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Everything posted by Karhast

  1. Reporting Personnel: Zakaal Vo Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Engineer Game ID: The round prior to cq3-aehw Personnel Involved: Offender: Quy Ha Phan - Investigator Witnesses: Zakaal Vo - Engineer Tajrrhraz Sha'relrr - Engineer Secondary witnesses: Aliya Shi - Warden Time of Incident: (If unable to provide, leave blank) Real Time: (23:00 GMT (ish) 29/11/2023) Location of Incident: Brig, interrogation room Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [ ] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [x] - Misconduct [ ] - Other _____ Overview of the Incident: At some point, the deck three substation that feeds the cafe was left disabled on output, causing a power outage once APC units ran dry. How this happened is unclear - Tajrrhraz comments that he is sure he enabled the output while configuring RCON. Once the issue was noticed, engineer Tajrrhraz Sha'relrr checked the IDScan and bolts wires on the kitchen airlock. I voiced over radio that I thought it may be a cut wire causing the problem - I did not see a cut wire at any point, this was only a suspicion. Ultimately, Tajrrhraz Sha'relrr noticed that the substation output was disabled, and resolved the problem by reenabling the output on the substation in person. Along with him, I had physically entered the substation to review it as well. No cut wire was found, both of us corroborated that it was just the output being off that caused any issues. After the technical issues were resolved, investigator Quy Ha Phan asked me to let her review the substation, which I promptly did. She observed traces of my and Tajrrhaz's presence. She later interrogated first Tajrrhaz, and then myself. After my interrogation was done, Quy Ha Phan opted to conclude that I vandalised the substation either by means of disrupting the internals of the SMES unit, or by vandalising subgrid cabling. A sabotage charge was threatened at one point, but ultimately I was only charged with vandalism. At no point was actual damage to the substation or subgrid observed, and both Tajrrhaz and myself concur that none evidently took place. The idea that any vandalism or damage to the subgrid occured came, apparently, from my own prior communication that he suspected the damage was due to a cable being cut. Traces of both engineers entering the chamber were observed, but only I was charged. Nothing beyond circumstancial evidence was found for this charge, and the chain of events leading to it shows a reckless impetuousness from the presiding investigator at the time. I would like to close by stating that being brigged for doing my actual job in good faith is very bad for morale indeed. I want to do well, and that will be tough with the threat of legal action looming overhead because of it. Submitted Evidence: The investigator herself recorded her interrogation with me, blessedly, and I would be glad to hear that again. Would you like to be personally interviewed?: [x ] - Yes [ ] - No Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: No. We did not have a CE, the Warden (Aliya Shi) assured me there was no appeal process. When later I was told to write an IR I realised that was a bit wrong, but we were on the cusp of a change in shift anyhow. Actions taken: I spoke to Tajrrhaz and the AI over engineering communications once I was freed. The shift promptly ended, so there was no time to do more, regrettably
  2. Yes, I did ahelp all the things, and the ruling was that security did things just fine. I wouldn't be posting here if I didn't think that this is just policy by now.
  3. Your experience is extremely different from mine, to say the very least. I have never, ever, not once, at all, seen security catch trouble from the administration for taking the AI at its absolute word. Half of the time they don't even bother following up with forensics, they simply believe the AI and then the valids flow on ever more. I'd like for you to be right, but as best I can tell, nobody seems to care if an officer or HoS blindly follows the AI's word.
  4. My buddy, you were literally talking on security comms and telling people to bring the ion rifle, at which point it solidly becomes your decision instead of some officer lugging it along. There was absolutely a hostage, since a guy with broken ribs being two tiles away from a mech with a mounted laser cannon is on the same level as that same person having to deal with a revolver being trained at them. If you were literally there to escape, you had a means of doing so by.. Walking away, instead of approaching the man. That you chose to bring a prisoner along, that you told your people to bring the ion rifle, that you stalled for time, that you did not engage with the IPC raider at all, and that you're trying to pass off the blame to your officers gives me the sense that you're being rather disingenuous here.
