleplaying with other communities and letting other people have focus, I feel I also trained the idea of stepping back and letting other people BE the push in a RP conflict situation, so I've done some RP TRAINING MONTAGE shit.
  3. I really enjoy your additions and your modifications to the original work - you've expanded on everything that's become second nature to many Eridani players that have formed knit groups together. You really added some fantastic stuff I enjoy. ALSO your reasoning for anti-IPC bias in Dreg communities is a lot more interesting than what I feel most players expect - just full support. The idea of IPCs replacing jobs never came to mind for me since I was focused on the transhumanism aspect instead of the labour aspect - that's fantastic. The immigrant dreg topic is also very interesting - and I feel worth it. Corporate doesn't WANT to not use these dregs for their labor, so it makes sense they might ignore it if the dreg doesn't cause issues. Giving CCIA some power there feels right, and gives a fear of upper management on non-citizens. having multiple names for a single planet is the opposite of the current devs intentions i think - I'd stick to one with maybe a note in dreg culture that says 'Dregs have a variety of names for planets and items, not just one' since they have such an individualistic culture of ... collectiveness? each community probably has their own words for specific things. probably a better way to word that. also looking at the speaking mannerisms part under Eridani Non-citzens in society, - tiny negative there. i feel like that's less cultural and more stereotypical. the loud argumentative speaking. it pushes forward one stereotype as the fact instead of a thing people do as a character. i gave plusses and minuses i hope this is comprehensible
  4. hey! i was happy to be in what i think was one of your first rounds playing on Aurora - and I've played with both Andrew and Fisher. I think ever since day one of you playing here you've been able to get this whitelist, easily. you absolutely have the roleplaying skills, and you showed immediate interest in not just Unathi but the overall lore of the server. i think you got this easily : ) also you chose probably the BEST background - Kingdoms unathi are the BEST! by the hegemon's head!
  5. Alright - thought about it and Goldman will remain in Eridani. he was enjoyable while he lasted...
  6. The Horizon has reached its destination, the Redspace drive was a success. There is nothing left to explore. Nar'sie has risen
  7. Captain Goldman was a very divisive character I played for about a year - through 2021. His actions as captain were often very antagonistic to the crew - and that was seen as positive and negative to many players involved in his escapades. The last I said of Goldman was: 'Goldman IC'ly will be transferred back to Eridani where his style of work is encouraged and admired - on a level of administration that's less exposed. He won't be played in game.' CCIA was moderately involved in this decision but I can't access the chat logs since Lancer's old discord account was hacked and deleted. (i think Lancer was involved) I want to bring him back and play him - not as Captain, but as a representative for Nanotrasen or the S.C.C. Someone who doesn't have command of the crew, but is a suggestive antagonistic force to the Captain. I believe this disconnection from actual commanding duties will let most players who do want to obey his command do so, and those who don't agree be able to deny it. I would like feedback on this idea from those who would or wouldn't like to see Goldman; I'm not DEAD SET on bringing him back, and with the feedback I'd also like CCIA's opinion. I do miss playing Goldman, and I think he has a bit to bring to the Horizon's setting. thanks
  8. there's a new model somewhere i saw that moved the freezer to the mid-deck, squishing everything else in - but keeps the counter near the hallway. i also like that one.
  9. Adding alternate options to the stations lights might help ; In the Lighting Controls console, having it be like... Bright Mode Regular Mode Dimmed Mode (the one suggested here) Night Mode (whatever this would make night mode look like) and then White Lights (Regular lighting) Red Lights (For emergencies?) Green Lights (For rad storms?) Yellow Lights (For biological alerts) You could add just the SMALLEST amount of color to the lighting with each change and it'd change the mood a lot. Adding like 20 red to the lights will change the mood to be more violent. I think this suggestion is also more customizable and modifiable for future additions. @MattAtlas
  10. "You feel a single violin faintly in vibrato at the base of your skull. Your inner eye gazes to look at it for a moment, seeing someone enter the dream."
  11. Something to consider might be moving the tree up one deck, and having the holodeck on that main center ring. What if instead of walls of the holodeck, you used railings? You don't NEED windows in the sides of the holodeck, right? This also brings up the possibility of having a 2 Z-Level holodeck, with a staircase and an open level above. This would give reason to 'disable gravity' in the holodeck, to get maneuverability in that 3d space. OH, YOU COULD PUT THE TREE AS THE DEFAULT HOLODECK OPTION!
