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Everything posted by AmoryBlaine

  1. I mean, we could also change it to biogel, have you breathing through a mask while submerged- sorta like Johnny Rico or Luke Skywalker.
  2. It'd be a bugfix.
  3. Oh, I understand now. So the current system locks out AI as a role, even though faction shouldn't really be a consideration when rolling for AI.
  4. Not entirely sure what this adds. Though I'd prefer we not allow the competition to have total control of the station.
  5. Better than whatever I could have made by a mile; I'm not sure there should be exceptions for the uniform, though. This is a full face cover helmet, intended to replace the security helmet.
  6. That works too. Ex-TCFL only, no active volunteer characters that aren't visitors.
  7. I suppose there's just a mass of bartenders and chefs around? And engineers, and medical staff? All of these people are easily replaceable but Sec Officers aren't. NT doesn't have an army, nor are TC and NT interested seperate. This isn't a really equal comparison. We're talking about volunteers. You seem to imply that everyone but the NT Sec volunteers will support a fight with NT, or something.
  8. This isn't about backgrounds, as you can be ex-TCFL already, you just can't be active. This is about active TCFL volunteers. That aside, the occupation of Security Officer already covers the excuse of knowing how to operate most conventional weapons, because you're handling conventional weapons or at the very least expected to know how. On top of this, the requirements for the job include academy training- listing military academies as examples- or 2+ years experience in law enforcement or security related occupations. So of course you'd get a lot of military and law enforcement guys- that's who you want. The only thing you could really use TCFL to excuse is knowing how to use a hardsuit, or drive a mech (Reminder, the TCFL has barely any current era military tech, it's all outdated stuff, or utility gear.) but, you can do that already by having a certificate in your records, or just saying you know how because of prior experience. An example being you worked in a warehouse for a year moving crates with a Ripley. Don't think anyone's gonna stop you if you use that. So really, all TCFL Sec does is diversify characters a bit more, in regards to their values- it is volunteer work after all.
  9. Can't this literally be applied to any other job on station. What if I'm suppose to work on Monday, but they need me with the TCFL on Monday as well- but I'm an Engineer. Does swapping out Engineer for Security Officer change the balance involved? You're still an NT employee, you're still a volunteer with the TCFL. If we're willing to overlook the lack of logic in what you just said in regards to Engineers, Paramedics, and everyone else that is a volunteer TCFL, then you ought to be overlooking it for Sec as well.
  10. If you're incorporating TCFL into your character, as any dept, there's an implication that they're gonna have some combat capability. We can already have off-duty engineers and parameds come aboard as TCFL, hasn't changed any characters into total dipshits who play to win. We haven't had anymore visitors starting to get combat ready than usual, either. Allowing Sec to do the same as everyone else doesn't increase the chance of shit characters, because they'd already be shit from the start, with or without TCFL in their backstory. Nor does Sec TCFL increase visitor combat characters, since they already do that as off-duty Sec. What changes between having Vol. [Sec Character] arrive and Vol. [Engineer character] arrive? They're both familiar faces, they're both confined to the rules of character behavior. Few if any situations where they are even seen are canonical.
  11. But you're okay seeing off shift engineers, bartenders, paramedics, ect?
  12. Actually, since the TCFL pilot is green, that's what this green uni can be. RIP Scouts.
  13. Bumping.
  14. Small resprite of some uniforms, and an addition. Top to Bottom: Standard TCFL uniform, Sentinel TCFL uniform, TCFL-Scout uniform Top Left: Standard TCFL uniform/ Top Right: Sentinel TCFL uniform Bottom Left: Current TCFL uniform/Bottom Right: TCFL-Scout uniform
  15. Give all energy weapons powerpacks.
  16. What about everyone else? It's a conflict of interest because you'd be split between supporting Biesel or your own life, or your actual job by deciding whether or not to be on-call. Everything is a conflict of interest, and it's about putting that aside, given this is volunteer work.
  17. I don't even get how it's a conflict of interest, given you aren't some sort of loyalty implanted specialist- you're just a guy that works in the Security field, with NT. If anything you'd likely being coming from a background in TCFL if you're new to TC, or not an ex-cop/military guy.
  18. Deviates too much.
  19. My main issue with the current is the wrap around gauge, and colour discrepancy.
  20. These look better- but can we see how they look in game?
  21. The flags could probably be a bit whiter, the beret outline could be a bit darker.
  22. I did the flooring for the two offices on the left.
  23. A lot of dumb dumbs name NT badges rather than activating them to have their names on the badges. They have John Doe (John Doe) attached Looks dumb. Stop this, please.
  24. I'll make versions for every department
  25. Based on this.
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