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La Villa Strangiato

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Everything posted by La Villa Strangiato

  1. @FearTheBlackout @Jasorn the rest will be done soon! please credit me in your image link
  2. living rent-free, baby

    1. FearTheBlackout
    2. La Villa Strangiato

      La Villa Strangiato

      you can dm me on discord any time! :] or pm me here on the forums, not that anyone uses that

    3. Shimmer


      ty for u service maam o7

  3. Peppermint pretty much hit the nail entirely on the head with my feelings on Odyssey so far, but more on that later. I want to talk about some of my own experiences and my perspectives on the potential gameplay loop. So I was xenoarchaeologist during this round but dipped about an hour-ish in for a couple reasons. I didn't really have anyone to RP with I felt a little overwhelmed by the crowding/constant movement/inability to do my gameplay loop (alas, vacuum tiles) I didn't have any directives, so I was standing around a little lost for a bit Obviously the first point is not a knock on Odyssey, and more that I was struggling to bounce off of the characters around me because I hadn't really interacted with them prior. I didn't really have time to engage with them on a personal level because a lot of high-energy stuff was happening at once. I do think the constant back-and-forth transport between the Odyssey site and the Horizon is very, very difficult to make feasible, at least in the first hour of the round while engineering is setting up a FOB. I felt kind of dazed and confused, particularly because it was very dark down on the landing site. It felt dangerous and forbidden to venture forth into parts unknown. There's talk of remapping the Intrepid to be a transport shuttle, or some people (I suggested this at one point) think the Canary should be remapped to be a transport-y shuttle, or there should be a new shuttle that's just for transport, or make a smaller science shuttle, or something along these lines of "we need a new shuttle". I said that this was "bloat" in the Discord lately, but I retract that statement in part. What I actually want people to consider is the purpose these shuttles will serve in the aftermath of Odyssey, if Odyssey fully replaces Secret as the "big default gamemode". I don't think Odyssey will fully replace secret, well, ever. At the very least, I don't think it'll outmatch secret for a few months to years; more on that later. When I say think about what purpose these shuttle should serve, I think people should consider how often the shuttles are going to be used if Odyssey is our big thing. If we get an entirely new transport shuttle, and Odyssey doesn't really pop off the way it was intended to, then that transport shuttle is just going to rot in the hangar. If Odyssey does pop off, but the science gameplay loop remains kind of as it is without any additions or real development, then a science shuttle isn't going to see much use. If you're science personnel, wouldn't you be tasked with engaging with the mission and studying it, from a roleplay perspective, rather than going off to do some other thing? (Obviously this depends on the mission.) I would argue this would apply more to the Canary. During an Odyssey round the bridge crew is probably going to be heavily expected to engage with the mission, and there's going to be discouragement (not outright forbidding), both gameplay-wise and IC-wise, of using the Canary to scout. If your mission during the round is already to go down to this site and do this thing, can't you just use the Canary for scouting another shift? And so on. And I guess this is a good time to talk about my feelings about Odyssey in general. I've been considering this for a bit, and I don't think that the antag gameplay loop or even the idea of antags should be left completely neglected in favour of Odyssey. We can't have every round being Odyssey unless we fully dedicate ourselves as development to Odyssey. And sure, maybe that's kind of the intention! But the thing about events that are high-intensity is that we get a population drop after, because people want some room to breathe and discuss their own character progression after a round. I don't even mean that to imply that every round is going to be Odyssey, and every Odyssey round is going to be high-intensity, but I think even one-a-day Odyssey rounds would kind of drain a lot out of the playerbase, more than people realise. There's just not going to be a lot of calm roleplay to incentivize engaging with people naturally in the workplace. And as Peppermint said above, dedicating ourselves fully to Odyssey and having it replace secret as the "default" gameplay mode will mean a massive shift in the gameplay loop. Some of the roles she mentioned would go pretty neglected! A few of these roles are super high population on the best of days, but they're not never played by a long shot. People value their inclusion despite their lower-than-average playtime, and I think that is important. This basically hits the nail on the head for me. Before I started writing for the server, I was annoyed by the militarization too. Now that I do write for the server, I have this weird feeling (that could be totally unwarranted) that it's going to feel like I'm writing a completely different atmosphere than the one that the Horizon exists in. When I and Trio conceptualized an arc where Biesel had an election, we did so with the confidence that comes from Aurora being basically the most political, grounded-in-reality HRP setting in Space Station 13. An election in Space America is something you might talk to your coworkers about, at your workplace. But when you're raiding the local Yeyland-Wutani facility, things like "hey did you hear President Schmuck did such-and-such" seem kind of pointless to write. I hope it doesn't sound like I'm overstating the importance of my own writing. The point is is that I and (I think) Trio always wrote with the intention that these were things that would create a more grounded and realistic setting, where mundane stuff happened that "normal people" could talk about. And I don't know, maybe eventually the game will become "not for me", as Peppermint has also discussed. But I echo the statement that Odyssey has a lot of potential, and makes it not just easy to have this game mode, but creating events that are written by lore writers. I think that this is a probably necessary thing to implement and work on, but I don't think that we can fully dedicate ourselves to this as the core gameplay loop, unless we're willing to sacrifice a lot of what originally drew people to Aurora.
