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Everything posted by Tenenza

  1. A thousand LEDs blink briefly as the masked woman takes a long drag of her cigarette. Enhaling slowly, she fishs into a pocket with her free hand, drawing out a small boxy device. A few sharp keystrokes later, a data chit pops out onto the table with a light chinking. "Now, who would like to make some real money?"
  2. And I'm back a few hours early. Isn't that great?
  3. Mine brings back memories. Also, some insights into Asay.
  4. Derelict control room access. Whats up with that.
  5. Bit busy here, also, make that five days, not four. If you need me, forum PM me, since I'll get an email notification. But, expect a significant delay in responce. Tootles.
  6. I'm going out of town for 4 days. Try not to die.
  7. Everyone forgets Bretons are pretty different from the other Mer races and have their own culture and shit.
  8. Didn't you pitch a rework of Changling way back that was all necro-morphy and whatnot? I feel like I remember that, but sometimes I remember things that never happened, or never could.
  9. I prefer the Floral-Tomato Ray to mutagen when mutating plants, personally, since it's reusable and whatnot.
  10. Incog once tried to sell drugs while hiding in a trash can. Incog once pushed a legless person over to steal their wheelchair. Incog once dated his right hand and then got friend-zoned. Incog once tried to run for president of his school's sanitation committee. Incog once sold a man's family into slavery to save his own skin. Incog once got thrown in jail for screwing a lamppost in city park. Incog once murdered a dolphin because it was South Asian. Incog once ran a red light while on a moped in Germany. Incog once tried to sell me his soul but then got cold feet. Incog once ruined a wedding by throwing up on the priest. Incog once kicked a puppy then ran away before the puppy could bite back. Incog once held up his hand to a rhetorical question. Incog once tried to draw a picture and now it's illegal to draw without a license in Florida.
  11. Also, never take anything I say at face value unless it was in an adminPM. I'm full of lies, bullshit, and wonderful fairy tales. I'll probably elaborate more on my life later, but that same rule as above applies, so don't hold anything I say about myself as fact.
  12. Yeah, we're stopping with the Delta-Ffrances love train now. Lets head back on topic, and try not to edge into the personal attacks sector again.
  13. Just for clarity, this was a Nuke round, right? You never outright said it, but from what I'm reading, it sounds like it was Nuke, but I'd prefer not to make the assumption.
  14. I always assumed beepsky was the HoS's pet.
  15. I unconditionally agree with any statement about how we need more extended.
  16. Hey, so I'm going out of town for some college visits until next Monday, so I won't be around. For staff: I still haven't seen retro yet, so if you see 'em, feel free to inform them about the complaint for me. For everyone: I know you will all be heart broken without me, but you can still probably reach me on the forums, so that's something.
  17. Just finished about half of my characters. Apparently, I have the only 4 dedicated xenoarcheologists.
  18. And here I was thinking I could use witicism and slam poetry theology to get through all the challanges of life, but alas, here is my tale of warble: "Have you ever been to Eriuyish? Wonderful city, lovely place, grew up there. Silver spires, ivory towers, and two tangled skies of blue and green. But the very greatest part of the city is a small garden in the south east quarter. I heard it's all overgrown now, and has linked up with the neighboring gardens to become a small park now. But when I knew this garden, it was just a bare handful of square meters of soil. The soil was rich, darker then the skies at night and at once more vast then any ocean and as small as a puddle in a storm. Some days, this garden was a verdient sea of life, a rolling tide of greens and reds. Other nights, it was a cold, empty place, a stark dark fabric dotted with a few shining seeds. The garden was a Dienabi place of worship, a sanctum for them and their Dionae. For me, it was just another haunt of mine, a place to rest between moments and events and things. There are too many things in life. We're always walking from one thing to another thing and most of these things we never seem to enjoy or even want to do. And when we're not doing things, we wait around, like toys on a shelf, waiting to be call upon for usage again. But here, in the garden, in the time between moments, they whispered to me; In the east end of the city, someone killed their mother yesterday, and no one will catch them. In the fair marshes above, the dying faithful sink into the soil for one last chance at immortality. In a city far from this place, those fleeing horror and seeking aid were turned away into a furnace. Injustice. It lies between the fall of each moment, ubiquitous in life as the blood that churns under our skin. I must have walked for months in stupor, shuffling around as their whispers drew me back and back again in abhorant fixation. But their knowledge was only so deep, only so shallow. So I sought more, more injustice, more suffering. And the stars were drenched in this woe, bleeding broken lives from every orifice. But on ever world I visited, there was always more. Lives mended themselves, wounds closed with only scars to mourn their passing. On earth, the land itself was healing from ancient tragedy. In the dark, new homes were shaped for new lives. I still intend to visit those outer-systems, those systems still growing their broken hearts and shattered souls. But for now, I am content to working here, at least until I can pay the travel fee."
  19. Or ask science for their high-tech cells to upgrade your baton while recharging it at the same time.
  20. Mhmm, I'll speak with retro and see if I can get them to address the concerns brought up in this thread.
  21. If there is anyone I can trust to properly demystify and solidify the lore about the Dick planet, it is you delta. Also, you've got a sound head for storytelling and have shown your dedication to the server and it's community many times over. So for what it's worth, you have my endorsement. Good luck!
  22. This has happened before. Generally speaking, if there is a great deal of buildup, and appropriate measures have been taken to inform staff you aren't griefing, things can be allowed to slide to a degree, at least from what I've seen and done. Disclaimer: Not an Official Answer. Personal account only.
  23. Thirdly, could you please explain this? http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=2892
  24. For that matter, we are unable to locate any record of that Ckey, whatsoever.
  25. Seriously, how does it make any sense that revs can tell who is or isn't a rev at a glance.
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