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Everything posted by Soultheif96

  1. Will be echoing the same sentiments: Medical, Engineering, and Security are the three departments I've seen that roll with a dress regulation for work related matters or quick identification. Medical is for sterility keeping yourself from moving contaminates from one patient to another or test items such as syringes filled with infected blood, so on. All the more things to go on. Engineering pretty self-explanatory but also to ensure they themselves are protected from workplace hazards such as getting tugged by a machine, dragging their limb/hair into it, the sort. Security already has a regulation in place and for good reason, despite that I rarely see them wear security ponchos, jacket, and other security related clothing for some reason. Despite all this, we already have this in place encouraged by the community in-game to wear these uniforms. If anything, science should know better when they fuck up in protecting themselves while working with slimes, xenoarcheological artifacts, deadly plants, and toxins. PPEs are there, use it when the job requires it.
  2. You were responding to a call that there are intruders on station and your Head of Security tells you to confront the intruders to ask their intentions and negotiate. It didn't turn out how you wanted and ended up with yourself being disabled either by EMP or outright termination. You sit in the dark for a time until someone recovered your broken body and removed your acting processing unit, it came out as (), which no one can identify you unless you state your name. Now, you think to yourself that this is rather inconvenient and ahelp it, the Admins changed your object form name to <Your Name>, people can now recognize you by voice with name attached to it. To the point here is, whenever your processing unit is being removed by any means, you always will come out with () as your name, which is rather immersion breaking and confusing for many people and is an ahelp away from correction apart from receiving a new chassis that comes with customization options. I am suggesting that a coder would stick your name ID to your posibrain/circuit/MMI whenever it is removed from your chassis so people still can identify you by reading the label on your processing unit or by hearing your exact voice. It would help reduce the ahelps over it and discard confusion over it in game.
  3. Saw this and thought I ping in too. I play ORION (Previous AI before upload into IPC chassis) and now A.D.A.M. 1) Always follow your laws as close as possible. No lawyering, rule breaking, nor validhunting either. This can make or break certain gimmicks. Exceptions may apply depending on the context of the laws provided by antagonists or protagonists such as conflicts. Oh yeah, AHELP IF YOU HAVE DOUBT OR ISSUES! 2) Do not validhunt, nor aid in it unless the laws require you to do so. No one is being made exception here, not even the captain for reasons being no bias nor feeding their own instant gratification. Delay as much as you reasonably can and abide by the laws in terms of what is currently going on, like what Colfer described about an antagonist with ablative armor and weapons. Do not inform anyone for the next sixty seconds of the requests made by suspicious individuals nor act on provided orders from security/command immediately. Give the antagonists some breathing room but when confrontation is necessary, then make it so (Antagonist getting away with a lot of shit and the round is being prolonged for more than 2 hours). 3) Be suggestive, not demanding. You may notice that ADAM goes by what HK-47 does in SW:KotOR in dialect: say "Observation(1): There is an armed individual in medical, whom is not authorized according to crew registration and code level protocols. Do you require further data?" If they do ask for further data, I can go into more details but not providing too much like their concise location, name, or armaments/gear. Do not provide orders but instead give requests or suggestions to crew members to prevent stupidity or ordering about. Only exception is when I am ordering my assigned units, they are after all extension of me with their own laws restricting them as well. 4) You are a tool, not an individual. This was covered well by Cnaym, Prate, and Colfer. Will leave this out. 5) Lastly, have fun. This is a game after all, have fun. You are after an omnipresent observer who can do things for the crew. Track the antags for all you care, just do not hinder their progress unless necessary provided by my own limitations. There are more limitations I have but it is down to personal opinion and methodology. I also will call out @Tailson as for he plays Harmony. I hope he would provide suggestions for y'all!