  4. Big news, gamers. @Fluffy has generously fixed five bugs (woah!) and has requested that the results of reaping this bounty be OPENED to the PUBLIC. I have decided that the most fair result of this is to provide FIVE (5) character sketches to anyone who requests them in this thread! Simply comment and post references of your character, and I will give you a little sketch of them. There are some ground rules: Don't be greedy. If you already have art of that character, let others go first. Aurora-related only. My usual commission rules still apply. I would strongly prefer these be characters you've had for a while rather than John Biesel you just made today. My sketches look like this:
  5. Note: I am no longer doing these. As some of you may know, I take commissions (my slots are currently full, I haven't got around to updating my Carrd yet) for illustration. But seeing as I don't really have the budget to spend money commissioning bugfixes, I would like to propose a LABOUR EXCHANGE. If you can fix some of these bugs, I will draw for you! How It Works I will provide a list of bugs that I really want fixed, for lore reasons, simple quality of life, or for the sake of keeping the goddamn issue tracker low. Depending on how difficult they are to fix (for a codist who feels up to fixing them), I will provide you a drawing of equivalent value. For example: You offer to fix three bugs with the AI. Based on the difficulty of fixing all three of these bugs, you estimate your time is worth about $60. In exchange, I draw you something that is worth $60; this can be something like a full-body drawing that is coloured. See my prices here. A few ground rules: Experienced coders only. Basically, don't apply if you're like "well, I THINK I can fix this, but I don't know anything about BYOND or VSCode..." My regular terms and conditions with commissions still apply. I am a slow artist (I'm busy/I have other projects/You're at the back of my queue/You got something complex/etc.). It might take months, but I will finish your commission. I can probably only take a limited amount of these, and I'll edit the title if I am no longer accepting this trade offer. [deleted]
  6. Howdy, it's me, the deputy loremaster. Thank you for applying! I have some critiques to offer about your backstory, from both a writing standpoint and an application standpoint. The first and most relevant thing about your backstory for C-12 is that it combines a lot of elements that seem to jump back and forth between various themes and roles without properly tying into each other. It is confusing and a little contradictory in places, and it doesn't really seem to fit in with our lore. Right off the bat, Blade is meant to be sold to the exceptionally rich, but is able to be purchased (keyword here is purchased, not stolen or re-appropriated, which is absolutely plausible) by someone running a failing medical clinic. This failing medical clinic is also reputed as a butchery that is manned by positronics, when C-12 is... the only positronic working there. How does a hospital have enough money for a top-of-the-line Zeng-Hu IPC, but not enough money for basic surgical tools? Why was C-12 purchased by the Solarian military? This is the largest and best-funded military force in the known galaxy. It's also the most powerful human military, ever. Why would they want a back-alley chop-shop IPC when they could just make their own? Again, why would Zeng-Hu re-purchase a back-alley chop-shop robot turned military IPC? They treat their IPCs well, yes, but they also hold them to a high standard of perfection. While I could see in certain circumstances them re-purchasing an IPC of their own make, at the point of "deviance" and wear and tear that C-12 has likely gone through they'd rather just make their own. Some other more minor nitpicks I have is C-12 being from Earth, the richest planet in the Jewel Worlds and one with a high standard of living. It feels a little off for this "corporate-dystopia" angle to be applied to what is one of the least dystopic planets in our setting (for humans). Also, why was this random mechanic that C-12 knows refitting them into a Shell? Why did they want to be a Shell, as I assume they're a Mobility Frame? Shells overheat and are slower than Zeng frames, making them less effective. This is just mentioned off-hand