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About Scheveningen

  • Birthday 21/12/1996

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    getting wi-fi out of a cornfield

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  1. I don't actually want this pursued on the part of kyres further, I would like this dropped. I will get over the situation, I acted pretty harshly opening with this complaint, and I am sorry for DMing you my frustrations like that and then locking you out of further discussion in DMs. I don't expect you have any interest talking to me, but if you want a more proper apology, I have you unblocked.
  2. BYOND Key: Scheveningen Game ID: cpB-aC2i Player Byond Key/Character name: Kyres/Cupcake Staff involved: no staff were available at the time of this round, probably due to it being mildly late Reason for complaint: Antag play that incorporated very little attempts at roleplaying or sportsmanship - evidenced by the raider team killing a miner who was hospitalized in medbay due to a spectral eel, still don't know why that even happened. The stand-off in medbay was accentuated by the combat mech armed with a laser cannon shooting brazenly at security in lieu of making any meaningful demands or asking for any unorthodox interaction besides violence whatsoever. Myself and Karpati decided to intervene by flanking through deck 3 medbay, and we stopped the mech dead-to-rights. The shoot-out continued, and the raiders splintered apart and were gradually picked off until kyres' raider was left. An incident occurred in where after an encounter between my officer and kyres' raider ended in a draw and while I initially thought they were going to disengage due to us both being injured from it (within character behavior rules of not suicide rushing without decent reason or character development) because I did not back them into a corner, they were able to just leave, due to my own wounds needing tending by the EMT that I retreated towards, with Willey also backing me up. Kyres as their raider apparently popped a combat hypospray and dove back in to fight with a kneebreaker hammer, which decapped Donny Willey, who was my character's best friend. It was sheer luck that my officer was able to grab-pin them to stop them, but given that Ken's BFF just lost his head, Kyres' raider got their head beaten in and otherwise wrapped up the antag team's story then and there. Given the lack of meaningful roleplay attempts coming from the antagonist team coupled by some extreme implementation of antagonist equipment to gain absurd and game-breaking advantages for combat purposes, rather than using bought antagonist equipment to ensure a meaningful narrative is being told, I am accusing the offender - primarily Kyres, who I am certain was the senior in terms of server and roleplay experience of the people in this team, and their mechanical conduct MOST ESPECIALLY stood out of the rest of the heisters here - of powergaming and playing to win as the antagonist. This was an incredibly unpleasant round experience overall and I personally do not play this server as if it's a Call of Duty lobby filled with tryhards trying to min-max game mechanics and therefore make the receiving players who have to deal with them otherwise have an awful time. Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation?: Yes, but by the time an admin came online to address the situation, the round changed over. Approximate Date/Time: 9/1-2/2023, 11PM-1AM EST Image evidence of any equipment bought: (note the insane amount of smoke grenades, that is kyres' row: this is because of a specific antag strategy where thermals gives you mob x-ray and lets you attack/shoot people through smoke and it doesn't obscure your vision of mobs in the smoke, which is extremely min-maxxy because sec without thermals can't fight back meaningfully inside smoke, you are either forced to suppress the smoke or get the hell out.)
  3. I'll just add that I can otherwise verify the vacuum rushing did actually happen, though. The point of playing a character, to me, is to fear or avoid pain as much as possible. Deliberately going into a vented area without donning a voidsuit for guaranteed vacuum protection struck me as pretty suicidal and the only person that changed their mind was Kra'jun of those 3 that dove into the communal brig.
  4. Canonicity doesn't concern me atm because everything goes normally during extended plus you don't have to honor deaths by stupid hivebot/greimorian shit. Hayashi Kuri is the one security character that has died the most to threats like these and I would never insist they have to honor a character death to something as genuinely infuriating, poorly timed and abruptly escalated as Giant-Ass Bug Random Event or Hivebots?! Invasion. The problem is standard gameflow. The Horizon should be relatively risk-free to let new players learn the controls and not get fucking owned royally by overtuned smart mobs that deal shitloads of damage and continue to attack you until you succumb to braindeath. 3rd parties have less resources and arguably should be the roles for more experienced players to group up together and do silly shit. Greimorians and hivebots spawning on their own and not as an antagonist game-mode centric prompt of the round is griefy and terrible.
  5. Forummaxxing by posting 10 times a day to stay ahead of the other posters

