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Everything posted by Tenenza

  1. Once, on a trip to china with a friend of mine who had never been to china before, I trick my friend into taking pictures of things like security guards and government buildings, so I could troll both my friend and the chinese officials. Nearly got my friend arrested.
  2. I know. People are much more interesting then I would have expected. No offense. In fact, take that as the opposite of offense.
  3. Tenenza

    Blue Secborgs

    I like this idea. It makes sense.
  4. Well, we /do/ need more people in the Moon timezone...
  5. I remember the good old days of stalking nibbles and scissors with duck, and mocking them for their every little mistake, like that time nibbles released plasma everywhere, or that time samara dated avery.
  6. Edit: Damn it tish, you ninja.
  7. I mentioned the word once, and said that it should be added to the anatomy of a race within the game. I have linked a reference where it is used in a much more unscientific manner, which is also PG-13. The implimentation of sexual organs is not a topic that is PG13, even if used in a joking manner. The implications what was suggested, which can be inferred from word choice to be erotic, is definitely not PG13.
  8. A thread dedicated to discussing the implimentation of sexual organs is not PG13, even if it is ment as humour.
  9. With a Spork so you can surgically extract the good parts.
  10. Questions: 1: In your past experience with forum moderation, what has been most challanging about the job? 2: Other then enforcing the forum rules, how do you intend to make our forumside community a better place? 3: How would you work with the rest of the moderator team on a day to day basis, do you think? EXTRACREDIT: Tell me a story about your past experience with another forum in 100 characters or less. Up to 4 Hashtags are allowed, and are excluded from the word count.
  11. Ahelp was logged. It does not appear there was a responce. No admin handled the situation.
  12. On that wonderful note, I'm going to do my job and say that Forum rules have been broken in this thread, namely; Don't be a dick No personal attacks/nonconstructive debate I'm not going to muck around with who's to blame here, and just say this: Personal attacks against people will not be tolerated. There is no place on this forum or this server for hurtful public shaming, especially not by staff. This thread has served little purpose beyond inciting a volatile debate. Any constructive discussion regarding the validity of Cassie's ban have been hindered thus far, and it doesn't look like that's changing. I am locking down this thread for now. Any further discussion on Cassie's ban will start off on a new slate, and the forum rules will be enforced this time around. If anyone has any objections to this, or wants to unlock this thread, PM me. The decision to make this post and lock down this thread is mine and my own, based on my understanding of the forum rules and my duties as a moderator. As a result, I take all responsiblility for this course of action.
  13. Tenenza

    A headwrap.

    I haven't seen canon in a while, but I remember the turban. It was a nice hat.
  14. Perhaps I'm crazy, but is it really necessary to address this? Things have been said. Opinions have been made known. I don't think anything constructive is going to come out of continueing this discussion. Let stone pigs lie sleeping, where they belong.
  15. Questions: 1: You've applied to be a server moderator in the past before. Now you're applying for forum moderator. What, if anything, has changed since now and then that makes you want to apply for forum moderator? 2: There is once again a great deal of server drama on the forums. If you were currently a forum moderator, how would you address it? 3: At what point do you know you should take a step back and let other people handle an issue? EXTRA-CREDIT: Tell me a story about revenge. It doesn't have to be true. It only has to center on revenge.
  16. I am 17 and I don't have a drivers liscence, nor have any plans to get one, ever. I too, listen to Welcome to Nightvale, although I instead experience mad laughter. Bugs are scary. That's not a confession. It's a fact. I am terrified by how similiar I am to conspire in many ways. It's weird. You're like some sorta clone. Perhaps I am your imaginary friend. That would explain some things.
  17. Hit, or burnt prosthetics still hurt apparantly, no matter if EMPd, or hit, or whatever. Now that is strange. Definitely worth looking into then.
  18. Appeal accepted. Locking and archiving.
  19. That is strange. Maybe it was a bug that got fixed? I'll need to test this later.
  20. If you lose a limb, you can't get damaged in that area anymore. If you have robotic limbs, which don't give you pain run losing them, you can use this to your advantage if you're insane enough.
  21. It would be cool if we have an IPC civil rights movement plotty thing in the background, with newscasters and mini-events, kinda like the build up to the Insect people, but with more player involvement and choice.
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