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Everything posted by Tenenza

  1. Alright then, based on your drastically improved behavior and displayed understanding of the rules, it has been decided that you deserve a second chance regarding this. Appeal accepted, and antag ban lifted.
  2. Tenenza


    We would also need to plan out their lore implementation and the events thereof, if we're going to continue the original plan of doing an event series for this, although those aren't so much dead blocks as some delays.
  3. I believe someone is already working on seeing if we can incorporate some of CM's alium code in a more unique Aurora way.
  4. Taking us off the Hub on weekends. That's all.
  5. Blarg, I have too many characters. Here, have the one character I've finished so far. Civilian:
  6. I actually think that Urist station mused around with an Xcom gamemode for a while, with away missions and research. Dunno if they've still got that going.
  7. Modern Fantasy, Horror, Cyberpunk.
  8. I'm fairly sure you only need to load resources when you open or reopen your client. While you can lose connection at server restart, you can right click the top of your client window, go the client tab, and use the reconnect option to reconnect without having to reload your client and resources. Thus, the only time you would have an issue with taking too long to load your resources would be if you got lucky, or unlucky, enough to connect while the game is still in the lobby before or during the vote. The chances of this happening are: Assuming the average round length is approximately 3 hours (180 minutes), including the 2-3 minutes from restart to the actual game beginning. 75 seconds (from restart to vote start) + 1 minute (vote duration) --------------------------- 180 minutes + 16 minutes (vote end to restart) = 0.01147959183 or 1.1147959183% Disclaimer: May or may not be correct usage of maths.
  9. Alright, the staff member involved was Casperfl, and the specifical recorded reason for the antag ban was for ganking two other players as changling, and a series of previous incidents regarding rule violations. The primary concern shown by Casperfl was not merely regarding the ganking and poor roleplay involved, but the poor understanding of the rules that was shown by the repeated violations of the rules.
  10. Well, that is rather vague. I'll take a look at our records and see if I can find the ckey of the staff involved and any additional information.
  11. Tenenza


    Alright. I don't usually post on goodbye threads, since I dislike goodbyes in general. So, here you go: Xanderdox, when I first wrote my headwhitelist application, I looked to your previously accepted application for guidence. That's the closest thing you're getting to a goodbye hug from this egotistical mashocist. Try not to die out there. -Tenenza
  12. xxxretrogrear3 has been spoke to regarding their behavior and actions, and the concerns brought up in this thread were addressed, with the promise of improvement and receptiveness of feedback. We shall see how this unfold in the future then, but until then, this thread will be locked and archived.
  13. You did not potientially break a rule. You did break a rule. You ignored the staff warning by again bringing up the SS and then declaring that they weren't evil, which is a subjective arguement in of itself. Declaring in OOC that the SS weren't evil is going to start a debate, especially when the discussion regarding the movie had already jumped to include mentioning gas chambers. Declaring that you do not want to debate, after having already stated that the SS are not evil does not solve nor address the issue, and nor does it rectify the fact that bringing up the SS and declaring that they were not evil offends people ,and you know it offends people since you were previously warned about this.
  14. I open myself and my actions for review by the server population, and am open to any questions specific questions regarding this. My only comments so far as this: You were given a weekban, not a 7.5 day ban. That number would be strange. You were not given a weekban for potientially starting a flamewar. You were given a weekban for doing that and ignoring a warning previously given to you regarding discussing offensive topics in OOC. The fact you continued to do so, and see nothing wrong with it, shows a disregard for the warning and staff instructions therein.
  15. This was indeed an automatic ban by our system. It detected you were using a blacklisted proxy. Please do not do that in the future. The ban will be lifted momentarily.
  16. Oh, right, this. I remember vaguely hearing about this. Perhaps I might have said something to influence Xel's argument? Yes, I do believe I said that Braktooth was being too referential, since we already had another synthetic using ork terminology and slang, and they were both on at the same time. Perhaps that was a hasty statement. I'll admit I was a bit busy with other things at the time, (event and other ahelps), and might not have thought throughly, but I still think it's kinda surreal to have two synthetics talking to eachother like orks.
  17. Someone dared me to apply for lore team, so I did.
  18. Ckey/BYOND Username: tenenza Position Being Applied For : Lore Dev Past Experiences/Knowledge: I have been full of bullshit since 1621, the year of our lord, Jesus Christ, praise be unto him. For the first eighty nine years of my life, I lived as but a simple quantitative banker, ekking out an existance in the slums of Arizona, were I hunted the famed Bison of the region. I made my name with the slaying of Kres-kazeroth-moric-ja, a bison that the natives said was too big to fall. And perhaps it was, as when I drove it off the cliff, it merely spread it's massive golden wings and took to the sky. As I looked into it's seven glazy white eyes, I think we both knew that this game had gone on too long. To this day, I still brush my teeth with one of Kres-Kazeroth-moric-ja's preserved fingers, to remind myself to be humble. Then I lived out my days, as but a mere legend to the natives, whom I guided with a gentle hand. In fact, that's why the state is called Arizona. It's named after me. But alas, all good things come to and end, and my halcyon days ended with a bang. Not quite sure what caused the explosion but it was big. That was the first time I died. For the next century, I lived a wooden cabnet in the home of a japanese tomato smith. Every day, I watched as his heated arguements with the british missionaries about how to pronounce tomato warmed his forge and sustained his livelyhood. It was only in a freak accident that I burned, when an american trader from the far south dared to pronounce it as Taaa-Ma-Ta, and ushered in the great fire of 1923. And then I ended up here. Trapped, in this machine, lying on the surface of some Estonian Engineering student's desk, bound to serve him. Examples of Past Work: The state of Arizona. My mod work. All the good parts of OOC. If you want to get technical, Skull's continued sanity. Preferred Mode of Communication (Skype, Steam, etc.): Astral projection, since it lets me stretchy my spiritual cabnet doors, but I can also send you a radio-frequency that my soul can pick up thanks to the fact Skull never turns off his radio and instead just chances it to a frequency nothing is on. Additional Comments: This is a joke. Plz no ban.
  19. Due to displaying conduct that is unsuitable for a whitelisted player, it has been decided that Mirkolio's head whitelist will be revoked. Additionally, the IC issues regarding this conduct and roleplay will be addressed by the DOs. Attempting to subvert or dodge any decision that DOs make regarding this, such as making a copy-paste character to dodge a demotion or termination of employment will result in a ban. This thread will now be locked and archived. If there are any further remarks of importance you would like to make, or objections regarding this, feel free to PM myself.
  20. I'm sorry, but it's just so much harder to imperialize them now that we can't break in through maint.
  21. I feel this would detract from the utter horror and terror that is bees.
  22. Can I request we start doing this again? Please?
  23. Happy Birthday Nibbles, and a toast to all the times we burned in a plasma fire togeather.
  24. Locked and Archived.
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