  6. This looks great overall, though I'm not fond of some of the appearances of the single airlocks. The double airlocks rock, though - it makes more sense than the previous double airlock design. It's like those irritating push-poles in a Destiny raid that launches you into a giant pit! I would dare to say that non-secure airlocks should all open/close one-way rather than expanding the door out two ways, this seems more airlock-y to me and seems visually satisfying to watch.
  7. Well, here's the thing: Hivebots in themselves do not roleplay with you. They shoot you, or blow up next to you, or set you on fire, landing you in medbay and giving you the decent risk of actually just round removing and killing you, because their damage ranges from trickling/bleeding you out, to massive damage over time to being set on fire, to outright facetanking the equivalent of a frag grenade. The only things in a round that truly roleplay are the player-characters. There is this sentiment that though hivebots do not add roleplay, they "generate" roleplay by giving the in-round characters some stressors to deal with, as well as injury or risk of death, and thus would cause some emotional strife within the crew. To me, that is kind of questionable. Who here plays regularly that does not go, "Oh for fuck's sake" when hivebots pop and everyone must be torn away either from their immediate duties or from roleplay scenes they are enacting with others in order to RUSH DOWN KILL KILL KILL the hivebot beacon and its little buddies or else they multiply to a level that would otherwise become impossible to deal with if they did not do so. With regards to greimorians, hivebots, the blob, the only players that are actually stimulated by these events are those who are AFK lobby sitting or otherwise not actively engaged with the characters or events in the round already. Personally, I think all the major events are pretty bad. The major event triggers are claimed to be things that give people stuff to do, but even some aspects of my IRL jobs were more engaging than being required to hook up an emitter to kill the blob or the hivebot beacon for the 5th time in a day. People want stuff to do, but is dealing with hivebots or deadly greimorian warriors that can instafrac and poison you anything that people LIKE actually doing? My subjective standard for killing PVE mobs is that should be a sort of gameloop you should opt into (hey, expeditions!), rather than being subjected onto the entire ship because lole, chaos!!! I am not really trying to disparage people who seem to like dealing with hivebots, though, but I think it is bad that hivebots regularly infest the Horizon and it not being its own game mode, personally. While I think the way of dealing with the forced PVE situation should be a lot harsher than the title of this thread or the PR aims to be, the PR author offered a compromise to both parties, and this is the compromise. The compromise should be taken now so as to not embitter a bunch of players to a not-changing lose-lose situation.
  8. This is the opposite of what the captain wiki page says you should do, and I am not saying you should do it. But the captain's most immediately pertinent mechanical, non-management duties involve knowing how the shooting mechanics work, as well as how flying the Horizon works - primarily the bridge staff's work. You must be able to do those when the bridge staff are at half-manning. In one particular round in which the Flak/Longbow and Leviathan were used to shoot down the hijacked Intrepid, there was only a BC and the Captain. I don't think a captain should be anywhere close to being blind if they have to substitute in for a bridge crewman to shoot the ship guns, or navigate the ship in an emergency. The captain should also be ambulatory enough to only require a cane for walking at worst. Helena Artigas is basically the ideal for a currently disabled character that is also captain-rank, I think they're completely fine the way they are presently, and most people should meet around that standard. I do not think being half blind or being bound to a wheelchair should be a viable character concept for any of command, though. My argument isn't for ableism, it's primarily a reasonability and in-character safety concern. The XO is similar to the captain as a mini-captain except without all the all-encompassing management authority. They have to be able to do the job of the BCs if the wage earners are not present. The RD and OM are the only other heads of staff that have strictly management roles and no real requirements for physical work. The OM is a bit debatable, such as if no hangar technicians exist to load the ship guns - it would be bad if they were physically not able to. In my experience with middle management, if your subordinates call out or aren't present at work, higher-level management expects you to do those duties to keep business functioning. The captain is the executive in this situation, and thus it is their job to find replacements and source even from off-duties if it is an emergency duty situation, in preference over doing the job themselves. However, pilots are specialized and thus nearly impossible to replace for the sake of piloting the cruiser. So if the captain has no other choice, they have to be physically able enough to do that, as needed.
