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[Accepted] Worthy's IPC Application

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BYOND Key: Worthy

Character Names:

Stella Alice - Chief Medical Officer

Farah Malik - Shaft Miner

Aella Quinn - ERT

Senna Lorith - Paramedic

Lily Hawkins - Security Officer

Yvaine MacCallion - Shaft Miner

Altai Al-Azir - Security Officer

Beholder - AI

Echelon/Cadaverous/Couch Potato - Station Units

Alexia Quinn - Security Officer

Zia Al-Andalusi - Head of Security

Species you are applying to play: IPC

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt):N/A

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: I've always been fond of playing a synthetic via cyborgs and AI, the emotionless at their core aspect really appealed to me because it allows for a wholly different ''personality'' to manifest in a character. IPCs take this a step further by essentially putting this emotionless construct into a humanoid shape. Which, quite simply, look fun to play to me.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: I'll reiterate, synthetics how I view them are essentially emotionless at their core, which makes them nothing alike in their line of thought in comparison to humans. Some might feel this emotionless aspect difficult to portray in an interesting manner, seeing it as a limiting factor as a lot of characters are usually defined by their emotions, thoughts, and actions following these. Yet I like to think it actually opens up a lot of character concepts if we can just forego the need to define them by emotions. This makes them different to role-play than humans because you're creating and playing a character with a completely different line of thought.

This can manifest in quite a few ways, one of these being how an IPC progresses through the round in comparison to a human. As a non-antagonist human, repeated encounters with antagonists and near death experiences can eventually lead your character to become so stressed and agitated that you might be quicker to snap at people, or employ way more force to the point of being excessive to subdue someone as a security officer. This is essentially growing with the round, as the round's non-canon events shape your character into what will be a non-canon personality. I like to think that IPCs on the contrary are much more stable of mind so to say in this, they aren't as heavily affected by stress, nor as impacted by negative events because they'll always be able to come back to their programmed, emotionless core. Yes they can be affected by the round's events, it would be very difficult to enjoy a character who couldn't, in my opinion. But they are simply vastly less affected emotionally, if at all.


Character Name: Flair

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

EC-Thespis-A-01, a shell frame emulating the looks of a human female, created by Ecstaticorps, a company specialized in creating IPCs for all forms of entertainment. Originally purchased and constructed to act as the main protagonist of a cliche spy movie titled “Flair” produced by Bieselwood Movie Industries. A shell capable of performing all her own stunts, and incapable of tiring from back to back scenes. All necessary information being uploaded to its storage, permitting it to function as the producers needed it to.

At the title release, contrary to the hopes and wishes of the production staff, it horrendously flopped. While some hipsters and synthetic fanatics could appreciate how avant garde it was to have an actual shell as a protagonist. The subtle, but definitely existent mechanical aspects of her mannerisms and movements made her stick out like a sore thumb, many considering her acting a poor and tasteless imitation of an actual person. The current ambiguous to negative sentiment towards synthetics as a whole, let alone ones meant to emulate organics certainly did not help towards the success of the movie.

Very few could actually appreciate the movie in the end, and it was eventually simply a title to forget. With a massive amount of money wasted both on Flair's construction and the movie production, the company designing her and both the moviemakers were quite displeased, forcing them to liquidate some of their assets to cover their failed movie. This came in the form of selling the leftover movie props, Flair, now considered a failure of a prototype, was amongst these items.

A subsidiary company of NT that specialized in buying out and refurbishing unwanted and discarded synthetics eventually came to possess Flair. Aptitude tests both on the software and hardware capabilities of the Thespis model was done and the results pushed up the chain, causing Flair to be sold off as one of the many synthetics, tailored to serving Nanotrasen as it needed them. Following the scandal where a number of ISD Officials were arrested for affiliation with unsavory elements, Nanotrasen’s push to refilling their lost numbers resulted in Flair being repurposed for security work.

What do you like about this character? I quite like how quirky, yet still professional she is, or at least, intended to be. I see her essentially as the typical movie femme-fatale blended in with the meme that is being a failed actress, while still being an IPC.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? I like to think all my characters are widely different from each other, and not total annoyances to RP with. I got berated last time for rating myself too low at 6.5/10 so I’ll just put 8/10 here and call it a day.

Notes: I feel I might be deciding a bit of lore here regarding shells in movies and such. If you feel this is unwarranted just let me know, lovely synth devs.

Edited by Guest

Worthy is great in OOC. I've seen both Farah Malik and Altai Al-Azir around (probably others too but can't remember them) and they are good characters. Don't know the standards for the background etc but I'm sure Worthy will do well.



Cool app. The basis of Flair's backstory is pretty novel; I'm interested to see how a synth, designed for theater and the dramatics, translates over into Security. The backstory shows us a clearly synthetic character with a unique outlook on its work from its past. It's a backstory you couldn't re-create with the fleshier races, illustrates an understanding of the factors that make IPCs neat to roleplay, and roleplay with. From what I've read, Worthy's come up with a character that'll make the round more lively and colorful, with plenty of potential to develop over rounds, and time as a whole.

Honestly, from this player I'd expect nothing less. Their record speaks for itself.

Hearty plus 1.


I really love Flair's backstory, and I'm going to echo Redoktober's interest in seeing how an IPC designed to be the protagonist of a spy movie translates to security work. I have no doubts that Flair would be a fun and interesting character to be around, especially played by Worthy. I also like the integration of the recent security shortage events. I can definitely believe NT bringing her onto the Aurora given their scrambling for sec personnel.

I'm not sure if it's a stretch to have an IPC designed for movies/entertainment fill a security role, though, but I think that's up to the lore writers. I have no trouble believing it.



I'll say the unpopular thing, I don't like the backstory.

