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Everything posted by Itanimulli

  1. The heavier the frame, the longer it takes to recalibrate/recover from the stun? Perhaps something along the lines of how borgs cut out when flashed? Overloaded systems and the like.
  2. High contrast is a must. It's space. You don't blend in in space; that's a really bad idea.
  3. If the robotic limbs are still affected, won't emps still have, more or less, the same ability to mess up someone's life? @kyres1
  4. Reworking nanopaste seems a little too far and would skew the actual preformance of this rework imo. There are many times where some dingbat throws an emp and gets a collateral and literally can't do crap because there's only one bench to repair people on. If nanopaste gets borked I see no reason for IPCs not to be able to self-repair, especially when there are more ways to give them a bad day.... especially if getting emp'd still puts them in a permanent state of always falling over.
  5. You....act like the only place people play g2s is sec. Wow. Anything that is SLOW is banned from sec. It's that simple. G2s were already in a contentious spot when it came to even QUALIFYING for sec and already couldn't be HoS because they were just that: too slow. There are things that exist outside of sec and mining. Edit: Also, most problematic? The most problematic, by far, were baselines. You can literally just walk away from a G2, or push it over with the insufferable disarm meta.
  6. Sorry what? Explain. If anything ipcs were just 'humans without organs'. This makes them into actual machines. Machines have parts. Comlicated machines have complicated parts. Ipcs are complicated machines.
  7. Yes yes yes yes! Kinda salty about not being able to play a sec G2, but screw it, it's time for change. Hell, it incentivizes me to play them in a job that isn't about being a walking meatsheild. The lack of sprint also gives me something to think about; my entire gameplay loop for a sec G2 in the first place was about how to sprint "most efficiently." Hopefully they get door-prying too. Follow me comrades, I will help you to the surface. I'm stoked for IPCs to be something other than metal humans for once, with mechanics that reflect them as they are intended to exist, not just the same thing with slightly different modifiers. I would, however, like to inquire about the "ability to customize your head sprite." It goes without saying that this has caught my attention. How does this work? Will there be any additional form of specialization as far as this amazing reworke is concerned?
  8. Abusing fact for a narrative is beginning to get old. The AMR is barely used, and when it is, it's a major player. And It rightly should be, because all your TC goes right on down the drain. It gets really old, really fast, when you buy a big-ticket item and it gets nerfed because one person decides to raise a fuss about it. You want a zero rp weapon removed? Go advocate for viscerators getting a removal/rework before this. I don't think we've had a single instance of ganking from this weapon, either.
  9. I have seen literally one merc round in which the AMR was used to any effective degree, and that was last round. If anything, it's ultra HRP that mercs would bring such a useful tool onto the station. Like, come on, NT is known to have mechs. It's no dumber than half of the weapons science puts out, neither is it any less of a thing to deal with than something likes, say, the back-mounted gattling. People want antags to have a chance against security, but try to take away the big guns? Nah, go gimp some other antag. -1.
  10. I want actual rotation maps, something that changes up how things work. Some positions and things, but different map flow and secrets and stuff. I suppose the idea of a this map is okay, but not one that is in rotation. Event maps, yes, but. I'd want a different station for an actual station map.
  11. Hey wait this is just sekrit club
  12. Siding with what? I rarely see situations where this happens at all. Like. What setup must one make to cause this to happen? What junction of actions bring people to this apex? That's a reach if I've ever seen one. Also, the fact that group antags can steamroll sec doesn't really leave the rest of the crew in a position that's any better. Think about this. I don't know what this mentality you're going on about is product of. What, you think research will research faster than the antags can get ready? No. f anything, research will just become the merc's gun factory. Coordinated antags can already steamroll sec if they bother to do it correctly.
