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Everything posted by Killerhurtz

  1. Judgement has been passed. Closing and archiving as requested from overseer.
  2. +1, CAC has a special place in my heart. Fire and Glory is at least half right - this player's got glory to his name.
  3. Judgement has been passed. Closing and archiving as requested from overseer.
  4. Sums it up. This application is outstanding. PM me if the whitelist didn't get applied.
  5. Hello hello. No reason to deny it, yadda yadda, PM yadda, enjoy.
  6. Killerhurtz

    Writing Contest

    Contest's over! Posting in the owl's stead:
  7. No worries, I'll have to agree with Mofo here - it's definitely up there in the pantheon of amazing Dionaea apps. I don't even know if anyone even STARTED a lore discussion about them in their lore app, before - and that hits a soft spot because it shows, to me, that you truly care (and understand enough to joke) about the lore. So yes, approved. PM me if there's any issues. Have fun.
  8. What am I even reading this is awesome. So yes. Hello hello. First, to answer your question: an intelligence singularity is basically the step above a hivemind. More intelligences than you can fathom, all interconnected - all individuals, yet all working like a single intelligence. Anyhow. As per protocol I'll be back tomorrow to pass a judgement. Not like I have much of a judgement to pass. Ta-ta!
  9. Hello hello! I've been reading through your... ahem. Very red app. The character itself is okay - not extraordinary, but it has some foundation to it. However I feel that maybe you have a somewhat limited view of the Dionaea. Then there is that quote you chose which GREATLY irks me - especially with the combination of the two negative comments (one from an administrator no less - which confirms that you blackmailed someone and THEN goes on saying you tend to chucklefuck). You have to understand - no, you're not a moderator or anything. But your behavior as an alien species reflects against all of the species and it's lore, and thus I can't have someone whom I can't KNOW that they won't make terrible things happen. So denied for now. You are free to re-apply on May 30th. PM me if there's anything else.
  10. About the "ganking" part, I will agree that point one is not applicable as it WAS a target of opportunity - however the "drag him somewhere and leave him there just like that" part definitely happened as far as I can tell - as Hive dragged off the RD to the bar (an arguably dangerous location due to the status of the station), buckled them into a chair (still cuffed) and then proceeded to remove every single item the RD had - including headset - and throwing them out.
  11. Serious questions: How would you change the currently-established non-NT corporations? What sort of dynamics would you instate between companies? How would you make such companies relevant without assistance from a code developer? What type of NEW companies would you instate?
  12. So, from my point of view: One of the antags unleashed deadly vines from hell (it was a xenobio, vines were full of thermite and toxin). Everyone blames it on the RD because of a goatmachine incident, while the RD puts Research on lockdown to try and stop the vines from spreading (which unfortunately failed) and trying to find things that could be immune to it (making a golem and a sentient slime, which WERE immune until the golem exploded for some reason). I call a shuttle (I was a captain) and we start evacuating. The RD and two scientists (and the golem and slime) actually found a way to kill the vines and were working on freeing Departures, and they leave a now vine-free Science to proceed on until Hive arrives. Then LordRaven ahelps (even though he had access to modsay) that it was happening - that Hive's character was kidnapping the RD with an illicit crossbow because "he let his friend to die". I tell him to stop, and someone else in msay mentioned that they were certain they saw the RD being put in disposals. I took the call because I was the only one not even remotely involved at that moment. I scrolled past the chaos to get logs showing that SOMETHING was happening (I ended up unable to find the logs in the chat for the disposals, only for the cuffing and stripping, and my requests for the full logs among the admins never made it through/I left before it was