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Everything posted by SleepyWolf

  1. Item name: Platinum Membership Banking Chip Item function(s): An implanted membership card to an exclusive bank. Activating the chip in hand will say, *Platinum Chip* states eloquently, "Welcome, Platinum Member and Esteemed Colleague. Please retrieve your funds at the nearest Trade Hub. Please ensure you keep this Platinum Membership Chip in you at all times, unless for emergency anonymous withdraws. Have a nice day, and stay with Lazarus Banking for all your private and personal purchases." Item description: A Platinum Membership Chip with Lazarus Banking, a subsidiary of Idris Banking that focuses completely on private and anonymous banking. Membership with Lazarus is exclusive, and Membership Chips are the only way to authenticate. The chip is usually implanted near the heart in an EMP proof slot for security purposes. There is a small button on the chip. Why is your character bringing this item to work?: After working in the Corporate Sector of Eridani for most of his life, Goldman was invited to pay a large investment price on an exclusive Platinum Membership with the new (at the time) Lazarus Banking that offers a private set of funds separate from all other accounts. Similar to people buying into Crypto scams today, Goldman loves the 'brand new!!' and 'exclusive!!' idea of a banking chip that is completely private, anonymous and installed directly into his body. How did your character obtain this item: Story above. What value does this item have to your character, and what story does it tell?: A HEFTY amount of credits that connects to the private Membership Account. This shows Goldman's ideals of listening to 'new' and 'innovative' ideas in the field - which I've done a lot in trying to get people to sell their ideas to Goldman at group and private meetings. Sprites: The chip. Additional Comments:
  2. thinkin about this. i'm thinking just having the platinum membership be a platinum membership for the bank account, something there's only a few of. i'll rewrite the lore for the membership chip and post again with the update.
  3. I believe there is no such thing as being too passionate, and being too active. With how much Cael can easily fit into multiple roles, I think there's room for a lot of potential. Telling someone to dull out feels like the wrong approach to this. Also the ability to plan is what I feel Cael has really in their field - that combined with the ability to communicate pretty well is what makes Cael good for the role.
  4. the intent for Goldman's emergency funds is for him to be 1000% selfish about using it - he won't use it when he can use corporate funds. these are his private funds for private ventures and self-safety, which is definitely not going to be used all the time, if at all by him. it's mostly there to show what kind of person he is. something to be used as leverage in roleplay. the 100,000 credits is i think the amount in a station department account, and i found it to just be aesthetically pleasing since it's nice and rounded out. it's the amount that's in one station departmental account, and 5x what's in the Captain's private account usually, so i felt it made sense as a savings number, since 40k is probably the base annual income of a mid-level or upper level worker? and Goldman's worked with money his whole life, he's nearly 50 - honestly really old for his career - it feels right he'd have 100,000 credits in savings. also i would definitely prefer it to be able to be installed into an account - the intent is that it's special money already, because it's untraced and can be redeemed anywhere. so giving the option to put it in an account would be an interesting reward for antags that steal it, just so they know it's not fake and can transfer it into tangible credit chips if they wanna roll around in cash. tell me what ya think @ShesTrying
  5. Byond key: Sleepy Wolf Discord key: sleepy wolf#6669 (nice, right?) Character Name: Kobi Goldman Item name: Moneymaker Cybernetic Eye Overlay Item function(s): An implant in the head for Goldman that allows him to scan any items from afar with a price scanner, and determine its value on the markets. It also activates a light overlay (similar to borgs) on his eyes, making them golden when the scanner is active. Item description: An advanced golden holographic overlay chip installed into prosthetic eyes. Manufactured by Zeng-Hu for Idris Businessmen in the Eridani Corporate sector, this specific chip is engraved with a signature, and small note. "For the man who sees my true value. With Love, Renae." Why is your character bringing this item to work?: It has use - material value. It's a piece of Eridani technology, which is so heavily depended on. Also, Goldman used to be in sales and marketing! How did your character obtain this item: Connections to the Corporate Sector, as well as a little fling with a Zeng-Hu nano-engineer. What value does this item have to your character, and what story does it tell?: I'd say about 10,000c, but that's what the eye overlay is telling me. It's painfully obvious what motivates Goldman. He's a simple man, and loves simple little gadgets and tools. Sprites: The overlay and the chip to be activated. Additional Comments: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Item name: Platinum Membership Banking Chip Item function(s): An implanted membership card to an exclusive bank. Activating the chip in hand will say, *Platinum Chip* states eloquently, "Welcome, Platinum Member and Esteemed Colleague. Please retrieve your funds at the nearest Trade Hub. Please ensure you keep this Platinum Membership Chip in you at all times, unless for emergency anonymous withdraws. Have a nice day, and stay with Lazarus Banking for all your private and personal purchases." Item description: A Platinum Membership Chip with Lazarus Banking, a subsidiary of Idris Banking that focuses completely on private and anonymous banking. Membership with Lazarus is exclusive, and Membership Chips are the only way to authenticate. The chip is usually implanted near the heart in an EMP proof slot for security purposes. There is a small button on the chip. Why is your character bringing this item to work?: After working in the Corporate Sector of Eridani for most of his life, Goldman was invited to pay a large investment price on an exclusive Platinum Membership with the new (at the time) Lazarus Banking that offers a private set of funds separate from all other accounts. Similar to people buying into Crypto scams today, Goldman loves the 'brand new!!' and 'exclusive!!' idea of a banking chip that is completely private, anonymous and installed directly into his body. How did your character obtain this item: Story above. What value does this item have to your character, and what story does it tell?: A HEFTY amount of credits that connects to the private Membership Account. This shows Goldman's ideals of listening to 'new' and 'innovative' ideas in the field - which I've done a lot in trying to get people to sell their ideas to Goldman at group and private meetings. Sprites: The chip. Additional Comments: goldman_custom.dmi
