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Everything posted by VoltageHero

  1. The staff rebellion has been foiled, and the remaining staff members will be hunted down and defeated. The attempt on my memes have left me scarred and deformed, but I assure you; my shitposts have never been better! In order to ensure security and continuing stability, the Aurora will be reorganized into the Third Voltage Empire for a safe and secure society.


  2. My threads aren't lame, they're the real OGs.
  3. Round it up to a nice even 10 and you have my attention.
  4. Y'all ever wander what happened to Oedipus' adoptive parents after he left?

  5. I think the fact of the matter is that the FT and Detective can both do each other's jobs, and often times are forced to when the other isn't around. That is an issue, and kinda highlights the fact that one or the other is redundant. As someone who hates playing Detective and loves FT , I honestly do believe that FT should go and just merge Detective with the FT. Them being too reliant on one another can slow down a case when one isn't on board (although, they both can solve a case without the presence of the other but it's simply easier with both), and by giving one role more access means that this issue isn't a factor. As well, while the whole investigative work could be time consuming at times when the two roles are merged, at the same time it means that one player has this information a lot sooner, and doesn't have to wait for Joey Barsitter to come back to their office and hand over a folder. I genuinely can't see any real drawbacks to merging the two, besides maybe making the Detective players be a little less lonely upstairs.
  6. I played F.T. for a couple of months (or, at the very least a few days away from two months). I feel as if, while I think without a doubt thing F.T. should become more complicated, this is kinda going about it in the wrong way. That said, due to my experience a lot of this is going to be anecdotal. First off, let's start with the biggest problem I have with it personally. It makes the F.T. even more of a pure supporting role to the Detective. As it stands now, the F.T. is designed to be a support role and help figure out cases without getting (personally) involved by chasing down criminals and so forth. Along with that, many officers seem to disregard evidence from the F.T., but will listen if it comes from the Detective. Not to mention that more often than note, Detectives won't really share information they get with the F.T. but except information from the F.T. themselves. Now, in my experience there ARE exceptions to this rule, and there are some really good Detectives who will do all in their power to keep the F.T. in the loop, but I found that in maybe one Detective regular. By doing this, you're simply giving the Detective even less reason to keep the F.T. in the loop, because the Detective is going to know what they saw and interviewed and so forth. To phrase it better, the F.T. will just be handing off really simple information that they personally can't link to anything, and giving it to someone who can link it to something. While that may sound like a good dynamic on paper, this dynamic already exists at our current level but ensures the F.T. can actually contribute more to the case. Being a glorified assistant to the Detective has always been all fine and good though, because as it is now, the F.T. can solve a case on their own, and that's part of what made F.T. really enjoyable. Being privy to information nobody else has, and being able to link blood samples with fibers and so forth to be able to solve a case was incredibly rewarding. By removing their ability to distinguish the specific articles of clothing, you lose out on that ability. Now, the F.T. is incredibly reliant on a Detective being present and willing to work with their results (which could be a mixed bag). Sure, the F.T. could go around questioning people themselves, but at the same time if that was the case what's the point of having the two be separate jobs. Not to mention the fact that I could already see this being a headache to try and figure out for a F.T. since you already have issues with things at the scene being contaminated. The issue of contamination has been a discussion a few times in the past, and is relevant here again. For example, let's say there was a break-in on the bridge. You have fibers from the Chaplain's jumpsuit, an Engineer's jumpsuit, the Captain's jumpsuit, black gloves, a labcoat, and a tophat. This gives the Detective and F.T. a starting point to go off of. It allows them to know who to question, and try to help deduce the likelihood of possible suspects. Maybe these people just bumped into the door, maybe they broke in. You don't know until you question them, but at least you have a starting point. With just giving colored fibers, there's basically no starting point for the Detective or F.T. to go off of. Blue fibers could be a random blue jumpsuit from the locker, or it could be the Captain's. Or maybe it's a blazer, or maybe it's a suit. Now all of a sudden your suspect pool is still the entire station with something blue because you can't narrow it down. The F.T. should have specific readouts, because it ensures that there's a benefit of actually having them on the shift, and gives both the investigative members someone to talk to which in turn ensures the Detective has something to do, and the person they're questioning is being given roleplay. With fibers, the Detective may just decide it's too much work and