completed because it was getting late), then I slap on a warning as mentioned (because I knew that I could edit/remove it at any time). When questioned about it, Hive provided no valid explanation for the kidnapping beyond "I was told the RD was at fault for the vines and it killed a friend of mine, so I'm going to leave him to die to his own creation", and no valid explanation (either metagamey or nonsensical) as to why exactly he had a powerful contraband weapon (the main "explanation" given for why he had it was that, IC, he "thought it could help against the vines" and that there was doctors with flamethrowers (saying that if THEY had improvised weapons, why not him? Completely ignoring the fact that Research were the ones who distributed them. Never did he provide a reason as to why a cargo technician had the knowledge to build such a weapon, either). And so I was led to believe that the crossbow had been made for the sole purpose of having a weapon in case the kidnapping went wrong. Later, after no one could provide logs/screenshots of anything more than an ID being flushed down the disposals, I edited the warning to reflect it, keeping the "self-antagging by kidnapping someone with an illegal weapon" part in but removing the mention of that event. I felt the warning was still entirely warranted on these grounds - everything past the kidnapping was simply additional info I was adding. Note that I still haven't seen the full logs of the event so I might be missing some more info. Edit: I re-read Hive's post, and here's what I have to say: -The two-week ban thing was NOT to shut him up. The sentence I said amounted to this: "I'm going to triple-check logs, and it's a two-week ban if you lied to staff." The logs he posted in Part 4 proves this, and as far as I know it is a rule. And I did not ban him because I have no evidence that he directly lied. -Zero harm DID come to the director (as they split into nymphs to escape at some point), and that's not what the warning is for. The warning was for the kidnapping with intent of leaving the character to harm. -The "five deaths" as mentioned were in an attempt to contain the problem. I would have done the same. The xenobio that caused the vines, as mentioned, was later poked. Otherwise I have nothing to add. Edit edit: Read Hive's second post: -I do not remember any crew applauding, and it's in the logs that you completely stripped the RD starting with the headset, if I remember.
  13. -1 from me, Baguette leaves a bad taste into my mouth and I especially don't like the fact that he explicitly stated the character has a "combat mode" as it's stated.
  14. It would actually be a little more expensive because of the Bhowmick-Mukherji Effect, which states that there is a net minimum energy needed for gravity fields - and so, assuming that a grike would be about the same weight ratio to shuttlecars as motorcycles today are to cars (about 15-20%), it would still take about 80% of a car's power production to power a gravity bike (my math gives around 574kW for a shuttlecar of about two tons, same as normal cars, while it gives 511 kW for a grike of 490 pounds - the mass of a normal sports bike - and the difference gets much smaller for touring/cruise bikes, which are a tad heavier) - which is a major contrast to the normal ratio of normal motorcycles. So it would need a similarly-powered power plant/power cell in a form factor that would fit the format of a large motorcycle (which is actually not too difficult - safety is something else though). But there's still the problem of having a car-sized engine sold, which is expensive. (The actual gravity drive is not a problem - a four-inch-thick device running along the length of the vehicle is sufficient for that)
  15. Hello hello! Sorry for missing this, had a busy weekend. I remember you well - I was also the one who had, back then, approved your IPC. Seeing as you're still reported to be quite good, I'm going to go ahead and approve this application. Enjoy!
  16. Also, just putting this out there: should the hoverpods come back, this would explain that. Personally I love the concept. I'll probably push for it to be added/add it myself. I should totally write in some Redline-like lore...
  17. I didn't know you could actually MAKE the glass now. And neither with the vending machines. I need to fully update myself to knowing newcode...