  12. absolutely. i stopped playing for a few months and then came back and played command - and i can't imagine what a year or twos time would feel like. it was such a different game with a completely different vibe and movement of crew to it. if someone remembers the game once a year they'll be fine probably.
  13. this'd be so yummy and really add a lot to roleplay, especially in helping other people roleplay drug effects..
  14. if we HAD to cut chunks out - I'd cut out Einstein Engines, Zavodskoi, Hro'zamal, Gakal'zaal, Xanu Prime, Crosk, and Gadpathur. I feel like with all of these, you could use something else we use more frequently. For Einstein and Zavodskoi, their facilities could be transfered into one new thing, or used by one of the other factions. Hro'zamal and Gakal'zaal are cool, and I think they're great, but I had to throw them on the chopping block of 'unnecessary'. Xanu Prime could DEFINITELY just be Himeo, or Himeo could just be Xanu. I feel like they're both good together as feelings. It might be that I don't know Crosk bt Crosk is Crosk, crosk? Gadpathur is a relic of something people don't even use effectively as a theme. Very tonally seperate, but...?? it is SO hard to cut stuff, but these are what immediately come to mind.
  15. i really enjoy this work and find the FBP stance shit cool. i spoke with faye about her work and brought up changing Karlsson's situation from the 2300's to somewhere closer - maybe so older characters know about him, but younger ones wouldn't. somewhere maybe 40-50 years back seems nice. maybe the turn of 2400? a nice round date.
  16. ALSO just to bring this up : I feel like I can apply the things I've learned from Goldman onto antagonistic actions on other characters. I'll still be attempting to be slightly antagonistic to a fun degree, and I've done it in the past with Goldhorn quite frequently (by having very fun drinking competitions with Goldhorn's rivals) I'm just not comfortable applying anything I learned onto GOLDMAN, because Goldman is a character rooted in the ideas behind them.
  17. I've decided to retire Goldman as a captain character, the main characters I'll be playing are Aez Goldhorn (Chief Engineer) and Aviq'Draa Qorli-Starchild (RD, Captain). I may make another character soon but they won't be antagonistic in the way Goldman was - and probably not Captain. I'm deciding to retire Goldman because I don't feel confident playing him anymore, which shows as less passion in roleplaying with him that I just don't enjoy. My other command characters: Goldhorn is a down-to-earth Unathi chief engineer that doesn't see himself as Command, but rather a representative of engineering workers (and sometimes other hard working jobs). He's an ex-Dominian privateer that fought for the Empire at first, but then found connections in the plight of the Fisundian because of his own culture being wiped out by the Hegemony on Moghes. Starchild is a very passionate old Skrell that treats everyone like their own kids. In her golden age she treated all Synthetic life as her own children, even just seeing Glorsh as a misguided child that could be led back into society through learning. Research is the main priority, and ethics is a huge topic of discussion around her. She'll question other command members about the ethics of certain actions or decisions being made - and will always seek the most long-term happy solution. Goldman IC'ly will be transferred back to Eridani where his style of work is encouraged and admired - on a level of administration that's less exposed. He won't be played in game.
  18. when you live as long as i have....... the first few times i applied were in 2015 and 2016, i didn't get accepted for some of them im pretty sure, i don't think they matter because i dont remember. the most recent time i lost my whitelist was when i went SSD as civilian and engineering roles twice and i was temp-banned for 3 days. i appealed the ban since they were at the ends of rounds in deadhour and it was removed, but my whitelist removal stayed since it's procedure.