  4. I support the change from Emergency Physician to Trauma Physician as in my time as CMO, I noticed people mistaking them for first response which they are not. Chief Medical Officer Sterben’s Seal of Approval applied: +1
  5. Thank you for your great contributions in the past six years to the community. May the stars align for you, Alberyk.
  6. Basic Information Byond Account: Soultheif96 Character Name(s): Sterben, Quentin Copperfield, Ka’Akaix’Lakri K’lax, ORION, Za’Akaix’Lazgr K’lax, Za’Akaix’Maive C’thur, Jackie, Ryder Philips, Alexander Volvalaad, Flamel, etc. AI Name(s): A.D.A.M. Discord username + tag: Soultheif96#2257 Age: 21 Timezone: PST When are you on Aurora?: Around 5:00 PM to 12:00 AM Experience How long have you played SS13?: A year and a month. How long have you played on Aurora: A year and a month. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: Very well to a point I could train people on whatever subject that is not overtly complicated. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: No. Have you read through the criteria thread; https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=4198 - and believe that you mark off all the criteria?: Yes. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Once, three day period, broke the rule regarding canonicity. Personality Why do you play SS13?: I play SS13 for the enjoyment of the community, developing lore here and there, and roleplay. Why do you play on Aurora?: Purely for roleplay and enjoyment. What do moderators do?: As it says on the tin, they moderate the community, making sure they are following the rules, and enacting administrative action when it is needed. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: It means to be a role model player for the community and help out when they can. Going by the book on rules is also a desirable trait. Why do you want to be a moderator?: I was encouraged by a few moderators and other players to apply, despite my doubts, so here I am. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: Forgot this part, apologies. I am willing to step out of my way to help you enjoy the game as long as it doesn’t break the rules or draw from the round too much. I am considerate of others, and patient (though time can draw out and a whole lot can happen.) How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: I normally do not show anger, shrug off other people’s anger issues but take it into consideration. Stress is no big deal for me here due to self-control. Insults depends on the severity, I ignore many but there is a few that gets to me (Regarding personal things) Anything Else You Want to Add: I may understand that the staff team may be hesitant on placing me into a role due to my past but I have been improving lately based on talks and warnings. If anyone have anything to say, please feel free, I am open to constructive criticism or support.
  7. Type (e.g. Planet, Faction, System): Faction Describe this proposal in a single sentence (12 word maximum): A technocratic society where synthetics and organics are equals and merit-focused. How will this be reflected on-station? This would allow for a clearer idea of what you are coming from in terms of the Techno-Conglomerate and perhaps introduce new characters from there. Does this faction/etc do anything not achieved by what already exists? It currently exists as a technological society who are driven to get augments and accept IPCs. Why should this be given to lore developers rather than remain player created lore? I would like to help expand on Synthetic and Human lore so this is my contribution. Do you understand that if this is submitted, you are signing it away to the lore team, and that it's possible that it will change over time in ways that you may not forsee? Yes, I expect that. Long Description: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dEU_Xg9K9Qy_w8Vv3Zm-MFYkXHQRxkcjuQdbsDSZ2Jo (This is subject to change overtime based on feedback requesting clarification, changing, or expanding on.)
  8. Just a slight commentary here, it is also nice to give a slight touch on their location origin of the hive (C’thur being Jargon Federation, with a few in Epsilon Eridani), so I appreciate that. Giving Skrell a bit of a read would also be appreciated since Vollic would have been around them more than Humans prior to arrival in Tau Ceti. Other concerns were addressed so I believe you will do great.
  9. A request for a pull from Baystation12 to here regarding a stasis container to prevent dangerous artifacts from endangering the xenoarcheologists/anomalists in the lab. Xenoarchs can stop artifacts like “Brain damage” from harming others sealing it into a container designed to uphold it into a form of stasis. This would be lore friendly and mechanic friendly considering that we are preserving the artifacts and helps with transport for clean up crew.
  10. I would encourage it being worked on lore wise and I would not mind working on the Vox. Geeves was also working on the Vox but then it just stopped, not sure what happened there. I would encourage it being removed from merchant until someone takes up the mantle to work on Vox lore to make them a viable species to play as a merchant, raider, and so on.
