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[Accepted] Superiorform's Unathi Whitelist Application

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BYOND Key: Superiorform

Character Names: Jake Lawrenson, Cathryn Latham, Alexander Viatorem, Daniel Tilton, Autovendatronic, Snazzatron, Alex Walker.

Species you are applying to play: Unathi

What color do you plan on making your first alien character Dark blue (let it snow, let it snow, let it snow)

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Many times.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: Well, very nearly all of my characters are humans, and humans are slightly limited. Humans are varied, but there are a lot of constraints on what they can do and be believable. Since I started playing my borgs, which have really strange and quirky personalities (Pacificatron, a rust old security model that takes everything a bit too literally), I realised that I wanted to expand on what I could do a bit, and this needed non humans.

Unathi have the culture and nuances that interest me the most. The honour based society, the subtle social signals, and the deep lore that suggests ways by which you can reveal a little about your character (dyed claws, for example), and of course, guwans to hate on, and be hated as. Finally, the split, divisive culture, with the traditionalists and the more human integrated unathi.

I want to be able to play as an honourbound fighter, who has been in a war, and experienced a split culture. Can't really be done with humans.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: One must keep in mind the social code; would an unathi be happy with a stranger calling him by his first name? The strong gender roles in unathi society must be kept in mind, and etc. I think the accent will be hard for me to remember, but that is another thing that must be kept in mind. They may feel honour bound, and quick to anger in a perceived slight on their honour. Lots of nonverbal and nonhuman ways to display your mood – tongue flicking, tail thumping, chuffing, etc.


Character Name: Edrahir Mazkannah

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Born to a small clan in 2419, Edrahir Mazkannah was immediately set apart from other unathi – he was blue.

The rest of the younglings would not befriend him, and Edrahir grew different from the others. He believed the others were jealous of him, and he set his mind on an intellectual's life, believing himself to be above a traditional worker's life.

Setting his mind upon learning, he did everything he could to speak to shamans and educated sinta, and he began to despise his upbringing in the boring rural area he had to endure. Pushed away fom the young in his clan by his colour, he grew jealous of the city unathi, their wealth, their education, their upbringing, and disliked the life he regarded as backwards.

Edrahir took every opportunity he could to visit the cities, and read books, listened to media, everything he could do to belike a civilised unathi. He was so subverted by his obession with progressivism, he converted from Th'akh, to Sk'akh. Around 16 years old, he decided he was smart enough to be a scientst, and bought all the books he could on maths and physics to make up for his lack of advanced education on such topic. Eventually, he turned to theft to get all the books he wanted.

Of course, he was caught, and his clanmates were disgusted with Edrahir – but not as much as he was disgusted by himself. He considered himself above the others, but he clearly was not above theft. Too ashamed with himself to see his, he took the drastic decision to become a guwandi, at 17. He stormed off into the desert, and wandered for a few weeks. Eventually, he came across another young guwandi, in a rather similar position to his own. They greeted each other, and fought. Edrahir won the fight far more quickly, and far more easily than he had expected, but he didn't find honour in how easily he had killed the young guwandi.

He returned to his clan, utterly changed, and – to his surprise – they welcomed him back with open arms, overjoyed that their clanmate didn't die, and they all but forgot about his minor crime. He realised that he was lucky – he won the fight because he came from a wealthier family in his clan, he had the time to train to fight, and the skilled family members to help him.

The year after, in 2437, the contact war began. Edrahir's clan was sworn to the Izweski, and while many in his clan weren't happy with what the Izweski were doing, and their over-friendliness to the humans, they fought because they had to. Edrahir, too, was beginning to become disillusioned with the Izweski. Before, he was delighted with the idea of the unathi bettering themselves and their culture, but now, he felt it was all going a bit too fast, and the humans and skrell gave off an air of such arrogance. He still fought, and luckily, his clan missed the worst of the fighting. Edrahir forced himself to ignore his qualms with the Izweski, and managed to find honour in each kill he made – he was fighting to protect his family and civilization from the savages.

He fought bitterly until the end of the war, and he survived it too, without major injury. However, his home, a sizeable portion of his clan, and his hopes for the future were dashed. He was still young – only 27, and able bodied. During the war, his mind changed on the Izweski. He could see the honour in the executions, he couldn't stand the sight of bullets and lasers and breachers cutting down waves of traditionalists, and he had converted back to Th'akh, seeing the Sk'akh as an Izweski perversion of a true unathi religion. Things weren't better with the traditionalists gone, he had hardly any land or resources, and he was still attacked for his colour. Edrahir forgot his dreams of an intellectuals life, and set his mind to work. NT swept in, looking for cheap labour from unathi after the war, and Edrahir grudgingly accepted their offer, joining with a wave of other strong unathi cadets.

He had steel, he could fight, and he had no other option. Edrahir has been with NT now for nearly ten years, and it doesn't seem as if he has a chance of leaving, and returning back to the traditionalist life he once hated, but now craves. Maybe – just maybe, NT could give him something more.


What do you like about this character? I really like the fact that he thinks his scales make him special, but he has to learn that, no, he is not special at all, or smarter, or more elegant, and most unathi would even marginalise him for his odd colouring. He has been through a lot, and he brought a lot on himself, and he has learned his lessons as to what a good, proper, traditionalist unathi is. He has matured from his self in youth, and he has regrets.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? I used to be bang on average, playing okayish characters that occasionally shined, but I think, by playing with some better role-players, I've really improved. I like to think that my human characters have had average lives, but interesting personalities, and I think I portray them well. I'd give myself a 7-8/10

Notes: I actually have a lot of stuff written down about the fight with the young guwandi, but I'd rather not share. It's for storytelling ICly.