  13. About damn time you did this. +1, all your characters feel in-place, even with out-of-place gimmicks.
  14. what happens during rad storms More specifically what happens to new players during rad storms who have no idea how to do anything except move
  15. Don't see a point to this. Thralls are somewhat important to a vamp late game, and the embrace is a "bittersweet gift" that causes issues as much as it doesn't. Why doesn't a player get an option to opt out of getting succ'd grabbed by a ling? Or changed by the staff of change?
  16. I was all onboard with this, initially, but uypin rereading this and realizing it's just an outright isolation of officers from one another, especially since a lot of rp is done between officers (GASP! SEC RPS TOO!?) even when there aren't antags, I don't see the reason for this to happen. Skull seems sheerly focused on breaking up the cohesion between sex simply because it is apparently too much for security to deal with??? There have been many rounds in wich a half-decent antagonist has actually used their brain for once and not just sat around spamming manhacks or openly CALLING OUT the intentions they have in terms of "I want money or so and so dies." I'm really dissappointed in the general idea that people oppose this change simply because it removes something; this change is opposed because it feels out of place and unneeded. Maybe if the station wasn't so linear and (basically) ALL ON ONE FLOOR antags wouldn't have so much a hard time. I for one seldom find issue playing antag, and a lot of people avoid it sheerly because they don't know what they're doing.
  17. I really want to see this, but as a sort of voted/event type of deal, rather than something that might show up in secret.
  18. Yes. But they can be. Faster.
  19. Please. Kyres has done more for synth lore than I can ever comprehend. So much lore, sprites, all of it. Except for allow us to play as purpose. Unforgivable. Which means he must be put down for his traitorous acts. I shall initiate stage 1 by +1-ing this application.
  20. Ironic considering they're supposed to favor low/no-light conditions, and we even have them with special gear that specifically keeps them from experiencing too much light (blinders).
  21. also climbing things faster too thanks they are big bugs let them do big bug things
  22. On further thought, I realize that there are a ton of languages with discernable accents IRL, and this would really not be feasible to do considering the thousands of dialects that might show up if humanity expands to multiple planets.
  23. This actually sounds somewhat neat. But like, are we going full on stereotype with the accents? Tradeband would be something latin (not latino, some sort of mix between Italian, French, Olde English, and Spain Spanish). I think freespeak would be....I don't know, how do growls translate into other languages?
  24. I'm all for Alb's solution on this one. The space-pests should be these new sprites; they look like something you might find in space. And no longer will they be fish given the Netflix adaptation/Michael Bay treatment.
  25. Field Commander H.S., here. Some times, the syndicate hires the wrong people. And that's when you have to cut them out. Take the mold off the bread. Take the caboose off the train. Take the icing off the cake....but the icing is banana flavored, so that's why you hated it. Regardless, it's best to get rid of those leg-broken horses before they try to run again. How to know when someone's become a loose end: 1-They Start Falling Out Of Line Typically, a syndicate agent who's lost their way will begin to do things for personal gain, without a purpose. That doesn't mean you can't go raiding vaults, armories, and vehicle depots. It means Agent McUrist has a grudge and that's literally the only reason why he's here. We can't be wasting money on that. Money is expensive. 2-Indian Giving Now we come to the best part: Traitor traitors! Ones who'd rather give up the whole mission than to face consequences! You know, the cocky guy who you just know will spill the beans and oh god why did he even get entrusted with secrets in the first place? Someone in our secret syndicate shouldn't spill secrets. That's like rule number one of fight club. We can't afford to spill secrets. Secrets are expensive. 3-Regular Incompetence Look, we get it! Not every plan goes right! Actually tough luck. You get caught, fix it, or you're a loose end. Don't be a waste of valuable telecrystals. Telecrystals are expensive. These are just a few examples of...who to take down, and when. You know them when you see them. Sleepers aren't loose ends, however; no one can really trace a sleeper agent, unless they managed to break down every mental barrier they had. Sleepers are more like abused, frayed ends. We can't afford to sever those, yet. Aglets are expensive. Be sure to report the name and reason you cut the loose end off, ASAP. The Syndicate awaits.
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