  5. Another example of a round where negotiations weren't even attempted is round b86-cWOq Within the round proper, we were a team of raiders intending to pose as command members sent to the station. This fell through pretty much immediately, as antag gimmicks are wont to do, and a bunch of chaos ensued. Fair. The events proper happened quite far into the end of the round: my raider, Jake Lenkins, had been very heavily wounded. Another raider, Crunk, had been cuffed by security. Opposite to this was a heavily wounded member of security whose name I don't recall, collapsing from broken ribs/laser fire. The final remaining raider, an IPC, offered security a very firm deal: hand over the raiders, take your man, no more people die. Said IPC had a mech and fired a laser out a window as a warning shot before; he did not have a history of needlessly antagonising security; he did not go back on anything. Even so, and even after the officer was let go, security comms was awash with the sounds for IONS, RIGHT NOW and the like. It's a valid play to go back on your word, I guess, and it may not even break the rules, but I'm not going to bother trying to negotiate with anyone unless I have to, for the foreseeable future.
  6. I was the skeleton in that scene, and you will thank both Lordnesh and I for emphatically not killing anyone but the Kataphracts out to kill him. This includes an elevator trip with an IPC and us entering the shuttle to check for hostiles. Killing people for the hell of it would've been exceedingly easy, so I can assure you that some restraint was indeed there.
  7. All that needed saying has been said. +1
  8. If you refuse to convert, you're going to die either way. It's really up to whether it's by the sword, a rune, or a soul shard then.
  9. What server are you people playing on that cult ever does well? That it actually gets recruits just about ever?
  10. I guess we're also removing the entire gamemode that is borer and nerfing vampire into the ground then. Edit: nobody uses the sacrifice rune, my guy. Literally nobody. It is a non-concern.
  11. Most culties don't really have the time or inclination to watch people stubbornly die of burn over the course of ten minutes because death is slow. Most culties would be happy if they could recruit a whopping three people total also, but that's not currently happening either.
  13. Do you genuinely have such large issues dealing with cult? Like, really? Truthfully? It is not an antag that can do anything about being shot at range. In either event, cult being strong in melee seems part of the design. If targeting hands remains viable, you can down them with two dumb baton hits. I'd rather melee is something cultists are good at, and that they get gloves to reflect this.
  14. Yeah, I can see why them being insulated might be too good. I do still think cult gloves ought to exist in general.
  15. Yeah, this seems sensible for sure.
  16. If cult robes were as strong as you imply, they'd be a lot harder to deal with than just needing to target hands and call it a day. If the admins decide making them shockproof is too strong, so be it, but they still ought to exist for sheer reasons of armor.
  17. As it says in the title, really. Forging runes/talismans spawn boots, robes, hoods, a sword, but nothing to protect the hands. A shocked door or someone targeting hands can take a cultist down really quickly, and it'd be nice if the hands slot were protected as well when you don your stuff.
  18. If you genuinely think it's okay to take books away from people as long as you've seen them before, I guess I have nothing else to say. Okay then.
  19. > huge weakness > human levels of damage I mean...
  20. Could we get a buff on cult's EMP array? The runes and talismans both? They have ranges of 2 and 1 currently, which is laughably low. Ballistics will still remain something cultists can't do anything against, but at least it'd mean that lasers are less of a win button than they are today.
  21. Ions are what? IPCs are immune to most atmospheric threats, don't feel pain, don't have stamina, and their nominal weakness of 'limbs pop off really quickly' goes away the moment they don any armor at all. They have a literal one weakness remaining; please don't make IPCs' current strength any worse by nerfing what remains their one weakness.
  22. I recommend you try it again sometime sooner, then. There's been fellow headrevs who were admins before nothing that there seems to have been a bit of a culture shift in the server; recruiting people genuinely is a bit of a chore.
  23. I did announce pay cuts, and it didn't work. I'm asking this genuinely - have you ever tried being a headrev?
  24. I spoke with some people over deadchat yesterday, and someone whose name I don't remember brought up the following idea. I found it quite a good one: Make it so the gamemode can't be revolution unless people have it enabled in their prefs. Revolution is a gamemode much more reliant on a good gimmick than most, and if you can't think of anything, everyone suffers for it. Normal traitors or other antagonists don't suffer from this as much, so it might be a good plan to make a change such as this.
  25. That's just sad, man. I'm sorry you had to deal with that kind of thing
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