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Everything posted by Jakers457

  1. I've seen two characters department hop with little done about it.
  2. I hate to be a stickler for some rule that might not even be written down somewhere. But I've seen characters that are... say, fully qualified in Engineering, Security and Research, enough for them to be the upper tier jobs if you will. Which, maybe, I guess would be valid, depending on how old the character is and what work they had prior to being with Nanotrasen. Perhaps it's because I have different characters serving to different roles, but I personally dislike seeing someone who can set up the Singularity, create slimes then perform surgery while memorizing the regulations handbook, because y'know, no biggy bro. Should we enforce realistic qualifications a little more, or should we allow characters that seem to be able to work all the jobs presented to them? Obviously this is a tricky topic, but I have faith that we'll pull through.
  3. I've got big plans for one of my Research characters, but I want a rough list of what stealth systems we have for spacecraft and such. If someone could help me with this, I'd be much obliged.
  4. I think she's already installed the briefing room in the second picture.
  5. -nids sagely-
  6. I've noticed a good few games where atleast half the crew have gone SSD and the round still have about an hour and a half to go. You might tell me ARPEEEEEE JAKERS ARPEEEEE, but when I see there's like five active crew members sat on their own in their respective work places... I'm kind of thinking, alright this round has outlived it's welcome and it'd probably be more productive just to kill it off.
  7. We do need a Security briefing room. I'm still waiting for someone to present a Security with all the prior features that doesn't force their own ideals onto Security. Because you know, Jamini's anti-CSI autopsy stance and Sue's anti-briefing stance kind of... sucks.
  8. Fleshed it out a bit.
  9. I think it was open to interpretation, though I have been teasing the idea of posting some fauna and such on the lore apps.
  10. I've worked on the concept a little more. Will be posting it tomorrow.
  11. BYOND Key:Jakers457 Character Names:Daniel Escher, Peter Stone, Micheal Forte, James Brook, Revvy Black, Miko Du'Razhu, Fumiki Kamachi, Azral Raheem and John Witherwood How long have you been playing on Aurora: Too long, I need my life back. Species you are applying to play:Skrell scum What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt):Green? Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: I've given it a brief overview Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I wanted to give the race a try. Did with Tajaran, liked them. Did with IPC, despised them. I like to see what other characters I can't create with this particular culture. Besides there doesn't seem to be enough skrell aboard the station, let alone ones in a memorable nature. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Well there culture is different aswell as their basic needs. Humans have a pretty different anatomy to Skrell, seeing as Skrell have the mouth of an old man but with gums of steel. Also with the culture comes racial tensions, political unrest and other things that aid in growing your character in a somewhat organic manner. Character Name: Amon Eshka Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Amon Eshka, whose family has a medical background, studied biology at one of the Universities on Aliose. During his time there, hebecame fascinated by the world of genetics and biotechnology, the possibilities. The ability to manufacture organs to per long biological life allured him and only caused him endeavor in the exploration this field. Because of this aspiration, he sought work for Nanotrasen to continue his work and studies aboard their generously funded research stations to allow himself the space and time to work on his projects. While studying, he tends to keep to himself and becomes somewhat reclusive. Some would say it would be better to check on him in person opposed to using any other means of communication, for he will ignore it at the best of times. As well playing with genetic code, he's also looking into the affects of cybernization on the body and the potential that would come from it. What do you like about this character? I have no opinion on him as of yet, I would rather get to play him and let him develop as a person before I can make an impression. It's better that way I feel. How would you rate your role-playing ability? 1/10 Notes: I'll probably not stick to this background, but a concept's needed I suppose.
  12. Would be nice if the icon was bigger >.>
  13. I play Battle of Empires? Basically the WW1 version
  14. I was hoping we could get the ability to click on the latest post shown on the right of the subforum link. It's a minor nuisance having to click into the subforum, then potentially having to navigate to the sub forum within the subforum.
  15. This puzzles me somewhat, Skrell would need a decent source of protein for the mental capacity in which they hold, if my basic understanding is correct.... which it probably won't be. But surely they'd be insectivore at the very least? To a decent amount of protein their body unless they devour large amounts of space spinach and kale? Just curious as all.
  16. Well, personally I feel you surpass a good handful of current staff in productivity and general etiquette. To not accept you seems like a silly move. And perhaps I'll piss people off by saying that, but the whole debacle seems shitty and I'm willing to show some support.
  17. We do get certain regulars that need to be kept on their own.
  18. Jakers457

    PDA Watches

    Shame we wear our watches on our fists opposed to our wrists
  19. Jakers457

    Tossin' blames

    I came here for tossing
  20. Like I said, I've witnessed the Bodyguard roleplay on the server already, so listen from someone who's actually witnessed it's delivery. It was done well, there was no power trip bullshit that people have been godfearing about. It was basically a guy/chick following the Captain during meetings and such, they had a stab proof vest and possibly a flash. There was no 'Edji sooper lethal l33t haxor guy,' just a very bureaucratic person who acted as the Captain's personal entourage. And I'm not backing this for it's edginess, I don't like edginess despite the popular belief of Security players. I liked it because it just gave a little more depth to the station, to the command and more of the adminstrative side of things. It won't affect the high school drama that people love, it mainly revolves around the upper tier staff and adds an element of difficulty for antags. Which I welcome, I love having to formulate a plan and then improvise for every hiccup along the way. At the very least, we should trial it before we light our torches and declare a with hunt on 'what ifs'.
  21. We speak of the balance of power. But seeing as the AI and Command area are now massive gaping wounds, ready to have salt rubbed into it and then smothered with lemon juice by any antag with a pinch of sense. Having a body guard would help balance out the massive tactical oversight.
  22. I think Diona are super lameness, I also think Jackboot is super lameness. Perfect love match.
  23. Well I'm just one guy. If people around here give you there bout of confidence then that'll usually get you accepted. But it's hard for anyone to give a thumbs up without any prior knowledge of you or your roleplaying.
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