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Everything posted by Jennalele

  1. I've had too many Vaurca get fired because a maint drone gibbed a mouse, then Sec blamed it on the bug. Still, its hilaripus. Not even monkeys make that much giblet.
  2. Having taken a second look over, I wouldn't really mind this, except I kind of /did/ like having odd colors available. I had Sillouette look sort of like Sonny from I, Robot- A silveryish skin tone that bordered on blue. I had Felix with a vaguely off-kilter, almost-skin-tone-but-not-quite color that fit well. If we're going to preset colors, I'd be disappointed, but else, if it's pretty much the same, but more streamlined, I'd be okay. ...I'd also prefer actually having a TV-head instead of it being a head slot thing, because berets, hard hats and other things.
  3. Yeeess! I've had amazing interactions with JOI as every character she's interacted with, and this shows that Feorn DEFINITELY understands the lore here. I love it, I love this, it has my endorsement.
  4. Looks like this is resolved, then. Locked and archived.
  5. This. What happens on station is not a 100% representation of the wider universe of Aurora. Just because the people at your job are tolerant of the gay cats, albino lizards and damn synths, it doesn't mean wider society is.
  6. Morkai tends to speak like this more often than not, but will elaborate in some situations.
  7. I'd like to see a solution to this that doesn't involve turning off the events though Maybe a minimum round timer before events can trigger, to give people a chance to get setup. Or maybe some adjusting of the scale of events, based on server population. Lower virus spread rate, less blobs, less meteors, whatever The former is already in place. It isn't a matter of setting up or not setting up- Blobs don't happen 5 minutes into the round. They happen 2 hours in when everyone's asleep, and there's only one engineer and absolutely no security on station, trying to haplessly find and destroy the thing. It doesn't help that the only quick way of dealing with them now is laser weaponry, as emitters are mostly nonfunctional for blob killing, and flashbangs are useless.
  8. Are you ready kids? Of course not. Here's my massive fucking list. Human Ananda Santana - One of my first characters. A cheery Engineer with the brightest orange-red hair you ever did see. Ashlyn Talin - Detective and Forensic Specialist from Lexington, Biesel with a long history in and with the law. Aurel Drabardi - Younger brother of Basil Drabardi. A CMO from the Tutamen Consortium, a reclusive and fairly xenophobic sect that revers AI and has strong transhumanist tones. Barry Miles - Shy and awkward cargo tech. Oddly feminine. Basil Drabardi - Roboticist and Chaplain from the Tutamen Consortium. Most patient man you ever did see. Chenmo de Xiaochou - The one and only. Medical Doctor with an attitude, but good at her job. Retired because she was fucking awful. Crista Miles - EMT with a bad smoking habit and a penchant for swearing. Good at heart. Eira Yates - CMO with clinically diagnosed OCD. Known for space cleaner rampages. Jade Ravera - Laid-back CE from Lexington, Biesel. Very casual, but will go off on an Engineer in a heartbeat for being fuckstupid- IE, not turning on the containment field before starting the singularity, forgetting to fill the hot loop. Jiyi de Xiaochou - Chenmo's smartass brother that works in Cargo. Biggest shit-eating grin for miles. Jonathan Eckstein - Grumpy CMO that doesn't get paid enough for what he puts up with. Always seems to attract the absolute WORST of medbay. Really. I've never played him and gotten a decent or well known doctor. Lirivien Kolton - Xenobiologist, fully aware she's been cloned on multiple occasions. Not all there. Hapeophobic. Lukas Wright - Miner, one of many Wright brothers, alongside Anthony, Jason, Flint, Frederick, and more. Cheery. Reanne Strafford - FTech and HoS. Serious when in charge, but fairly casual and humorous in other roles. Ren Zhou - IAA with a stick up her ass. Wait, don't they all have a stick up their ass? Viera Avenburg - Ex-Naval Warden. Actually isn't edgy. Vilas Mallick - Current IAA. Curt but courteous, less of a stick up his ass. Workoholic none the less. Evie Sutton - Virologist, shy as all hell and rarely leaves the lab. V. smol. Buchanan Sutton - Evie's older brother. Laid-back and casual EMT that also smokes. Tajaran Isra Alakiv - First Taj character that I made. Engineer, NOT related to Clan Isra. Na'im Yarkiy - Retired Security cat. Possibly with Kylan. Has a bum knee. Nasim Al-Sa'iib - Surgeon cat. Very calm and quiet. Has pain issues. Yan-Kyra Lo'rah - Related to Kylan Lo'rah. Cargo cat. IPC Artifact - Destroyed. Used to be closely linked to Augur. Augur - Previously "linked" to Artifact- They could share information and subprocesses by simply being in the vicinity of each other. Since Artifact was destroyed, Augur hasn't been all there. ...Implying she was all there before, but none the less, she's a