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Rabid Animal

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Everything posted by Rabid Animal

  1. I've talked about this privately a lot because its actually a 10/10 idea I'm excited to see it happen. EDIT; to tie in with the physical therapy idea, maybe they'd have access to medical records? A thought.
  2. PR here; https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/16099
  3. Styx has been around forever and consistently comes up with fun and well thought out characters so that's a +1
  4. it always felt weird to me that the bar and kitchen were effectively in the hallway so I do like this better.
  5. give this man a medal
  6. There are currently a few remap projects in place and I wanted to wait till after the security remap was done to mess around too much with this idea, BUT; seeing as there is a another small remap that posted and minor sec changes will likely happen for the next little while, I figure I'd get some feedback on some vague sketches so I had a plan going into this. The sketch below was my personal favorite of what I'd done, the actual position of everything remains mostly the same but the layouts change quite a bit. Things might need to be scooted around to account for the extra space security now takes up but this still feels like a good start. Red is science, blue is maintenance, black is walls and items, white is doors. General Science; Rnd is moved closer to the desk Circuits gets a wider, more dedicated space Chem swaps sides Administration; The AI entrance shrinks a little bit to make up for chem taking up more room The AI waiting room is much smaller RD office is unchanged The server room is pushed back behind xenobot/xenobio Common areas; Meeting room is nudged over and made slightly bigger Science storage is totally removed. The lockers inside of it are moved to the "general science" space save for the weapon lockers which will be moved to the science firing range Science now has a break room. Celibrate. Xenobotany; Total layout change, the secure entrance is nixed entirely and replaced with an isolation room for dangerous plants The lab is moved closer to general plants, making it easier to run back and forth Overall the layout mimics the old map slightly Xenobiology; This is the only area that I felt needed any real additions. The actual slime pens are 10/10 and the closeness of everything feels nice, HOWEVER, xenobiology has the potential to be a little more than slimes. Elaborated below. The entrance is shrunk down to make room for an actual lab. At the moment there is no mechanical purpose behind it, though this can change with hopeful additions. In addition to that, the surgical room is expanded and changed into a dissection room. As there is a slime core extractor, there is no reason for xenobiology to have a surgical room, so this makes it feel more justified. They are given an auxiliary pen, something to store any non-slime research projects.
  7. A little over a year later and, unfortunately, I'm back!!! Fear!! Most of this is stuff 2021-2022; Humans; Some Skrell; And my current extremely unlikeable dumbass of a character; Yes!! I do commissions!! Yes!! they are open!! No!! I don't have prices available I'm sorry v.v I will post a sheet hopefully soon elaborating on that, but otherwise DM if interested.
  8. I've been playing with the idea of a science remap and came here to see if it would work given your changes. A few of my sketches give it more room if it needs an extra r-wall, and a few conflict with the changes. Either way, communal is really big and could probably be shrunk down if extra walls are genuinely needed - but the argument that one r-wall can't stop someone who knows what they're doing also applies to two so not sure if that actually makes a difference.
  9. Desker is great, I've greatly enjoyed playing with the characters I've encountered from him. I think he's excellent at approaching ideas other players avoid, making for unique concepts that are executed in fun and interesting ways. I'd love to see some fresh blood on the command team, and fully support this application. +1
  10. The power creep that security has, in general, is atrocious - and as Colfer mentioned: a reasonably populated security department doesn't need a strategy to win every confrontation, yes every. Huge part of that is the laser guns, though I think combat in general could use a good looking at - nerfing the blood boil and pain seems to be a very good first step for laser guns. No one said they can't be lethal, but as mentioned, it's a bit atrocious for them to be able to two shot someone into pain crit.
