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Everything posted by Killerhurtz

  1. Well it's Thursday. I see no real reason to withhold the whitelist. Just make sure your silliness makes sense
  2. After consideration, I'm willing to approve your app this time. Have fun!
  3. Hello hello! Simple application, I like it. I'll be back Thursday ish for review - in the meantime, please post a link to this app in the in-game OOC channel to get people to vouch for your RP capabilities. See you later!
  4. Hello hello, and sorry that I'm late! This application is a lot better. I'll be back Tuesday evening, the 16th, for a judgement. Meanwhile, I think you're already aware but just for clarity : post a link to this app once per round in OOC to get the other players to weigh in. Happy trails!
  5. I'm late! Your application is definitely one of the more interesting ones, and I want to especially thank you for having a name off the norms. Approved. Should be applied, PM Jackboot or ping me on Discord if it didn't.
  6. Hello hello! This is quite an interesting application! I will be in consideration until April 28th (Sunday). Until then, feel free to post a link to this app in the in game OOC channel in order to get people vouching for your capabilities. Have a lovely day!
  7. I'm sorry but I will have to deny this app. While you have obviously read the wiki entry, I feel that you have not *processed* it, much less understood. You focus attention on the wrong things, and I feel that you basically just rewrote parts of the wiki entry into a character. Combined with the fact that you failed to adequately explain why, exactly, a dionaea is not like playing a human, I do not feel confident that you would represent the species well. Feel free to apply again, and sorry for the large delays. Have a nice day!
  8. Yes, it is the vagueness and such. Sorry for massive delays. Since you ought to be back, we can proceed two ways from here: Either I fully close this application and you reapply in a week or so; Or I can leave it open until the 10th so you can fix things. Which one do you wish to proceed with?
  9. Yes, yes I am. And I'll be quite honest, I'm entirely on the fence here. So here's a deal. I'll leave this open until Sunday, 26th. Post a link to this app in the in game OOC asking for feedback and endorsement. If the community feels that you are a good enough player, I will grant you the whitelist. If not, I will ask you to reapply in two weeks, for you to gain a little more experience. Is that okay with you?
  10. I expected nothing less of your app, Delta. I absolutely love you. Your app is definitely up there in the amazing apps. Approved.
  11. There's three main issues I have with your app. One, very minor: why gold? Phoron is a lot more valuable. Second, that event is VERY vague indeed - a little to vague for my tastes. Could you elaborate a little? Third, you said that 'most' of your info came from the wiki page. That is indeed good - but I am curious. Did you say most just in case, or do you have any examples of another place you might have picked up information? The second point is the only one that really bothers me though. Especially when you mention that heavy roleplay is new to you. I understand keeping things a blank slate, but I want to make sure your story building skills are up to par.
  12. Personally I'd make the synthmeat cost way higher. The consciousness lace I remember seeing probably isn't a good idea seeing as it's rather close to transhumanism, something AFAIK is not planned to be touched. Other solutions would be requiring physical therapy (I think I saw this one. It makes sense - a flash-grown body that never walked will be need to learn even if the recipient was a hiker, because we don't consciously walk. Another solution (which I admit may not be a solution at all) is to treat it at-cost to NT - which basically implies that it would GENERALLY be under insurance, but paperwork has to be filed to make it happen (by the CMO) and like any abuse of the system, CMOS that don't fill it, fill it wrong or fill it fraudulently too often are demoted. Yet another "solution" is to bring back the genetics role as "Physiocloning Specialist" and ID lock it to them (the name of the title doesn't matter as much as making a specialist of the cloning - much like how science is generally locked away from xenobio) My final solution is this: along with, or instead of the synthmeat cost increase, make the machine require massive amounts of power. More than is sustainable for more than one or two people per half hour or hour let's say. That way, it works two-way: if the docs do it too much for no reason, they get yelled at by command and engineering for causing brown-outs. But if the situation is REALLY dire, the station can coordinate - cut power off from entire areas or set up a second engine to provide all the power needed to clone people. And for added risk, if the cloning lab loses power or has a brown-out because of abusing the cloner without preparation, the cloning fails - either killing the clone or spawning it with missing limbs, organs and with massive disabilities possibly. Oh, and if brain transplant still works, there's an option that will also make science happy possibly. Make the cloner a protohuman making machine that creates an identical body to the victim using a blood sample (encouraging people to visit the medbay to store a sample), and require a brain transplant (and maybe some rejuvenation in a cryo pod after defibrillation) to actually have "cloned" them. Bonus points for dodging the whole "am I me" issue, but minus points for requiring a living brain.
  13. I'm late and not an answer regardless. Denied. Feel free to apply again.
  14. Sorry for massive tardy. Approved.
  15. ... Are you kidding me right now. First, our Dionaea lore is not like other servers', and you show very little grasp on the current lore. Second, do you have any idea how bad it sounds when the only thing about your character is being a pyromaniac? Flesh out your character more, actually follow the format, and advertise on the server for people to vouch for your RP capabilities. You have until the 5th.
  16. Sorry I'm late! I've read over your corrected application. An oblivious, trash-sorting kleptomaniac dionaea? I only have one thing to say. YES. Approved without a doubt. Welcome.
  17. Hello hello! Honestly, your backstory is rather lackluster - and not entirely accurate to the lore, either. And I don't know how I feel about someone who has "tankiness" as a selling point for Dionaea. Fix it up a little, and I'll be back on the 15th for a judgement.
