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Everything posted by Killerhurtz

  1. Extending deadline to Tuesday. Get visible!
  2. Killerhurtz

    Mice Babies

    I completely disagree with the notion for a simple reason: mob spam. I KNOW that there will be some dumb fucks that, upon realizing this, will drop massive amounts of food at a discreet location (like the docks near arrival), manage to die, and respawn as a mouse to spam the station with baby mice causing lag. And then there's the fact that even for mice who don't participate in the breeding, they'll be eliminated just like we eliminate spiders/lizards/mice who breed in areas and are announced.
  3. Title. Basically, I've recently discovered Xenobotany for myself, and there is NOTHING I've found to be as infuriating that I couldn't open the control panel of the farmbots I literally just constructed because I'm not a hydroponicist. Robotics (and by extension, Research Director) should have the rights to open the panel of all robots on the station, as all except Beepsky COME from that lab. Additionally, having the xenobiologist title have access to the farmbot would be a nice touch (since baycode considers them the same as xenobotany). Robotics can perform maintenance on Ripleys, Oddysseus', Gygaxes and Durands all alike. Why are lowly bots, who are far less dangerous, locking them out?
  4. Title: SHAMASH-type weapon and accessories Submitter: Sharps-Maxim Military Initiatives Type of submitter (company, sub-company, independent designer, corporation, institute): Sub-Company Submitter information and dealings (list): Front-facing company in charge of producing and selling designs from Einstein Engines' Kalashnikov Laboratory Division, itself a sub-company which deals in research of technology most useful for military use. Headquarters located within the Sol system, currently on Luna Technology licenses are available for reproduction Currently outfits security equipment for the police force of Oran, Isis' capital Name(s) of design(s) being submitted (list): SHAMASH system NERGAL module SIN implant ISHTAR focus array NABU expansion TIAMAT computer Description(s) and history of research: Codename SHAMASH: Security Heterochromatic Assault Machine, Advanced Series H Type: Ranged laser combat weapon Specs: A modular weapon, the SHAMASH is designed with four main objectives: to have a weapon WHERE, WHEN, WHAT and HOW units want it. It's function is actually very simple - because more powerful laser diodes are expensive and energy hungry, several (three on the SHAMASH; extendable in rails of 4) weaker laser diodes work together, focused by a constantly-dynamic array of lenses to produce anything from a small, automatic pistol to a laser rifle so powerful it will ignite steel. You heard us - not melt. Ignite*. Disclaimer: Sharps-Maxim Military Initiatives does not guarantee actual field performance to match claimed specs. Phenomenon was observed, once, in a laboratory test of the device and is in no way or form representative of the actual product. Results may vary. Please consult your optics specialist for more details. -WHERE: It's basic form-factor is a pistol - however the NERGAL system allows to easily transport extra systems and a method to mount them on the weapon, making for an extremely portable weapon. -WHEN: New to the SHAMASH, a new type of teranium-alloy power cell gives the weapon extended life, no matter what configuration it finds itself on. And instead of these pesky integrated power cells, they are small and handy enough to be swapped in and out - just like a ballistic weapon! -WHAT: As mentioned, the basic SHAMASH weapon is a pistol. However, for field operations - the NERGAL system allows for theoretically infinite expansion of the weapon - to an SMG format, to a rifle-sized weapon, to beyond. No more choosing! -HOW: In addition to this, the SHAMASH system is designed to be used with inter-exchangeable modules, such as laser emitters of various frequencies and different focus lens arrays (including corundum and magnetic lenses). Because there is no better weapon, for a situation, than a weapon built for the situation. The SHAMASH itself features high customization potential - with a means for the soldiers to easily program which emitters fire when, and saving up to three configurations - so that if they need to, their machinegun can easily transition to a high-power rifle. CODENAME NERGAL: Natural Extension Rail, General Attachment Latch An essential companion to the SHAMASH, the NERGAL system is a simple, recursive frame that attaches either directly