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About Valkrae

  • Birthday 14/12/1996

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  • Occupation
    Professional eSports Spectator
  • Location
    The Verse

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  • Byond CKey

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NanoTrasen Commander

NanoTrasen Commander (30/37)

  1. I don't agree that it's a weak reason at all. People can easily burn out of spess, if they hyperfixate on it for too long. But, eventually, I'll want to play it again. I'll want to play Command, but if I have to re-apply for Command, that's not going to incentivize me to return to Aurora. Some people may have outstanding circumstances that prevent them from being able to play Aurora for a year. Others, may just not have the interest to play at the current point in time. I know that my stance is an unpopular one, and I'm okay with that. I simply think that outright stripping whitelists is a bad move.
  2. As one of the people who frequently is inactive, I don't agree with this. On the basis that I'm not always in an SS13 mood. Why am I being punished for that, by having my whitelist stripped? It doesn't incentivize older players to return at all. Now, if inactive players were on a stricter guideline for Command whitelists? That'd be more ideal, since you're just being put on watch while you're not as familiar with the current status of things!
  3. o7 It was nice to interact with you occasionally over these many years. Take it easy, King.
  4. I just RPed with J-ET. It was one of the more insightful and thought-provoking RPs I've ever had with an IPC. It was a good time, and the second I saw this app, I knew I had to give it my commendation, because we need more interesting IPCs in the command line-up. +1
  5. Rotharia was the one who initially brought me to early Aurora, as he had played on Apollo, I think? He's a good RPer, and competent enough that he can make a good example for other people as a Head of Staff. A definite +1 from me, boss.
  6. Just make Cult more open to exploration of ideas, rather than 'we blood cult'. That'd solve 90% of the problems with Cult.
  7. Literally just a Defib that can bring someone that's recently had their heart stop back to life. I don't understand why a futuristic sci-fi space station doesn't have a technology that is readily available in the 21st Century.
  8. I think you might be thinking of the round with Head of Security Dalton and Captain Stern. They both look similar and speak with Solarian accents, but Stern is played by SebKiller.
  9. I've held off on making a post about the Cones until I could get a decent amount of playtime with them, and I have to say that I am simply not a fan of them. Combat is already a convoluted mess in SS13 as it is, and the Vision Cones make every single shootout, brawl, or scramble that I've been involved in look like a Three Stooges skit. While the idea of sneaking up behind someone is a cool novelty, I don't think it really is worth it, considering the clumsiness that follows with everything else. Xenobiology is where my main complaints come in. I used to play Xenobiology rather regularly, as it was rather easy to get into the flow of things. I could easily click behind myself to drag slimes out of containment pens, and drag mass numbers of them in a short few moments. With the Vision Cones, however, it makes it an effort of 'how long am I going to put up with this before I give up and go to Cryo'. What would've been a five second endeavor, now increases to a ten to fifteen second endeavor. These times stack up, and what would normally take around five to ten minutes to complete, now takes upwards of twenty to twenty five. While minor, I believe that this issue extends to any Department that requires a lot of dragging multiple objects.
  10. I think a neat sink would be cosmetics for the Mining suits. Sort of like hardsuit 'skins' almost, so you can really flex how cool, and sick you look.
  11. More ghost roles would be a positive, even without this in mind.
  12. Hooliganism can only barely be stretched to fit it. We had a discussion about it ICly, and according to the text as written, it's not really justifiable in that regard. At least, that's how we took it. I just figured it'd be an interesting suggestion, at least for discussion.
  13. You can easily explain away anything in a sci-fi setting. Who's to say the TCFL aren't nostalgic sons of bitches, and paint their stocks brown so they can pretend it's wood?
  14. What it says on the tin. Make it so that Security can fine people a small amount of credits for leaving their litter across the station.
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