forget about it OR the last issue could crop up and nullify the results. Time. Time goes by really fast compared to real life on SS13. A medical procedure that would normally be rather relaxed is now suddenly hectic because you're having all these patients coming in and you're having to triage every single one of them at a fraction of the time you would have in real life. In the case of security, once a situation occurs where the F.T. is needed, the situation is going to expand rapidly. As a F.T., you're having to try and piece together information from blood samples, fibers, and fingerprints by going through the records to try and find a connection to a crime and a suspect. For example, when I played F.T. I would leaves notes for the Detective/HoS regarding how each piece of evidence connected to each other, and would put them in a stack before handing it off to the Detective. That sounds like it'd be short, but it take up a considerable amount of time (especially when you're factoring in the F.T. having to handle autopsies on top of all that), since you're having to cross-apply all the evidence you're getting and present credible linkage. By the time you do it in the normal style, while you can usually get this done with enough time to help aid the case, you still might find out that the case has ended, or that the Detective has caught their suspect (even though the case started not even five minutes ago), or simply that more important matters have come up. By giving the F.T. generic fibers instead of specific ones, you exacerbate the issue here. Suddenly, the Detective and F.T. both have less time to work with and are much more rushed to get things done which can lead to the evidence being dismissed or just outright ignored because of the lack of time. In a real life setting, this may work but with most single cases taking up (usually) less than an hour, it's simply not feasible for the F.T. or Detective to run around trying to interview every single person with a set of fibers while at the same time trying to link other pieces of evidence and interview statements. In the end, no. The F.T.'s results aren't "utterly broken" because without them being as specific as they are, it takes away from the role which in turn makes the role even more boring which then causes less people to want to play.
  7. It wasn't the first time I played SS13, but the earliest memory I have of the game. I had been playing security officer for a few months, and this was a couple years before servers had set in stone brig times. Once, the HoS called me into his office because I put a criminal in for like ninety-nine minutes. He basically told me to stop and actually put people in for reasonable times. I told him I saw a space carp out the brig airlock and when we went to check, I tried to space him but ended up spacing myself instead.
  8. An alarming issue I noticed you brought up early into the adminhelp, was that you stated you were partially motivated by OOC circumstances so that it would "create conflict". You should not be factoring in your IC actions based on your OOC relationship with the current round and taking into account what will "make the round more eventful". Now, this could have been a mere handwave as an attempt to look at both IC and OOC reasoning but this still doesn't devalue the fact that this was a factor in your actions. Moving onto the actual statement, nobody is asking you to play a perfect character, but instead a realistic one. The issue with this being is that you are still held to a higher standard as a Head, and by creating conflict where you shouldn't be doing so creates a strange atmosphere for future players to attempt to mimic. As an example I pointed out to you, if the Research Director decided to run off with a patient from medical after believing they were being mistreated, this would not stand because it lacks a degree of realism. Intervening in a circumstance where you believe it is being mishandled would, from a professional standpoint, not include taking people and running off with them. Instead, as I mentioned, there were a lot of different ways to handle this professionally. You stated that you didn't want to create an IR report in regards to the situation, and that you alerted the command staff previously, but going off the logs you posted it seems like you only gave them a short statement about it being abuse. As you already mentioned, the round itself had been hectic and unless there's evidence of you trying to raise this issue with more depth to any of the Heads, it looks like you weren't doing much in the way of informing the Command staff of your qualms before your actions leading to the Wizard's escape. In fact, from your logs, it appears that the Head of Security was going to speak to the offender(s) after the fact, which further leads question in to why the Chief Medical Officer would take the approach they did. As well, I consulted fellow staff during the leadup to the warning, in which it was determined that the actions weren't really fitting for someone in your position. While I understand your character isn't "perfect" and still has a personality, they should be less likely to just break under pressure and resort to drastic measures.
  9. Again, this isn't dealing like the overall issue that was raised by OP. You cannot report someone who runs through a crime scene when you're not there. The complaint wasn't "I'm watching people run into my crime scenes", but instead "people are touching everything and therefore it's ruining my stuff and the HoS doesn't listen to me."