bit of a batty little medical thing. Decanus - One of many rome themed IPCs. Has canon-ly played patty cake with Praetorian. Likes spear catching. Very adamant in not killing criminals unless ABSOLUTELY necessary- to him, death is an easy out. Sillouette - Medical IPC that speaks like a Starbound Glitch. "Startled. EEK! You scared me!" and "DESPAIR. WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE IN MEDICAL, THERE ARE EIGHT OF YOU ON THE MANIFEST." Sieverts - Wake up and smell that plasma! Sieverts is a bucket of goddamn bolts, but he's the cheeriest, most upbeat and rusted IPC this side of engineering. Clicks a lot. Skrellian Morkai Quae'rin-Tup - Research Director. A few hundred years old, retired Tup commando. Totally not based off of Mordin Solus at all. Avelak Nirisha - Head of Security/Captain. Master of deadpan humor. Vasili Nirelek - Engineer, electrician specialist. Unusually sarcastic for a Skrellian. Fairly young. Vesri Vasinni - Xenobiologist and general researcher that has a bad habit of getting slimed. Diona A Rose Amidst Gunpowder - Research Director and otherwise science tree that is, even though Diona lore has changed, still an avid promoter of peace and pacifism. Glowing Embers Drifting Into A Swirling Void - Engineering tree. Can trees be funny? Teachings Of The Past - Xenoarch tree that finds an oddly familial resemblance to some fossils. Unathi Thasethel Sslinaekiir - Security unathi, possibly related to mafia families on Moghes. Chill lizard. Veeris Sslinaekiir - Thasethel's younger sister. Lab assistant, fairly quiet. Vaurca Za'Akaix'Zo-Karix Vorov - A Sun Herald of the enigmatic, but diplomatic Hive Vorov, Zo-Karix is perhaps the most polite and articulate Vaurca doctor one could see on station. Very pacifistic. Za'Akaix'Krexik K'lax - Grumpy and spiteful unbound Vaurca that knows he'll never return to Paradise. Za'Akaix'Yuun Zo'ra - Less grumpy unbound Vaurca. Protective of fellow Vaurca, but not aggressively so. Prefers melee combat over ranged weaponry. Likes staves. Ka'Akaix'Aras Vessex (Previously Viax, not Akaix) - Miner. Upset that he is so isolated from station. As with most Vessex, is unusually fascinated with humanity. AI/Cyborgs SCORPIO - Scorpio Sanctions are an AI and Cyborg system with focuses on security and surveillance. Origin unknown. SiNSIA - Silicular Non-Modular Station Intelligence Assembly. An AI system with dubious origins. Very kind and polite. Visvier - Experimental AI system prone to malfunctions, errors and odd little quirks.
  9. You've been given three chances, and honestly, you said the same thing last time- Look where you wound up. The final consensus on the matter is that you can sit on this ban. Appeal Denied.
  10. I'm actually with Jackboot on this one, we've already lost a lot of things with the transfer that we may not see back for a long time, if at all. Shells were kind of wonky and they had some odd things to them, but they were ours. I'd be really disappointed to see them go.
  11. You have exhausted the last possible chance we could extend to you. I have half a mind to simply deny this- Obviously, you don't seem to be very keen on changing the behavior that keeps getting you into trouble in the first place, n'or do you seem to understand the kind of environment Aurora is. We gave you one last chance, you have very clearly wasted it. Awaiting further input.
  12. Please, this, I'm tired of every deadhour round ending with a blob half an hour or so in when I'm the only engineer and we have no security. Emitters seem borked, flashbangs are useless now, the only thing worth a damn is a laser rifle, which is almost impossible to get on deadhour. And on livehour it usually screws up perfectly good RP because SUDDENLY, 3 CARP SCHOOLS AND SPIDERS.
  13. I distinctly remember shouting to my fellow Skrell that "THE FREEZE GUN, IT DOES NOTHING!" Before being unceremoniously glomped half to death. If we could bring this back, I'd love it, as it also removes Morkai's favourite method of slime control: Gassing them with a frost oil 'nade.
  14. What you're seeing is not a ban of any sort: You were never banned from this position. Our head positions and alien species are whitelisted: You need to apply to be able to play them. Please go look in the Whitelists section of the forums! Archiving and locking.
  15. We have always given newly spawned characters a headstart to get their bearings. They are off-limits to syndie kidnappings and maulings, they are off limits to cortical borers, they are off limits to everyone else until they've gotten situated. Now tell me again, why should we make an exception for a wizard that immediately jumped and mindswapped with a head of security? If that was any other type of antag, I guarantee you this could clearly be gank. It was round ending for that player. The RP after may very well have been good, great or terrible. The fact is, however, is that this was dickishly unfair to the player. Furthermore, I will fetch logs when I have time to sit down at my computer.