to the SHAMASH or to another NERGAL. The "rear" of the frame is equipped to attach any compatible stock, and the frame itself is capable of supporting up to four laser diodes and one automated focus array. So that you can construct your own rainbow of death*. Disclaimer: Sharps-Maxim Military Initiatives does not in any way condone the usage of different types of laser diodes and/or polychromatic laser diodes without the use of an ISHTAR device. Performing such an action may have secondary effects, including but not limited to: Lack of accuracy. Higher battery drain. Accelerated wear of focus array. Damage and/or destruction of weapon. Injuries and/or death. Caution is advised. Sharps-Maxim Military Initiatives is not liable for any damage caused by the aforementioned mis-use of it's products. CODENAME SIN: Standard Interface, Neural We know. Aiming is hard. Iron-sights can only do so much, and sensor suites are expensive. This is why Sharps-Maxim Military Initiatives present the SIN implant. Implanted in the same location as any other implant, it tracks the motion of the eye and sends target data to the SHAMASH, allowing it to perform adjustements of the focus to guarantee* that the weapon will hit. A deluxe model, with helmet included, adds a visual feedback layer that is precise enough to allow shooting without even aiming**! Disclaimer: Sharps-Maxim Military Initiatives does not guarantee a hit on-target when using the SIN interface. The SHAMASH system has a maximal adjustment of three degrees from the end of the barrel, and so minimal accuracy is needed to shoot. Disclaimer: Sharps-Maxim Military Initiatives does not guarantee that shooting from the hip with the SIN Deluxe kit will deliver any results useful to military, and is strongly discouraged. CODENAME ISHTAR: Isochromatic Specialized Hafnium Trans-Amorphic Resonator Array The ISHTAR is the pinnacle of focus technology. Glass melts. Corundum may evaporate. Diamond is not optically ideal. Magnetic fields take away power from the shot. The ISHTAR answers all of this. Using high-accuracy hafnium elements, the laser of your diodes can be focused to the required specifications with no concerns for heat, optics quirks or power requirements. Furthermore, it completely ignores the frequency - by carefully calibrating itself, it synchronizes the light from any diode - which means that any color is now equivalent, and that different wavelengths can be resonated in a way to maximize transfer of energy at the target. CODENAME NABU: N-Gon Advanced Ballistics Upgrade The simplest module, the NABU module is a module that can be inserted instead of the primary laser diode (which is aligned with the axis of fire, and at the base at the weapon). Extending it with it's barrels (which replace the focus arrays), it allows firing existing .38 ballistic cartridges with it, boosting it's power as it ablates part of the bullet with the laser diodes, reaching speeds that can penetrate any thickness of armor*. Disclaimer: While Sharps-Maxim Military Initiatives can attest to NABU increasing bullet speeds by up to 120%, it does not attest in any way to any increase in penetrative power or in any capability of damaging armor in any way different than a normal .38 cartridge fired from the relevant barrel length would. CODENAME TIAMAT: Triple-Interface Advanced Module - Augmented Tracking A most valuable tool, the TIAMAT computer is an addon to the SHAMASH which comes with a sensor suite and a computer that synchronizes with the SIN in order to tag-and-track enemies even when not directly invisible, in order to give a firing solution to your men as soon as physically possible. History Starting with the XLWP (eXperimental Laser Weapon Prototype), a laser pistol designed to be built from the ground up, research was done into how to simplify the customization procedure without compromise for the potential. And so, after three years, the Advanced Series A saw the day. A clunky device, however - it saw several iterations, each one fixing minor issues with the product until the Series H came about - at which point the product was considered ready for the market, with a brand new power cell composition to bolster it's already impressive capabilities. The NERGAL was designed shortly thereafter, due the the glad disappointment that the basic design did not entice attention enough for other companies to design a bigger-format weapon of the same type. Later on, due to unrelated research projects, the SIN, ISHTAR, NABU and TIAMAT were added to the repertoire with the blessings of the Kalashnikov Laboratory Division.