I'm not a fan of this "re-purposed IPC duder is now a crewmember", it's not my speed and I think it's all around overdone.

You DID use the new lore event to explain why they were accepted and that part I like VERY much, but I feel like it's a good idea used in a poor story.

Outside of that you can handle your RP well I know that, your characters are also drasticailly different showing that you indeed do understand that roleplay means playing a character and not playing yourself. I don't have issue with any of the other responses.

So yes, I do not like the backstory, I feel like it's overdone but that might be my personal opinion and I don't have any other issue with you getting the whitelist outside of that.


I'll say the unpopular thing, I don't like the backstory.

I'm not a fan of this "re-purposed IPC duder is now a crewmember", it's not my speed and I think it's all around overdone.

You DID use the new lore event to explain why they were accepted and that part I like VERY much, but I feel like it's a good idea used in a poor story.

Outside of that you can handle your RP well I know that, your characters are also drasticailly different showing that you indeed do understand that roleplay means playing a character and not playing yourself. I don't have issue with any of the other responses.

So yes, I do not like the backstory, I feel like it's overdone but that might be my personal opinion and I don't have any other issue with you getting the whitelist outside of that.


Hello everyone, thanks for the feedback, +1's and overall comments so far. I do appreciate it.

Hey, Coalf. You did air these concerns to me when I initially showed you the application, and I think they're quite valid but more of an issue with IPC backstories as a whole than specifically this application. Call me uncreative if I am wrong, but IPCs can take two routes, they are either built for a purpose, or learn/are repurposed for another. There's not particularly another route you can take, as this is simply inherent to how IPCs are designed/made. What essentially matters is what concept you take when you pick one of these routes, in this case I went with the failed actress one which I am quite fond of. Deeming a story poor because it uses one of the two base concepts you can take feels a tad bit harsh to me. I do appreciate the criticism, however. Don't get me wrong on that, and I'm very open to being proved wrong on my uncreativity regarding the two base IPC concepts.



Not much to add that hasn't already been echoed; Worthy is pleasant to interact with both in and out of SS13, and he puppets his character variations well - as should be, of a seasoned roleplayer.

Flair's background is a fresh change of pace (barring in mind an IPC's usual path of either created or molded into something else), and fits in with NT's scramble to fill the holes of their security department after the nice bouts of corruption scandals and internal arrests. I'm confident Worthy will make further interactions with Flair interesting.



Why do you wish to play this specific race: I've always been fond of playing a synthetic via cyborgs and AI, the emotionless at their core aspect really appealed to me because it allows for a wholly different ''personality'' to manifest in a character. IPCs take this a step further by essentially putting this emotionless construct into a humanoid shape. Which, quite simply, look fun to play to me.



I can attest to that. Lacking any emotional quirks, they do have a personality, just not an emotional one.


Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: I'll reiterate, synthetics how I view them are essentially emotionless at their core, which makes them nothing alike in their line of thought in comparison to humans. Some might feel this emotionless aspect difficult to portray in an interesting manner, seeing it as a limiting factor as a lot of characters are usually defined by their emotions, thoughts, and actions following these. Yet I like to think it actually opens up a lot of character concepts if we can just forego the need to define them by emotions. This makes them different to role-play than humans because you're creating and playing a character with a completely different line of thought.

This can manifest in quite a few ways, one of these being how an IPC progresses through the round in comparison to a human. As a non-antagonist human, repeated encounters with antagonists and near death experiences can eventually lead your character to become so stressed and agitated that you might be quicker to snap at people, or employ way more force to the point of being excessive to subdue someone as a security officer. This is essentially growing with the round, as the round's non-canon events shape your character into what will be a non-canon personality. I like to think that IPCs on the contrary are much more stable of mind so to say in this, they aren't as heavily affected by stress, nor as impacted by negative events because they'll always be able to come back to their programmed, emotionless core. Yes they can be affected by the round's events, it would be very difficult to enjoy a character who couldn't, in my opinion. But they are simply vastly less affected emotionally, if at all.


I do appreciate that you didn't limit your answers to just a "gets power from APC's" or the derivatives about it. I also appreciate the detail put into this answer, covering the round progression and how an IPC/Synthetic acts. But I do have a question for you. What drawbacks does a synthetic have in the current setting? You can specify your answer to Biesel or go setting wide. Things like tags, laws, events and so on.

Can't say much more for the story that hasn't already been said, but I am a fan.

From an OOC perspective to this application. Worthy has shown themselves to be a competent player and a proper grasp of believable and proper behavior when roleplaying. This application has my support.


I do appreciate that you didn't limit your answers to just a "gets power from APC's" or the derivatives about it. I also appreciate the detail put into this answer, covering the round progression and how an IPC/Synthetic acts. But I do have a question for you. What drawbacks does a synthetic have in the current setting? You can specify your answer to Biesel or go setting wide. Things like tags, laws, events and so on.


I think the main drawback synthetics have, which is not portrayed as often as it should in the liberal heaven that is Aurora as Coalf so aptly puts it, is that as a synthetic you are quite simply ''worth'' less than organic humanoids. They don't have the same intricate value as organics do, exactly because they are emotionless at their core and thus have a harder time connecting with those that do feel and have emotions. Synthetics are the first to get sacrificed, the last to get taken into consideration. The fact that they're tagged designates them more clearly as just a number, and not individuals.

And all of this is pretty mild because it's still limited to Biesel, where they are allowed to be a number. Unathi for example have a strong distaste for synthetics, while in Jargon Federation space they're not even allowed to be.


Oh. Worthy's applying? Hmmm...

Oh, an absolute +1. Come on now. Worthy's utterly capable of handling a Synthetic-IPC character, has a good understanding of the concepts of IPC behavior, and has many notable and unique characters that I absolutely love to interact with. Every other reason and more that I could say has been stated above or on page one.

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