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Everything posted by Tenenza
How long ago was this ban placed? I'm having trouble looking it up in our database.
Please reformat this to the proper unban appeal format: [b]BYOND Key:[/b] (This is your Byond login/Ckey) [b]Total Ban Length:[/b] (The total time of your ban. You can also note your remaining time, though it is not required) [b]Banning staff member's Key:[/b] (This is the staff member's BYOND key/Ckey who placed the ban) [b]Reason of Ban:[/b] (You can see this when you attempt to log in to the server) [b]Reason for Appeal:[/b] (State your reason for why you think you should be unbanned)
BYOND Key: tenenza Character Names: Sabrina Song, Yusif Asher, Alexis Shaw, A Window of Past Reverance, A Window of Dire Reversal, The Apotheosis of Chance, Gordon Ellis, A Dream Hidden Away, Aira LI, MCXXXVIII, Nina Arouet, Tracing The Sky, Lobsang, Lobsang Gold, Robbie, Yang, Trajan, Astrid, Muse and Dimethylaminoethyl Species you are applying to play: Skrell What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): #B85C8A, rgb(204, 102, 153) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yep Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I kinda want to try something new with my roleplay. Skrell I guess are interesting to me because they're closer to humans then IPCs or Diona in their mindset. In a way, I kinda view them as foils to IPCs. IPCs have a alien, artificial way of thinking, but often can articulate in such a way that humans can understand. Skrell are human-like in mindset, they experience many of the same emotions and personal shortfallings as humans, but they aren't human. They don't articulate as humans do, to humans they appear distant and cold. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Face is everything. Pride, honor, wealth and wisdom all are subservant to Face. It's not enough to be the best, you need to let every know you are the best, while at the same time avoiding the appearance of arrogance or boastfulness. Do not bring yourself down to the level of those beneath you. To lose Face is to lose control, and vis versa. Character Name: Laine Kaisa Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs The sea does not yield to any, and neither shall my hands. It is in dark days you would cower, before the tide of force You would hide then, behind confort and safety and peace. But suffering is the stuff of life, it reminds us why we toil. It is not for the strong we that we suffer a wounded pride. It is not for the wise we teach and study our world's ideas. It is not for the wealthy we save each and every little coin. It is for those without pride, no strength to call their own. It is for those without wisdom, who see ever in darkness. It is for those without wealth, not a cent to save their life. There is not justice to our worlds, no balance nor equality. Suffer, for it is only by pain call by contrast to be pleasure. Preach pain, teach joy, and give all to those who need it. What do you like about this character? I've never had a chaplain before, and the few I see never seem to be quite on their rocker. There have been a few who were good and nice, but there are very few who are empathetic. I'd like to try to make an empathetic chaplain. How would you rate your role-playing ability? 10/Tenenza. So that's like, 3/7, I guess? Sure, why not. Notes: This isn't poetry. It's a sermon. There's a difference. Now excuse me, I need to go buy a black beret and a saxaphone.
I've been playing on this server for almost a year now. Legitimately 80% of the people who were considered vital pillers of the commnity at the time I joined have since disappeared or no longer play regularly. People leave, sometimes they come back but mostly they leave. But we let go. We move on. New people come, we learn to enjoy their company, and then they leave. And the cycle repeats, with only the most stalwart, or perhaps bullheaded and absurd individuals remaining.
Tl;dr: There was a thread about stuff. This thread was made by Jakers. There were posts in the thread that were binned by Xander. These posts probably should not have been binned, or handled differently.
I know. Can you imagine if I'd moved the posts to the main thread? The posts get ordered by time of posting, and would have utterly wrecked the main thread's flow.
Posts regarding XanderDox's actions will be moved to a compiled complaint thread for ease of information, evidence, and to keep this thread on topic. Binned posts will also be moved to that thread, or restored to this thread and a copy left in the complaint thread, at the request of their poster. If you feel your post is important to this thread and should not have been moved to the complaint thread, please contact me and I'll see what I can do. Linked thread: http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=3263
An additional linked thread has been created for the compilation of posts regardings XanderDox's actions. The binned posts themselves will be either moved there, or restored and a copy left there at the request of their posters. Linked thread: http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=3263
For evidence, ease of information, and to keep things on topic, posts regarding XanderDox's binning on other threads will be moved here. At the request of their posters, the binned posts may also either be moved here, or will be restored and a copy placed here. Link to main thread: http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=3258
...I'm going to go out on a limb here and say I need to do my job and review the forum logs for this thread's edits and deletes.
