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CPR change

Guest Menown

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Make CPR cause minor damage to the bones in the chest, adding until it eventually breaks the chest. This'll give fuckers in medical things to do, other than the catch-all of slap somebody into cryo DER WE GO CURED.


While we're at it, can we do something about this hilarious fact?:

Decanus performs CPR on Milo Skirzet!

Decanus performs CPR on Milo Skirzet!

LOOC: Milo Skirzet/LordQuailius : is an ipc giving me cpr

LOOC: Ariana Eshlian/SierraKomodo : Yes

LOOC: Milo Skirzet/LordQuailius : wat

IPCs can give people CPR. It's great, but where is that air coming from?

While we're at it, can we do something about this hilarious fact?:

Decanus performs CPR on Milo Skirzet!

Decanus performs CPR on Milo Skirzet!

LOOC: Milo Skirzet/LordQuailius : is an ipc giving me cpr

LOOC: Ariana Eshlian/SierraKomodo : Yes

LOOC: Milo Skirzet/LordQuailius : wat

IPCs can give people CPR. It's great, but where is that air coming from?

exhaust port?


Possible but unlikely, unless the IPC practically overloads their vent to force air into someone's lungs. I mean, if Shells are ever re-added, I could see an air mechanism being implemented into them, but else, it's kind of silly.

Back on the original suggestion, however: Yes, they always say that if you're not breaking their ribs, you're probably not doing it right. CPR is a forceful thing, but it can save your life.


Well, I would do it with a chance that it happens (maybe tied to the medical skill level ?)

Because, it can happen that someone´s ribs are broken during cpr but its not a must or a indicator for successful cpr.


I'd be alright with this, but agree that it shouldn't just be "successful CPR requires shattering every rib!" chucklefuckery. It is a danger that comes with successful CPR, but not a guaranteed byproduct. It'd be cool to have it somehow attached to medical skill.


Thaaaat's why I said damage that will eventually lead to broken ribs. Sitting on somebody for ten minutes performing CPR may not break bones, but it's likely not going to leave them unbruised.


Indeed. Sounds like a good idea to me. My only concern after that would be the fact that broken ribs can sometimes cause infections when severely agitated, like all broken bones, but that's a bridge to cross when the medic comes to it.

but where is that air coming from?


Afaik, the blowing into the mouth part isn't being taught anymore. So an IPC could theoretically do it

The game forces you to remove all masks before doing CPR.


Hmm my partner recieved first aid training recently and they taught her to do mouth-to-mouth.

If you're intrained in CPR/First Aid then you'd only do the compressions (since you don't know how to clear the air ways, what to look for when doing mouth-to-mouth etc). Hell, some doctors are super rusty doing First Aid and it's common for them to just let a first aider do CPR.

I'm all for having it so you do shit tier CPR if you're not trained and good CPR if you are training (skill wise).


I keep seeing threads where people are suggesting we tie in skills to in-game mechanics. I know Meow isn't and I'm down like a clown for that part of it. The parts I'm seeing about skill integration are pushing things though. I've already seen devs tell us there is no intent to make the skills system tie to anything mechanical, because then it becomes a powergame system. Everyone will have small quantities of X skill to gain Y bonus. Not worth the trouble caused by the system considering that not every skill can properly have abilities added.


Skill integration does seem difficult to implement and easy to game. I was just saying that it would be cool. I guess I'd be alright with just the broken ribs, even though medical sometimes already has enough on their plate.


What if we make it depending on their job ?

If a medical professional performs CPR its not as likely that there are broken ribs as when someone else is performing it.

I would rank it that way:

* Paramedic - Regular Practice -> Least chance

* Doctors - Should have a good idea

* Science / Engie / Sec / Chemistry / Cargo - Should attend a regular first aid course

* Other Civilian Jobs / Apprentice - Should have attended a first aid course once

* Assistant - Probaply knows to push somewhere in the area below the patients head and above his knees

What if we make it depending on their job ?

If a medical professional performs CPR its not as likely that there are broken ribs as when someone else is performing it.

I would rank it that way:

* Paramedic - Regular Practice -> Least chance

* Doctors - Should have a good idea

* Science / Engie / Sec / Chemistry / Cargo - Should attend a regular first aid course

* Other Civilian Jobs / Apprentice - Should have attended a first aid course once

* Assistant - Probaply knows to push somewhere in the area below the patients head and above his knees


>Off duty doctor


What if we make it depending on their job ?

If a medical professional performs CPR its not as likely that there are broken ribs as when someone else is performing it.

I would rank it that way:

* Paramedic - Regular Practice -> Least chance

* Doctors - Should have a good idea

* Science / Engie / Sec / Chemistry / Cargo - Should attend a regular first aid course

* Other Civilian Jobs / Apprentice - Should have attended a first aid course once

* Assistant - Probaply knows to push somewhere in the area below the patients head and above his knees


>Off duty doctor


Yeah. For this very reason I dislike restricting competence on anything to a particular role. Characters with MDs who are moving to other fields of study, such as our famous Pheobe Essel in science, would (and should) have huge issues with this. It comes down to putting relevant skills in your character creation and using it to defend yourself in a proper manner when someone ahelps an engineer doing chest compressions.


Tying action success to job role is bad and leads to inconsistencies. Action successes should either be tied to skill level, or left as is and not tied to anything more than 'trusting the player to act appropriately'.

I don't see the point of making CPR break ribs; you're just making it more likely the patient will die and increasing the medical workload to fix them. If you want to make CPR realistic, make it an action you have to stand still to perform. As it is I can drag a body behind me and CPR it all the way to medical without stopping. If you make it so standing still is enforced, you can assume that the person is taking the time to do it right.


I agree with Kon. My faith in this suggestion has been swayed after the introduction of role-based skill level and further consideration of how much extra work it would be. Some rounds, fixing some bones is trivial, while it can be more troublesome in others. I wouldn't really mind forcing people to stand still to perform CPR, though, even if that little bit sometimes does save a life.

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