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Everything posted by Tenenza

  1. I have no idea why Cassie doesn't want to appeal. Honestly, I actually have trouble putting myself in their shoes as a result. Cassie has shown pretty well that they don't want to come back, and for whatever reason Cassie has, I'm sure it's good enough for them. But, Cassie didn't properly contest the ban, and as a result, I cannot say that it's my place to judge the rational of the ban. It's an issue of professionalism. I respect the other members of the staff, and I trust them to make the right decisions. Sometimes, they make decisions I disagree with, but unless the involved players also disagree with it, I trust the staff to make the right decisions. Cassie didn't file an unban appeal or even a staff complaint. If Cassie had, then this would be a different matter entirely, and I would have to sift through all the data and accounts to make a judgement. But that isn't the case, and this is such a unique situation that I can't imagine a precedent is set by it.
  2. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure what happened. I wasn't there to see things go down first hand, I haven't even started trying to tangle out what happened based on second hand accounts, and frankly, I don't have an interest in doing so. Why don't I care? Well, Cassie got banned, perhaps unfairly and without proper justification, sure I can get behind that arguement. But if Cassie doesn't actually want to get unbanned, then what's there to say on it? Doom might not be the most tactful speaker, but I think the general gist of what he's saying, that it's better if someone breaks a rule outright rather then dodge around the rules in order to be discreetly hurtful to people. It's like, would you rather get stabbed by someone in front of you, or stabbed by someone in the back? Maybe I'm reading too much into it. So, in my view, if it's worth anything, it seems like there is a justification for the ban. Is it a good justification? Eh, I dunno, it's an 'in the eye of the beholder' type deal. But if Cassie doesn't actually want to properly contest that, then I don't see any reason to keep arguing, especially when I need to clean up after all the rule violations of arguements that get too toxic.
  3. Diona Panic Room.
  4. My interview with soapycup:
  5. My interview with Garnascus:
  6. My interview with Obiedog:
  7. My interview with Thundy:
  8. Nursie hasn't killed or castrated anyone in a while, and actually seems to already be a very good teacher to new people in medical. That sounds good to me.
  9. Moom241 I miss you so much
  10. Hive! Welcome back!
  11. Hey Mirk. What's up?
  12. Sitting at the far end of the bar, a women with a mask like a thousand eyes lights a cigarette. "Eight Credits says that the cats win this one." Her goggled companion raises an eyebrow. "I thought you weren't the gambling type." "It's not a gamble if you know for sure who's going to win."
  13. Technically, that's part of the truth, but not all of it. Storyteller was told to cease trolling. Due to a miscommunication, the time they were told to stop trolling was mistaken. As a result, it appeared at the time that storyteller had posted his trolling mod application after having been told to stop.
  14. I remember when you played Kay lee. I always confused you with Kiwi and Turtle back then.
  15. Oh, right, the arrivals bombing. AKA, that time I taught you toxins, but forget to tell you how many bombs the test chamber could take without repair, went AFK, and came back to everyone pissed at you because a bomb you made got looped around the z-level.
  16. Storyteller is not banned from the forums. There was a miscommunication that lead to them temporarily being banned, and that was rectified within the hour. The accidental temporary ban was not done by Tish, and it is to our deepest regret that the miscommunicated information was not double checked and independently verified until afterwards. It was a departure from our standards and it will not happen again.
  17. *shrug* I'm not saying facism is against scientific progress, it's just that the ideas held by it aren't necessarily constructive towards global collaboration. As a whole, government research data is often highly internalized and processed before it is even allowed for any peer review, much less publication or additional research. There is a certain culture to government scientists in all countries that they reserve the right to withhold their data indefinitely until they feel it's ready, compared to academic scientists who live in fear of not publishing enough data to sustain their career and thus will seek out any collaboration they can get.
  18. Whom stated it was against that? Generally speaking, in order to have multinational scientific collaboration and free publishment, the scientists can't be employed by a government, and need to view themselves and their research as being devorsed from their parent nation. Facism as a principle seems, at least in my mind, to be interconnected with the ideas of nationalism and centralized and expansive government.
  19. Normally politics is something I don't care to touch on, but one aspect of facism makes me not like it. Facism as an ideology isn't constructive towards modern multinational scientific collaboration and free publishment. I'm big on academics transcending national boundaries, since scientific progress moves much faster and safer if academics from everywhere in the world can view and peer each other's work. It really cuts down on unethical and pointless experiments, as well as creates new avenues of research that would otherwise be impossible.
  20. I remember the time I indirectly caused a server crash with burgers.
  21. Tell me your best dad joke.
  22. Rusty: Armed with many, many firearms and a chihuahua that bites fingers. Residing in SW Florida, United States of America. Tenenza: Armed with many, many heavy books, a polar vortex, and two angry as fuck snapping turtles. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, New England, United States of America.
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