  11. I’m sure plenty of people have never touched recreational drugs in life, and aren’t sure what to expect out of getting high in game - which results in some “dude drugs lmao” moments. Adding more 'subtle messages,' in the same vein as how alcohol makes you feel tipsy, would help immensely with roleplaying actually using those substances, and would make individual substances more unique from one another (that is, beyond the rainbow vision). All drug effects should last slightly longer, in the same way the alcohol drunkenness was extended. I'd also like to see long term after effects for most drugs, think a hangover, as a consequence for using them. This is mostly fluff, and shouldn't have mechanical impact beyond what already exists. Alcohol; Mostly the same, though with headaches and persistent nausea (though not vomiting) as an after effect to actually reaching “drunk” levels of intoxication. Hyperzine; Low dose; 5u “You feel full of energy” Med dose; 10u Heart palpitations - “It feels like your heart is beating out of your chest.” High dose; 15u Chest pain - “Your heart feels like it’s being crushed!” Overdose remains the same, long term effects include muscle aches, though can turn to muscle cramps at higher doses. Space Drugs; Low dose; 5u “You feel relaxed,” “You are comfortable,” “Everything is okay,” “Your anxieties are reduced to a second thought,” Med dose; 10u “Your mouth feels dry,” “Your eyes feel dry,” “The world feels more colourful,” “You could go for a nap,” “You could go for a snack,” “You are extremely comfortable,” High dose; 20u “You can’t focus,” “Are you forgetting something?” “Your anxieties are forgotten,” “The world is vibrant,” “Were you doing something?” Overdose; >20u “Someone is watching you,” “Your skin is too sensitive!” “You can’t figure out what, but something is wrong,” “It’s too loud!” “What was that?” If overdosed, a feeling of paranoia lingers long after the drug has worn off. Otherwise there is no hangover effect. Psilocybin; Low dose; 5u “You feel giddy!” “You can’t put your finger on it, but whatever it is, it’s really funny,” “You’re full of energy,” “Everything is amazing!” Med dose; 10u “The world is vibrant,” “You’re overwhelmed with awe,” “You feel euphoric.” High dose; 20u “You can see sounds,” “You can feel the colours,” “Shapes dance across your vision,” “You feel like you’re in a kaleidoscope” Overdose; >30u Ego death - “You can’t feel your body,” “You feel as if you have left your body,” “The world, and yourself, are the same,” “You are dying, but that’s okay,” “You’re at total peace with the universe,” “You are in a white room,” “You have no concept of yourself.” High doses cause a serotonin crash after the effects wear off, this can make someone feel tired, irritable, or anxious. Wulumunusha; Low dose; 5u “You feel relaxed,” “You’re comfortable,” “Your mind feels more open,” “You’re more open to suggestion,” “You feel empathetic,” “Your throat feels tight,” Med dose; 10u “You feel psychically sensitive,” “You feel connected with those around you,” “Colours bleed together,” “You can see air currents,” “Your throat feels extremely tight.” High dose; 20u “You’re very open to suggestion,” “You feel connected to the Srom,” “You feel as if your mind has opened,” “Your thoughts impact the material world,” “The idea of language feels alien to you,” In non-skrell, wulu causes a sore throat and a headache after medium doses. Skrell do not experience after effects. Obviously there's much more than just these, and I focused on the common ones you’d encounter. If anyone has something to add/change or other comments - hit me.
  12. Yes. Writing a one to two sentence summary as to why certain departments aren't fun is very surface level. Discussing the exact reasoning they don't see the same traffic as sec isn't the point of this thread nor was the it point of my comment. I mean to bring to attention that there ARE reasons people don't play those departments, and it should be looked into rather than putting a bandaid on the issue. You seem to have understood that though, so we agree in essentially every way that's relevant. The fact that RP roles are unwanted ALSO speaks to the bigger picture, imo, this is a roleplay server. Why are roles dedicated to roleplay not wanted? If they are truly unwanted, why do roles like bartender have such popularity. Even further, why is the most contested security role also the most roleplay heavy role? Fun is subjective, and I even pointed out that everything I said was a generalization, I understand this. Don't put words in my mouth. I'm not antagonizing you by pointing out that certain roles are played less, and theorizing as to why those roles are played less. I said it was a culture issue, and by that I mean people want to engage the antag. I think this could be fixed by nerfing security, I also think it could be fixed by taking a closer look at departments that don't see very much traffic. My observations aren't fact and if you have something meaningful to add other than "you're wrong" be my guest.
