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Everything posted by NoahKirchner

  1. i'd say add radio to that list of default triggers, seeing as how the first thing everyone wants to do when tagged is to scream "HELP GUY WITH GUN HOLDING ME UP IN MAINT AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"
  2. I call them commander because they command internal security, because it is brief but gets the point across, and because I wanna stick it to the man, man
  3. What about deadhour when nobody onboard besides a visitor is qualified in setting up the engine? I realize that letting some strange man with a van dyke mustache into the engine room is probably not the best idea if I was an actual employee on an actual space station, but electricity is decently important for round progression.
  4. Getting genetics a lot more heavily involved in cloning would be nice, and maybe add the ability to grow organs. Maybe some organs could be better than others dependent on how you mess with them and you could add a way to test the organs for more fluff.
  5. Yes this would be nice, I like cult but a rev round with traitors would be really interesting I think.
  6. war is heck
  7. This is a good idea methinks.
  8. But aren't they on the bottom floor?
  9. Is it possible to change their records like that? If so, how, I don't remember seeing a button to edit it in the employment record screen thingy unless you're talking about just going over it with them and presenting them with records to put it on their own?
  10. Have the surface level contain some catwalk-esque areas where you can see down to the lower level and have falling blocked off with railings. This would add some more pizazz to the surface level I'd say, and could make for some interesting situations (like holding someone hostage, threatening to throw them over) I'm not sure how plausible this is, but if it is possible I think it'd be pretty neat.
  11. Add a room attached to the brig or processing that allows the onboard councilor or psychologist to speak/interview/deal with a mentally unstable detainee. This would give psychologists a bit more to do and could have the "batshit fucking insane" antagonist type pop up a bit more and be able to be better dealt with. A good alternative to this if there's not enough room would be to have a security area in psychology.
  12. As far as learning the lore for all of the species go, going away from whitelisted people at first, I can't really blame anybody. To learn all of the lore on humans and other species to a realistic level is basically like taking another government class in high school. Some people love it, some people hate it, but imo it's pretty reasonable for people to maybe not be overly caught up on certain events. When it comes to people with whitelists though I think that should be for the lore folk to decide. About records, I've noticed (to no surprise) that not many people have them. Hell I don't have them on some of the first characters that I made which I only played once, but those people without records can still have a personality. I think the biggest issue is that it's just an open slate. Boom- write the format, make up all of that fancy mumbo jumbo and then post it. Maybe a more user friendly records thingy would help with that, you'd still be able to write your own ofc, but have a button nearby the records that lets you open up a web interface and fills things out a bit more automatically. Type in your age, date of birth is already filled out on all 3, type your family and that's filled out on all 3, and have a standardized format instead of a blank slate. The newscaster thing would be neat as heck though, it'd make the game feel more like you're on a space station inside of a bigger universe as opposed to you're on a space station with a bigger universe outside, if that makes sense. That is my two cents, unwarranted but you'll like it, dammit!
  13. I hate to be that guy, but making bridge assistants and assigning assistants to their lesser roles is one of the bigger things that HoPs get to do imo.
  14. Hello, I don't have access to the forum and just recently got muh whitelist. Pretty please with a cherry ontop?
  15. Your character was born in 2459, but the ingame year is 2459 meaning that your character is less than 1 year old.
  16. If you add secretaries to every department, then what happens during dead or with a lacklustre department? As it stands now, an assistant can pick whatever department they'd like to assist (assuming menial labour) after the round has started instead of needing to lock in to an intern role, I thought that was the point. Sure they can't do any advanced labour, but they can help people as the situation requires instead of being stuck in one department the entire round.
  17. Detective and forensics is fine as is, and enough stuff can be made to explode that a dog won't really be able to sniff it out.
  18. With some changes to make it a bit easier to play in a social stealth situation, +1. As it is, -1 for sure, it's a rather low rp gamemode and doesn't really work without gaming as much as possible.
  19. That happy birthday was about as coordinated as happy birthdays are irl. Everyone's at a different part of the song and there's that one guy trying too hard. This was hilarious.
  20. +1, more spice is always nice but this is a p/ small change tbh.
  21. Bad timing perhaps. IRL bsns has been keeping me from playing as much as I'd like to, so I haven't been in game to advertise (or really play much) in these past few days.
  22. Another issue here is that powergaming sometimes keeps a round from being shit. On lowpop, a CMO who can't clone or do surgery and who is the only person in medbay just results in a lot of injured people waiting for a doctor to come aboard. Most people would rather powergame than let 3 people sit in surgery waiting for something like fixing an arm, but who only have a CMO that specializes in chemistry.
  23. This would be nice, especially because if you get really boned as a borg and fall down a hole, you're essentially done for the round. The only downside I can see is that, if a borg is captured by a merc or heist squad, it would alert the crew to the ship so maybe have it be able to be removed from the borg.
  24. I am not overly knowledgeable in Unathi lore so I can't really say anything about it, but as far as RP goes, I've interacted with some of the characters that he's listed in his application but it has mostly been Rob. Despite the memey nature of the character, and bar one time where he used a crossbow after the station went to shit, Rob has been roleplayed very well. He is a believable character, even (Despite the OOC memes at play, him being a baldie assistant named roboster and all), and I often see him actually assisting as opposed to running around being a nuisance like other assistants. He's also very knowledgeable on Aurora stuff in general, and seeing as how his ability to roleplay an Unathi (and a Guwan, specifically), was addressed above favorably, I dont have a doubt in my mind that he would be a good Unathi (as little as it means :V). Good luck, yo. +1
  25. Perhaps a way to remedy this would be to require a Skills page setup before you're able to save a character, so that new players can see that they are only able to do what that skill page allows and not whatever they are asked? Maybe even add in a disclaimer "Acting outside of these capabilities without a good reason may be considered powergaming"? Perhaps I am missing the point, I am tired, but I think some small steps could be taken to help remedy this in big ways.
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