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Approve this for Karl - Teddybehr Command Whitelist Application

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BYOND key: teddybehr
Character names:

Karl Voigt

Kaxto Sss'ska

Ssalisk Siosh

How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Year or so
Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?
Few notes here or there for being killhappy. Nothing terribly recent. Allure of the valids. Fortunately it does not strike me often and I try to learn from my mistakes.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:
Heads  of staff provide guidance and set an example for other players. A good head of staff can be relied on to guide other players and utilize their character to create roleplay opportunities for others. Heads of staff are meat to be the players other look to for examples of a good character, and good conduct both ICly and OOCly. Ideally a whitelisted player will follow rules well and create well thought out characters that engage others.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:
I really don't like this question, as it rings so closely to the above question.

As a whitelisted player I should encourage roleplay that engages other players and ensure they have a fun round. I should strive to ensure rounds are fun for others and myself, and ensure the roleplay is compliant with whatever relevant lore there is (without being a dick), making rounds high quality and engaging. By playing command roles well I can create fun for everyone possible and do whatever possible to continue that fun. Ideally I will be able to make extended rounds entertaining, and accent antag gimmicks to maximize the enjoyment of everyone in round.

Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career?
Recently the phoron has being not, Sol attacked, there was a Tajaran murder mystery/terror plot, Skrell came and said hi but with guns. This would affect Dayo personally as he has a kid so the general instability of the area has him worried for the future, ergo he is working hard to ensure that stability can be found. Despite origins as a Dreg on leaving Eridani he found gainful employment and a degree with Nanotrasen, making him place much faith in the megacorps outside of the Eridani sphere of influence. In general it doesn't really affect his career, he'd keep a job either way though the phoron shortage would make his position in Research not as locked in as with plentiful phoron, thus causing him to try and find fields of study not related to phoron or only tangentially related to phoron.

What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted?
OpsO (NBT), Research Director (Aurora)

Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles?

Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.:
Karl-OpsO for NBT (subject to change)

Babajide Dayo-Research Director

Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?
Oh yes.

Extra notes:
I love you.


Dayo is something a bit different and not set in stone; I may scrap the character concept entirely. I just want to try to do something different with an Eridani that doesn't make them a copy paste of shooting out an annoying accent.

I should also say that starting February work will pull me away from the game until Juneish, but I intend on playing up until then.

Edited by restricted

I don't think anyone would be a better fit for command, Restricted has proven time and time again they know what they're doing as Karl, and I think this will ring true for all command roles as well.




oh hell yes brother, get that WL. Teddybehrs characters are imo, some of the most chill, down to earth characters ive ever had the pleasure of speaking to. I personally would LOVE to see them play a head of staff. ploose uno. (+1)



While I'm only really familiar with Karl, I do think that (especially as Karl is the one planned for use as Command) this is enough to give my thoughts. I've played quite a few rounds with Karl as QM under my HoP, and personally speaking, I think Karl is a great fit for command, both from perspective of the character and the player. I've never had a problem that I can think of with Restricted in terms of roleplay or OOC conduct, and 100% believe that they'd be a good fit for command. They're constantly engaging with their department, and generally seem to make a good effort to make experiences with the character enjoyable.



Brilliant player in game and out and I think the character that he's chosen for Command fits in perfectly, he's spent a lot of time on this too as he's had this in the works for a while so it's fleshed out and wasn't a just a snap decision. Don't have any glaring issues that I can think of as every experience I've had with his characters and OOC have been brilliant. Good luck!


I generally enjoy Karl as a character, so that alone wants me to plus this.

But, I have to express to you that Command can't just "ghost" or drop out of a round when an antag gimmick doesn't go their way. Command's meant to be a driving force with them.

So if you're aware of that, shoot. Go for it. +1


I was the Cadet during a round where they were playing as a Research Director, they helped pull of a mock Corporate Espionage case and gave me an overall great experience +1


I played only one round so far, but it was enough for me to pretty confidently say this is a good command character for Research at the least. Organized things, engaged multiple crewmembers from multiple departments, and overall very good time. +1


Was around for the mock Corporate Espionage round. Really like how that all played out. He's got a fitting Command character and the RP was very fun for all sides from what I saw. Gonna be a +1 from me. Good luck on the rest of your trial.


As my CE I got into a huge argument with them in a Ling round. Aside from the argument they handled the situation very well and my CE was just trying to push justice and honor into it.
Director: "I wield a Doctorate, what do you wield? A wrench?"
CE: "I am a Doctor, Doctorate in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, asshole."
Director: "You are useless, regardless."
CE: "Useless? So you don't like having power?"

Based RD, going to make great frenemies. +1

23 hours ago, DekserBecauseILostMyAccoun said:

As my CE I got into a huge argument with them in a Ling round. Aside from the argument they handled the situation very well and my CE was just trying to push justice and honor into it.
Director: "I wield a Doctorate, what do you wield? A wrench?"
CE: "I am a Doctor, Doctorate in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, asshole."
Director: "You are useless, regardless."
CE: "Useless? So you don't like having power?"

Based RD, going to make great frenemies. +1

I was here for this Ling round, was hilarious to watch and I took Dayo's side in wanting to destroy the ling seeing it kill a surgeon and come back from the dead- gotta say, nice to finally have an RD who does not senselessly point at everything and go "IT COULD BE STUDIED" (though I'll say that he also didn't go full validhunt mode). Overall, seems like a good character to my interactions. +1


Teddy is a very proficient roleplayer, and I have had numerous positive memorable experiences with Karl and Kaxto. Being someone who mostly plays cargo, I can also attest to their capabilities playing a role that's not QUITE command but kinda is in practice (Quartermaster). They know how to manage the chaos that comes along with it just fine, so I'm sure they'd do great in command.

Also while I haven't been able to interact with Babajide directly yet, from what I've observed it seems like he's a character with some duality imbedded into him, which I always think is interesting in command characters. Also, last I checked Science is in pretty big need of new RDs, and players in general, so that's a plus.



Karl Voigt is an excellent character played by an equally excellent player. Please get the whitelist so you can take him above and beyond on the NBT!

From what I've seen of your RD so far, as well, they've been an exemplary head of their department and member of station command


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