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Everything posted by Goret

  1. Alright, I looked over everything and took some time for myself to think about everything. From what I see, you are clearly in the wrong. You might think that what you haven't said wasn't insulting or anything, but This seem pretty rude from my point of view. ShesTrying is a volunteer. We all are in the staff team.They took of their own time to speak to you about something, and you immediately jumped at their throat. That is the attitude that you should have calmed down, and this is why you got banned. So I checked your warnings and notes, and found that it is not the only time we spoke to you about this. And this is why I wonder this: Should I just escalate to a permanent ban? Because you did said that you learnt from your mistakes but apparently you didn't. We are not your dogs. Respect goes both ways. If they are respectful, I don't see why you shouldn't be. Now, I will let you answer this. Do not forget that admitting your mistakes only can go in your way. I will deliver my final words based on what you say.
  2. Nienna is a great person and deserve their command whitelist. They are always friendly when I speak with them and have really good characters to interact with. I have nothing to say about their roleplay and I'm pretty sure they'd make a great addition. They are already an excellent staff member that add alot to the server life with the lore they provide as a synth developper, and I never heard any problems related to them. As the boy above me, I'll +1 this! PS: YES, finally an Idris liaison. I want my ISU yelled on.
  3. Locking and archieving.
  4. Sherman is a really good roleplayer and he contributed in giving back my will to play. This is the first time I post on a whitelist application, but he deserve it. else i might have resigned About the character itself, I find it interesting to have the Njarir back. I haven't seen much these days, and I kind of miss the political tensions we used to have, sometimes. I like the character, and I want to play with it. You have my +1
  5. Event is over, and after alot of struggling, we reached the end. I fucked up alot on my side, and I'm quite scared if people actually did like it or not. It was really hectic on my side, and I handled more than 50 ahelps in 2 hours. I had to ghost, move around, give things to people, and as my first event I got really spooked. This is why I want people that participated in the event to give feedback on the event itself, OR the gamemode for it to be improved n the future. Thank you in advance!
  6. Hello, I'll be taking this complaint. Give me some time so I can go through the logs and the unban request.
  7. I always thought it was dumb for the last way of escaping of the main level was on the other side of the station. If the main elevators are out, the crew need to be able to get to the surface easily. That is why I think it would be neat if we moved it here: This way, it'll allow us to move up and directly end up directly here:
  8. Canon: Non-canon Event Type: Cortical Borer Event Scale: Large Assigned Admin: Goret OOC Event Description: The station is working at its maximal productivity, but something is wrong and some people are acting weirdly. Who knows about it: The crewmembers of the NSS Aurora noticed that some people acted weirdly. Although, nobody knows why. Host/participants: Goret - Host Kyres - Participant Borya - Participant Notes: This is a test event to try out how of a mess the borer is. Also my first event so don't bully. And prepare for unforseen consequences.
  9. They are cute! Although Akinyi will always scare me. Always.
  10. Hello! @DRagO and I will take this complaint. Give us some time to go through the complaint and get logs from the rounds you gave out. Please be civil and do not post if you are not involved.
  11. Hey! Little information, HRP mean High Roleplay, not hardcore. Also, the admin that banned you retired quite some time ago now, so I'm going to take this. I am willing to give you another chance as you seem motivated enough. Two years is enough for someone to change and I trust you on that. I've removed the ban, and you should be able to connect. Contact me over Discord with the ID Goret#1468 if you have difficulties to join. Enjoy your stay!
  12. Locking and archiving.
  13. I'm going to bump once more. I honestly think we get unconscious too easily, and that cuts alot of RP. Imagine dying and you can't even say goodbye to your friend next to you. Blacking out shouldn't be that common. You don't black out every two seconds, if you go unconscious, you'll remain like this for hours or days or until your death. For me, you should only black out when you are on huge oxygen loss. In space, you'll black out a few seconds after your body was exposed to the vacuum because of the lack of oxygen reserve in the bloodstream. For me that should be one of the only cases where you go unconscious. Tl;dr, I think that'd be a nice feature. I also support the paralyzed part to avoid a "HELP SEC MAINT" situation.
  14. I am locking and archiving this topic as the ruling has been reworked by @Alberyk here:
  15. Oh boy. Here we go. Its in spoiler because its too big~
  16. You are authorized to keep the name Caesar, as long as it doesn't go with something really TOO known and popular. I'll unban now that you understand. Appeal accepted.
  17. I feel like you're drifting away from the main subject. My problem was the combination of Caesar AND Shrondinger. The use of the latter seems not very common at all, but I would have no objection to it being used, like Caesar. I just want you to understand the problem and accept it, then I'll unban you and you'll be allowed to play again.
  18. Hello. For clarification, the reason of the ban isn't only the one you mentioned: You already have been banned recently for the same offense, aka, a "reference" name. Given the fact that you accumulated the notes and the warning that happened not even two days ago about a disconnection after killing yourself, I decided to escalate to a permanent ban. Now, as it was a potential internet problem, I'll give you the benefice of doubt. But I'll ask you to stop the names like this, and have a more believable one. You can't just take two really known individuals, and merge them to make "Caesar Von Schrondinger". Tl;dr, I'll unban you. Only thing I ask is to change the name, and please contact a staff member on discord if your internet dies, so we can sort that out. Alrighty?
  19. There's nothing more wrong than vomitting on the floor. Its an instinct to vomit to your local toilets/everythingthathasasink. Its too much of a pain to scrub the floor.
  20. Locking and archiving.
  21. I modified your formatting so it can be more readable for the staff who is going to handle it. Be careful next time please.
  22. Alright, after a few days of thoughts we took the decision to give a warn to both of you. Resi, you clearly could have prevented this by simply blocking Burger, ignoring him, and not trying to start fights. In the discord screenshot you took, you are clearly the one who tried to start it, not Burger. Burger, your problem was to respond to the "agression" directly, and doing justice yourself. You should have brought up the issue to a staff member when it happened, and not letting it sink to bring it up again later. Alberyk and I think this complaint is resolved. We will close it and archive it in 24 hours.
  23. Hello. jpowell59 is no longer part of the staff team, and I'm willing to give you another chance by lifting this ban. Remember to read the rules, and ask any questions either on the discord or by ahelping.
  24. Hello. @Alberyk and I are going to take this complaint. Give us some time so that we can gather informations, check the round ID that was provided, and go through your posts. Reminder that we would prefer if you keep your posts short and concise.
  25. comic sans ms gang
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