  11. The issue with that is it increases the need to ask science or cargo for these items and forces further reliance on those two when they could easily print off from their own limited fabricator, taking just a few seconds instead of five minutes of asking, walking, and collecting the requested items. More so when you pay for these items from cargo in bulk.
  12. Suggested Addition: I suggest we add a wall-mounted fabricator to allow creation of the following items: Pill bottles, Autoinjectors, and Autoinhalers. Along with that, five sheets of plastic nearby. Given value of one material sheet is 2000 material points, so we have 10000 material points in total. A pill bottle would take 500 plastic. An autoinjector would take 1500 plastic points. An autoinhaler would take 1000 autoinhaler. We would be able to have twenty pill bottles, six autoinjectors, and ten autoinhalers at roundstart with the dispenser. Currently, we have fourteen pill bottles, seven autoinjectors, seven autoinhalers right now. This will require a sprite and borrowing a bit of autolathe code if someone is able to pick this up. Reason we need this change: As of now, pill bottles, autoinjectors, and autoinhalers are difficult to obtain apart from current supply and requires speaking with cargo to collect, costing about 2000 cR a box of autoinjectors. This is a lot on the medical's budget and with BrainMed being merged, the autoinjectors will rise in use given that adrenaline, epinephrine, and inaprovaline are life-saving medicine that is best used in a quick span jab to resuscitate a patient. Normally we would go through a whole box (7 autoinjectors) on one medicine, which is great, but we don't have enough for more than two types of life-saving medicines. Additionally, we have pill bottles, we burn through them like candy when we get patients with prescriptions or when we fill out our own list (Normally 2x Iron, 1x Copper, 1x Hyronalin, 1x Ryetalyn, and 1x Ipecac.) Pros and Cons: Pros: With these added, we can create at least two sets of autoinjector of medicine and address additional medical requests or prescriptions if need be in a reasonable time. We can also purchase one stack of plastic, giving us 100000 plastic, which will practically last the whole round, if not way more. Cons: Autoinjectors are absurdly powerful since it pierces through even hardsuit armor, so poisons like cyanide would be abused at ease due to easily fabricated autoinjectors. Autoinhalers are rarely used apart from dexalin plus.
  13. I am also interested in Unathi influenced Dionae and the background seals the deal for me. Every interaction with them has been stellar, so this receives my support. My concern is the name not fitting in with current name system (Too many characters). +1
  14. I am Ka’Akaix’Lakri K’lax, Queenborn of Leto brood, Xenoarcheologist, Vox Historian, and Phoron Researcher. Here are my public documentation limited to approved personnel. I would appreciate commentary to better understand these findings and perhaps further improve on the discoveries. Link to logbook: <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M2IG2u40cgBqkQcEjhC1vWvWUEsMBr_wz-kkTS-2MvY/edit?usp=sharing> Praise be Queen Leto of K’lax Hive, praise be Sedantis.
  15. I would appreciate adding what Marlon suggested to make scouts able to do missions outside away missions.
  16. A rework would be needed if we are to imitate the bacta tanks/biogel tanks. The chemical reagents will better off remain as is, but if you wish the patient to be awake, consider that they won’t talk, move well, nor hear you well, since it is muffled from the liquid in the tank. As for breathing masks, there should be an option to place it inside the cryogenic cells to allow us to place the patient in, click the option to put it on, then activate the cell. These are my two cents.
