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Everything posted by Soultheif96

  1. If you are familiar with the Aut'akh, you would know about the graspers that comes with them. They come in many forms, from security to medical to engineering to mining, each one are useful in their own way. This is what each one can do. Security: Stunbaton built into the hand, acts like one, has about unlimited charge at expense of your energy, only active if you grab the person. Medical: Health Analyzer built into the hand, unlimited use but you need to grab the person to analyze them. Engineering: In my opinion, the best grasper bar to none, as it comes with an interchangeable toolkit in your hand, it is great as it stands. Practically a meme for when you are arrested and thrown into the slammer. Mining: A rich man's pickaxe, just a tick away from a diamond pickaxe. It comes with a mining drill and that is it. It can mine the ground and the rock. If it acts like a drill, then it can shred regular walls like no tomorrow. - - - Now, you are wondering what I am going to suggest as a filthy medical main, out of all these graspers, am I the most concerned with the current state of the medical grasper? Yes, yes I am. It is almost useless when your PDA can act like a poor man's health analyzer as a doctor, even more so when you can grab one from the NanoMed Vendor. Here are the options I propose for the changes to the medical grasper: 1. It would have a built in hypospray and come with all the abilities of one. A reusable syringe if you will. 2. It would come in with a pre-loaded, interchangeable injector akin to what cyborgs have, carrying the following medicine: Paracetamol, Norepinephrine, Dylovene, and Tricordrazine. It will synthesize up to like 30u of each, after that, you will need to refill it on your own volition and will reject any other medicine that is not the suggested four. 3. Remain as is, but buffed to not require a grab and can change into the following: Health Analyzer, Breath Analyzer, a Penlight, and a Stethoscope. It will change out like the engineering grasper. - - - With that being said, I would encourage discussion on which of these three would better suit the medical grasper as it stands, and remember, ONLY medical Aut'akh can have it, but a new one can be obtained through robotics or a purchase from cargo for a whopping 3000 credits, and Aut'akh parts are not easy to replace. I personally believe that option one or three would benefit them greatly and step them up to the same level as an engineering grasper or mining.
  2. I would like to point out quality of life things for Borgs would be: Medical/Rescue: Replace Syringe with Hypospray, it looks odd and sets me off when I use it. Mining: A bluespace mining bag, if it is going to walk in space for a while, may as well give them the best way to store things. Engineering/Construction/Mining/Rescue: Give them a magnetic tract (Magboots) to allow them to walk without falling but with a movement penalty, to help them stop falling. Not sure what else I would think on but these would help tremendously.
  3. I would suggest spider toxin be edited to paralyze the receiver (Excluding Dionae and IPCs) upon being bit, but make it a chance (50% of getting paralyzed). Make the effect last for five minutes and slow down the heart rate of the victim to help them not get asystole. Once the brood mother gets them into a cocoon, they should burst in three minutes instantly killing the player/npc.
  4. I enjoyed the backstory and your lore connections are on point so I have no issue with giving you a fat +1
  5. I would like to say that there are some issues pretty obvious here: 1. Code Blue/Red/Yellow does not enable the security communications. If this is an April Fool's Joke, thanks for the laugh and so on, but soon after, I would like this fixed, otherwise, you will see an even steeper drop in security players. 2. Warden Office is quite hilarious for the April Fool's Joke, but in a serious manner, we need to expand it along with the brig for that it is pretty cramped as is, and the N2O tank is missing. 3. Medical Officer spawns on surface cryogenics, an oversight, and there is a chair in front of medical officer's office. 4. As for the layout, I understand the shrinking due to departmental security, but I would like it remapped to fit the privacy of the prisoners and the CSI room (You can see the autopsy room, not everyone wants to see that.) Otherwise, I am fine with the concept of depsec.
  6. I can reasonably see people who are in jobs that require knives to be utilized such as a paramedic with a patient stuck to chair with a seatbelt, they just whip it out and cut it off. A doctor would have a scissor/knife to cut clothes off to expose the effected area. A cargo tech would use a boxcutter to open up wrapped items. A miner/xenoarcheologist would use a knife for legitimate self-defense as xenofauna is dangerous. An engineer would use a utility knife to cut off rubber ends of the coil, or other engineering related reasons. A chef for obvious reasons. I can go on. I am all for adding utility knives and boot knives, though please add role restrictions, I don’t want to see a bartender carrying an eight inch knife because they feel safer that way. +1
  7. I will have to say suggestive workarounds for this, starting with robotics: As many stated, protolathe and destructive analyzer is a no-no by any circumstances as it devalues the scientists even more. Yes, the mini-game is horrible and I would say it should die in the fire. Robotics as is now should remain as is because it is perfect. Now for the breakroom, I love the idea but there is one issue, it devalues the kitchen by a great amount. If you want to make it happen, the fridge, oven, condiments, and other things need to go. What can stay is the coffee machine, soft drink dispenser, vending machines, donk pockets, glasses, and a microwave. Medical and engineering have these and I don’t see why science shouldn’t have it. Now to echo what others said, try avoiding cramping up science as is, it is like trying to work with a chef as another chef, it is cramped as hell in there.