  13. In regards to this being mostly applicable to security and command; server culture dictates that the best chance you'll get to interact with a rounds antagonist is if you play security, (and command to a lesser extent) and since security is extremely over-armed, the antag almost always "looses" before things have the chance to get interesting. People want to be a part of the round, and so people fight over security roles. Thats a problem with server culture more than its a problem with limiting the roles available. Adding more sec roles would make this worse, and tbf I've always been of the opinion that there should be *fewer* sec roles. Make other departments more engaging, either via encouraging sec to calm the fuck down with the valid-hunting or adding interesting incentives to actually play those departments. Consider that sec mostly fills out during voted secret, but not nearly as much during voted extended as evidence of this idea. None of this is to say thats why everyone plays, or why everyone chooses those roles, but at the end of the day people want to play the game, and they want to be engaged in playing the game. Mechanically, engineering is plenty of fun, but when sec breathes down their backs on projects, and CE's are few and far between, you run into this issue where it's severely limited for RP reasons - leading to a mostly empty department, most of the time. Science has very little RP potential as you lock yourself in a lab the entire round playing with mechanics, that frankly get very boring after you've figured them out. Wouldn't be as much of an issue if science wasn't so isolated, or encouraged to involve people outside their departments in their experiments. Service is a social role, bartender and chef get plenty of play, hydro gets slightly less, and chaplain and librarian are almost always empty. No one goes to the chapel to hang out, it gets lonely, which ruins the purpose of it being a social role. Liberians are just too nerdy for the chad culture v.v (/s) Medical is discouraged from interacting with people because otherwise someone might die while they're distracted, so it becomes a game of only interacting within your department, which has historically been very hostile. Having roles focused around RP (A NURSE) would help, but its been established that alt roles are bad for reasons. So how is this all related to the suggestion at hand? I think its a bandaid fix for a larger problem, in that other departments just aren't as engaging to play as security. There wouldn't be so much contention over those limited roles if other roles were just as fun to play for the players fighting over them. Sure, implement this, why not - but it really does only apply to one department and it doesn't do anything to fix why this became an issue in the first place.
  14. I personally find Goldman to be a breath of fresh air, especially in terms of the standard command play, which is frankly extremely closed off from the rest of the crew and sometimes even their own departments. Having a command player spend 30 minutes of a round locked in their office doing paperwork or some other shit instead of engaging with crew in interesting ways is a bad habit that ought to be shook. Sleepy has always been very good at engagement, and I seriously respect them and their characters. Goldman being antagonistic often adds more to a round than it subtracts, he breaks away from the norm and in doing so nearly always catches my attention. The sheer amount of praise surrounding the character should be evident enough of this, even if he makes it harder for the station to "win" every scenario, like it often does. I'm not sure if this last round is very indicative of good or bad play, it had escalated fairly suddenly and most players would be scrambling at what to do - to be so angry that the round lasted longer than you'd like is unfair to sleepy, considering several votes had been called and an overwhelming majority of players wanted the round to continue. I think there was definitely a sense of being overwhelmed, but fuck it - it was essentially a zombie invasion and no where near the norm for even a highly active antag round. I find Goldman to be greedy, not outlandish. The idea of protecting your reputation over calling an ERT or a shuttle the second someone stubs their toe is far more realistic and interesting than many command gimmicks. I think Sleepy is a good roleplayer, and I wish I played with them more. I think the way their whitelist was lost was unfair, and they should get it back. This app gets a +1 from me
  15. I hate to peanut gallery here, but I guess I'm involved anyways. I did not refuse to let Rooster use the sprites out of the blue, I had said it was important to me that there was a level of consistency with the uniforms, and had suggested that mine be used as the rolled down version for the jumpsuits as there was some contention on what kind of style you guys wanted out of it. It seemed like Rooster agreed, and very shortly after I had finished all of the uniforms - and made note of it in the chat, multiple times. Rooster may have noticed this if he was reading the messages instead of neglecting his own project to play foxhole; which, frankly, is almost laughably amusing given the argument he is making against Ryver. Regardless, seeing as Rooster was blatantly ignoring the progress I had given him, and I felt my voice wasn't being heard (fair, given it is his project to do with as he wishes), I withdrew. Yes - I took the sprites with me, as once again it was important to me that there was a level of consistency, and I didn't want them used in a way I didn't agree with, but I don't think any of this is "out of the blue." Evidence: This is just one piece of the puzzle, showing how disorganized the project was as a whole - leading to the loss of Ryver from the project, treat your volunteers badly and you can't expect them to stick around. As far as I am aware, Ryver was getting fed up with the disorganization for the same reasons I was, beyond even needing to focus on skrell work, but I'll try not to speak too much for him here. I don't think its right that Rooster feels entitled to Ryvers work, and seeing Rooster throw him under the bus for what amounts to "you didn't give me free sprites" isn't a good look. I wasn't aware there was this much bad blood, given the fact we were both cordial during the whole process, even with the organizational issues. NOW, with all that out of the way; what about the app? Ryver is a good spriter, and when he's passionate about a project he's really good at hammering it out, that said I'm not sure if its a great idea to juggle so many responsibilities - and the posts above may or may no speak towards this. Two cents.