  17. CCIA Staff Application Basic Information Byond key: Character names: Sterben, ORION, Ka'Akaix'Piouz Zo'ra, Quintin Copperfield, Alexander Volvalaad, Ryder Philips, Jackie, Flamel, Ansiba Loghiez, etc. Age: 21 Timezone: GMT-5, soon to be GMT-8 What times are you most available?: Around 6:00 PM to 12:00 AM Experience Former CCIA Agent, been one since March, till September. How long have you played SS13?: A year. How long have you played on Aurora?: A year. How active on the forums, discord and/or server are you? Active on server and discord, forums are for reading and occasional commentary. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Once, three-day bay. Dispute with a few people regarding canon manslaughter of an Idris Banker, leading to me expunging the crime due to my disagreement on how it ended. Action was reversed and the ban was placed. Have you ever volunteered as moderation staff for any other servers, SS13 or otherwise?: No, I have not. Do you have any other experience that you believe would be relevant to a position in the CCIA?: Due to being command-main, I have the experience of managing the staff and giving out punishments for their actions on times, half of them being Ahelps given OOC rule breaks. I also have experience in faxes on both ends, making announcements on both ends, and of course, been on the interview table on both ends. Personality Why do you want to join the CCIA?: I want to rejoin CCIA as I believe have learned my lessons from my tenure and in-game, and wish to help out the team once again as I had great fun with you folks. Nothing like a good ol' sense of bureaucracy along the way too. What do you think are the most important qualities for a CCIA Agent to possess?: Before I became CCIA, I believed in performing the duty professionally and without conflict. That has changed given that it is more than just that, it is also about handling situations with understanding of both parties, being able to compromise, and duly carry out punishments for the guilty party without fault. I have seen plenty of scenarios in my tenure and some I wish I could alter my decision making a little given I may or may not have been too light or too harsh. What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is in an ongoing round?: The purpose of the CCIA Agent is to work with station command and officials who I will be faxed from regarding the situations on station and being able to drive the story without hindrance of both parties, antag and crew. There are times when someone needs to step in and make the decision for the station such as a CMO faxing about a Captain regarding their mental state and would like permission to remove them from command. What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is outside of the server?: The purpose of the CCIA Agent outside of the server is to moderate IC conflict between players and help develop character based on their actions that led to CCIA intervention. We also handle NT Policy and Standard Operating Procedures, along with a few other IC stuff like making the decision to allow Unathi be ERT. That sort of thing. How do you handle stress?: It depends on the scenario I am given that affects my stress. I work fine under pressure due to deadlines. Paperwork is just a fill and double-check to make sure it is properly filled out. Along with that, people have seen my command play and saw how I handle stress rather well consider the fact a sense of urgency on decision is important. How well do you work autonomously?: I work well autonomously without direct supervision, however, I do refer to my supervisor or other colleagues for when I need counsel or approval of the decision I plan to make. CCIABS and other CCIA staff can say the same about this. Additional Notes: If I do return, I would like to continue the project I had related to request console overhaul consider the current state of the paperwork needs some fixing. If you have any questions or feedback you wish to ask, please state so.
  18. Right. so I devised many ways to hide the Captain's Spare ID inside the Captain's Office. I will list them out from expected to least expected. Safe - Password provided to next available trustworthy staff. Briefcase - Password provided to next available trusthworthy staff, but I prefer to place the authentication disk there instead and label it "The Football" for reference point. Fax Machine - It is a click and a half away, easy to acquire the ID. Finance Machine - It is a click and a half away, but you also get to see every financial account there is in turn. Captain's Console - It is also a click and a half away, hop the table and grab, done and done. Captain's Quarter's table. - Just behind yet another door, still in view. Under the bed. - Who doesn't hide things under their beds, but now you are purposely hiding it. Wrapped by wrapper and left there. - Thanks for wrapping me my gift, sincerely, the antag. Plant - Purposely hiding it once more, but what can I say, it is right there too. Donut Box - Hiding in plain sight, no harm, no foul. Enjoy a donut too. (I am bound to do this once, given hilarity it would provide.) Turns out to be proven false. Toilet - Did you know you can lift the cistern with just a crowbar? Now you do, thanks for getting the ID wet and smelly, prick. SAT, up the ladder only. - I mean ... sinister "Authorized Personnel Only" screams to me, "Check me out!" Again, purposely hiding it. The first five is completely acceptable and all, I wouldn't bat an eye at you given these are rather expected places to put the ID in. The rest is ... left to be undesired or questioned. If a head of staff or two knows where the ID is, then I see no harm in any of these apart from the toilet, SAT, and plant. The Captain does not know if the station is going to be raided or the what not, what he does know is the ID must be accessible, either locked under key, or in plain sight for a head of staff to get to and take as acting captain. This is either we keep the ID in the office or move it to the bunker where every head of staff have access to and likely to acquire said ID given relative ease to get there.