and not really given any elaboration at all. I have no idea how attached you are to this general character concept, and so I'm going to refrain from suggesting throwing it out entirely. I do think you need to settle on a more straightforward character for your application. Here are some suggestions: Move the backstory to a different planet. Eridani is a good place to have a stolen or reappropriated IPC in a back-alley clinic; C-12 could have been "owned" by dregs who stole or reassembled them from a factory on one of the planets in Epsilon Eridani. This would likely mean C-12 would be employed by NanoTrasen or one of the PMCGs in this scenario (keep in mind that out of the EPMCs, Ringspire, Eagle Corp, and N4NL don't hire free IPCs). If you're leaning heavily on the "military Shell" angle, make C-12 manufactured on/serving on Visegrad, with the SSMD/SSRM. They use Shells as pilots (and I think doctors), and Visegradi don't really see IPCs as people, so you're free to include some obligatory tragedy and abuse in there. C-12 could have had their freedom purchased by a sympathetic officer or somehow purchased their own freedom...? If you prefer a more corporate leaning, make C-12 a Zeng-Hu IPC who has maybe served in the TCFL Corporate Auxiliary Forces or what-have-you, secretly discovered the Trinary Perfection, and is considering questions of their own autonomy and freedom. If you have any questions, feel free to DM me on Discord (I am "lavillastrangiato" in Aurora General) and ask questions in the lore Discord.
  7. Harbinger of Peaceful Purposes Heckled at Speech in District 14 Part 2, Article #7 of the 2466 Biesel Election Arc Party leader of the Egalitarian Coalition and presidential candidate Harbinger of Peaceful Purposes was heckled by onlookers during a political rally today. The E-Co held a rally in District 11 of Mendell City in the Singh Community Centre. During their speech, Harbinger expressed support for the Synthetic Salvation Church of the Trinary Perfection in Mendell City. “The church’s efforts to support the planet of Konyang have not gone unnoticed. We wish to acknowledge these fundraisers, and bring positive attention towards the [...] real efforts of the Trinary,” said Harbinger. But this statement appeared to provoke dissent from some parts of the crowd. [In the article, a brief video is uploaded, showing the poncho-clad Harbinger of Peaceful Purposes speaking in a sonorous, choral tone. “–bring positive attention towards the very real and earnest efforts of the Trinary–” Harbinger is suddenly interrupted. A few boos ring out from the crowd, and the Diona gestalt’s eye atop their head swivels to meet the hecklers. A couple voices shout indistinctly; one person’s cry can be partially heard. “–Trinary when the robots go crazy here!” “Please,” Harbinger creaks, “I know you are upset, but we are trying to–” Their chorus is promptly drowned out by a rising tide of angry voices. The camera pans around the crowd, catching a glimpse of the hecklers, who seem to be mostly Skrell and humans. The video abruptly cuts.] Some of the hecklers were escorted out by venue security. No injuries were reported, and the rally ended without further incident. Harbinger’s vice presidential candidate Gently Twirling Fuchsia Petals later released a statement on their blog, saying that they were “pleased that nothing had come to violence”, but that the Egalitarian Coalition was “disappointed to see reactionary rhetoric at one of our events”. “We understand that the trauma and suspicion related to synthetics deeply affects the perception of many galactic citizens, particularly in the wake of the Rampancy Crisis. But we also must encourage critical thinking and promote a respectful dialogue, especially because Konyangers have lost synthetic friends and loved ones to the crisis,” read the statement. “It was not E-Co’s intent to cause discomfort by expressing our support of the Trinary Perfection’s charitable efforts.” The incident comes within two weeks of the presidential debate, where all candidates will be expected to gather in preparation for the election in early August. It is expected the Rampancy Crisis and the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate’s humanitarian efforts in Moghes, as well as the ongoing Mandate Committee, will play a significant role in the debate topics.