  6. did some fantastic CE projector lecture shit that was icly boring but oocly so fun to see
  7. so far i've enjoyed them as their consular. they fit very well and i know have cool corporate vibes. totally rocks in RP. +1 from me based on the times ive met or watched the consular
  8. i find this very interesting. a vaurca that fits so well into the corporate life because of how the hives KINDA work like corporations? Really says a lot about our SOCIETY. anyways i know you're a great roleplayer and know you've seen and read plenty of vaurca lore, you totally have it in the bag. +1 drink some toothpaste
  9. this is where i share my art when i remembeer to use the forums to start with... take THIS piece of work that's half complete and filled with learning curves and impatience
  10. @Aboshedab a security officer arrived somewhere in the chaos and i gave him the pinpointer, told him to find the disk.
  11. I have to agree -- instead replace them with something that does less damage but is more useful... EX: Bola Rounds that go around the ankles maybe? Default tracking rounds - Temperature changing rounds, (hot or cold) Stuff Like That would be really cool, and better.
  12. bonus addition: Goldman caught the burglar, remained on the blob-infested station with his diamond shiny golem. AND got the disk back!
  13. hi to give my own context, as the player of Goldman, there are a few key things there was no security until the final 30 minutes of the round. the burglar had robbed Goldman right in front of him, then aimed a weapon at him and skedaddled away. it was a 6 hour round, and not only that, it was Code Green the whole time - with crew voting to continue with a 1/5 or 1/3 split every time there was a vote. and a small ooc note: i did not know blobs grew infinitely, so when i told engineering to just seal it off, i was thinking i knew they could. this is my first time in a year or two on the actual named Captain role, but not my first time AS ccaptain at all. i play interim captain constantly on my other Gold boy, Cap'n (C.E.) Goldhorn. SO. with that small bit of context. I will just run through what Goldman and I did. Captain Goldman spent the first 2 hours doing nothing except small RP with 5 crew - literally all there was for that time. delegating crew around to fix, check, or build things. then, Kane the Roboticist finds a Diamond Golem, and we talk about it in the captains office. Goldman wants it destroyed for its Diamond material, which in roleplay Goldman sees as the finest and largest diamonds he's ever seen. the diamond golem SPECIFICALLY asked to see the captain as its master, so Kane brought it in. Goldman delegates Kane to 'harvest' the thing, and he begins the plan to do it begrudgingly. To prep the labs, Goldman goes to science - and is held at gunpoint by a burglar stealing gold! There's tension, they talk for a second, tiny insults are given, he jumps away. This gives an excuse for the Golem to NOT be harvested for its materials. Because there is NO security, this makes perfect sense for the moment, and even the burglar heard about the plans for it to be executed for materials. Goldman begrudgingly takes the golem, named "Statue", to be given a stunbaton and a shield - because, yes, it needs a weapon to catch a criminal. There was NO blob yet, at least it wasn't on Goldman's radar. Goldman goes to try to make an announcement, raise the code - and the network that runs all the computers is down. Goldman deputizes the only person he thinks is capable of fixing it, Phuan Van Dao the 'librarian' (tech support) - to get into the telecomms area and fix it. Dao and her diona stay in there for however long, I did forget them there because there was a Mutiny at some point. ANYWAYS. Continuing, the situation with the blob starts and gets worse, an Engineer dies at some point, Goldman just tells engineering to block off the blob with walls to stop it from expanding. Goldman largely ignores the blob because engineering is SUPPOSED to be on it, in his mind, they can handle it. He goes back to the bridge with Diamond Bodyguard and sees Chauncey dead. Dao the Tech Support has turned on the network so Goldman makes an announcement and raises to blue. With Chauncey dead, Goldman keeps the spare ID in a locker and the auth disk on him - but leaves the auth disk in a secure briefcase that he sets down for a moment. When he comes back at most 3 minutes later, it's missing. This is a HUGE reason why the shuttle isn't called. To Goldman, now the Burglar has the BIGGEST thing he needs to keep safe, and he's not going to be the captain that lost that disk. So for the COMPANY and for SELFISH, IC reasons, Goldman does NOT call the shuttle. (Whole time, everyone keeps voting to continue the round) After that, the HoP that arrives JUST THEN calls the shuttle, with the agreement of the CMO. Goldman sees it as mutiny, because they are refusing to accept that there is something bigger than them at risk here - or they are accepting it, and risking it for their crew. OKAY I also want to add : Goldman is there to show how absolutely 'Good' aligned the other crew are. Goldman is Lawful Evil - Corporate first, greater good first, Crew be damned. Obviously I wasn't throwing away lives, I was just trying to be a driving captain that has loftier goals than JUST caring about the crew. We're a CORPORATE CONGLOMERATE. I also want you to know none of this is supposed to be aggressively worded, it's just me writing in the style of how Goldman thinks, which is controlling and demanding. Some people were ICly not told specific information because of how vital things are: for example, the Authorization Disk that was lost. This is because it's the Auth Disk and shouldn't have gotten lost in the first place. OK, I don't know why i always end up writing on this FUCKING forum as i'm nearing hour 20-24 of a day. it's like it calls to me ONLY at these times. wild.
