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Everything posted by Itanimulli

  1. Aight forget the syndie borg combat borg would require less bugfixes and as it's been worded so far seems easier to implement.
  2. What if they had the ability to choose after goading someone into reseting them? You know, like, they can either pick the traitorborg or the combat borg. This is moreso because combat borgs offer more on the mobility/hit and run side, while syndies get more utility and sabotage potential as a whole, with the whole thermals gig and all that. Both have their respective strengths and weaknesses.
  3. TY for explaining this
  4. Oh, fair enough. Kinda forgot the whole cost thing. Perhaps some sort of weaker version? lmfao 9mm gun
  5. That damage was from the fact that I'd literally just fought the entire security force. Imo it was over the top. I'm not pursuing a complaint because I...don't usually file complaints about one-off incidents...but you sprung into action the moment I was out of the processing cell. Literally, I took (I still don't remember the officer's name...)'s ID and bust myself out and all of security including your IPC converged. It felt immensely irritating seeing a non-antag non-security member deciding to bob and weave through .45 rubbers, lasers, tazers, and stun-batons like they were trying to collect clips for Aurora's Next Top Robuster. Hell, you even got a grab off on me and threw me into a wall when one of the officer's flashed me, wich was part of the reason the whole spree began. My initial idea was to escape, but it seems chasing down armored swordsmen with bight lights and cattle prods (thank god cult armor has high stun res...) is the way to go about doing business, and your presence after the fight itself broke out was not helpful in the slightest. It felt like secborgs had made a return, but in the form of female shells.
  6. Hmmm....I wonder. Could emags perhaps trigger the ability to syndieborg (considering they will usually be done by...emags…and thus intended to serve another force) and combat be locked be locked behind traitor and malf? And while we're at it...can we discuss changing around some of the traitor tools for borgs? I don't know, an e-pistol or something? Aim intent works wonders when people are focused on rp…..
  7. Heh....nothin' personnel, kid....

