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[Accepted] Coalf's Heads of Staff, HoP, application.

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BYOND key:Coalf

Character names:Patrick Huey, Dane Huey, Elwood Hoover, Scoop (More previously but they were PURGED)

How long have you been playing on Aurora?:2 years give or take

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?:I've played pretty much every job, I want to give heads a try.

Why did you come to Aurora?:To roleplaying in SS13

Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?:Yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:

Roleplay is about interaction first and foremost.

While many of us love developing backstories and flavor to our characters in the end it all boils down to interaction, the best comparison I've seen is that Aurora is a high-school drama class play, while the characters often have exagarated reactions and cheesy backstories you still stay to see how exactly these characters interact and spark against each other.

I'm not dissing the creation of backstories but what you truly need for a good character is their behaviour, mindset and motivation a character without either of those three is incomplete.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:

To have fun and provide fun.

Why yes inheritly with being head comes responsibility not only over your department but over the entire round as a single head decision can make or break a round but in the end they are still players playing a game of SS13 and if their purpose is something else than just having fun, well it's to me misguided, why would you play a game if not to have fun?

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:

Whitelisted players hold one of the biggest responsibilities and that is the responsibility over the entire round.

It could be said that a Head is as important and as round-changing as an antagonist, they hold command over not only their department but technically also over entire security as what a head says tends to be the de facto law to our lovely security players and thus a misinfromed head can easily destroy an entire round.

On the other hand a capable head can enhance the round of both the antagonist and station crew tenfold with proper managment and leeway towards certain actions.

Akin to Server Staff, heads inherit responsibility and enjoyment of the game and that is not the only similarity, thus I'd uphold as I have upheld them to date as a moderator.

Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions.

Character name:Patrick Huey

Character age:42

Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs):

Patrick lived a quite dull and uneventful life, such life has often been disturbed by the behaviour of Patricks father, Dane Huey, who's eccentric behaviour and obvious drinking problem caused a divorce at the time of this divorce Patrick was nine years old and it developed quite the lasting impact on his life, mainly since this was the first time Patrick was involved with law and it's inner workings.

Since that day Patrick took a liking to lawyers, judges, federal executives and many such roles and thus this early in life he decided what exactly he wanted to do.

Both his parents were very supportive of this decision and although his mother provided most of the financial backing his father didn't stay behind and every possible penny scrounged up was given to his account, which often got a laugh out of Patrick.

Patrick thus spent his early years acquiring a degree in law, those years to Patrick seemed to pass in the blink of an eye and soon it was time for him to choose a job.

It was during this time Patrick became quite interested in the political activities of the ATLAS group, he understood their fear of rampant AI's, love for biological and mechanical augmentations and their support and respect of hard working blue collars.

With his new interest in mind he chose to defend and represent the group on many ocassions but none of them were as important as Pat wanted.

Eventually Patrick returned to college and obtained a Bachelor's degree in Managment attempting to start a firm to fully support his political career but after a few years he discovered that starting a company in an already company heavy enviroment is borderline impossible and had to file for bankruptcy shortly after.

And when you can't beat them, join them.

After the Sol incursion of the Tau Ceti system and the harsh actions of now condemned admiral Frost, Patrick found himself on Biesel working to join a new job position, not only did the synthetic crash free up plethera of work but the economical hit left the market crying for people who knew how to manage people and manage money and Pat was both of those things.

Now after multiple tests, prods and interview Patrick Huey finds himself working as a Head of Personell aboard the brand new Aurora station, hoping to climb the corporate ladder and get everything he deserves.

What do you like about this character?:

He's a very grounded and basic character, nothing too special and I wouldn't even call him much of a protagonist or antagonist of anyones story, more of an extra in the back.

I like his motivation and drive to pick himself up and try new things, even after all this time his own goals and motivations is what keeps him going, I also like the general sinister feel of him that you feel around people in his position and of his mindset, this feeling that they're never completely honest with you.

What do you dislike about this character?:

Ironically what I like is also what I dislike, he seems boring and I hope I can potray someone like him accurately without any "Memetic" and "out of character" behaviour.