  8. I approve as a xenoarcheologist and mining Extraordinaire. I cry when I break what I know happens to be a xenoarcheologist’s potential find. +1
  9. I would like to quote from the Aut'akh page here: Siansi Clan - "They're often seen as a more spiritual clan, as they tend to take rather minimalist bodies, or alternatively remain mostly organic. [...] and they tend to style themselves as wise sages, often using mystified terms and technical jargon unique to Siansi." "Siansi sages often preach against the growing revanchism, but their words are beginning to become less convincing to the clans who face nearly daily strikes and attacks from the outside world." And for Aut'akh as a whole - "The Aut'akh tend to claim they are melding the ancient magic with modern science." You may find it here. https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Aut'akh
  10. BYOND Key: Soulthief96 Staff BYOND Key: ParadoxSpace Game ID: b6q-av8k Reason for complaint: Verbal Warning - Told to not use the word "Alkahestry '' as an Aut'akh Sinta'Unathi. As you can see in the admin help view page (Evidence), it was seen as an anime reference and/or an old practice dating back to the 16th century. I will not lie here, I do know of these two different perspectives and it did contribute to my reference as alkahestry instead of pharmacy or even alchemy. Alkahestry is the medicinal practice of alchemy applied. Now, when we talk with Unathi characters who are from Moghes or Ourea, they may refer to it as alchemy due to how they understood it. I would, as a medicine manufacturer, call it alkahestry, the medical version. I choose to say it as I saw this may be how the Sinta would look at it. Now, yes, being an Aut'akh will be slightly different, but it doesn't make them not Sinta'Unathi and magically drop it. You don't just unlearn years of using a certain set of words because you are in Tau Ceti and using Basic, that would take time to adjust to. Now, I referenced it once. Once only and it gets an immediate action by ParadoxSpace, which I think he is targeting specific wording to use the rule of using references as a means to either apply a warning or much more severe action. I decided to call it a lore issue that can or would be cleared up by the current Unathi Loredev, Sleepy. After this incident, I asked fellow Unathi players, including Marlon/Jackboots, if they would call pharmacy/chemistry alchemy or even alkahestry, about all of them said yes, because it was accepted by the community. Either this is a misunderstanding on ParadoxSpace's behalf or he is looking past what is in the lore. Now, to the actual science I was doing. I was actually doing what Franciscus Mercurius van Helmont, a real life alchemist at the time, did and that was making glycerol and acetone out of certain chemicals I wish to not disclose. Does my character, Siansi Jul'halz know this man, read up on him? No, he doesn't, what he does know is he is practicing what alchemists before him on Moghes did. Does Siansi Jul'halz know about "anime" and FML, again, no he doesn't for reasons already stated before. Now, I am not using the Human concept of alkahestry, I am using the Sinta'Unathi's concept of it, which is a space feudal aesthetic, so calling it the either alchemy or alkahestry is in character. Evidence/logs/etc: Additional remarks: This is similar to calling out a Tajara a cultist as another Tajara and getting bwoinked over it for referring to a round type - Cult, when Raskara exists and it is a cult as perceived by non-practitioners.
  11. I would love to have IPC hacking be a thing for Traitors, Ninjas, and Mercenaries given there is so much that can happen with an IPC. I guess one way to do it is to force down the IPC, pry open their head, and swipe the emag card on it to hack them and make you their sole master and obey you. It'll be awesome if not abused or done in a LRP way.
  12. I believe this was addressed already. The safety automatically turns off upon harm intent firing. Initial fire will disable it, the next firing will shoot. This would be fine as is since it makes you think before you shoot as the click is there like “Are you absolutely sure you want to engage this person with a weapon.” before the trigger is pulled.
  13. To be honest, you would get immediate care if you came in with an injury with our current layout despite of location within the medical bay. If I had a gunshot patient, I would prefer to see them hauled straight into the ICU for obvious reasons but for convenience sake, GTR is right there at entrance and is closer to ORs. If we are doing a redesign, the ICU and GTR needs to be swapped, other than that, not important to me. It boils down to what is the most convenient for everyone.
  14. I am on edge for this decision. I enjoy the idea of altering the role to be more HRP friendly, but due to our expectations, the wizard can be corrected with an ahelp if they fall out of line into LRP category. Like Ninja, I want there to be two wizards to balance Ninja/Wizard roundtype. That is another topic. If we can get technomancers into play, that would be cool but I have a fear that security would strip them of their belongings as soon as they get their hands on them, so I dislike the limitation of the cores. Again, I am on edge for this.
  15. To heavily enforce warrants, either the captain/heads of staff demand there be a warrant on code green, failure to provide the warrant and continuing to let in unauthorized personnel should lead to action such as a demotion, suspension, or otherwise necessary. If this is not enforced properly, CCIA could make a notice/announcement stating the following: "Departmental Security Notice: Officers assigned to a department may have access to their department and conduct security operations, however, abuse of this access such as allowing other officers into the department without justifiable cause or warrant is subject to action deemed fit by heads of staff/captain under Code Green. On Code Blue or higher, all actions are authorized to ensure the safety of the station and crew. This also includes misuse of equipment within the assigned department, they may have access, but it does not mean they should use advanced equipment such as the protolathe or enter the engine room without supervision." Somewhere along these lines.