  18. I absolutely love this for even more reasons: -With an average lobby time of 5-15 minutes I think, it means there's 2-6 hours between shifts - as it should, and it also gives an easy explanation on how the clean-up crew works. -Missing a shift means missing several days - which IS legitimate grounds for concerns. It turns "Where were you last shift?" into "Holy shit are you okay? Where were you in the past three days?" -Personally, it would make me accept slightly better that rounds are short. Sure, I don't get to do as much stuff - but IC, no one but maybe some IPCs would work for four days straight. -It also allows implementing a tiredness mechanic - you would not outright sleep at work, but every hour you would need to take a 2.5 minutes powernap (in-game a 1-hour nap) to feel refreshed or your condition slowly degrades (at the point where, 2 hours in, you would get random "Falling asleep" verbs that you could fight with a verb/coffee and tea, at hour 3 without a power nap you might start to slur and be drowsy, at hour 4 if the round even gets there you start hallucinating, and if for some wonderful reason we get to hour 5 people start passing out), making dorms useful for more than the OOC "this guy left, let's see if he comes back", and make more IC sense (Poor guy fell asleep at his desk...). And if that's in, there could also be "alertness" medicine dispensed to people from chemistry (like - if there's an emergency and an engineer needs to stay away for two "days" straight fixing shit). Sleep toxin would no longer outright knock you out at low doses - it would just severely increase that counter to the pass-out. -It explains why characters get hungry every hour or two -It allows faster deployments of character lore to make sense -It allows me to have a headcanon where deadhour is the pay period at the end of the month where people go "Fuck this shit I gots money!" -Makes cloning make SO much more sense (takes an hour or two instead of literally almost instant) -Adds to the dimension of distance (cargo shuttle takes four hours to arrive; and you go home in twenty hours or so, at FTL speeds) -Makes for some interesting RP (that guy who slipped and who's been floating out in space for an hour? He's been gone for a day.) -Makes antag implications even more interesting (Dealing with changeling for DAYS) So on, so on. Plus it gives a lot of lore opportunities I'd like to explore with Boots. Overall I absolutely LOVE this idea.
  19. I completely disagree with this. As Nanako said, Mindbreaker is canonically LSD. And what advantages would these drugs bring except bring an expedient arrest to you? Not many people would buy. It doesn't bring any RP. It sounds just like "LOL DRUGS". There's a lot better places to manufacture illegal substances than at a high-security research space station.
  20. Light replacers can be fabricated in R&D though. So can RCDs, considering most scientists will hack the autolathe for science. ...So can death tracker implants. ...So can posibrains. Plasteel can be mined very VERY easily, and it's a failure of mining if they run out. Phoron can also be mined. They're all relatively easy to replace if you know what you're doing. Superior welding goggles (at least used to) be made in Research, haven't tried lately. NOW onto actually contributing: -The circuit imprinter's boards, when you deconstruct both of them (and steal the ones in tech storage). Unless you can order them from cargo (I don't think so), you just literally stole the station's capabilities to construct any more advanced machines. And THEN steal all of the other boards from the station (autolathes, drone constructors(?), the protolathe, so on) and you've pretty much removed half of the station's action capabilities. Research's stunbaton at the outpost. Security isn't too keen on replacing those, and they can't be manufactured. They're important for research. Fire axes. Steal all of them and they can't be replaced. The chaplain's items. Xenobio's / Xenobotany's biosuits (for protection). Telescience's space suit (if it comes back) Security's deployable lockdown things Security's deployable flash tower things The canisters from Toxins' Storage Any head locker Mining's drill anchors and drills Atmos' pipe dispensers Vending machines The engine's plasma windows Toxins' plasma windows Any electrochromatic windows The captain's Chain of Command (the whip) Xenobio's two original slimes The station's welder fuel tanks. All of them.
  21. No, think of it like an airport. When you don't get searched you get searched, and when you get searched you get REALLY searched like a heightened security event. Also, more minor crimes I can think of: violence against animal/animal cruelty (ESPECIALLY in Science), slander and perjury, false accusations, vandalism, tampering
  22. Closing and archiving as it has been implemented.
  23. Alrighty, time's up. It'll be a tentative yes. Enjoy, and try to keep yourself out of trouble. Ta-ta!
  24. Having played with this person in the past, I fully endorse their application. +1 I NEED TO CATCH CAC AGAIN
  25. Hello hello! Two things. First, RAVIOLI RAVIOLI GIVE ME THE PASSWORDI Second, I'll be back on Wednesday the 20th for judgement. Get some visibility by posting in OOC in-game, and try to get reviews.
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