  19. I am going to agree for once on this change. I would advise it being moved to the bunker interior, placed into a glass case. Only the command personnel and stationbounds know of this place. It would allow at least a lot more effort to get the Spare ID, and if you do acquire it, you earned it. Additionally with that, remove cameras from the bunker as a whole (Entrance included) it would reduce the amount of “I can see in here, oh, someone is attempting to get the ID, time to bolt this door.” as an AI. It would allow the Captain to worry about one less thing and not have on their mind into it 24/7 till it is either stolen or worse.
  20. I have to agree that yes, the station crew seem to force the antagonists into doing something they rather not be doing given the circumstance of "I want the antags to die," like a peacewiz for one, someoen always seem to be there to get them stir crazy and it develops into a game of cat and mouse. I would like to see less people try for "I want to secure my valids," and more of "I want to protect myself and others from them when threatened." The natural response would be to pick up a self-defense weapon and hunker down in your department, not "I NEED TO KILL THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE EVIL!"
  21. I would like to say that I had the pleasure of seeing their Ta Consular Officer and it was a great experience, made them a Wizard Vaurca. It was hilariously fun. Other than that, I like to believe that Rooster has the aptitude to be among command staff given their experience and ability to rein in security when they falter during antag rounds. Other than that, they are a great roleplayer and it is a pleasure interacting with them. On the related note, as former CCIA, I would also echo Resi's sentiments, we don't like dealing with announcement confirmations for the exact reason unless it is absolutely bizarre, so please refrain from faxing them for such reasons and go along with the gimmick. +1
  22. Thank you for providing questions that I can at least answer to explain my thought process: For Copperfield, I do run to the bunker when the situation is dire such as my life is threatened, crew is being killed off, command is being breached and I happen to be there, mostly out of self-preservation and the continuation of command. I can do a lot within the bunker, just with less face to face talk and more radio talk to guide security and the crew. I am expected to run the station and stay in contact with NTCC Odin to ensure nominal operations, getting killed or be held hostage is not the most ideal for everyone. As for the paramedic issue: I was Za'Akaix'Maive C'thur, F. Gonzales happen to be on the shift, and there was a pod survivor that landed unto NSS Aurora's asteroid. Their pod landed in the most inconvenient spots imaginable, North of the AI core, on sublevel, no access there without a jetpack and is a narrow piece of land surrounded by many holes. The pod survivor had a tank running out at 40 kPa when I arrived and I didn't bring one with me because as IPC/Vaurca, I never need the emergency box. What I do have for him is: Inaprovaline and Inaprovaline Injectors, Dexalin Inhalers, if I place him on a full bottle of inaprovaline, it would extend his life for a whole thirty minutes but with a destroyed lung, if I used dexalin, I would have to sit there and hold his hand until he dies to suffocation. In this time, I do not see how he will be rescued in a timely manner with sufficient help: Miner and another person hauling oxygen supply. That would take time and time I do not have to sustain this man's life. Ultimately, I decided to push him off the asteroid in hopes of his corpse being recoverable but then learned after the round that the air bubble is a grounded object, making it immobile. In the end, his body was made recoverable and I was charged for manslaughter. Soon after, I didn't like how I was presented with a improbable scenario that will lead to a death, so I expunged the charge of manslaughter. People didn't like that and said it was canon, you keep it, I protested as a no. Staff deemed it appropriate to temporary ban me for this ruling: All events of conflict will be considered canon unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties or spurred by a round antagonist-related action. I hope this answers the questions you had in mind. If anyone else wants to ask, please do so.