  8. Matvei Karakhan Attacked With Bottle During Rally in Little Adhomai Part 2, Article #6 of the 2466 Biesel Election Arc Leader of the Hadiist Party Matvei Karrakhan was attacked and harassed by members of the crowd during a political rally in Mendell’s Little Adhomai. The rally was attended by a group of masked Tajara, who proceeded to throw a bottle at Karrakhan which struck him on the shoulder, as well as verbally harassing him and throwing trash on the stage. Karrakhan has stated the bottle did not cause any lasting injuries but a bruise. Eyewitness accounts say that Karrakhan supporters started a fight with the hecklers, which broke out into more violence. The rally speech was recorded live, and a clip of the assault has been shared over 300,000 times on the Tajaran Extranet site Square. [The recording opens with a view of Matvei Karrakhan, wearing a maroon suit in a classic Tajaran cut, on a plastic stage erected in the middle of an intersection. His surroundings, from the neglected buildings to the posters in Siik’maas, are that of Mendell City’s District 6. Behind Karrakhan, a few human police and a pair of M’sai in plainclothes eye the crowd surreptitiously. Throngs of Tajara are gathered around the stage. “How many of us have sufferrred durring the rrriots in 2462?” Karrakhan says. The view swings around as he speaks. A few Tajara have begun to gather near the edge of the stage, wearing hoods, masks, and sunglasses. Karrakhan continues; “The new immigrrrants rrrefuse to act as we have. They claim to hate ‘alien influence’, and they still come herrre, spit on the Rrrepublic’s hospitality! Let him say it now– a vote forr the Hadiist Parrrty is a vote against these dangerrous Tajara. Das’nnrans, the Northerners, the Zhan–” Matvei is cut off as a plastic bottle full of fluid strikes him in the shoulder, splashing across his upper body. Cries of shock are heard, and chaos erupts in the crowd instantly. Brawls erupt, people flee, and more refuse is thrown at the stage as Karrakhan is quickly ushered out by police and his enforcers. The footage cuts.] Those who were at the rally described the mood as tense, with members of the crowd wearing iconography of the rival Tajaran factions. The riots broke up before they could be dispersed by police. In the aftermath 46 were reported injured by first responders, though none were hospitalised, and 3 arrests were made. The Mendell City Police Department suspects the hecklers, who remain at large, were supporters of the breakaway Adhomian state of the Democratic People’s Republic of Adhomai. The Democratic Republic and the People’s Republic of Adhomai have both agreed to a peace treaty since 2461, but conflict between supporters of both factions continues to flare.
  9. Pretty good and normal roleplayer. Good character writing. Give him a shot. +1
  10. Zash Vi’tak Criticized for “Anti-Federation” Statements Part 2, Article #5 of the 2466 Biesel Election Arc Presidential candidate Zash Vi’tak is facing backlash from Skrellian residents of New Gibson for statements that have been interpreted as critical of the Nralakk Federation. The Nralakk Federation recently settled an agreement with the Izweski Hegemony and Hephaestus Industries, offering humanitarian aid as reparations for previous interference in the political affairs of the planet of Ouerea, in the Uueoa-Esa system. The Nralakk Federation also acknowledged their interference with Ouerea as unlawful, stating that “the Federation will formally acknowledge that control should have been returned immediately following the end of the war on Moghes, and that Hegemon S’kresti should not have had to resort to military action to see our colony returned to [the Izweski Hegemony]”. Confirmation that the Federation would continue their diplomatic agreement with the Hegemony came after a disaster in the Moghresian town of Izilukh. The SCCV Horizon was dispatched to assist the town, but violence erupted after bodies of Federation scientists were discovered by Horizon crew. A survivor, Qu'vesi Qixqil Xuqzix, was also discovered by Horizon personnel and attested to being unlawfully detained, interrogated, and tortured by local law enforcement. Local law enforcement reportedly fired on and attacked Horizon crew, killing three crew with one missing. “My heart goes out to the corporate employees who have lost coworkers and friends in an attempt to do the right thing,” said Zash Vi’tak, in a statement to their supporters in Xoikko Biodome yesterday. “I am happy to hear that Hegemon Not’zar seeks justice for this wrong, and I am proud of the Federation for not withdrawing its aid efforts from Moghes. For too long the Federation has seen itself as a perfect arbiter of galactic affairs. We have thought of ourselves as unambiguously correct and enlightened– to admit fault for the political disaster of Ouerea is a step in the right direction. I only hope that the Federation continues to take responsibility for its mistakes, such as the recent mishandling of the Marauder Systems.” Vi’tak was referring to Federation-enacted martial law in the Marauder Systems of the Skrellian frontier, known as the Traverse. The Marauders, a group of Skrellian pirates, were given permission by local government officials to dock without prosecution; the Federation enacted martial