I know a few of his characters. Antagged a few times with them. They're rather good. Fun characters, good RP, all round not an asshole. Definite +1.


I know most of his characters from playing with him a lot. It's a definite +1 from me. His conduct in OOC and IC is pretty good, although sometimes you end up almost self antagging as Viatorem, but that's a completely different issue. Your roleplay is very good, and I wouldn't mind seeing you as an Unathi at all.


Superiorform is a great player and RP'er. I've played with a few of their characters, mainly Cathrym Latham Best Loy RD for executions ever. and their captain, i've also had some rather interesting interactions with their officer Jake Lawrenson with my HoS character.

I would definetly give you a ´1, as i think that you are more thank capable of taking on the role of a unathi player, and i also like the story that you've created, with a unathi being different from the others, but at the same time not really.



I don't think there is really much that I could say that hasn't been said already.

I have a lot of faith in Superiorform in that they mean to do well. I don't doubt they'll do a great job as Unathi: they seem to have a decent understanding of the species and seem to have a good idea with what they want to do with their proposed character. I've had stellar experiences roleplaying with their characters and I believe that this character would contribute to players' experiences as well.

I just hope that they will have the opportunities to show their character.


I see no reason Superiorform wouldn't be able to have an Unathi character. He's a great roleplayer, has proven himself a trustworthy and serious individual in the past, and often plays a number of well-liked characters. This is an easy +1.


I spent 30+ minutes arguing with this guy in game about whether or not liggers should be heads or not. Then, after all of that work of trying to argue for why they shouldn't, he asks for a fucking rating on his Unathi app in looc.


+1 would recommend.


He actually took the name I recommended for his IPC.

Why the hell would anyone listen to me?

In all actuality Superior is a pretty good RPer in my experience and has a good attitude OOCly IN MY EXPERIENCE. +1 my dude, be a filthy lizardman and hissss away.


This could be simply born from my ignorance of the unathi species, but isn't declaring yourself a Guwandi a pretty big deal? I see that his status as one changed, but wouldn't that undermine the traditionalist values that he and his clan uphold? Furthermore, how long do you think your character spent time as Guwandi? What about the fight with the other Guwandi made your character believe his wealthier upbringing made victory so easy? You reference in your second paragraph the characters jealousy of wealth, if his clan had weath, why was he jealous of it? If he was ostracized growing up, why do you think he was trained at all by his clanmates? This is especially confusing since it seemed he never showed interest of it in your first few paragraphs, being self obsessed with progressivism.

It feels like you're doing too much with this character, entering dangerously snowflake territories. Again, this is simply my views upon the story itself, if this isn't the case, could you explain? I've no doubt on your RP abilities but would like some clarification on these before I +1


This could be simply born from my ignorance of the unathi species, but isn't declaring yourself a Guwandi a pretty big deal? I see that his status as one changed, but wouldn't that undermine the traditionalist values that he and his clan uphold? Furthermore, how long do you think your character spent time as Guwandi? What about the fight with the other Guwandi made your character believe his wealthier upbringing made victory so easy? You reference in your second paragraph the characters jealousy of wealth, if his clan had weath, why was he jealous of it? If he was ostracized growing up, why do you think he was trained at all by his clanmates? This is especially confusing since it seemed he never showed interest of it in your first few paragraphs, being self obsessed with progressivism.

It feels like you're doing too much with this character, entering dangerously snowflake territories. Again, this is simply my views upon the story itself, if this isn't the case, could you explain? I've no doubt on your RP abilities but would like some clarification on these before I +1


First of all, thanks for taking the time to write all this out, [mention]Bygonehero[/mention]

The main idea behind Edrahir is that he was just a dumb, melodramatic kid, ungrateful with his (actually quite good) situation, but he learns proper lizard values, and ends up sort of regretting his youth, at the same time, looking back at it like "wow I was so dumb, look at that".

You are absolutely right in that going Guwandi is a big deal, and Edrahir sort of spits on this tradition by declaring himself Guwandi so flippantly. He was never actually thinking about the fact that Guwandis die, he was just making an immature statement. As for the fight, Edrahir wasn't rich, but he was certainly better off than most, and he doesn't appreciate that. He had more time than others to train, and his family could afford some more professional lessons for combat. When he came up against an actual Guwandi, who had a poor upbringing, didn't really know how to fight, and was resigned to death in combat, he found the fight uncomfortably easy.

As for his jealousy of those in the city, you actually hit the nail on the head. He has nothing to be jealous of. He just sees them, doesn't think, and he wants what they have, even though Edrahir is actually probably better off than many there! It's a "the grass is always greener" sort of thing. He's just a dumb, ungrateful, kid. And as for your last point, he is obsessed with progressivism, but all unathi hold martial combat in high regard, even the stinking humie-lovers.

This character isn't meant to be a super awesome and unique snowflake. He's meant to be an unathi who thought he was a super awesome and unique snwoflake, but was just too full of himself, and slowly figured out his place in unathi culture. He learned to act like a normal unathi, and appreciate his society. He can reflect on how dumb he was.

I hope I've clarified, because ,I'll admit, I didn't really make the theme too clear. Thanks again.

Guest Marlon Phoenix


Your application is very solid and you've shown good understanding of the culture. You've also responded well to feedback. You character is a good Unathi and one I would enjoy seeing played out on station.

Application accepted!

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