  16. Reporting Personnel: Yasin Deamurr Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Atmospheric Technician Game ID: cdZ-aVXO Personnel Involved: Daniel Milner, Engineer: Victim Yorick Gallows, Cargo Tech: Offender Leona Raszeur, Officer: Witness Yasin Deamurr, Atmos Tech: Witness Secondary Witnesses: Dayo Abioye, Cargo Tech: Watched the fight from outside engineering Ostroverkhov Urvan, EMT(?): Treated Milners and Gallows injuries as first responder Real Time: (9:00AM GMT 09/12/2021) Location of Incident: Engineering Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [ ] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [ x ] - Assault [ ] - Misconduct [ ] - Other _____ Overview of the Incident: While sitting in the engineering foyer with Milner and Abioye, officer Raszeur approached our desk yelling at Milner, shouting ‘bitch’ a few times to get his attention. She asked Milner to repeat something he had said to her earlier in the shift. (he had called her a cunt in response to similar behavior, something he already apologized for). While this was happening, Abioye stood up to leave, and Gallows walked into engineering through the open door - grabbing Milner and threatening him. Milner threw a punch in response, and Gallows pulled out a maglight to use as a weapon, hitting Milner over the head with it. Myself and Raszeur attempted to pull them apart as the fight moved into the back corner of the foyer, and at some point during the fight Milner had his ribs audibly broken by Gallows. Officer Raszeur held Milner to the ground while Gallows attempted to duct tape his hands, I pulled Gallows off and the fight ended there. Medical and Security responded to calls made over common by Abioye, doctor Urvan confirmed that Milner had at least one broken bone. Gallows was carted off by security, and Milner by medical. Several unnamed onlookers remained, giving a rundown to the only head of staff working at the time. The entire incident took place in the ten minutes between the transfer being called and the shuttle's arrival, leaving no time to collect evidence. Submitted Evidence: [None] Would you like to be personally interviewed?: [ x ] - Yes [ ] - No Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: Cygnus Rey, Chief Engineer Actions taken: After hearing a rundown, Rey lightly scolded Officer Raszeur in the engineering Foyer and then moved to security. Afterwards, Rey requested Milner come to security, not realizing he’d been moved to the ODIN on transfer, pending treatment for still broken bones. An argument ensued, where Rey had told Milner to ‘come to security and run your mouth. I’ll be here’. I’m unsure if any action was taken towards Yorick. Additional Notes: The way Chief Engineer Rey handled the entire situation was a joke, and I don’t think his actions should go without mentioning. I’ll make a separate IR if needed.
  17. Haven't updated this for a while. Some new stuff, mostly sketches; Francis Another Yasin A couple lizards A furry Aries As I am sure you have seen already, the new Vaurca title cards And that's all for now! See yall in another 4 months
  18. While Ryver hasn't been on the server for as long as some others, he's made some contributions to the lore already and seems to be pretty passionate about it. +1
  19. New vendors look terrible in walls. Would avoid mapping them in walls if possible, particularly if new walls to match that style are off the table - though I doubt new walls would really fix it anyways.