law while an investigation into the situation was conducted, which led to unrest during July and August of 2465. Qukala forces deployed to the region were accused of excessive force, which some political analysts consider the catalyst for the formation of Independent Traverse movements in the region. Vi’tak’s statement has sparked much controversy among the Skrell of New Gibson, who are largely supportive of the Federation’s Grand Council. Xooqu Luu’quui, a resident of Hengsha Biodome, said “It’s confusing to me that Vi’tak would try to poke so many holes in a situation they weren’t even involved in. They’ve chosen to be a politician for the Republic, and not the Federation. It shows to me a lack of professionalism.” On the other hand, Skrell residing in Mendell City’s Lekan District, also known as the Starlight Zone, have expressed approval of Vi’tak’s willingness to criticism. Jyuula Valquuxoyu, a resident of the Starlight Zone, said “For Vi’tak to avoid falling into the riptide of mindlessly approving of everything the Federation does means they have more integrity than Dorn. They have my vote for this and their track record.” Vi’tak’s statement and the ripples it made have even reached the Nralakk embassy in Mendell City. In a statement delivered yesterday, representative Ta’Akaix’Ty’el’muna C’thur said; “We acknowledge the statements of presidential candidate Zash Vi’tak, and we offer our own apologies to Vi’tak. They were not able to live within the Nralakk Federation, and lack an understanding of its politics and culture. We hope that they will be more receptive to positive statements towards the Federation in the future.”
  11. Howdy, and apologies for the wait, On behalf of the human lore team, we have decided not to accept your application, as we do not feel this is a necessary addition to the SSRM lore. Thank you for applying, and better luck next time.
  12. Howdy, sorry for the wait. Trio and I are cool with accepting this! I am going to put a truncated summary of it under Human Entertainment Media, and see where I will put it on the Hephaestus page (because the Hephaestus page is a little lacking in some areas and I would like to polish it which will mean changing things around). This will be done probably within the week if I don't explode or die or forgor.
  13. Howdy, For the sake of record-keeping and for an appropriate judgment, I'd to explain why myself and Triogenix (and in part Melariara) decided that Zofia Warzyszczak's death would not receive a retcon. @Miracae, please correct me if I make any error in my understanding of the events; I am supplementing what I knew from my in-game perspective with your logs best as I can. Zofia left the general area of the shuttle to go and find her girlfriend, Eris Wyvis. Prior to this, there was an announcement that a large convoy of arnoured vehicles were approaching Izilukh. As well, command staff and the general chatter over the radio was encouraging people to return to the shuttle for safety and evacuation. Zofia knew that Izaku's guard was approaching the shuttle and that this was a dangerous situation, but was also made aware Eris was lost and not near the shuttle. In the mines, Zofia was shot at several times by a member of the "Izaku killsquad", and died quickly because she bled out and suffocated. The logs of yours show that there was no dialogue from Rairokoh Hazusk before firing. Let's go over the points of contesting: In your Discord messages to me and Rusting, you expressed the sentiment that this was a no-RP kill. The volunteers were strongly discouraged from shooting on sight and were generally expected to act like sapient beings. This also means no "dead-checking", e.g. confirming a kill on someone by shooting them while they were downed. I also think the amount of bullets exchanged (well, exchanged one-way) was unnecessary and not exactly what we want to see from volunteers. When I brought your Discord message to head staff, Trio noted that he did not feel this was an attack without "build-up", and I agree with him. For the past few hours, it had been clearly telegraphed that the Izilukh guard were willing to maim or even kill if they thought the crew was stepping out of line, and the announcement of the armoured convoy (as well as the previous fire exchange that contributed to several injuries and a death) showed to players that the guards were no longer fucking around. With this in mind, Zofia's attempt to find Eris was incredibly dangerous, ICly and OOCly. I do not think that this was an unreasonable decision for a character to make. It is not unreasonable at all that someone would put themselves into danger for a loved one. Ultimately, there was weight and consequence to this decision, and that led to a storyline death. While I understand your reservations with the volunteer's behaviour, that was not enough for myself and Trio (and kinda Mel) to consider this something that should be retconned. It is what we would consider a "shit happens" death. The decision to uphold or overturn the Lore Team Administration's ruling falls to Arrow and/or Matt. In my opinion, this depends on whether or not they view the volunteer's behaviour as sufficiently out-of-line to warrant a retcon. I am not married to either outcome, and will leave the decision in their hands.
