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Everything posted by Killerhurtz

  1. Frances, that's the whole point of an April's Fool joke. To cause confusion and chaos. And a joke isn't funny if it's tagged as a joke.
  2. So. I’ve been here for a long time. More than a year now? Saw the map update. Saw some of the… less savory moments of the server. But overall I only had great memories. Jade Rathel’s self-indulging poems, the amazeballs events (LOOKING AT YOU TUIEE. MAKE ANOTHER EVENT. THAT ASTEROID EVENT WAS THE BEES’ KNEES). Jawdat’s shadiness. Rameau’s unbeatable tricks. And I got a loredev position, too. Helped build our world. And THEN I got modship. Helped keep the server cleaner during deadhour. Had giggles. Suggested giggles to the badmins. But now, life happened. I’ve been busy lately. Busy with other things. Some lore things even. And so to keep the ball rolling, I’m officially announcing my resignation as a Server Moderator of the Aurora server to free a slot for someone who’s actually going to be active on the server. Godspeed.
  3. Hello hello! First things first: wow. I answered your PM, but I'll put it out there: THIS is a very valid reason to integrate Purpose. I absolutely LOVE everything about this IPC. It's by far one of the more colorful, developed concepts I have seen so far, and I am deeply excited about it happening, especially since it gives exposition to newer parts of the lore. (And there's something about the combination of the character and your username that tickles me pink). And then not only is this particular character interesting - but it also opens the possibility to OTHER related awesome characters with that backstory, which only excites me further. That being said, protocol et al. I'll be back here on Saturday, April 2nd. Post your app, once per round, in OOC to get feedback.
  4. And so, the time has come. I see absolutely no reason to keep you from having a Dionae. Application approved, PM me if there's any issues. Enjoy!
  5. Two times, yes. But both time, the reflected behavior was so off-the-mark about the represented lore, clashes so severe that I can't trust you won't make mistakes this big again. For the record, the first time I have no detailed report but they misinterpreted, RADICALLY, the very nature of a Vaurca and acted against the lore, and second, they broke the lore by attempting to hijack the Glorsh character during a malf AI round, which is invalid on many levels.
  6. So. The time has come. And my judgement is that I will wait until the PLAYER/CHARACTER complaint involving you is resolved before passing official word. Feel free to repeal this decision with Jackboot for a more expedite verdict.
  7. Killerhurtz

    Modular weapons

    No I didn't, I didn't even see it. But still. Why DOES protopistols not count?
  8. Hello hello! While I like the concept of a shrink Dionae, I feel that the story in general is rather lackluster. However that won't count against you - post a link to your application in OOC, once per round, to get feedback from other players. I'll be passing judgement on Wednesday, March 30th.
  9. Killerhurtz