  10. Well, it can be an issue if you're not there to witness it, which I think is the underlying issue here. You can have Joe Blow come by and put his hands on everything then run off, and Jane Doe comes by and does the same, so forth. Suddenly, you have a bunch of fingerprints that belong to people who never were anywhere near the crime when it happened but yet they're fingerprints are all over everything and so are their fibers, making separating the prints from the actual crime from the people who came up and touched their fingers on everything just to do it difficult. It's your job as a CSI to figure out who's involved in the crime and who isn't. Real CSI have to do this regarding fingerprints, with new technology being developed to help this. People could have visited the scene before, or after. It's your job to find out. Real life CSI also have a lot more tools at their disposal. Fibers and fingerprints in real life also aren't as black and white as in game, and can be found on more places in real life which allows them to better fit pieces of the puzzle together. Not to mention that in real life, you don't have everyone coming along to touch everything, not to mention that real life crime scene investigators usually have much more time and manpower behind them to be able to analyze every single detail, a luxury that in-game CSI/FTs don't have. In game, this can end up being a wild-goose chase, given the fact that many fibers can come up that don't belong. For example, a killer is a doctor who was happened to grab a patient as they went past a hall. Before you could get there, an engineer, the HoS, the CMO, and another doctor all touched the body. Suddenly, you have the fibers from insulated gloves, white gloves, black gloves, an engineering jumpsuit fiber, a HoS jumpsuit fiber, fiber from a labcoat and fiber from the CMO's jumpsuit. Now, how exactly are you supposed to separate anything from that and get any lead? Unless you want to question every engineer and every person in medical, that piece of evidence (assuming there is no eyewitness account to get any possible link) is effectively useless because everyone touched it. You have no idea if the killer stole some gloves, if they stole a labcoat and ran around with it, if it was the CMO trying to cover up a murder they've committed or what-not. On the other hand, if nobody has touched the crime scene, you get white gloves and a labcoat. That drastically lowers your suspects and makes questioning for the Detective a whole lot easier and it ensures that you have a general idea of anyone who possibly saw the offender last. Players interfering with crime scenes is an issue, and a pretty annoying one that a lot of people don't run into, so therefore don't realize how annoying it is.
  11. Do you mean.... Sabotage? But really, none of this is an issue - if someone contaminates the scene, tell your Head of Security and continue to collect evidence. Well, it can be an issue if you're not there to witness it, which I think is the underlying issue here. You can have Joe Blow come by and put his hands on everything then run off, and Jane Doe comes by and does the same, so forth. Suddenly, you have a bunch of fingerprints that belong to people who never were anywhere near the crime when it happened but yet they're fingerprints are all over everything and so are their fibers, making separating the prints from the actual crime from the people who came up and touched their fingers on everything just to do it difficult.
  12. I kinda brought this up as a potential issue in my original post. I believe that due to the fact that I was becoming a moderator during a time in which I was finding myself exceptionally bored with SS13 in general, I was more prone to leave it. Therefore, due to the fact that I have managed to rekindle an interest in the server and the community as a whole I believe I'm much more likely to be staying around, combined with the fact that I won't be too terribly busy even with the internship going on (hopefully). Again though, I totally understand this issue and I do also think that it could be a possible obstacle. When looking at attitude changes, I personally believe that drastically changing your personality to suit your environment puts on a false identity and kinda makes you look to be someone you're not, so therefore I don't believe I would be trying to do any drastic changes in personality, although I do know it would be best to not be making constant "your mom gay" jokes or similar things all the time. The answer was in response to a question, I'm not attempting to talk about my grievances without any causation, but I suppose it come look that way. To your actual question, I have brought it up a few good times in general conservation in both the Discord and off the Discord where I mentioned that there needs to be a better implemented way to engage players with the lore. That said, I haven't directly sat down one-on-one with a lore developer and discussed this with them. I apologize if you felt that I was trying to imply that working as a moderator is easy. To be reiterate my statement from the original post, a moderator should be willing to work with people and try to reach a possible conclusion that is utilitarian, because of course you can't please everyone. That said, attempts should be made to communicate with the person first, instead of reaching a far end (in either direction) in how you're dealing with someone. Again, I apologize that you feel that way. While I wasn't always playing in the round, I was indeed still taking tickets and trying to interact with people to the extent of my capabilities up until the point that I left. As I mentioned to Coalf, I believe a lot of the reason for my inactivity was due to a general lack of boredom with Space Station 13 after having playing pretty much everyday for quite some time. I believe that due to the fact that I have both more free time once I've reached college, and and am able to better allocate any time I do have to manage, not being on the server may not be as big of an issue as it once was, although I can still understand how it can possibly become one.
