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Everything posted by Itanimulli

  1. People seem to turn off antag pref an awful lot these days. Hmm. I wonder why. Regardless, sure, get rid of it. Another mode lost. While I could probably prattle on about "What if you just let the ling make more lings" or "hey what if the general gameplay loop wasn't literally to just murder everyone" I'm sure no one will bother to try coding such things that require effort or work and I'm certainly not capable of doing it myself. I sincerely hope something pops up that gives people a worthwhile reason to play antags again. Maybe even they'll start liking non-cannon events! C'est la vie! +1
  2. Man, borgs are in a really, really bad spot now.



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zelmana


      (we don't care about synth players)

    3. Cnaym


      Nerf goes brrrrrr

    4. Misiek1001


      they deserved it.

  3. And yet there are literally rp restrictions, the most important kind, that keep people from doing dumb stuff with them: The LAWS. We have laws that specifically tell people how they are supposed to act. But rather than hold people to those standards like we'd been doing for years, they just get neutered, and in the case of one of your PRs, there is a silent moment in which a module almost gets deleted without much in the way of reprise. There are so many things that can be done with Borgs that are simply being slept on for the sake of making them into unfun pieces of trash. The entire point of Borgs is that they are incredibly valuable tools that assist the crew, and put that assistance above their own significance. With modules like secborgs there was at least a pattern of behavior that couldn't really be curbed without a rework/removal, but as it stands what's going on now doesn't seem right in the slightest.
  4. It still has cleaning tools, it just wouldn't instaclean a tile by existing. I really don't want it to go away but people are already pushing PRs for that.
  5. There is an impending change that straight up removes the janiborg. I do wonder if there is some alternative to this? Perhaps the solution that turns the auto-clean into a module that requires pushing/pulling to operate?
  6. Wildkins is an actual saint

  7. this would probably be better, then, yeah. it makes a lot more sense than "autoroomba"
  8. I think that went over your head. Being stationary as a janiborg and requiring outside help to preform basic funxtions is no bueno.
  9. Since I have to reword it, apparently taken the wrong way; If someone were to go about playing a round this way, they would probably be banned. Plain and simple. Self antagging and powergaming is bad. It's literally in the rules.
  10. This is also...abhorrent. Do you understand how dogwater it would be to play as *a literal, actual vaccum*?
  11. It's possible to make some modules faster than others? Edit: Gah, leave my research borg alone! Double edit: change 2 is spicy, I like that
  12. Hope these sprite shenanigans can get fixed. 

    1. Chada1
    2. Itanimulli




  13. Hopefully, once a few things get fixed, I can return to my regularly scheduled "good borg rp" and perhaps get a view on what it is that needs limiting. As it stands, if things are as they were when I took a break [rest in piece secborgs, we don't miss the stunflash rp], I don't really think much needs to be done aside from the usual...you know...rule enforcement. I do recommend keeping maintenance access. The borgs are, by definition maintainers. It makes no sense for them to lose that. Losing "all access" is a bit of a different issue, I suppose. I don't really see any downsides...but I also don't see any upsides? Edit: I'm also not understanding this whole "no personality" thing going on. Kinda ridiculous. You can have PLENTY of fun little nuances and responses to situations that both coincide with rules and do not break anything within lore. There is literally nothing stopping you from being passive-aggressive, enthusiastic, lethargic, etc etc. I'm going to chalk up the whole 'no personality' thing to a player issue, and not one that stationbounds have 'overall.' Getting rid of the pre-borg personality is a no brainer, that comes with the territory; but that by no means dampens someone's ability to play a machine running biological hardware unless that person is an incompetent writer.
  14. Devil's advocate; the more little things a player can do, the better it makes the grand picture. Improved rats mean an objectively improved game, even if other sectors of the game are not directly effected by said improvements. Anyways, so long as I can stuff a bunch of them in a bag to facilitate my own rp, I don't care if they are controlled by a person or not. They've gotten people banned before and don't really add much to a round other than someone dying and then being salty in looc that the vermin they were playing was suddenly and spontaneously anhilated by the nearest zhan.
  15. I see abaolutely zero reason for cargoborg. Just give the ideas you wanted to give to that, to clerical. Bam, clercial is viable.
  16. So just don't give security access? The whole station being punished because of an ooc reason for o n e department makes me upset, even when I'm usually playing security. It's a good h a l f of the map that has been quarantined for antags. It sucks. I miss the characters that used to consistently be inside of it. Or, even better, give security access to their own maintenance doors and nothing else. Like, how robotics had it before. Problem solved?
  17. I like this. I already like the vision cone, but this has something I feel was missing. In interbay style servers methinks there is like a little notification for players who are running behind them, like a sound ripple. Also, how would this work for borgs? Do they have to have a vision cone? Etc etc. I will also add that these kind of systems tend to work better w/ a less simplistic combat system, but, that's for another time completely.
  18. Show me a ninja who wouldn't be punished for a blatant gank.
  19. Someone who does that would have the same consequences thrown at them than if they were to do literally the same thing with full invis today: They would get banned. Very fast. So, basically, bad take. Besides, trying to throw in other things with an implementation is not how an implementation of a new mechanic should go. If this gets added, I just want to see how thinga play out. You forget: the ninja can't see behinf * themselves* yoo
  20. I wouldn't mind + shaped eyes for G2s tbh. I might go mess around in piskel to see what's what.
  21. I will do sprites for people. Maybe. I dont have any to post. I dint want your money I want your Soul or something If there is something you are making a custom submission for hit me up.
  22. I gotta ask what's with the G2's head in the last image. All the rest seem pretty spot-on.
  23. This. There is no reason to frick the slots. Give the brain part of cyborgificaion to medical. Or just like. Have it so that medical is the one with access to the cyborgification room. BAM, no more brain surgeon roboticists.
  24. The idea of attempting to secure metal bracelets around biolocigal steak knives amuses me. Im all for stopping cuffing from being a thing on blade-armed lings.
  25. I dont see a reason to do any of this; to split the role, or remove the alt titles. Is there any real reason to do either of these?
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