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Everything posted by NoahKirchner

  1. In that case, yes it's kinda dumb, but there are other players with the role in this gamemode and unless I am oblivious it hardly seems common enough to change policy over.
  2. I am very heavily inclined to agree here, I just had a wizard today tell me "I'm _______ _______, Chapman knows me" (Removed name out of respeck), and it was pretty clearly just going to turn into a "Look at me, I'm special I have wizard powers." On the other hand, I feel like there are still some valid gimmicks here, like what Zundy said or maybe a former Aurora employee who got so pissed with his job that he decided to become a space pirate and joined a heister gang. I think, if this is enforced, it should be enforced as situationally as possible and only in cases where an antag is very clearly trying to dick around with their clique. If it is entirely banned, though, I think it's a pretty small loss and it's not at all outrageous.
  3. On one hand, yes this is annoying. On the other hand, I feel like tightening the reigns on antags is a step in the wrong direction. Every now and then, especially with mixed secret, one good antag fighting one bad one is alright. Occasional lings in xenobiology isn't bad, one of my favorite rounds had me talking to a psychologist about my new (mid round) ling shit and that ended (after some ramping up in mischief) in me stealing the HoS's garb in an attempt to escape alive. This would make anything like that impossible, and it'd be really sad to see a large number of gimmicks or possibilities be thrown out the window because a few antags did something minorly annoying. Peaceful antags, also yes a bit annoying (especially because it seems to be all that's happened these past few days), but a reactionary set of rules to counter a rather recent problem, again, only serves to limit future possibilities. While antagonism and not-surrendering should be encouraged, making it required is something that I stand rather heavily against, and I say this as someone who only plays exclusively bad-antagonists (At least thus far) and who thinks that rounds where all of the antags are friendly are boring as hell.
  4. I, Doctor Eric Kimple, Virologist, Medical, would like to register my interest in this gathering.
  5. I really like canon's idea. Making the magazines really fucking volatile would make laser guns not super OP. I think it'd also be neat to make them, instead of pretty hefty burn damage to anything besides ablative, really really potent against unarmored individuals but incredibly weak against anyone wearing anything with a bit of insulation. Right now lasers are in a weird middle ground where they're really good against ops and what-not but have weird recharge procedures and don't really seem to specialize in anything besides giving someone an infection.
  6. wizards are supposed to be occult though, guns just make them like every other antag
  7. Maybe if extended is voted in then have extended show up on the thing, but if it's anything else (even secret which has extended as an option) then it won't show up. Extended rounds, for me, are only good every once in a while and a secret-extended round followed by a voted extended round makes me unready and close out of the window.
  8. I was in OOC when you asked this. It looked like somebody was saying "Yes" to something else and you took it as a "yes" to your question. Infact I'm almost certain of it.
  9. Hey can I recommend to make the suggestion on a 10-100 point system as opposed to the current? I feel like, if you do that you'd have more freedom with mode point values and give a larger randomized severity range, if you will. So at 60 pop you can get a flustercuck crazy round with 2 or 3 antags 2 of which have a high point value, an ever so slightly calmer round with 1 major antag or 2 minor ones, or a very calm round with 0-1 antags. A bit scatterbrained atm so this is hard to explain but I think it would be better if you up the scale to 1-100.
  10. anything to halt the ligger menace
  11. Stitches in medical and Hard in engineering is where I've played with you.
  12. Played with Miranda Steele and she was alright, competent for sure and kept medbay together enough despite not having a CMO. Played with Kizzy Jenson and we set up the engine together, a lot of good RP in that round with a pretty clearly defined character and an obvious attempt to make their actions realistic. +1
  13. i will bust your balls
  14. I know but suggestions are one per thread so I made it so that it doesn't get overlooked
  15. Have a list (That can be added to via the WI) of gimmicks for each antag type. If a player ingame can't think of a gimmick (for merc/heist etc), then they can hit the button a few times and get some ideas. Players would be able to add their own ofc so it doesn't get stale. This might get some rounds moving better when people can't come up with their own gimmick (which happens p/ frequently)
  16. I don't care about the minimoog at all. The clown mask guy repeatedly going up and down the hallway with two fire extinguishers in a wheelchair was a bit immursion breaking though. Dog, it was one time. Quit over exaggerating. I wouldn't have noted it if it was one time, but this is my word against yours at this point, so it will get nowhere.
  17. It was once, one of the Jawdats was playing the minimoog in the holodeck while the other one was going up and down the halls in a wheelchair on either side of the holodeck. They then went inside the holodeck, sat there, and the AI bolted the doors. The Jawdat in the wheelchair then blasted into a window (still inside the holodeck) and broke a panel of glass, and that's when I walked away back to the medbay. Note: Wasn't a race, there was nobody else doing it. Lmao, the window wasn't even broken. Plus that was me, I was fucking around because admins spawned me a hat that I couldn't take off which had my clown mask stuck on. IIRC not a lot of people were on and it was in the holodeck. I blasted around on a wheel chair ONCE around the holodeck before going back inside because I wanted to see how far I can actually move on the wheel chair with a fire extinguisher. Honestly, how can you even complain about the minimoog? It's a piano that plays music, regardless if it was tetris or not (which I don't even remember it being tetris, he played the theme of the dark side from star wars for the liberal adhomais) did it really break your immersions that much? Regardless, Jackboot and I have halted all "memey" things from now on since people want to be fun police. Even though we legit only do it either on lowpop or secluded in maintenance. I guess as long as there's aurora there's always something to complain about, huh? I don't care about the minimoog at all. The clown mask guy repeatedly going up and down the hallway with two fire extinguishers in a wheelchair was a bit immursion breaking though.
  18. It was once, one of the Jawdats was playing the minimoog in the holodeck while the other one was going up and down the halls in a wheelchair on either side of the holodeck. They then went inside the holodeck, sat there, and the AI bolted the doors. The Jawdat in the wheelchair then blasted into a window (still inside the holodeck) and broke a panel of glass, and that's when I walked away back to the medbay. Note: Wasn't a race, there was nobody else doing it.
  19. The Jawdats are occasionally pretty memey. I saw one of them put on a clown mask and sit in a wheelchair, blasting themselves up and down the hallway with fire extinguishers. Beyond that though they normally just say that they're going to play traditional Admohai music in the bar/holodeck and then play the tetris theme on a minimoog or get injured and come into medbay.
  20. what's a guy gotta do to use archaic words smh
  21. hostages are heck, it goes like this take hostage, announce hostage AI locks down room, security sits outside security throwns in a flashbang, lasers hostage taker, hostage is wounded to the point of needing surgery but not dead, everyone goes home I have seen this like 8 times since February but have yet to see a hostage situation not end like this (IE only seen 8 hostage situations since feb)
  22. I meant a heckofalotta work to get it to work satisfyingly as far as points go, cuz with this system you can get rev+cult for example which is cult with slightly lesser cult in the background, so it'd need to be a bit more intricate.
  23. An interesting idea for sure, but I think it'd require a heck of a lotta work to pull off in a satisfying way.
  24. Then why change the defaults in the first place?
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