  23. N8-Toe has shown excellent understanding of lore, roleplay, and is a pleasant person to be around anywhere in-game. I would look forward to seeing them on command. +1
  24. BYOND key: Soultheif96 Character names: How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Eleven months now. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: Community encouragement and wanted to get back into the command seat. Why did you come to Aurora?: I will echo my reason again. "I came to Aurora and SS13 as a whole because I was introduced to it by UnknownMurder, along with that, I came here because I enjoy the community and the roleplay atmosphere." Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: Yes and I am familiar with the qualifications of each head role apart from Head of Security, which I do not intend to play. Have you received any administrative actions? Seven warnings, two severe, one temporary ban. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay is like a novel. The protagonist has a backstory that shows itself later on in the story though interactions with the environment/characters. Some develop it beforehand, some others do not, all it takes is time and interactions. Then there is the antagonists that affects your experience, both in positive and negative ways. One such example would be a Vaurca experiencing oppression within Security because the HoS doesn't like their species due to racial bias/experience, so they would look for ways to gain their trust or actively go toe-to-toe with them to prove a point. In short, roleplay exists to share a story with others and make the experience enjoyable in one way or another. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: My previous thoughts have not changed for OOC purpose. "The OOC purpose of a head of staff is to help other players preform their duties in-game, make sure they are following regulations and doing their jobs properly. Through this, you aim to make sure your department is functioning properly and co-exist with other departments. If one person messes up, it is your responsibility to correct their mistake and act accordingly to their wrongdoings. If the mistake is severe, it comes down to you and command to decide what punishment would be for the person who committed the mistake. Outside that, it is notable to make sure you keep a professional atmosphere while being enjoyable. It is a game after all." Though to expand on that, as Captain, there are times when you have to make a hard decision and know how it can be impactful to the round. Meanwhile, being in a role of CMO, you are there to provide oversight and experience to help others in the medical department, this can be done for other departments like Science. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: My thoughts here have also not changed even so. "The OOC responsibilities of a whitelisted player to other players is to be a role model for them, help them learn as they go on in there play. You are the mentor, there to help teach them how to do their job and well. I aim to be sincere but stern as a head of staff as no body likes a jerk for a head of staff. It is your responsibility to act as a the boss of your workplace to make sure that they are not screwing around, with exception of interacting with others in public spaces." To add on with that, I understand there are times when you can't micromanage every aspect such as Science, so you simply have to let it be until it either becomes a problem or it requires your oversight to ensure there are no mistakes to be made. Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career?: Quintin Copperfield is a Sol citizen who happens to be neutral if not accepting of synthetics. Since the SLF actions on NSS Aurora and other affiliated areas, he began to formulate the question of "Do the synthetics deserve a voice and be heard?" His answer was, "Yes, they are no different to us, if not more rational and logical than we are. I may say that they need to be watched with caution as they may develop negative sentiments towards us Humans and other species. We should be more receptive to them and allow them to a voice." He actively allows synthetics to be heard while still considering other peers opinions, as if they were equals, this caused some questions to be raised for Quintin as a Captain by others who share negative feelings about synthetics. On other notes, he is disturbed by the rise of the MLO, and will only observe what they will do and see how it goes. It reminds him of the Worker's Party back home, leaving a bad taste in his mouth as Quintin is a pro-corporate man. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? All but Head of Security. Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.: Sterben - CMO, Quintin Copperfield - Captain/HoP, ORION - CE, Flamel - RD. Ta'Akaix'Jyek Zo'ra - Consular Officer. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: 7/10, there is always room for improvement. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?: Yes. Have you familiarize yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? I am familiar with the command roles and the wiki due to constant reference to the page and experience. Extra notes: I do realize this is a copy from previous application but my views has not changed much on command. I understand that there are some feelings towards me that are negative and I wish to answer them if it means to help create an understanding between me and the community. If there were some concerns stemming from my time as Command, I wish that you express them here and I shall see it to be taken into consideration and perhaps change how I would play. I want to help create an enjoyable atmosphere for everyone as command and don't want to leave a bad impact that would sour our relationship. This also includes my OOC actions, if you wish to bring it up for question, I will see to it answered when possible.
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