What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?:

He's logical, he has experience, he has education and most importantly he has a motive something he thinks plenty of people lack as they simply go day-to-day without any higher goal.

And as stated he has worked with people, be it law, managment or politics he is involved with people if he likes it or not.


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions.

How would you rate your own roleplaying?:

On a scale of 1 to 10.


Extra notes:


Coalf is a nice enough person, and though my IC interactions with him have been few and far between, I think if he was as capable as RPing as he was shitposting Moderating, then you'd have no worry about him getting a head access.

While the dislikes initially seem accurate, Coalf would seemingly have no trouble RPing as this character, though I'm not sure a self insert character is in everyone's interest.

This is a solid +1 from me.


I like Coalf and although I haven't seen much of him in action in game, speaking with him via discord I know that, memes aside, he's grounded and understandings the expectations behind heavy roleplay.

The character itself looks like it'll provide a solid foundation for roleplay. One question I have though is regarding how he's going to be played; are you planning on having Patrick focus on the companies bottom line, that is to say, will he be all about interacting with other departments to push them to earn mega bucks?


Coalf is one of the best RPers here - I haven't interacted much with his characters, and I know none of their backstoris, but whenever I do I think "Wow, this guy is good", and then later find out that Coalf played them.

I would completely trust thia guy to allow for lots of RP as a head, as a moderator he knows what we are aiming for in this server, and I think he caught me as a ling one time about ten minutes into the round and let me off. So, all in all, great player, great RPer, great mod - this person should definitely be able to play head of staff.

All my +1s.

Posted (edited)

It is surprising that Coalf doesn't have this yet. I assumed he'd applied for it a while ago.

Coalf is a grounded player who knows how to create good roleplay, and has a strong understanding of the rules (like you might expect a mod to). His application is oriented toward how the whitelisted player can help make a round better for a group, which is something I think that Command should be doing. There's nothing in the character himself that would make me want to stop and point out a problem. In fact, given that our current subplot appears to center around ATLAS being a bunch of arbitrarily bad doods, having someone in Command sympathetic to them may enable certain kinds of antagonist play a bit.

As for the player, I've enjoyed getting to know him over Discord and a non-spess group RP, and I think he has the right attitude for receiving criticism, rolling with the punches and not having a big head when it comes to his characters/writing/fellow players. It makes sense to whitelist someone like that.

Edited by Guest

Thanks for the support so far everyone.

One question I have though is regarding how he's going to be played; are you planning on having Patrick focus on the companies bottom line, that is to say, will he be all about interacting with other departments to push them to earn mega bucks?

Patrick is going to work a lot with people, he is after all a Head of Personell and even other departments have personell, thus I think Patrick is going to spend plenty of time going from department to department managing personell without getting in the way of other heads.

Of course only on Code Green as during code Blue and Red there are other priorities.

Guest Complete Garbage

literally how do you not have one of these already, you lazy fuck?

I've never had a character interaction with the guys on that list, but OOCly Coalf demonstrates some pretty decent moderatorship, and I'm certain he'd do well with a whitelist.



Patrick is going to work a lot with people, he is after all a Head of Personell and even other departments have personell, thus I think Patrick is going to spend plenty of time going from department to department managing personell


-1 for not being able to spell Personnel* correctly.


Yadda yadda, good roleplayer, nice staff member, great community kinda guy. +1


Coalf's chatacters are interesting to interact with in game, and the player's expectations and ideas when it is related to the role of a head of staff and roleplay are in line of what we need when it comes down to being in command.



A nice concept I personally like and Coalf as a person is a solid dude. Behind his bitterness, he's a pretty swell person and a good player. Granted the time, I'll post a more in depth post but a small one would suffice.

I haven't personally seen any of your characters as heads of staff material, but I think that's due to you not having made one until now, so it's not an issue as I haven't adapted any of my characters for that until I applied, so it isn't a bad thing so it'll be quite interesting to see you try that formula. Another point is that generally you're very easy going and your willingness to be critiqued and critiquing others shows your willingness to improve and to have others improve.

At this time, you have my support for this application, so a +1 you get.

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