    Modular weapons

    Are protopistols not a thing anymore?
  10. You know the drill. Post once per round to advertise, I'll be back here on Tuesday, March 29th.
  11. -1 from me as well. Not serious enough, and has more clashes with lore than I can tolerate. Moderators are also there to give information when needed, and I honestly can't trust that Sleepy will deliver accurate information.
  12. I'm ambivalent. On the one hand, Hive is one of the biggest shitter trolls I know of in the server. ...Ehhh, -1. I really don't know.
  13. Swat is definitely an awesome player, and I have fond memories of playing with Snyder. Give this person a trial.
  14. I mirror everyone's thought. Voth Vira and Talia are great characters, and Delta is often a fun player. But when shit goes bad, shit goes bad. Delta definitely has a tendency to get salty, and I could be wrong but wasn't it him that threatened/did leave the server a few times after an episode of anger? I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he could at least go through a trial.
  15. While I agree with Jackboot's sentiment of having a short fuse at times, that's a thing that can be trained and be taught out of. Nursie's generally a great player who contributes to the experience of the server, and I personally see no reason to at least give them a trial.
  16. OK so. The reason why I was talking about it is that I swear that a few months prior there was something that brought up an eerily similar concept. Basically, the gist of it (which I feel still applies here) is that this may actually be supported by the following game mechanics: First, without a doubt, the behavior and appearance of the Singularity would support this. The fact that it emits, in all directions, constant usable radiation and that it has a blue-to-deep-purple color indicates that light is both able to escape the singularity's pull, and that it is severely blue-shifted (due to the increase in energy brought by increasing it's velocity). Second, a bit more shaky: The supermatter-singularity interaction. Supermatter IS exotic matter - and so it is not impossible it would survive, as a whole, the forces involved with such a stipulation. Which basically means that the reason it's so dangerous is that the singularity has a permanently active high-energy device in it... in an infinitesimally short past. Not long enough to say it's in past past, but long enough to say that it's not in the present. Third, still a bit shaky: Containment. Arguably, all forces interact at the speed of light. Therefore, any containment we have can react, at best, at the speed of light. Which means to confine a singularity, said singularity must possess the properties that do not nullify the speed of light in a sense. Fourth, completely incidental and possibly a stretch, but: lag. Lag would be an anomalous, macroscopic representation of this occurrence. Basically, because lag "allows" you to skip tiles almost instantly at times, you would have been going "faster" than light in that instant. It would be nigh impossible for a character to detect it, but there's that. Fifth, still completely incidental and possibly a stretch: The behavior of the singularity, bugs and all. Getting hit by the singularity means an instagib - and sometimes, parts (or even the full character, alive) survives that and is projected at various speeds in various direction (most often really really fast). These interactions would be explained by this phenomenon, which allows under certain conditions normal matter to survive such an interaction. Therefore, from the above interactions, I have extrapolated this: This phenomenon essentially causes "stutter/lag" at the planck scale. Because of that stutter, particles are observed "jumping" distances at observed FTL speeds. Therefore, due to special relativity only stating that particles cannot go AT the speed of light, the fact would be this stutter would essentially allow "tunneling" to the other end of the speed spectrum - going FTL - resolving that issue. HOWEVER there are severe implications to this postulation. First and foremost, you say this: That, quite simply, is absolutely wrong. Due to special relativity, any material that reaches FTL in this manner would, in fact, keep going at the minimum speed it can go - which is an iota faster than light. The only way that such a material would be able to stop and reach STL speeds is by triggering another singularity supertask step that brings them directly under that speed. However there would be heavy relativistic issues. Assuming all of the above, the options below are therefore possible and/or true: Simultaneity is broken due to the issue with frames of references, leading to basically teleportation, however the relationship between two bodies using special relativity states that unless we/I define something (I already have a plan) that does not involve light directly, this form of teleportation would in fact be time travel, and by teleporting twice it would be possible to cause a temporal issue by having two copies of the same object in the same reference frame (nothing PHYSICALLY dangerous, regardless of whether or not time is linear - just jarring, because remember, time is most likely a function of motion). I made the math (roughly) and what I got is that for one second at 0.542 km/s faster than light, an outside observer would see them arrive three days earlier. Funnily enough, at higher speeds, the effects get lesser - at 40 more km/s, one second for the traveler is one hour earlier for the observer. HOWEVER note that this is an exponential function of observer time - two seconds at c+0.542km/s is twelve days, and at c+40km/s it's four hours.; If tweaked, it could be used as a time accelerant (used for various things, such as preservation) as time dilation tends towards infinity close to c (as it is a hyperbolic function of c) Singularities lack an actual event horizon, but rather have a virtual event horizon within which Planck Travel effects show themselves; I repeat: IT CANONIZES TIME TRAVEL. BACKWARDS. Unless we/I write something about it (I already have SEVERAL ideas), it means that interacting with the Singularity means permanently being lost to reverse-time, and that any object entering FTL with this technique will require an equal and opposite supertask chain to get out of FTL. That is, of course, fixing the little errors you made (using black holes instead of singluarity in "Blackholes obviously do not absorb light as a normal blackhole would seem to do, turning bright, vibrant colours during it's expansion" and switching Planck Length and Planck Times, because moving 1 Planck length in 1.1 Planck times is slower than light; 1.1 planck length in 1 planck time is what makes it go FTL). Is my assessment correct?