  20. RE: things on walls: This is why the top down style has persisted on many servers, and why the slanted walls became the compromise - and frankly wind up being the better choice in context. Tall looks the best on its own, but you'd need directional vendors to make up for sudden importance of perspective. Seems you'd have to redo all the doors by hand if you wanted them. The map has to be designed with this perspective in mind to look any good, and lets be real -nbt isn't gonna be scrapped and redone for the sake of aesthetics. IE. it'll look just as bad as before, for entirely different reasons. Which is part of the argument I made in the original PR so, bam.
  21. Pulled from a reddit thread, for visual reference.
  22. Alternatively, have skills behave more like a statblock? Athletics is the prime example and its whats implemented atm anyways. Of course no idea how to implement anything else, or what the others would even be. Fan of skills, as a concept, either way though.
  23. 1. [...] Thank you for the correction, a mixture of my established illiteracy and poor proof reading has led us down the evil path of temptation. 2. [...] Vaurca are highly social, especially with one another, so going out of my way to talk to other K’lax and to a lesser extent, other hives, would be a common sight. Since they’re also purpose built, Vioux would be really dedicated and passionate towards its work. Since Vioux is young, ignorance towards the wider world isn’t unheard of – particularly when it comes to humans, as it has little experience with them. Playing a buggy worker means no valid hunting for me sir v.v Though, more seriously, Vioux would be far more cautious about dangerous scenarios, keeping themselves at least out of sight when hostilities roll around. That said, it’s still very curious, and would likely be very inquisitive about said scenarios and how they were dealt with when its deemed safe. Other things include, but are not limited to: Bugs talk funny. They are less individual than they are part of their hive, and brood. They prefer darkness, and would go out of their way to make it darker (if possible or reasonable). They need to be wary of their tank levels and eat to replenish it. VR is essentially heaven and acts as their afterlife, their sense of reality can be and is impacted greatly by this. 3. [...] Vioux was a Unathi researcher, their role as a worker would have made it impractical to serve as a kataphract, however it did spend some time observing both Unathi and Warrior Vaurca in this role. The purpose behind this is not dissimilar to others of its brood, and its goals centered around learning techniques which could then be applied to the weapons Vioux was designed to create. It moved around quite a bit, throughout Moghes at first, to observe as many styles as possible, working with members of its brood – composed of both researchers like itself and warriors intent on applying these new techniques to their own skillsets. Eventually they moved on to Ouerea with the understanding the culture on the planet differed significantly and thus provided new avenues for analysis. It was here Vioux would have started to establish an interest in the Aut’akh. 4. [...] Understood, shifting things around to fix this; Vioux would have done a fair amount of research on the Aut’akh after coming to sympathize with Zumoks ideas, but struggled to maintain or even establish any contacts in light of the public image it was expected to uphold as a member of Vedhras brood. It’s still curious about them, and would like to see their technology first hand, but during the time it spent on Moghes and Ouerea its thoughts surrounding them were speculative and mostly based on Zumoks ideas. 5. [...] Vioux believes that each brood has their own role in Preimminence, and while it relates most heavily towards those with a purpose similar to its own, it is highly respectful to any of those who fulfill their duties. The Zo’ra hive is treated with this same reasoning, however it can’t help but feel slight resentment towards C’thur. Still, it understands that they too have an important role in Preimminence, and makes an attempt at keeping its personal feelings about them in check.
