Guest Marlon Phoenix Posted July 2, 2018 Posted July 2, 2018 Game balance Idea looks good. Tactical choices are always great. More room for strategy. This is balance? Removing the slight edge Security has with flashes is balance? yeah. Just like the Ninja has thermal, night vision, and other vision modes. They have to toggle through each one. The antag glasses with utilities are not flash immune. Thermals are the best eyewear in the game and are not flash immune. Only the sec glasses offer their functionality AND protection. This will be giving you a much EASIER toggle than antags get. As an antag I have to physically swap eye wear. Another question is why can't HUDSunglasses or HUDAviators project the HUD and divert flashes at the same time? flashes don't instant stun anymore. You will hardly be made helpless and infirm. Security huds make you immune to flashes, and I as an antag do not have much access to other tools to KO you without mauling or maiming you Given that the holographic HUD is within a layer of cirucuitry in the lense, as is the flash protector, what is stopping them from working at the same time? idk the tint is crazy dark and the batteries are limited And, no. It's not tactical, nor has it to do anything with 'strategy'. You either tell if they need to be arrested at a glance, or you are immune to flashes. its a choice you have to make depending on the situation you are going into. You get either a utility functionality or a self-defense functionality. Hello
Sytic Posted July 2, 2018 Posted July 2, 2018 Did anybody forget the quite major flash nerf that made having eye protection much less important to have if you are not a Vaurca or Robot? (Treepeople didn't get any buffs from eye protection, anyways.) There are already even less reasons to use flashes. Flashes are much less common. Needing to tactically switch between the two is now relatively irrelevant unless you fit specific criteria, as you can just run the fuck away from whatever flashed you. It just adds meaningless bloat. (That being said, the sprites look cool.) -1 from me.
AmoryBlaine Posted July 2, 2018 Posted July 2, 2018 So because the ninja has acess to three extremely useful visor settings to one at a time, I should be limited to my HUD or flash defender one at a time too? You fail to mention the ninja's issue is easily circumvented by TCing a HEATgoggle or finding Mesons. That's two of three now activated. Two of three role important visor modes. You don't even need NVGs because if you have hest and mesons you see most everything in maintenace. The tunnels are lines that are easily followable with zero desbris. By comparison, in utility, the HUD and flash are pointless, and I am now of the entire opinion that the glasses should be removed entirely. Why the hell not. Flashes are obsolete against most humanoid enemies, and pepperspray is back in and HUD records are also available in my PDA. You as antag don't have access to tools? What is the tool storage room? What is your TCdevice? What is maintenace? What is beepsky? What is any job with access to any number of locations? Use what you have, a lot of shit, to your advantage. The average Sec Officer isn't James Bond- especially now that he can't flash stun you. And no, again, that is not strategy. It's a pain in my ass. They should go on when needed and be done with, not piddled around with. I don't come here for the gripping combat, and especially not so I can pause before interacting with people to decide how to use my glasses. [mention]Senpai Jackboot[/mention]
Guest Marlon Phoenix Posted July 2, 2018 Posted July 2, 2018 If you quote me it also acts as a ping. I don't understand your last point. If you don't care about the combat, why are you holding such strong opinions about the affect this will have on your proficiency in combat? Yes I have tools as an antag but they are very rarely dual porpoise. As a traitor, wearing mesons means I cannot be protected from a flash unless I also wear a voidsuit helmet.
AmoryBlaine Posted July 2, 2018 Posted July 2, 2018 [mention]Senpai Jackboot[/mention] If I quote you there's too much bloat. I do not come here for combat first, but this does not mean I do not view this change as entirely pointless. You do not even need to play Officer to know that. All it does is make me have to actively swap between the modes, something I don't want to care about because they're already together and fine as is. There's nothing added to this but a cheap 'nerf'. You are suppose to be resourceful. So you have to get your hands dirty. Oh well. Security is suppose to be a one up from you. You bag an Officer and you're pretty much set. So I don't see why you need more of a chance. Stab the fucker in the eyes, use soap, or sleepy pen. Drug him. This is a game about creativity and you're cutting down strategy to "Do I want to read records or be protected from a flash." Like I keep saying, it's a pain in the ass.
Snakebittenn Posted July 2, 2018 Author Posted July 2, 2018 You can't stab someone in the eyes if they have literally any kind of eyewear ftr.
Scheveningen Posted July 2, 2018 Posted July 2, 2018 This is apparently controversial enough that this might not go through. My 2 cents, anyway: I like the idea. I don't think the vision mode changes are that gamey to be a problem. You have to toggle NVGs, mesons or etc when you feel like you do not need them on. Also, it's like, one additional click input to toggle? It's not that bad. give the hos special aviators that have both pls
Guest Marlon Phoenix Posted July 2, 2018 Posted July 2, 2018 This is apparently controversial enough that this might not go through. My 2 cents, anyway: I like the idea. I don't think the vision mode changes are that gamey to be a problem. You have to toggle NVGs, mesons or etc when you feel like you do not need them on. Also, it's like, one additional click input to toggle? It's not that bad. give the hos special aviators that have both pls I agree with this.
UnknownMurder Posted July 3, 2018 Posted July 3, 2018 I've read through this thread. My opinion is... -1 I don't like it. My opinion is somewhat the same as Aboshehab. The year is 2460, the year where almost everything is possible. Laser gun is a thing, we have the capabilities to clone a dead body, even further we continue to expand Bluespace. Almost anything is possible with Suhkoi's devices ([mention]LanceLynxx[/mention]). We even have fancy 3-D goggles at our time. And you are telling me that we are not able to create security HUD and flash-resistant tint? Engineers aren't suppose to be wearing aviator mesons when they set up the engine because it does not cover every portion of their eyes. For instance, if you look away, from an angle the supermatter will be too bright for the engineer's eyes. Medical wouldn't be wearing aviators because we've become so accustomed to medical using Medical HUD and it would be plain silly of them to use a fancy eye-wear for it. Night vision, thermal, material
Pacmandevil Posted July 8, 2018 Posted July 8, 2018 if your intent is to make security officers choose between flash/HUD - this is the weakest way to do it, and is pretty well inconsequential. more annoying than effective as a choice (especially with a verb/dedicated hotkey for sweaty lads who use macros.) a better solution would be to revert to the medical-style HUDs for security, while maintaining normal sunglasses as standard equipment. UnknownMurder's argument does have merit, but it is also ultimately meaningless due to the fact that Fax machines, tape recorders, and Polaroid cameras are still in use in the year 2460. Circuitry is far from "anything is possible". and pretty well everything done in it can be done IRL with a healthy dose of brain damage and time - unlike things like bluespace. which makes me question why it's even relevant as a conversation point, but regardless. In terms of my opinion. I simply don't see a need for it. it's useless in terms of a choice, and doesn't really add anything but cosmetic choice into the game. also known as meaningless bloat.
Skull132 Posted July 21, 2018 Posted July 21, 2018 Ye I'm going to have to disagree with the actual nerf portion of this. (Sorry for taking so long, but mulling over it took some time.) To be completely frank: it is lazy. As Pacman pointed out. It is not a meaningful difference in gameplay, it simply adds onto an edge case which already exists as an edge case. The edge case being assault with a flash. If we're interested in "X being on par with security," just make an actual modular glasses system. Expand upon what I started with glasses + HUDs literally years ago now, and make all glass combinations possible.
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