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[Accepted]Aboshehab/Sharp Tajara Whitelist Application

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BYOND Key:Aboshehab

Character Names:


Species you are applying to play:Tajara

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Dark Gray (RGB 30, 30, 30

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, multiple times. I'm amazed by how extensive it is, especially love the military structure one.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: I guess when I first started playing on this server, I've had a bit of a less than enjoyable experiences with the Tajara characters about, which was about two years ago and it soured my opinion of this. Though in the recent few months I've been paying a bit more attention to other races, most because I thoroughly play command positions so it exposes me to all types of characters and I find that my opinion has shifted greatly since then. I was slightly skeptical about applying for this race, but after reading the Tajara wiki page and other linked ones my opinion has shifted immensely, so here I am making this application in the hopes of acquiring this species to my white list which I'll hopefully enjoy.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: I suppose it's that they have a bit of a tragic history, though not on the same vain as the Unathi or the Skrell, yet still tragic. I see something akin to the Russian revolution here but on a planet scale. I see a race that has a lot of invisible hands dealing with their affairs, whether with the intention of sabotaging the Tajara plans of improving their species or to aid a specific side for their own benefit, you see a lot of conflict going around. This has made it so that an entire race has been traumatized from one extent to another, something very similar to the Skrell after the Glorsh incident. You'll have those that have lost their livelihood, their family, their health, their wealth and a multitude of other things which has given them a certain deposition to things. With the previous in mind, Humanity hasn't truly had such a tragedy as this, you could argue the second World War, but it seems the conflict on Adhomai is much more severe.

On to the more singular specifics. The Tajara come from a single planet which has been attributed to being for the majority of it's history to be divided between the nobility and peasantry. Whereas the nobility had an excess of things, the peasantry were forced by the limitation of what they had into a very pragmatic line of thinking, whether it is to their food, clothing or how their daily life was. The closest thing I can think of that emulates this in human history are conditions prior to the French and Russian revolutions yet they cannot compare the scale in which the Tajara have it, on a planet wide scale. The nobility also prior to the first revolution held onto to their power, through brutal policies of oppression and the hoarding of technologies, which could be attributed to a somewhat stagnant advance to technology for their race.

A Tajara as a person has biological characteristics evolved to suit their needs for the climate of Adhomai. Cultural aspects force a certain decorum when it comes to speaking with each other, which is done through the likes of 3rd person perspective when speaking. Tajara have a more unique sub-species as opposed to humanity which come with their own distinctions between biologically or culturally, though arguably there are also sub-species for humans due to adaptation to different conditions across the galaxy, they just aren't represented currently.


Character Name: Rasheeq Al-Sammach

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Rasheeq Al-Sammach, born in one of the outlying villages on the coast near Miran'mir in the year of 2426. He is a Zhan-Khazan, born to a family of workers, specifically a family of fisherman, which can be attributed to his family name "Al-Shammach" which translates to "The Fisherman" in Arabic. He received a very modest upbringing due to what is available, his education being very limited and what his parents could afford very little. The first revolution had little affect on him as he was still young at the time but as he grew, he was taught about about how things came to be, about the spark that ignited the first revolution and the aftermath of it, and how it ushered a new age for his people under the guidance of Hadii. With the many changes the President has done, things didn't seem too bright to Rasheeq, surely there is something that his people can have? A government able to unite his people without oppression and injustice?

In the year of 2450, the New Kingdom of Adhomai seceded and declared their independence, ruled by the glorious and benevolent King Nazira Ka'rimah. His promises for a better future for his people and their victory against the false government officials simply seeking to fill their own pockets. Rasheeq went to Miran'mir and enlisted in this righteous cause, he is now the staple and the backbone of this new rightful government, he was a rifleman. He would serve his rightful monarch faithfully and would do so for the years to come, he would go on to become part of the Imperial Dragoons. Though as time went on, skepticism and pessimistic attitude began to creep into Rasheeqs life. Is this fight a good one? Are all these lives lost worth it? Does any of this conflict have a meaning? During a retreat from an active engagement, an artillery round manage to hit his general area taking out his mount and wounding him in the process, he was taken away from the front lines where he would be treated for his wounds, and in the dead of the night he would disappear with his belongings.

It is now the year 2459 and Al-Sammach is 33 years old. He is in the Tau Ceti system with very little to his name, only recently passing his comprehension of Ceti Basic test and set to begin his employment aboard the NSS Exodus as a Security Cadet.

What do you like about this character? I like to think he has the mentality of the crushed idealist, yet still has hope to regain what he believed in. Where he was fighting for something which he first believed in but as time went, his beliefs and resolve were shaken.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? I personally don't like this kind of questions as I prefer others could judge me, but I'd rate myself at this point around a 7 out of a scale of 10.



what the fuck why what is wrong with you oh my god you piece of shit

Abo has shown time and time again that he's a competent roleplayer, give him his whitelist so I don't have to see this anymore.



Holy shit abo, you fucking made it.

I enjoy his characters, his sassy ass characters shut down my sassy ass cats, give this man a Whitelist so I can call him a retarded cat beast.

Thr backstory is good, it shows he has a understanding of the lore.

+1 strongly


+1 Abo is a respectable roleplayer.

I do have a question though, a very generic one which is typically asked;

Why did they choose NT?

What is his stance towards other factions.

His stance towards the Njarir?

Good bio! Really short and sweet, nails giving an understanding background while leaving the details light enough to develop the character as you wish.


Why did they choose NT?

What is his stance towards other factions.

His stance towards the Njarir?


1) Well, it's more to the fact that Nanotrasen seems to be the sole corporate entity here, it's also to do with how he managed to even reach Tau Ceti, which I'll keep as a bit of a secret thing.