  24. BYOND Key: 50_N00b Character Names: Yasin Deamurr, Clement Sormirr, F-R.A.N.K.Y., Bjorn Rolaerr, Zukzi Zukarr, Azuah Kizyrr, ARIES. Species you are applying to play: Vaurca What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Mountain Dew Green, otherwise known as (RGB 130, 150, 20), otherwise known as Vedhra lads Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: yes Why do you wish to play this specific race: https://youtu.be/RpdscsPV1yE I’ve had the pleasure of receiving a high dosage of ants recently, which has made me curious about their lore, which has resulted in my reading of said lore. I’m interested in what the future holds for Vaurca, and would like to experience it first hand. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Quick rundown on mechanics; Vaucra breathe phoron, with oxygen being extremely toxic to them. They are unable to self heal and require treatment should they become injured, however their exoskeleton makes them resistant to changes in pressure and temperature – with further nuance depending on the caste. Of course things to keep in mind during RP. Vaucra are often mistaken for having lesser intelligence by other races present in the Orion Spur, in part because of their speech patterns – the intricacies of their native language lost in translation. Even beyond that, they are considered a threat to some, who fear they may bring more of their kind to the spur; material shortages, particularly phoron, have set these people on edge. This all contributes to a thorough level of discrimination that one should be wary of in day to day life outside the hiveships. Vaucra are also born with purpose in mind and a job to do, even the unbound are specialized in one a way or another, and the dedication one would feel towards this purpose and their brood, and hive, as whole is unwavering. It is highly unusual for a Vaucra to feel disloyalty. They are highly social, and connect with those of their hive easily, while workers in particular remain passive, avoiding conflict with those they do not mesh well with. VR also plays a large part in Vaucra life, seen as a sort of paradise for the unbound that use it. Many feel vulnerable outside it, and even resentful when they’re cut off during deployments. Bound are essentially robots, lobotomized before their brain has even developed and used as the primary labor in hives and projects. Warriors are built for defense, however have been seen as less important in recent years. Character Name: Ka'Akaix'Vioux K'lax Vioux, like many of Vedhras brood, was born with the Ill’dra in mind. It despises them just as any other Vaucra would, however holds a keen interest in their history, technology, and methods. It considers itself an expert in this regard, and can come across as haughty in that sense. It’s time in VR has exposed it time and time again to this threat, giving it a distorted sense of danger, believing the Ill’dra are closer than they often are. Still, this has proved invaluable to its goals and has provided a wealth of knowledge about this enemy. The first few years of its life were spent on Moghes and Ouerea, first studying the combat styles of the Unathi as a whole, and eventually moving towards a fascination with the Aut’akh and their profound interest in augmentation. Vioux spent some time with their version of shamans, coming to respect the technology they had come up with – crude and violent as it may have been – it was effective on a practical and cultural level. It has come to agree with Zumoks ideas regarding Unathi as a result of these interactions. Vioux itself possesses minor augmentation (beyond what the average unbound would posses), primarily an improved respiratory system, designed with the intent to prevent a black kois infection; the effectiveness of this is up in the air. Having learned much from Unathite practices, Vioux was shipped off to Tau Ceti to take part in Nanotrasens phoron research, and of course, its application to weapon manufacturing. Now almost four years old, it remains thoroughly enthralled with its purpose and sees this change of scenery as an extremely important step in furthering its broods goals. Vedhras dedication to Preimminence is not lost on Vioux. While not a shaper, it seeks perfection through its dedication to its purpose and encourages others to embrace this ideal as well. It's views on other races is very lax, respecting them for their strengths and weaknesses, believing strongly in their individual roles regarding Preimminence. Vioux sees the Ill'dras hivemind approach to be a bastardization of all purpose, hamfisted, corrupt, and ultimately a step backwards. What do you like about this character? I’ve always liked playing characters with a hyperfocus on purpose and what that means to them, in the past I have used IPCs to further this goal however Vaurca naturally fall into this niche – particularly with Preimminence. I also like playing contrarians, and while most broods are more or less focused on their own survival, I like the idea of the outright aggression towards a “greater evil” of Vedhra and her children. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Cool kids only beyond this point /10 Notes: https://youtu.be/RpdscsPV1yE
  25. Tzeneth nailed it on the head imo. Coming from bay, for example, where there are a billion different ranks and different factions, that gets overwhelming really quickly. The point of having a baseline is to prevent it from getting to that point, while opening up other corps in other jobs for people that think its "NT is about as interesting as a saltine cracker without the salt." Forcing people to play other factions isn't going to result in those people caring enough about said factions to make them anymore interesting than NT and frankly will water them down with people who don't really care about the corporation lore in the first place. Still a hot take. Whoa.
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