  16. I support Borya’s application to be Human Lore Maintainer for reasons already stated. He is a perfect fit for the position. My big question is, will corporate lore be expanded on? Will we see interactions between Megacorporations and governments? +1
  17. I have altered the name of the item, but you may need to edit the files to suit the needs in-game as I am not familiar with code. As for the loadout items, I like them and all, but I prefer to stick to the theme fitting to a medical setting without being completely out of place. One such labcoat with colorable options paints it in one singular color, which is distasteful and really out of place for medical, excluding basic colors like brown, black, white, so on.
  18. I am satisfied with the responses as they are in accordance to the lore and are well thought out for the character. I will provide my +1. Good luck with the rest of the app.
  19. I agree that Rykor Ozeuoi is a believable character but due to noticing that he would seek out to being a roboticist, that makes me want to ask a few questions about the character. Due to being in robotics, what drives them to work with the infernal machines and apply prosthetics to others? If the time comes, which it may not, will they perform cyborgifications? Final question, if they lose a limb or have an organ fail on them, will they consider prosthesis? Apart from these questions, I have no doubt about your role-playability as a player and adored your corporate liaisons/representatives.
  20. Byond key: Soultheif96 Discord key: Soultheif96#2257 Character Name: Optikam Ulmari Item name: Aut'akh Medical Coat Item function(s): Two item pockets for items such as stationbound bounce radio and flashlight, over clothing layer, and holds items like PDA in suit slot. Item description: A custom-made tailored coat for use in a laboratory/medical setting. Why is your character bringing this item to work?: Optikam Ulmari is bring this coat to work to show Aut'akh uniforms in a NanoTrasen workstation as a cultural display. This would likely be seen in a medical facility in Communes. How did your character obtain this item: Optikam Ulmari made a custom order to a tailor from the Siansi clan to manufacture two coats for him. One to use frequently and one for spare in case the other goes missing. What value does this item have to your character, and what story does it tell?: Optikam Ulmari looks up to a mentor of his back on Moghes in the bunker, Paradigm Optikam Juzadik, a contributor to the development of the medical graspers and the WorkSafe.Oss Implement in a medical setting. She worn a coat similar to this and Ulmari would like to recreate it. He values her for teaching him how to practice medicine when there was no formal training in the bunkers of Moghes's ice caps. Sprites: Ulmari's_Coat.dmi (Imgur file for those who wish to see without opening .dmi https://imgur.com/a/uUydgy1) Additional Comments: If you like to see some changes to the sprite, please let me know and I can make some alterations.
  21. Leudo has been an excellent player to engage with in-game in many areas. Alike others that have shared their piece, they have a firm grasp on lore in many areas to a point I feel confident they can handle consulship in many species and representations. Additionally, they take realism into their work as shown in Xenoarcheology to which I loved and picked up on due to their methodology. Other than that, fantastic RPer, +1 in my book.
  22. I would like to recall this suggested change and encourage implementation into the lore. This is of course subjected to changes decided by the lore team but would be appreciated as the current state of economics and finances is a bit on the poor side. Not even a doctor could live in a decent house with comfortable living standards and that says something in the future that is Aurora.
  23. I can't remember all I've said but it is along those lines. I have been warning you before I made my decision to restrain you.
  24. Right. One thing to point out before we get into the details, this was created during the round where it can be handled by a staff member. Now, to the actual complaint from my perspective: Nina Thompson calls me over on radio - "Ulmari, OR2 now please, patient being difficult." To which what Ulmari would do, go to the OR2 to speak with the patient. When I arrived, I requested them to calm them down but was met with aggressiveness along the lines of "Fuck you, get out of my way." Clearly this patient is not being cooperative and due to not being fully informed, Ulmari does not know if they were in recovery still so he provides single warning, "Please cooperate with us or I will be forced to restrain you." Met again with hostility, not having this in an OR out of all places, so Ulmari does what is necessary, restrain him and push him out into the hallway. All of medical seem to have arrived and crowded the hallway out to the main. Mind you, I have been using disarm and grab intent to not harm the patient and put them into a jointlock. In all this, you have injured me but with no avail due to my nature as an Aut'akh, yes I may feel pain, but it is irrelevant as I have metal literally covering my body. In all this, I have been limiting myself, attempting to cool heads, but you never once stopped being hostile. As for your requests of the following: General anesthesia, you are asking for N2O, which was pre-surgery bed update main used anesthesia. If you want painkillers, say it then and there and we could have done it, but remember, it is borderline malpractice to perform a live surgery unless there is absolutely no alternative.
  25. I am not a mod nor admin, but someone who have brought up biochemist as a job aboard the Aurora. It would be similar to what I have suggested but one thing to note is biochemist capable of performing chemical synthesizing like the pharmacist, but would be lacking in providing input regarding prescriptions. They can explain it, but not in full details like a pharmacist would. The pharmacist takes priority in providing prescriptions while biochemist takes priority in synthesizing a viral cure. Hope this answers the question.
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