  19. [b]BYOND key:[/b] sleepywolf [b]Character names:[/b] [b]How long have you been playing on Aurora?:[/b] 7-8 years now?? [b]Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?[/b] Yes, a permaban and a few temps like 5 years ago, and then nothing for a long time. [b]Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.[/b] [b]What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:[/b] I feel it can be both antagonizing your staff below you to drive a story a bit, or pushing them to work their best. Heads of staff don't have to be amazingly charismatic people that work well with everyone and know everyones issues and how to solve social situations, sometimes they can just be there to drive a story - antagonize people with paperwork and orders, organizing them into groups but being too stubborn to change the groups when someone says 'I just don't like this guy', because they want them to 'Find a way to work together' - because that would be a better narrative! I have characters that are both ways, the 'Just work, you punks' and the 'Fuck, okay, I'll fix that with you guys by diagnosing the issue and fixing it slowly and diplomatically.' [b]What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:[/b] To be role models, sort of? Whitelisted players are usually the most recognizable characters since they're communicating to every member in the department, and have to communicate with other department heads as well. Whitelisted players should also keep their toxicity levels to a Minimum most of the time, uphold the standards of roleplay on the server, and realize that rules are meant to be followed, because if someone sees a whitelisted player break rules constantly they feel they can do the same. [b]Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career?[/b] The phoron shortage and expansion of Tau Ceti's space after the Solarian Collapse has had corporate working hard to scrounge up all the resources they can. Even though the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate is 'technically' united, the infighting between the Corporations has never been so active. Battles aren't won with battleships and warriors - but with corporate grants and skilled administration. This is where Goldman has excelled in understanding the war going on. The value of Money and Fame are what help give the perceptions of Corporate dominance - and specifically, Nanotrasen's dominance as the leader of the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate's expansion in this ever tedious galaxy. [b]What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted?[/b] Captain, Chief Engineer, Queen of Corpses consular. [b]Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles?[/b] yes [b]Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.:[/b] Kobi Goldman - Captain Aez Goldhorn - Chief Engineer Ta'Akaix'Scar'pia Zo'ra - Consular Aviq'Draa Qorli-Starchild - Captain/Research Director [b]Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?[/b] i do . . 😢 [b]Extra notes:[/b]
  20. I played my cargo character once in deadhour - the first time in months, and did not cryo as the only one in supply and got the first warning that round. This is the message I got on discord. Ten days later, I join as my janitor - the first time in months. I spend an hour and a half in round talking in the bar, roleplaying the whole time. I cleaned shit! I was the ONLY janitor, it was deadhour with 6 people on station, all of them in the bar. I get distracted alt+tabbed and then eventually just close the game, casually. I get banned. These are the ONLY two moments I did not cryo or ahelp I was leaving in the past few months. I usually do cryo - and I don't make it a frequent thing! I play the rounds I join, except when there is literally nothing going on. I do not feel this is at all worth losing my command whitelist. I am appealing FOR that - because that should be an option for how to appeal it. You can CLEARLY see this has nothing related to bad command play - I do not want to lose my whitelist for TWO silly deadhour rounds that Prate happened to catch both times of. I play this game to have fun and roleplay, not have to type on these forums every day. I have already stated I've learned whatever from that ban, I've not been told my command play is terrible, I was told to appeal here to get my whitelist returned without having to reapply. Thank you.
  21. BYOND Key: sleepy wolf Staff BYOND Key: Pratepresidenten Game ID: 🤷‍♀️ Reason for complaint: Lost command whitelist for unrelated ban - appealing to return it without having to reapply. Evidence/logs/etc: Additional remarks: The ban was unrelated to command whitelist, extremely temporary, and appealed/accepted. None of the times I left the game were as command. Thank you.
  22. BYOND Key: sleepy wolf Total Ban Length: 3 days Banning staff member's Key: Pratepresidenten Reason of Ban: Reason for Appeal: Every time this has happened, the round has been 2/3rds complete, I've been in non-vital roles (Cargo tech, Janitor), And it's in Dead Deadhour where there's not even anyone else in the roles or, even in the department. I'll ahelp right before every time now, since yeah, I Should. I get WHY the rule is in place, and understand why I was tempbanned for not ahelping. It just feels like I shouldn't have to at times, because there's like, 20 minutes left in the round and it just feels useless but I get it.
  23. already I feel like Royale is a very good character for command : I'm sure you can find ways to engage a lot of people and learn very quickly how to help create an enjoyable round as Command while still having fun yourself. +1
  24. I currently don't like how the Captain's Office is in terms of its kinda - thematic feeling to it. In this current state it feels like it's bending the Captain to be a service to the crew instead of the Captain being the one that commands everyone. I think you should change the Captain's office to really focus on holding the Captain higher in status, not just on the same level as the HoP. I'd say make the main desk more centered, and have the office be symmetrical with itself, not with the HoP's. ALSO if you're looking for ideas on what to do with the emergency docks : You can add another level at the bottom of the station, in space. An observation deck with emergency docking, the scout shuttle, maybe put the command bar there with a little garden - one thing you'd have to do is map in a shield generator just to keep that space-viewing level safe.
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