  18. My 5 cents on this: Library: In my eyes, the library should not only be a place where people go to get books. There's several tables around the place. It should be a general knowledge place - and to that goal, I suggest making it so that small amounts of RMP are gained for each active (non-SSD non-dead) character in the library regardless of activity - they could be reading a book, talking with a friend or playing Stations and Shitcurity at the back. The cycles thing: To avoid the more active science staff locking in branches because they're useful, have an option to spend RMP to keep certain items unlocked between cycles. Maybe a max of N amount of items, or something. Or have the next cycle start with a very slight advantage to the most popular 3 fields, determined by averages - so that the fields with a slight advantage can change from month to month. R&D: That might take a little bit of work, but some way of encouraging players to actually write research reports would be great. Maybe a database players could upload reports to, where the lore staff (most likely me ) would peruse and award points according to how well written it is and how creative the experiment is. Robotics: Rename it to "Biotechnicals" and give them points for implanting tech in dummy bodies (protohumans, human bodies which never had a ckey, if these guys are ever going to come back) Toxins: Very difficult to measure, so I suggest doing the same as R&D and have them fill reports for evaluation Telescience: Passive RMP for up to 2 scientists in Telescience room, bonus points for reaching further with the teleporter, bonus points for reaching other Z-levels Xenoarcheology: Again, reports on the artifacts they discover for bonus points. Xenobotany: Passive RMP gain per plant planted, with bonus RMP depending on how different from the original plant the genome is. And if you want to go that far - more bonus points for creating a genome that was never created before. Xenobiology: For this, I'd say implement a system similar to Cargo - where they can send cores/resources to storage, and get RMP for it. Cores would be low, while frost oil/plasteel/phoron/an activated yellow core and so on would be a bit more expensive. And of course, to prevent abuse, some way to count "outside" materials as 0 points probably. Virology: Bonus RMP for strains that never have been generated before. Passive RMP for monkeys that are producing antibodies to something. I know it's a tall order but... Bring back Genetics too? :3 Oh, and to be honest - there should be passive RMP generation for each bound synthetic there is (AI/cyborgs) considering how high-tech they are (and how much processing power the AIs got) As for techs - I'm your man to write the blurbs or even make tech up for these needs Extra research fields, or addendums to existing fields: -Data theory: Relating to everything data. From better data storage (for more machines mayhaps?) to maybe straight up usable computers for notes (and long-term storage of data) to better means of communications (upgrades to T-Comms that make it harder to take down/more resistant to random events? Headsets that can act as bounced radios?) -Industrial Technology: Everything automation. Allows to fabricate conveyor belts and configurable machines that could mass-produce a certain item if configured properly and needed. Also allows greatly increasing efficiency of all production machines (engineering pipe machines, autolathes, protolathes, circuit printers, exosuit printers, so on). Also helps greatly increasing the efficiency of, or just fixing, mining. -Kinetics: If physics have everything to do with energy, kinetics have everything to do with motion (or the lack thereof). They would include things like portable gravity generators, fabrication of magboots, fabrication (and perfection) of ballistic firearms, fabrication of mass drivers, so on. But also, most likely, non-material non-energy armors/suits (like hardsuits) and so on. -Sociodynamics: Literally a field of science dedicated to making the crew's life better - from better food machines to hologames to fixing/remaking the holodeck. -Physics: Yes, add supercooling. Because the field has to do with energy, mayhaps some sort of supercooled room with an energy storage grid could be done? Hmm? Hmm? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) Also I don't know if it still kills them, but supercooling could have useful applications for slime control. Also if you need even more ideas for physics application, PM me on Discord I have lots of them maybe even too many of them. As for how to explain that they no longer are available? It's part of NT's protocols to stimulate innovation. I'll probably come back later
  19. Sorry for tardy. Unfortunately, in light of a lack of feedback and, as far as I can see, no improvement on the application, I will need to deny this application. Feel free to apply again any time!
  20. Hello hello! I will be the one evaluating your application. I will be back on the 23rd for judgement - until then, feel fre to post a link to this page once per round in the in-game OOC to get feedback and opinions. Toodles!
  21. Hello hello! I will be the one evaluating your application. Personally, I'm... currently very reluctant. Your understanding of IPCs seem minimal, and on top of that your backstory is rather vague yet somehow still too specific. That, and I really don't know how much I like this character being created by another one of your character. But that aside - seriously, the backstory says nothing. It says it was created, and that it was given freedom (somehow) by it's creator (and that's despite all the legal hurdles in doing so), and chose it's name and occupation. No testing to make sure it was viable, and beyond indecisive, not even a hint of what personality it has. So yes. I will be back on the 20th to pass judgement. Until then, please try to build upon the application - and don't forget to post, once per round, a link to this application in the game's OOC channel to advertise and get opinions. See you later!
  22. I see no reason to withhold it, so approved. Enjoy!
  23. Hello hello! I like the concept of your character - and find that you do in fact grasp the species quite well. As per procedure, I will be back on the 16th for a judgement. Until then, feel free to post a link once per round in OOC to advertise and get opinions. Take care!
  24. Hello hello! In NebulaFlare's absence, I will be taking care of this application - sorry for the delays! Due to the aforementioned issues - a lack of a grasp on IPCs and a short, generic and quite honestly edgy backstory, I am afraid I will need to deny this application. Feel free to reapply, though! And you can contact me or Jackboot for any issues.
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