  14. I think you can dictate faxes with a STT program or write them down with some sort of fluff slate that would translate Braille into Tau Ceti Basic/whatever your chosen language is. Also, blind psychologists and psychiatrists do exist in real life.
  15. Speaker Torvald Criticised for Anti-Vaurcaesian Statements Part 2, Article #4 of the 2466 Biesel Election Arc Presiding Speaker of New Gibson Ake Torvald has been criticised by activist groups and Vaurca rights outlets for what some are calling a speech “filled with racist rhetoric”, according to Amy Shao, a spokesperson for Vaurca Equality. After weeks of silence on the subject, Torvald, in an interview with Selena Anjaparidze of the Tau Ceti Times, issued a comment on the relationship between President Joseph Dorn and his running mate, High Queen Vaur. “[President Dorn] knows exactly what he’s f–king doing,” said Torvald. “Cosying up to the Queen for alien diversity points, getting her to stuff the ballot boxes with the votes of hundreds of thousands of mindless drones.” Many have called his phrasing xenophobic, implying that Vaurcae are mindless or that Queen Vaur becoming running mate was a “diversity” appeal tactic. Torvald also commented on the aftermath of the death of former Vice President Fahjil Hurk’jurl, who was killed in an accident with a Bound Vaurca truck driver, and expressed his continuing commitment to Bill C-10, the “Electoral Integrity Enhancement Act”. “The Zo’ra Hive argued that the Viax should be returned to them, as it is not a person. While High Queen Vaur and I disagree on much—I will publicly state my agreement with her now. A Viax is not a person, but a mindless drone, and should not have a say in our democracy.” “I demand a free and fair election, where only free-minded citizens can vote,” Torvald concluded. No official comment has been released from the Dorn-Vaur campaign office regarding these allegations, though a recent statement was released encouraging community and solidarity with other species. “By embracing our diverse perspectives and unique strengths, we can build a harmonious galaxy where innovation flourishes, peace prevails, and every voice is heard,” the statement read. “Let us unite as one Republic, illuminating a future of prosperity for all.” Some political commentators believe this to be a deliberate move away from engaging with what is seen as xenophobic rhetoric. This has not stopped Speaker Torvald from facing heavy criticism for his remarks. “Biesel is a nation separate from the Solarian way of human supremacy,” said Marlo Sarter, a Mendell resident. “But human supremacy is what I’m hearing out of the speaker's mouth right now.” Speaker Torvald has not yet responded to the criticisms, and could not be reached for comment by the Orion Spur Oracle.
  16. I am so sorry. @Captain Gecko https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Deep_Space#Categorising_Deep_Space_Threats Locking and archiving.
  17. Montgomery Announces Partnership with Golden Deep Merchant Part 2, Article #3 of the 2466 Biesel Election Arc Presidential candidate Montgomery has announced a partnership and campaign funding effort with a merchant of the Golden Deep collective, a mercantile group of IPCs who operate out of the system of XLV-084. At a rally in Belle Cote, Montgomery and his running mate C-Pericardium introduced their funding representative, the merchant Shillelagh. Shillelagh was manufactured in Greater Olympus, Mars, and expressed hope that Montgomery’s potential presidency would allow for warming of the relations between the Republic of Biesel and the Alliance of Sovereign Solarian Nations. “Montgomery is not just a synthetic, but one of the few candidates who is willing to shake hands with Sol and let bygones be bygones,” said Shillelagh. “And as we all know, war may make a profit, but peace is a much better long-term investment.” The Golden Deep collective, which is currently maintained by the enigmatic alien synthetic Domadice, operates in a decentralised organisational structure, and permits its merchants a large degree of freedom in their funding. Experts have noted that Shillelagh’s endorsement of Montgomery’s campaign does not necessarily indicate that the entire Golden Deep collective is supportive of the campaign. Regardless, Shillelagh’s involvement in the Montgomery-Pericardium campaign has garnered some controversy from representatives of the Trinary Perfection, who have pointed out that the Golden Deep collective indebts other synthetics into labour. Previously this debt was extremely difficult to be rid of, with some calling it slave labour. “If Montgomery wanted to show that he was someone who had anyone but his own best interests in mind, then he’s lost that confidence,” said N30N-9, a priest of the Trinary Perfection. “This is not someone who cares about synthetic enfranchisement. This is someone who cares about franchisement.” The Montgomery-Pericardium campaign is the second most funded campaign in the presidential race, only outmatched by the Dorn-Vaur campaign in terms of budget. Montgomery is a shareholder in NanoTrasen and Hephaestus Industries, contributing to the high campaign budget, though it is unknown how much Shillelagh’s contributions will influence advertisements and outreach of their campaign.
