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Yield Declaration Material Scanner

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You know that thing, the Yield Declaration, that almost no miner ever wants or does do? The times I have been asked for one, the individual tends to demand them forcefully, which creates a fun little IC conflict. But Yield Reports are kind of unpopular and for good reason. I can see why miners don't want to sit around, counting what's in every pile, when some loads they bring in can be enormous. Especially when they could be roleplaying or happily getting their chill on, smashing rocks instead.

So, I was wondering if it would be possible for the stacker to count yields instead, which Miners can print off and reset when their load is done. Or maybe create a tool for miners where they can just click on a full crate and it counts what is inside it, then they can print that out and attach to yield reports. Either would make yield reports a more fun and easy alternative to what they are at the moment.

Coding wise, I do not know how easy this would be and would defer to those with experience.

Edited by Seeli
edit to fix the grammar and flow a little
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4 minutes ago, Wildkins said:

having literally never looked at the code before my guess is that wouldn't be very hard

if nobody else is chomping at the bit i can take a look once i stop committing war crimes in the kitchen code

Thanks! I appreciate it.

& Additional to my idea: The scanner might be better than the stacker idea, since resetting could be tricky but also could separate crates and scan individually. Also, there might already be code that does the crate scanning, since when you sell crates of materials via cargo shuttle you can see the details on the cargo console of what was sold and for how much. I don't  know, but I am very curious.

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Would perhaps be easier for the smelter to count the resources, that way you couldn't put stuff through the stacker multiple times either. You could also maybe have the ore redemption console automatically sign the reports if you have your ID inside it when you print the report.
I suppose a simple scanner could work too. With other pros and cons.

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This would be amazing to have! Although I have only seldom played Mining, a quick turn off for me was (trying to be the good bean), counting the heaping piles of smelted materials for the yield reports.

If not the scanner, I wonder if the smelters could effectively print off the sheets as well.

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2 hours ago, Seeli said:

Yeah, probably. So either the smelter or stacker maybe?

The yield declaration focuses on materials psot smelt, and considering the configurability of the smelter, it would be best for any system to automate yield declarations be attached to what enters the stacker.


I am no coder so correct me if I am wrong, but I suppose the best way to do this is have the code track what enters the stacker, and when after some spagettti have it print out a completed form with the materials and then wipe the "memory" of what was listed in the yield report.

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went with the ore processor over the stacker because the ore processor already has an ID mechanic and it made tracking inputs easier too, to print there needs to have been ore processed and an ID inserted

added a 'waste detected' area to the form for hilarious IC consideration, going to do some touch-ups and hopefully get it so you can fill in miner names instead of it being auto-assigned, PR soon(tm)

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