    1. KingOfThePing


      ooh, fuuuuuuuuuuu--

  8. Yeehaw, I love thigs like this! First, I played Kars Uta, the "creepy" stare assistant (not bait; legit had no idea @MasterAssistant was gonna get stunncuffed until it seemed obvious and, by then it was more of a 'I need to make sure this doesn't fuck up' than anything else.) As I play every round, I assume the concept of the antag at hand (regardless of my current position in the round) is totally new to the station and all that jazz. For this reason I was relatively pissed at the AI. Unless the starter runes do damage to you (I don't believe they do), there was absolutely no reason for the AI to suddenly put me, the assistant, on blast, about "self harm," which is what happened. Later on, I wanted to to continue the creepy shtick and go mess with the dominian, because...religious conflict. By this time the psych has been converting people one after the other, and I'm not keen on leaving them alone for too long. So I go talk to the dominian liaison, who's sitting in a chair. I tap them with the sun run as a show of power....no tape with me, no other visible weapons, in full view of security hoping to evoke some 'omg what was that' roleplay because I literally just touched the with a peice of paper that just did bad juju magic shit (ooooh aahhhhh) and shwann's officer decided "mmm yesss flash-stun-cuff mmmm". She then said 'yea she slapped them with a epeice of paper and they fell over' wich is BS because the liaison was buckled to a chair and everyone knows if you're buckled falling over isn't a thing you can even do. So, so much for the rp requests people wanted so dearly. Who would have guessed that the weight of the round crushes everyone's toes if we all don't try to hold it up together? I at this point only know of a few other cultists because most of aooc is filled with salt at the AI (some genuine, most misguided), and after ahleping I was told the issue was dealt with. So, sitting in processing, one of the officers (name escapes me at the moment) decides to empty out my entire damn bag onto the table. I will state now that I had not drawn a single blood rune this whole time, and had only the starter papers. Most of my rp was still hinging around 'the big setup' and the fact that we were all apparently blown for cover meant either I dew attention to myself and carried on with the "look what my god can do" gimmick or I suffered in salty silence. So I stun two officers with my s t a r t e r rune-papers and then use the last one to summon armor. Everything so far still seems groovy to me, but, as many said, all hell broke loose. Did security try to keep their distance from the maniac with a sword? Nah. In fact, everything not allied with the cult + 1 officer cultist I hadn't even known about was now fighting me, singularly. Don't even get me started on how fast @BoryaTheSlayer 's reporter shell sprung into full on combat. That thing about self preservation? Bull. I call bull. I couldn't ahelp amidst the frantic combat. I spent most of the fight either horizontal, with a white screen due to flashes, or attempting to pick up my weapons after Borya ran up to spam disarm. I don't mean to be belligerent here, but things aren't as one-sided as you lot like to make it out to be...at least, up until...right...after that whole fight in the brig...yyyyyyyeeaaaaaaaah. I assume we literally have no strength left in the cult. I escape with literally just the officer that got culted in the library. Aooc is melting down about how the round is a shitshow. Yes, you heard me. Aooc thought the round was a farce, and at that point wanted to end the round immediately. I wish I could list names to see who lines up with the sacrifice lemming train that you lot reported afterwards. What was I busy doing? Well, because it seemed like common sense to get rid of the AI, wich was the cultspeak villain of the week, I got wraithed! And I spent my time sneeeeeking through maint and having a hard time moving down an elevator. Narsie got summoned before I even reached the AI. I still don't understand that. Aooc painted a picture of a lost round that could not possibly recover, and if what most of you say is true, we managed to pool together an...entire summoning...before a wraith could traverse the space from north engi maint to the bottom of the AI upload elevator. I'm speechless, I suppose, about that last point. Like...if the round was as bad a situation as aooc claimed it to be...we would have fizzled out and it would have turned into that weird after-math extended round that usually tends to happen when the antags of the moment mess up and die. But nah, apparently we had 9 people, enough to summon narsie, enough to sustain a rolling assault on the medical that saw a ridiculous number of people sacrificed? What I'm basically saying is that the way the round ended was bullshit. but what got us into the bullshit was a collective sum of mistakes on both sides and a plethora of strange assumptions that almost feel like metagaming that I didn't bother to ahelp because it would have just added more stress to a bungle of a round that'll be forgotten in like 3 weeks. Or, it won't, because someone will keep going back and forth about it or referencing it at inopportune times to suck the happiness out of whatever's going on like a vampire who spent 2 hours snorting salt. Minor edit: I suppose I should be glad that this complaint don't exactly include me.
  9. Again, they were already able to do these things until suddenly they weren't.
  10. They already used to be able to wear suits, kyres made them unable to when he game baselines the only cycled version of a voidsuit + the only ones able to wear the robot species version of a hardsuit, despite the pending spritage of other IPC suits. I find it to be overwhelmingly annoying that this change happened, and was supposed to be remedied with the fabled IPC rework...wich never happened, and probably never will.
  11. I like these. +1.
  12. This app seems about right for something I'd expect from you. Not in a bad way, just oozes with...kaedness? Anyays you: Read the lore? Yes. Come up with a good concept? Yes. Appear like you're actually going to make use of this? Yes. Are exploring the less emancipated side of IPCs? Yes. Good enough for a +1 from me. I already know you're capable of rp, even if you sometimes come off as...extremely spiteful. Which is how a lot of people perceive this app, including me, but oh well.
  13. Slightly off topic, but imagine a G2 doing chest compressions. I feel like someone's liable to die when the heavier chassis get involved.
  14. "In my experience you cant just make the tools a department has objectively worse and expect them to keep playing and having fun."

    - Resident snail overlord.

    This is a quote to consider when making changes to any department, imo.