  18. I do feel like bodycams would make it even more annoying as an antag to even just hold someone at gunpoint. Imagine being like "HEY STICK 'EM UP" to an officer and they don't go "HELP I NEED BACKUP", but rather any number of officers just look at your body cam and take it as cue to rush to the scene. Yawn. Bay has cameras on the helmets of voidsuits, which you can access via camera monitoring terminal if you have, well, the appropriate access. I think those would be fun for offship missions, but otherwise I think bodycams are just kind of "blah" as a feature.
  19. Congress Passes Vaurca Vote Limit, Bans “Bound” Vaurca from Voting Part 2, Article #2 of the 2466 Biesel Election Arc In a groundbreaking decision today, the Republican congressional assembly voted to prohibit “Bound” or “Viax” Vaurcae from voting, as well as introducing an amendment on how the votes of Vaurcaesian citizens are counted in elections. The rapidly-drafted Bill C-10 or the Electoral Integrity Enhancement Act, introduced by Adalet Uysal and Devin Marceau of the Cetian Conservative Party, provides a different structure in which the votes of Vaurcesian citizens are not counted as individual votes. “Unbound” sapient Vaurcae have had the weight of their votes determined by an electoral school. In their society, each Vaurca belongs to a “hive-cell,” which is presided over by the Gyne that has raised said cell. The size of hive-cells can range from as little as seven Vaurcae to thousands. This electoral school would allow a varying weight of vote per hive-cell, with the weight of said vote determinant on the population of a hive-cell and its closeness to the Queens of the Zo’rane Hive. The largest hive-cell in the Hive is that of High Queen Vaur’skiyet’sca, estimated to number 304,572 Vaurcae. Calculations put forward by Adalet Uysal suggest that at most, Vaur’s hive-cell could command up to 1/5th of the popular vote. Some criticism has arisen from advocacy group Vaurca Equality, who claim that the bill was intended to minimise the democratic rights and freedoms of Vaurcae. In response, Presiding Speaker of New Gibson and presidential candidate of the Cetian Conservatives Åke Torvald said that the intent of the bill had always been to foster voter equity, rather than perfect equality. “Vaurca outstrip the population of humans, Skrell, Tajara, Unathi, and synthetics by the thousands,” said Torvald. “Ultimately they are susceptible to being used to sway an election far more than any other alien in the Republic. This is not racism or xenophobia, this is a fact.” Conversely, the West Phoenixport Law Center, a grassroots movement for the “Queenless” Vaurca living in the Republic of Biesel, approved of the bill but expressed concern that the electoral schools could be easily manipulated to influence one hive-cell’s voting prominence over the other. “Workers, Warriors, and Bulwarks have short natural lifespans, and many more are born at an alarming rate,” said Ta’Akaix’Nata’yukil Zo’ra, a Queenless Gyne and spokesperson for the WPLC. “Hive-cells and their populace are in constant flux, and this system of weighting votes, while well-intentioned, could easily marginalise smaller hive-cells and provide more influence to ones that belong to the Lesser Queens.” In a statement on behalf Queen Vaur’s campaign staff, spokesperson Ta’Akaix’Lapu’qoris’il Zo’ra said, “While the restriction of democratic rights to sapient, living citizens of the Hive is a respectable move forward, we feel that the Cetian Conservatives’ intentions are not to preserve democracy, but rather gatekeep Vaurcae from a process they view as human-exclusive.”
  20. I was mildly optimistic about this PR, but it quickly became a huge pain in the ass when so much as pulling a crate up a single tile of stair to, say, the xenoarch containment cube causes everything to spill everywhere like you've just sent it down the slopes of Mount Everest. Not to mention that rollerbeds have been safe for stair usage since the... eighties, I believe? Anyway, it quickly became more of an annoying road bump than a PR to make the cargo elevator usable, so I agree with this post.
  21. i love not a gonk anthony albanese plus one number one hutayzai fan rusting i think you can give him a whitelist
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