2)Well, when he first joined, he thought of himself as a devout soldier to the NKA, and thought he would either live long enough to see them as victors to the war or die in the process. Yet in the current year of 2459? Who knows, for him to disappear in the middle of the night and to leave Adhomai, something must've driven him. I know I get a lock of flack for this, but I try to keep certain things as mysteries to the imagination, things you could find out if you're curious enough.

3) Well, he sees the Tajara as a Tajara, not as a Njarir or M'sai. He at the time thought that only through the unification of the enlightened constitutional monarchy that is the NKA, they could unite Adhomai and then expand to the horizon. As to what he thinks currently? Well, I guess he has the same ideals in the sense of the unification of Adhomai, but on how that should be done? That is another mystery.


Abo is the KING of no fun allowed, and his captain/hos is the same way. Reeee i'm a salt

where the fuck is the +- symbol

-5 because I'm a salty bitch

JK I give him a +1 I'm not a hoe



This has to definitely be a +1 from me.

As a player, Abos consistently demonstrates very good RP, with the snarky no fun allowed Raymond Hawkins we all know and love. Hawkins, of course, isn't just capable of snarky professionalism, and Abos has played him showing many different facets of his personality (Jake learned the hard way). So, Abos is a very capable roleplayer, who plays nuanced characters. I would probably rate him 8-9/10.

As for the app, all the answers are well developed. I love the backstory, as others have said, it shows an understanding of the lore and a coherent, interesting story, that does not tell us everything about the character. I also can't wait for my characters to be a higher rank than Abos's :P.

So, no criticisms from me, a strong, strong +1. Good luck with your app.


Rraymond Hawkins: Litter hunter by day, demonslayer by night.

I mean, I cant really add any more than has been said already, Abo is a solid RPer with diverse characters, always a joy to interact with.

Plus one yo.


Abolebab's methods of validhunting as his captain really add the missing part needed in cult/vampire and other supernatural antags to get the thing rolling where most characters in his place would be in disbelief and the story gets stalled until the peak of the arc. they act as a proper counter to the antag, not valid hunting to no end, but also not spreading their legs helplessly letting the mantag have their way with the crew.

his other characters also show depth and variety, and are for the most part weirup is shit good stuff. fuck weirup, his synthetics feel like robots, his industrial frame is simple as shit, while his shell uncanny valley feel he doesn't even valid synths properly

into the character in the whitelist, he kind of reminds me of my own tajigga whitelist, though they fought for the NKA for different reasons, they both got injured and ran off, surely the NKA would be securing their injured more now.

the character starts out as a very average cat, war happens, he joins, time goes on and he changes, he gets injured, he is now in tau ceti.

the last part is a pretty big jump, i know you are trying to keep things vague but at least tell us you have considered the following:

Im sure the NKA would have very limited methods of going into space, if any. with the current fleet under the PRA's control

the easiest way to get off planet is through the PRA, who he was fighting with for a long time and only stopped recently.

im interested in knowing what approach he took to leave, did he strike a deal with the PRA to escape the NKA? or did he have connections/family to smuggle him off? how does he deal with the fact that NT cooperates with the PRA and that they do give out information on their tajigga employees? what does NT know about him?

either way, im sure your answers are atleast 6.4/10 so im ganna go ahead and +1 this. though answers are always welcome

the last part is a pretty big jump, i know you are trying to keep things vague but at least tell us you have considered the following:

Im sure the NKA would have very limited methods of going into space, if any. with the current fleet under the PRA's control

the easiest way to get off planet is through the PRA, who he was fighting with for a long time and only stopped recently.

im interested in knowing what approach he took to leave, did he strike a deal with the PRA to escape the NKA? or did he have connections/family to smuggle him off? how does he deal with the fact that NT cooperates with the PRA and that they do give out information on their tajigga employees? what does NT know about him?

either way, im sure your answers are atleast 6.4/10 so im ganna go ahead and +1 this. though answers are always welcome


I thought about it in-depth, the transition part was actually the hardest part for me to decide on which route to go but in the end I did. I actually had the idea of how it would go by look at the map of Adhomai and their landmarks from cities and such. And on a final note, I don't mind exposing earlier points in his life and it was intentional of me to make it more vague as it went, especially the finale so to speak from leaving the hospital up to the current day.


Sharp has not only proven themself to be a great mod, but also an exceptional roleplayer.

I'll keep this short, as most of the good things that i've seen have already been said, and I don't want to be more redundant than I am normally, Backstory is phenomenal, character itself is cliche, but honestly when a lot of the playerbase is the catbeast Tajara, that's understandable.

I have no doubt they will play a Tajara wrongly, so overwhelming +1

(also no trash on my station)



Nevermind -1


This application is really well-written and Abo is cool, +1 from me.

Oh wait, I'm the guy in charge.

Let me provide better feedback because there's a lot of food for thought on this plate that I want to dive into. You've more than proven that you have a very strong understanding of Tajaran lore, the Tajaran condition, and the Tajaran mindset. A crushed NKA idealist deserter is a very fresh approach that I'm particularly excited to see. An Imperial Dragoon no less! It's such a radically new angle that on its own it has me excited.

As far as how he escaped and went to Tau Ceti, that's something even I as the lore developer have struggled with not only to figure out, but also to figure out how to provide to the community. The easiest answer is that smugglers are a dime a dozen on Adhomai and that all of the factional economies rely on them to some degree or another, making the various crime syndicates difficult to move against by the PRA. But of course there's also always Occam's Razor. That is to say, he went to a PRA city with a space port and signed up with NT, which doesn't have many scruples over from which faction it hires.

At any rate, his childhood is vague, but even with that you've provided a strong character with a personality that I can already see and feel. I'm inclined to accept this whitelist application. Approved.

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