  14. an absolutely mutiny-inducing blob
  15. I definitely recommend digging a LITTLE more into the extremer side for the Eternal, if you're interested. It's vibrant and clear and benevolent in its hunger, and to have something that's so hungry be treated in a holy way can be very intriguing. Ofc I am an avid encourager of the more extremist roleplay groups that encourage their own uniqueness compared to other people on station, so this CAN be thrown out as an outlier suggestion. also i am so tired while writing this, it might show. i've liked your roleplay you've done with your characters and have interacted w/ your nymphs once or twice! you're also nice ? so I think you can def do it regardless of whatever i muttered out here
  16. BYOND key: Sleepy Wolf Discord name/id: sleepy wolf#6669 Borg / AI names: Akino = Glitchy sounding processor-heavy Station Autopilot that recites the Trasen & Corp Deep Space Survival Procedure And Protocol Manual Asimo = Giant trash can fat Wall-E that's not even the same machine it originally was. All replaced parts. Have you read the Aurora wiki page about the AI?: Yes Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: because i enjoy playing my AI with processing issues, and like to RP AI consciousness based on processing power allocation and subsystems and all that. Akino gets stressed, but in the literal 'station framework stress' or a simulation overstimulation way. I play my AI as another character on station that manually interacts with machines and airlocks just like station characters do, but with all the stress of being in control of a whole station. It also opens up tons of roleplay for roboticists who want to act like psychs, but in a logical way where they just say 'Try recalibrating this subroutine to that one...' yadda yadda, it's super cool how some roboticists have reacted. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? I have quite a few from over two years ago when I was a little devil, ranging in severity but never with malicious intent. Literally years ago tho. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? pog yes
  17. https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Unathi#Societal_Gender_Expectations https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Unathi#Marriage these too
  18. https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Unathi_Honor Today, I bring upon you from our Lore Kitchen on a silver platter, the Honor Page Facelift. Served with a healthy Consistency Wine, with a dappling of Narrative Cohesiveness and Theming, our fantastic lore chef @jade-2562 has brought this full meat platter of Honor Meat. it tastes FANTASTIC in my brain. come have a sip, lords and ladies.
  19. i was the golem, and i promised some sort of "secrets" the time spent damaging the station was a brute force way to gather these materials - bluespace crystal dust, the hand teleporter, and several other 'anomalous' items that i was going to combine into a weird 'bluespace anomaly' thing that would end in my death, hopefully leaving behind some Scientific Anomaly the admins might have spawned if i prayed and asked enough for it. i believe Osteen was hoping for that end goal - but i was also being VERY vague about EVERYTHING, and he did try and personally tell the golem to 'chill the fuck out' (he didnt say it that way but same idea.) i also subscribe to the belief that research directors can be SCIENTISTS FIRST, and 'security' second. we should allow a level of variety in how RD's can handle their departments, and the station. he was a lone command member who mostly functions as a form of teacher for the people in the research team, and i think his flaw in allowing the specimen to run amok is very interesting and endearing! especially for roleplay. ANYWAYS, he just has a different style of command, and it's endearing and fun. he was forced to solve problems that shouldn't BE his problems in that round because he was asked to.
  20. Sorry this took so long, I enjoy your application! Structuring it like this shows how Kele kinda views their life in chunks, and how life is so different in each part of it. You've also shown what the character is like, some of their ideals, and a ton of work that shows you've thought of their viewpoint and can roleplay it. Accepted! I hope you enjoy playing unathi, and create plenty of interesting stories.
  21. Hizoni Razi has been added to the notable unathi page, and the whole page in general has been slightly reformatted. https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Notable_Unathi#Hizoni_Razi.2C_Izweski_Spymaster
  22. Very interesting and shows an understanding of valued aspects we strive to push forward in Unathi. Accepted
  23. I really like all these responses, and so you deserve to play Unathi! Everyone else asked so many good questions and you gave so many good answers. I'm pretty surprised how fast it occurred. Accepted! It should be up and ready for you by next round.
  24. Hi! After mulling it over for a while I've decided to accept you as deputy! I really think as a team the three of us in lizards plus the rest of the lore team could do a pretty good job writing good lore, and know from seeing you around that you have a passion for the community and it's fun writing stuff. ?
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