Once upon a time, there was a grey-suit from Goon. This little grey-suit blew their last top, sliced their final clown, and wandered for green pastures. There was paradise with their karma, alium with their chairs, and bay was just plain weird, like that fruity wine they always keep in the right corner of the room at wine tastings. Then this grey shirt came to Aurora. There was a chef who melted someone's face off with peppers. A chemist with TK, Hulk, and shapechange. And a captain that probably no one else remembers. It wasn't heavy RP. It was light RP, with a few serious faces thrown in. And this greysuit wasn't even looking for Heavy RP, just a fun time. But this greysuit stayed. They played reporter, and were in the loop about about every relationship on station They played scientist, and learned the mechanics of the game from the best. They played RD, and make sure everyone filed paperwork and even applied for grant money. They played moderator, and wrote this post because they like to talk about themself in the third person. The tides of fate ebb and flow. We've been high and we've been low. At one point, the HoS and all of security decided to drag someone into maintenance and beat them to an inch of their life for being a massive sleezy dick to pretty much every women on the station. At another point, I fired someone for filing their paperwork incorrectly and then made security file paperwork about how I fired them for filing their paperwork incorrectly. Yesterday, I was surprised that someone actually filed an equipment requisition form. Tomorrow, perhaps I will be surprised by someone failing to file a equipment requisition form. I've fought the good fight, both for high standards of roleplay and more lax standards of roleplay. The tide rises and falls, and I've been worn down by it's blade. Fight your fight, but try not to take it too seriously.
It's much more open world then FTL, with more focus on making decisions and choices then combat. Also, it encourages you to take your time exploring since you gain much greater rewards for exploring far off distant lands then just trading between islands (which is barely profitable if not at a flat out loss most of the times). It's an interesting game, if you can survive the very harsh learning curve.
The early game is hell. Brutal, murdery hell. Late game can also be hell, depending on what choices you make (Do not try to do a FrostFound run unless you are prepared, or for that matter, actually fight Mt.Nomad.) But there are lots of little things that can help ease you out of that hell. Hunter's Keep is good for free early game supplies, and can be quite rewarding if you have the necessary veils or get lucky. There are a few characters in london that give good quests with decent payouts, although they're mostly there to give you just that little more incentive to go explore more unfound islands or revisit old ones. The salt lions give good money early game, as Jackfractal said, and keep an eye out for visage. And if you're still having trouble, try taking one of the legacies that lets you keep 25% of your last captain's money.
So I recently tried this game called Sunless Sea, a victorian survival horror sea exploration game thing. It's kinda like someone made a game to simulate all those victorian era stories about the sea and africa and how freaky and supernatural things were outside of the good old UK. Only, it's also in a gaint cavern underground, with a rich and unique setting as well. Exploring and uncovering the details and secrets of the setting is actually one of the most fun parts of the game, and is also the most rewarding way to the play the game as well, which is neat. Sunless Sea also turned out to be a spin-off of another web-based waity game called Fallen London, which has the same setting which is cool. Yes.
I used to lock down Borgs that annoyed my RD, walk up to them, monologue to them about how I am in control and for them to never forget that for one second, then wander back to the console and unlock them. My RD was however a massive bitch most of the time, so that's something. But, yes, there is good RP potential in the mechanic, as well as good RP in the loss of control that can result from a good malf AI taking out the console.(there was a memorable time in which a malf AI broke a few of my RD's bones with a well timed machine explosion couples with quickly Bolting the door.)
On the subject of nerds; Acel, Samara and Avery's adorable romantics.
Application accepted, as of 4JUL1776. If there are any issues or concerns regarding this decision, please contact an alchemist.
Icons for Holocarp exist in the same .dmi as the icons for normal carp, icons/mob/animal.dmi, and they're even animated. It would be nice if the holocarp made by the holodeck used these icons. Yes.
can we have this Do I still get exp for warnings? What about forum warnings?
Morning Rech, long time no see, almost thought you'd disappeared while I was away.
This is what happened. It only was really delayed by about 5 minutes.
Mhmm, the antag clause is probably the hardest. I can name a few severs that fit the other criteria off the top of my head, but I don't know many servers that really advertise having certain game modes more then others,
*wakes up, drinking some morning tea, goes on forums.* *three more pages of posts then when I went to sleep* Oh bugger, more reading. Edit: Oh bugger, bold text, coloured text, big text wow. And now I need to think about things. Great.