  5. “A god’s main purpose is to create. Art creates. Therefore we, as humans, can fairly be considered gods. The question is - what kind of god are we? The one that beckons from above, or the one that reaches up from the abyss?” Vakarism’s pillars are simple. Self-improvement, creation, innovation. Practitioners of the belief are expected to apply them at every turn - as they associate them with the divine nature of creation. The specific explanations of each component will be explained in detail, but can be summed up as follows: Improvement means being able to do more - which means being closer to the beatitude of absolute possibility. Creation means contributing to this universe - and thus leaving a permanent mark in the fabric of existence, even if insignificant. And innovation means allowing new things to exist - and so, in a sense, innovation is the source of all creation. Self-improvement The means. Self-improvement drives creation by allowing one to create more things, gives them the tools to bring innovation. It can be as simple as learning new skills. Practicing is often claimed to be one of the methodologies - as with training comes better creation. The physical is just as valuable as the cerebral - and bodybuilding is a popular activity. However, some… more extremist sects, most often found in the underbelly of society, put value in actively changing their bodies and minds through surgery, narcotics and cybernetics, though a lot of vakarites frown upon it as an insincere path to follow, as it is improvement without effort. Creation The end. What, according to believers, gives a god - or anything else, for that matter - divinity. Creation is the act of adding to the collective pool - whether it is small, such as an idea to discuss or an interpretation to someone else’s creations, to immense, with new machineries and other such creations that shape and change the very fabric of the society that created it. Generally speaking, people who follow these beliefs do not differentiate creation according to morality - a piece of pain is just as valuable as a piece of pleasure. However, an absolute sin (the only sin, as a matter of fact) is deconstruction, where one’s actions actively undo another’s actions, resulting in a null sum - it is seen as actively attacking one’s divinity and rights to the universe. And so, while healthy competition is seen as profitable, cooperation and assistance is seen as beautiful, while pride, arrogance, scorn and noncooperation are traits that are seen as unwanted, rejected. A very common sect, Universal Vakarism, praises and accepts among their rank any species capable of creation - while most groups limit themselves to humans. Due to the very practical nature of natural sciences, it is considered an art, and is a very approved profession. The nature of creation does not matter either. The deepest act of debauchery is as valuable as the greatest act of charity, if one can learn from it. Innovation The method. While creation deals with adding to the pool, innovation is defined as expanding the pool. A 20th century commentator, Cyril Edwin Mitchinson Joad, had put it clearly; the height of originality is skill in concealing origins. And so, creation while creation deals with existing material, innovation is invaluable in that it creates origins - it actively adds to what can be added, cross-referenced and compounded. In this sense, theoretical sciences are the pinnacle of the pillar, as is psychology and philosophy. Origin The movement started in the mid-2200’s. Modern historians, analyzing patterns in humanity’s progresses - from the basic tools and drawings of the primitive man, to the strange graffiti and societies of history, to the eight revolutions of the 19th, 20th and 21st century (the telegraph, telephone, the heat-based engine, the rocket, computing, massive-scale telecommunications (which was, then, called the Internet), the turbine and FTL-technology). And what they saw was consistent: when Man created and innovated, society ascended to a superior level. When Man clung to past ideas and refused new creations, it regressed. And so, by extrapolating, it was obvious that there was a point where the feat of legends of old would be within Man’s hand, should he keep progressing. The universe seemed to belong to those who contributed to it. It took credence through many groups - from the proud and arrogant who wanted to feel superior, to those who simply agreed to the statement, to those who wanted to use it for their own agenda. It’s popularity saw the biggest increase in lifestyle coaches, who saw it’s position as a great way to improve one’s life easily, and in corporate recruiters who saw that, in most cases, this paradigm formed the base for excellent employees. Mostly due to the latter, the belief eventually spread to it’s current status, being toted as the best way to live one’s life. It’s name was widely adopted due to a 2352 editorial on the subject - as the group had no universal name by then, the writer referred to a lithuanian mythological figure, Vakariné.
  6. Very good. I'll be back somewhere this weekend. In the meanwhile, post a link to this app in OOC (once per round) to get reviews and feedback. Ta-ta!
