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Staff Complaint - TheGoret

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BYWOOND Kwey: sytwic owo!!!!

Stwafff BYWOOND Kwey: mishtah gowwet! :3333

Gwaime IDwee: w-wat doesh dat mwean??? *confused cat noises!*

Rweashon fwor compwaint: MISHTAH GOWWET ISH BUWWYING ME!!!!

Ewwidenshe/lowgs/etsheterwa: heresh wen da mishtah gowwet did da fwucky wucky!! ;-; *sad cat noises!*





Wowwwww, yew meow wike a cat! Tat mweans yew awe won, wight? Shuwt tha fuwck up. If yew weally wanna ta be pwut on a weash and tweatet wike a domestwic animew dat's called a fetish, not "quiwky" or "cute OwO". What pawt of yew sewiously tinks that any pawt of acting wike a fewine estabwishes a reputawtion of appwecition? Is it yewr wack of any defwining aspect of purrsonality that uwges yew to resort to shitty repwesentations of cats to cweate an iwwusion of meawning in your wowthless wife? Weawring "cawt eaws UwU" in the shape of headbands fuwthew nuwtes the cuwmplete absewnce of human attwibution to yewr fawlse sewnse of purrpersonality, suwch as intewwigence or chawisma in any fowrm or shape. Whewe do yew tink this mindset's gonna lead you? Yew tink yew're fuwnny, rawndom, quiwky even? What mawkes yew tink that actink like a fuwcking cat will make a gawddamn hyena laugh, OwO? I, purrsonally, feel extwemely simpatetic towards yew as yewr only escape from ta wort-less ting yew call yewr exitsitence is ta preten ta be an animal OvO. But it'sa not a wort-y choice ta assert tis howwifying fact as a domiwant OWO trait, mainwy because purrsonawity twaits wequire an initial purrsonawity to way their foundation on. You're not wowfy of anybody's time, so fuwck off, "cat-girl". UmU


Gowet is a meanie and abuses his admin powahs, I wawnt hyim banned fow evah!! I think he shouwd be made to pway assistant fow 12miwwion yeaws fiwst and then banned fow being a stinkee

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