    1. KingOfThePing


      remove the tools, problem solved

    2. BoryaTheSlayer
  15. Oh, this topic came back. Joyous, I suppose, as I was missing the drama. On more serious terms, I feel this will lead to more issues regarding who is and is not a "sec main" and other useless prattle. I'm completely against a hard-coded version of this. I do, however, think the sub-offices should be a thing. Why? Well, so security can make use of them as security sees fit. Plenty of other servers have them; even lrp servers like yog, where I'm guessing this strange 'sec man bad' mentality that we hear over and over (along with the occasional resurgence of 'ipc man bad' and '[name an antag] should be nerfed/removed') sentiment hails from. The kind of lengthy assumptions about what might be good for a particular group of players that people seem to make don't actually make sense in context to most of the players you see in security. Most of them spend time interacting with the crew. Even the "desk sitters" (heavily ironic in regards to some of the other departments, btw) people like to talk about have purpose. They usually respond asap when someone enters the lobby and requests assistance. I really like the dialogue between sec and the rest of the departments these days. It seems like most of the IC tensions have healed, at least from my very narrow perspective, and that's good. Changing the subject abruptly towards the future, I think departmental sec (or at least clear-cut divisions that preform different functions) will be useful for the NBT. Give mech jockeys plz. Like off-station escort, and the usual current patrol/maintain order on-station roles. Maybe even a whitelisted metaclique subgroup the players themselves trust to make good decisions with heavier equipment.
  16. This happened when I was lich one round and it felt pretty crappy to watch; the ghost usually has nothing relevant to the person who got skelly'd anyways.
  17. YES YES YES YES YES! P l e a s e! +1, fight amongst yourselves to finalize the form, but Peaceborgs are great for crew interaction. I suppose one can argue a meme factor exists, but...we already have a way to deal with memes. And I'm sure we could easily rework them to better fit within the setting.
  18. Like I said, make a pr for recolorable arms.
  19. What if we just had a separate PR for syntskin shading? Because if they were already a stagnant color before, the difference now literally can't be more insignificant. This is not something to hold up a resprite over, though the resprite has brought more attention to it. Basically, merge the resprite, someone get on the limbs, as they are a completely separate issue.
  20. Isn't surgery supposed to be a last resort anyways?
  21. Ty, ty. Here's hoping I get most of her arc done before Nov 12th; I'll end up in bootcamp then.
  22. I will have to say that as of late Unathi are getting more and more crooked when it comes to the "honor" thing. You can make up excuses for anything these days, and stuff that made sense before now is currently "well the priest they spoke to is fine with it so bluh" when it comes to breaking the norm. Body a sacred vessel? Aut'akh. Can't do stuff as a woman? "You have a man's soul inside you." Any other issue? Well you're in Beisel now so oh well guesss we'll slap a guwan tag on you or something. All of your complaints concerning tajara seem to be personal qualms that I have seen echoed exactly zero other places. I'm not really going to stick around to continue this and see myself out, because this is purely about Alb's impending position and not the fine details of tajaran lore or something that you could literally bring up to him after he or someone else takes up the position, when someone can actually take an objective look at your stance on the lore and act on it.
  23. It has nothing to do with the old system being bad. It's a clash in ideologies and methods that the new groups seek to replace. Why are the tajara anti-gay? The same reason most nations undergoing conflicts are. No nation, and you can look at history to prove this, even blinks at progressive attitudes when it is a time of war. only in times of peace in prosperity are the smaller details taken into the spotlight, because the current spotlight highlights the need to be strong and unified. The greatest struggle for tajarans in lore seems to be securing power and consolidating it, so that their children might enjoy it. Societies not rooted in the value of self-freedom often look down on the ideals of those who do not seem to be helping the whole. What was the difference between the factions in WW1? It rocked all of Europe in turmoil and yet none can be damned as evil. That's simply not how politics work. Though, I'm not really here to discuss politics, but you did quote me in my post about war being the identity of the species....because it is, just like a different kind of war, shorter and more one-sided, is part of the identity of the unathi, and how a very distant war defines the attitudes of modern skrell. Hell, war defines the reason Beisel is independent at this moment and the entire reason Dominia exists in it's current state. Edit: My own interpretations are superseded by alb's explanation, but I would like to state that it just proves my point about turmoil.
  24. Recent, er...context has given me reason to make this, just to see how people perceive this character. I've also ample reason to explain (without spoiling a few things I'm working on) any misunderstandings people might have about aspects of the character whenever I can, or just hold a discussion. I've had a lot of tentative fun rping this character, and the IC response has been much different than what I'd initially expected, and has outlined quite a bit. The ooc response has been hushed at best. So, I guess I'm here shilling for that. Here's hoping this actually gets replies.
  25. Oh, wow, this is reaching another boiling point. AI is literally the sole reason some rounds get an engine set up, usually involving giving an apprentice instruction. People who are bad at it usually don't play it. If they do, why haven't you ahelped yet? Also, why the heck don't people try any even minorly creative ideas when dealing with the AI? In reply to: Some of that is, yeah, but It outlines how many options aren't being explored to shut down the eye in the sky. There's no logical reason to remove it, other than complaining about antags, but so many people on this server hold that "You don't need antags to rp" that I find catering to them in such a kneejerk way to be ridiculously out of touch with the spirit of aurora's setting, it's playerbase, and the way it enforces it's rules.
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