  7. Hello hello! Nice app you have. But I have two questions: One, the way you described the self-defense and crew defense protocol worries me. We have a term we call "combat mode" for that sort of things - for IPCs that basically have a switch to try and play hero. How exactly will this protocol be enacted? Two, RAVIOLI RAVIOLI GIVE ME THE PASSWORDI
  8. OK SO. Sierra didn't go too far off the map. But if Androids would be implemented, I would adapt the lore as follow (time and Boots permitting, it's a rough draft) IPC> Integrated Positronic Chassis, as always. Except that as I THINK I mentioned, positronic is a nickname for a general self-contained computer. So IPCs would boil down to "this chassis was built around the computer". IPCs would be, pretty much, the laptops of synthetic crewmembers - they are built and designed for a specific purpose, and as such have very little thought put into them for aesthetics (hence the monitorhead). Ideally, if possible (if not already the case), their brains could not be removed surgically. And maybe they could not be, or have a different procedure to, be implemented in another body. Robot> A lawed IPC, essentially. Built for a specific purpose with the brain integrated into the machine, and it's lawed. Cyborg> A lawed machine that holds an organic brain, just like right now. If unlawed, see Android B) Android> A) A completely synthetic autosapient being, with a synthetic body and a synthetic brain, regardless of whether it is lawed or not (lawed ones are, simply, referred to as "lawed androids"). B) An unlawed body driven by the organic brain of an autosapient species. (Autosapience is defined as a species which has a concept of "I" and self-awareness, along with the concept of attaching experiences/sensations to specific things - like "pain of a headache" and "heat of the sun". Currently encompasses humans, tajara, unathi, skrell and Vox, at least in playable characters, as arguably some other animals would also considered autosentient - although, obviously, a Vox android would not be allowed on-station. Dionae are not autosentient as they are a collective species that too frequently exchanges data and so cannot be widely recognized as having the concept of "I", while Vaurca are a hivemind that inhibits that development.). The general concensus of an android is in 3 components: 1) The brain is a component of the body, and as such it can be transferred out with little to no repercussion, like it can replace an arm or a leg. 2) It is autosapient, and not designed for a specific purpose - it was made to be part of society. 3) As it has autosapience, it also has an identity. Makes sense? Because right now it's a big pet peeve of mine that IPCs designate all unlawed synthetic bodies regardless of anything. Shells sort of made it a bit better by having some people switch to just calling them shells, but yeah.
  9. Okay, mini-rant incoming. Yes, IPCs are android. However IPCs specifically refer to the monitorhead mob. Furthermore, lore-wise, having androids be androids would both open up a whole new realm and make things simpler. No longer will any synthetic at all be called IPCs. I won't go into too much detail as a lot of the simplification will be mechanics-dependant, but yeah, there it is.
  10. Just my 5 cents: GIVE ME ANDROIDS. IPCs can stay I guess. I wouldn't mind. I just want these sexy, sexy androids.
  11. Re-classifying thing, I approved it in the past (I think). Closing and archiving.
  12. The time has come. I see no reason to withhold this whitelist from you, so enjoy. Application might take a little to come in due to changes.
  13. Killerhurtz

    Writing Contest

    Boka, I've been busy. Expect... 3? 4? posts from me by Friday.
  14. Plus it would follow the current lore quite nicely, so I approve.
  15. Sounds good. I'll be back on Thursday, April 7th. You may post, once per round, a link to this application to get reviews/feedback. Ta-ta!
  16. Hello Hello! Now, your application itself seems all fine and good, but I have questions. One, that synthetic ban. Did you successfully get it lifted? Can I get a link to this appeal? Two, Taco has a point. What purpose, exactly, would having dual personalities have that give an advantage over giving both personalities the skills and traits? Three, RAVIOLI RAVIOLI GIVE ME THE PASSWORDI
  17. OMG NEBULA I MISS YOU we should totally schedule one day where both of us take a day off from responsibilities and go on the Aurora to RP for ol' times sake.
  18. Not a lore suggestion. Moved to appropriate sub-forum.
  19. +1 all hail the skrell domination (seriously though Loow is awesome and would be a great mod)
  20. Hello hello! Personally I find that people having an important role in OTHER's servers lore can be a bit problematic as things can often be quite different. HOWEVER whatever you did over there seems decent, as this character is perfectly well within the bounds of our lore, and I love the concept. I'll be back here on Wednesday, April 6th. You may post, once per round, a link to this application in order to get feedback. Ta-ta!
  21. Hello hello! As far as your app goes - it's plain and simple, I like it. I will be coming back here on Wednesday, April 6th. You may post once per round, in OOC, a link to this application to get feedback. Ta-ta!
  22. Goes without saying. Application approved, enjoy your machines, PM if anything went wrong.
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