  9. I was Verkenner Hoeven this round and witnessed HOS Tokash and Officer Baral and Kra'jun just willfully walk into a breached communal brig without a spacesuit and engage in a vacuum firefight. With regards to the actual brig being split open from outside using EVA, I saw the shutters were blinking yellow, indicating that anyone stepping inside would be taking damage from not having a mask on, to which two of the three personnel that was directly getting involved in the firefight had any internals PPE prepped. Baral died to a combination of not masking up as well as being shot to death. I'm fairly certain Kra'jun wised up and stepped out for a mask at least - actually being smart enough to even bother extracting the prisoner who could've gotten hurt much worse due to the breach, thus they did not achieve Total Zhan Death themselves, which was pretty impressive to me given the 50/50 track record of Tajara characters who either die instantly and hilariously or those who are rugged, lucky survivalists. This entire round had almost absent or otherwise low quality communication with regards to the head of security - which is extremely bad to read from someone who has been playing for more than sufficient enough amount of time to play the role. Their shot calls were, on the OOC side of things, more than simply questionable, but generally in opposition to any meaningful interaction with raiders that were far more talkative and relatively cooperative than average. If the raiders had simply rolled up and shot us, then Tokash's methodology would have been sound to me, but his mode of operation seems to me to fairly obviously instigate rather than de-escalate, as is the purpose of security to do the latter: to control a situation rather than pursue unnecessary risks. My only impressions of Tokash this round was that they were not particularly interested in handling the situation in a more nuanced or interesting manner than simply just aiming to shut the raiders down and suppress them as a threat or entity entirely - he was completely unmoved by any other perspective that was not his own regarding how to handle the situation leading up to the shootout, which my character warned would happen and would be worst-case scenario. This was not really an exceptional "Tokash as HOS" round either, this is sort of an ongoing pattern, to me, where most rounds with Tokash running the show in security end the same way. I've seen this particular HOS walk into situations with much forethought, they get severely injured, and then stick around in the area for longer than they should, which risks permanent brain injury or death - which is not something the HOS should be doing. I think the conduct and style of Tokash needs to change a lot going forward - and I think there also needs to be more thought of risk, injury and death, especially for a character that is in the security profession. And, honestly, if the HOS is interested in forcing engagement with the antagonist in terms of creating interesting dialogue - coordinate with the officers to get flanks and encircle the group, hand out the door maglocks and sandbag the cut-off points. The options exist, they are just not being used.
  10. I think captains cannot get away with disability as they are liable to be expected to physically shore up any weaknesses in direct bridge staff duties depending on the current limitations of bridge cr*w.

  12. How do you open the crew armory or an operations weapon container without someone with armory access? Hivebots require at least an engineer with an available engineer with an emitter to destroy the highly lethal beacon (which, if you are unlucky, will cause the infinite fire bug depending on how the server is feeling), and armory equipment in the form of laser rifles or shotguns to mop up the other hivebots. I see no reason why hivebots should not get the trigger exception like other debilitating random events do.
  13. this would be funny as fuck
  14. maybe instead of being "eepy" you should be on LinkedIn or Indeed

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. limette
    3. Zelmana


      eepy $0 per year

    4. Skull132


      im too eepy from work to be partake in the capitalism fashion show that is linkedin.

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