  16. I normally really don't mind Alex, he's a cool guy. But sometimes he just does something so unbelievably and inexplicably shitty that it makes me wonder whether or not he's got what it takes to do this. The first incident that comes to mind? Welderbomb in PTS, or somewhere near the area, back on old code when we had the checkpoint be an actual checkpoint. It was deadhour, and from an OOC standpoint, we had nothing to do, so we decided to man it, using the IC, very valid excuse of "You know, someone just tried to blow us all up." It was myself and, I believe, one other officer who's name escapes me for the moment, manning it. It started with verbal harassment from Graves, who kept saying it was unnecessary to man it, and that we were only doing it to harass people. A Captain later arrived, and approved the use of it. We now had head approval to use the checkpoint. Graves continued to battle it, so we had the AI lock down maintenance, as he was trying to divert traffic into the tunnels to avoid us. This is how far he was going to try and subvert the checkpoint. Multiple times, he ran into the booth to try and force the shutters open when we had people in there. It's not like we were bloody strip searching them, it was exactly what's done at CentComm: Flash your ID and head the fuck on through. TL;DR, Bottom Line: He repeatedly harassed fellow officers, ignored a direct clearance from the captain, and was generally, really shitty over deadhour checkpoint RP. Because of things like this, as this isn't the only incident that's left me raising a brow... I'm going to have to -1 this. Sorry, man.
  17. Nnnno. Just no. This is a can of worms that nobody on the IC administrative end is going to want to get into. This is a high-security corporation, not an outer rim crimeheaven tradestation like Omega in Mass Effect.
  18. Morkai ALWAYS gives a strict safety debrief for any scientist he's not familiar with, over PDA, that they are required to respond to to be allowed into Toxins. He'll go as far as to have Toxins Storage and the mix room bolted down until confirmation is given. It's basically the same thing. Take it slow, take it steady, wear your safety gear, ALWAYS ask if you're uncertain of something, it's not stupid, it'll save your life, and that of everyone else in the department when the plasma leaks out.
  19. I'd use the hell out of this. Just sayian- But the dev team has a metric fuck-ton of things on their plate right now, from what I'm aware of, so this may be a "back-burner" thing, along with tajaran hairstyles, certain armbands and custom loadout items, MedicalHUD-Glasses assemblies, etc. One day, the mega-update will come. But today is not that day.
  20. Jennalele


    The librarian can stock titles into the database for people to remotely check out, maybe. The library can be turned into more of a chill common area, the same dim atmosphere, maybe more chairs and tables. Still has a bookshelf or two for things like manuals and hiding the mutiny authentication disc in a hollowed out book bibles? I don't want to make an already under-appreciated job totally derelict, is the issue.
  21. Sierra, regardless of it was serious, driven by RP, or just tomfoolery, the fact remains that at the end of the round, attack logs are expected to come to a complete and total stop unless the staff give someone EXPLICIT permission to bypass that expectation. OP has been warned for this behaviour multiple times. It isn't that hard of a rule to grasp.
  22. And, if you'd read the rules as we've asked you multiple times, you'd realize that playing a character that is a psycho is very blatantly against said rules. Why would NT hire a liability like that? I seriously suggest you re-think the reasons you chose to play here. If you think that your track record has been acceptable behaviour for a heavy RP server, you have some serious contemplation to be doing.
  23. banning serburis6 for insulting suckmydick1223 yiff in hell furfag
  24. "Born on the Tajaran homeworld, Aali Akila is a unique tajaran, much different from the others." No. Just no. This is not a backstory, it is "ENTER THE LOREBREAKING SNOWFLAKE!". I've never seen you in-game and this application absolutely screams of someone who hasn't put more than three seconds of thought into the story. Your backstory is more bare than a sun-baked skeleton, your reasons for 'what makes the Tajara different to RP' is VERY off, mostly focusing on mechanics, and generally, I don't think you can be REMOTELY trusted with this with the description you gave...
  25. Your idea of what makes RPing the skrell isn't...exactly wrong, but it really doesn't seem to strike the nail on the head. You took two very minor points (diet and speech) and made a minor essay out of them. Your backstory still seems to rub me the wrong way. It's gone to this very handwavey "So they elected Adolph. One thing led to another and suddenly there were millions of people burning in concentration camps." Given your history in RP so far with the characters I've interacted with.... I'm incredibly hesitant to believe you've pulled a mature 180, but if I can see some evidence of this in-game, I'd be happy to reverse my stance. Vote: Nay.
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