  17. Marking as "Processing" for reasons.
  18. You shall not stare into the Singularity for a naked singularity is an odd thing. Your brain knows this and thus will attempt to self-destroy if attempted. Do not question Gravity. Despite being the most combustible matter in the known universe, Plasma is also the ultimate fire retardant when used in glass. Despite not being visible, chairs are in fact mounted on a turntable that is firmly anchored to the ground. Furthermore, it is not possible to un-anchor this turntable without deconstructing the entire chair. As such, chairs are universally static objects. Do not question that the ground is made of marshmallow. Pray that it never becomes solid, for injuries will be aplenty. Energy is never created nor destroyed, aside from the cookies and the pressure and temperature of the water contained in a fire extinguisher NanoTrasen is your friend. They have perfected the temperature of the shower. Tampering with it means returning to the old adage of "either an iceberg or lava". Despite the extreme conditions, it is in fact possible to survive in space with little more than a few bottles of pills. Energy is neither created nor destroyed. Except for the cookies, fire extinguisher and the cubes that are small enough to swallow that are capable of producing a full-grown monkey ...And the cargo crates capable of holding many things from gigantic heat-crystals to small vehicles. And several hundred sheets of heavy material. Nanotrasen is your friend. They have perfected Capsule technology. As such, please contact your nearest representative if you accidentally opened a crate and it's contents do not fit in it anymore. In case of danger, attempt digging a hole in asteroid soil and wait it out. Then die because asteroid soil is utterly impenetrable. Nanotrasen is your friend. They have perfected spatial distortion, allowing you to pilot exosuits capable of loading several Capsule crates and ore boxes while still being capable of fitting in a 2 metre wide corridor. Bluespace teleportation is risky. Never attempt teleportation without a known safe buoy or beacon. Except if you are a scientist. Then teleporting is as simple as ballistics. Containment fields are dangerous. In the presence of a containment field, stay away. They are an underrepresented means of FTL travel. Most conscious entities, and some non-conscious ones, have a polarized personal space field. This field is exactly two meters by two meters. This measure is called a "tile". When standing, the field is polarized positive, which disallows their meshing and prevents two entities with a positive "field" to be on the same tile. However, when laying down, the field becomes polarized negative, allowing the meshings of fields. Finally, if two positive fields are initiated on the same "tile", they will not interfere with one another until someone moves. Furthermore, you shall not move less than a tile. The minimum distance you will travel is two meters, and two meters is the minimum distance you will travel. True circles are a lie. You shall not wear gloves if you are missing a hand; for you are disgraced. However, should someone bless you with their blessings, you may duct-tape, with invisible tape, an item to your stump. When wearing optics that allow you to do so, seeing through walls is possible. Floors, however, are always opaque. Do not forget the Great Void, where the false vacuum of our universe has collapsed within our own station, killing several people as atmosphere itself became a lie. Crates are not for transporting people, due to the Capsule technology. Lockers, however (and despite having the same capacity) are entirely fair game. Despite it's discovery, Nitroglycerin is never stable. Neither is Napalm. Some events cannot be explained. According to the Church of Reality, these events are to be named by no other name than "adminbuse". (more to come later, I love this thread)
  19. I no longer see any purpose in this application. Denied, closing and archiving.
  20. +1, I mirror Thundy's sentiment.
  21. This, this, so much this. For two reasons. One, the aforementioned antags skedaddling when it leaves. Two? The disappointment when, in deadhour games, an ERT is called and everyone thinks they're saved... but nobody came. (I'd also add the option to fax the ERT department, because apparently ERT and Odin are two things and the DO's are quick to remind us of it, and sometimes sweeping two IDs is just not possible/reasonable, and there's sometimes ERT needs to be called for a non-dangerous emergency like a meteor storm fucking everything up or a virus making work difficult, but that's another suggestion)
  22. This is cool as all balls and Boots approve, so I'm canonizing the FUCK out of this. Also, if you don't mind, I'm totes going to make different parties with the other three constituents. This gave me a lot of ideas. Marking as "Processing" until I get to writing about it.
  23. Since Boots already sort of pre-approved the idea, I'll be defining it further (with what can and cannot be done) and adding it to the wiki. Marking as "Processing" until then.
  24. I'll need to define better what this "hyperspace" is, what it can and can't do, and so on - but consider this app approved. Marking as "Processed" until I can add it to the wiki.
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