  13. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't want to step on the lore-dev's toes, but the lore itself just isn't that interesting for players to read, and it's been like that for years. I really personally think the lore has to be better implemented into the server itself to provide players better incentive to read it and follow along, but that's a suggestion for another place. In regards to the community, I can't point out too many obvious issues at the moment. I have noticed an increased demand of antagonists, but that's less of an actual issue and something I personally don't like all the time, haha. Finally, while I have noticed drama, that sort of stuff is unavoidable in some form or fashion in a place like Aurora and like I said, mostly the server is friendly, of course you do have times where drama and such happens). If I had my way, we'd all hold hands and sing songs around the campfire but unfortunately we can't do that.
  14. Server Moderator Application Basic Information Byond Account: VoltageHero Character Name(s):Emily Smith AI Name(s):N/A Discord username + tag: VoltageHero#5104 Age:20 Timezone:EST When are you on Aurora?:I usually come on around off and on 4PM-4AM, although I am undertaking a internship during this summer which may make my hours a little shorter. Experience How long have you played SS13?: Since roughly 2011. How long have you played on Aurora: I was here since Aurora started. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I’d say I’m fairly well versed in the ins and outs, although I still don’t understand some concepts such as engineering completely. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: I moderated on Aurora for a few months back in 2015, before I resigned (which was not because of drama or anything, but purely because I found myself being less active). Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?:Outside of joke bans or kicks, I can’t recall a time I’ve been banned. Personality Why do you play SS13?: SS13 is a good medium for roleplay and it exists to basically fill a spot that I can’t really get outside of it. For example, table-top games are too hard to find a group for, and other similar games are way too empty to simply play on. Space Station 13 is basically just a great way to both interact with people and play around with characters you never would get to see in any other easy to access platform. Why do you play on Aurora?: Aurora’s community is an interesting one. It has a mix of players who come for different reasons and have their specific roles they want to do and their stories they’re trying to build. While sometimes these stories don’t work out that well, they’re still amazing concepts and it’s a wonderful thing to see a community like Aurora’s be able to attract people who are, (for the most part) friendly and open to other players. Along with this, the staff is competent and pretty open and friendly to the community which always shows a healthy and functioning community, which is opposed to one that’s filled with constant bickering. Overall, the atmosphere of the community is just warm and inviting and makes me want to return to it. What do moderators do?: A moderator’s job is a complex one. Moderators are not just there to ensure the rules aren’t being broken, but there’s also there to help out a player (within bounds of course). A moderator has to be able to use good discretion and overall judgement to know how to handle a situation and if the situation deserves a harsh sentence, or if the player just needs to be informed and taught why what they did was wrong and how to avoid doing it in the future. A moderator shouldn’t be someone wordlessly banning people, but should be helping better the community by both keeping griefers and other rule breakers out (or at least getting their behaviors ended) as well as aiding those who are running into issues with the game from a mechanic wise. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: To be a moderator for Aurora means to have a strong understanding of the community and to be willing to work with and interact with the community. As well, since Aurora is a HRP server, you have to understand that sometimes people are going to be really stressed out because they didn’t have their roleplay go the way they wanted, or some other issue arose, and be willing to listen to them vent or even get angry at you for not fixing the issue to their satisfaction. Furthermore, you have to be understanding of people’s insults to you in general and be able to not take it personally or try to “one-up” them in terms of insults. Lastly, it’s also really important to be willing to work with the Aurora staff as well, because of course being any staff member isn’t a Dirty Harry where you get to be a lone hero doing everything on your own. Why do you want to be a moderator?: Honestly, I just want to help out. While I do make jokes about the staff fairly often (all lovingly), I understand it can be really overwhelming especially when you’re having to tackle twenty issues at once. This stuff only stresses people out and I want to help alleviate that. As well, I would like to as a moderator be able to help the community be What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?:I think I’ve always been a pretty chill person, and I believe that’s gotten better as I’ve gotten older, although I suppose I’m not that much older now. As well, being in a debate team and in college in general has strengthened my interpersonal skills, which is always a plus when having to deal with one or more people at once in a possible argumentative situation. Lastly, I believe I’d be able to be pretty tabula rasa when it comes to most situations since I don’t really hold grudges or “really dislike” or hate anyone (both in real life and on the server). How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?:I’ve always thought myself to be a pretty laid back person, and in general I’ve never really been bothered by someone taking out their anger on me by venting and calling me names or what no that troubling. As well, when it comes to stress I feel like I’m pretty capable of separating myself from the game and deal with my stress in a manageable way. That said, I understand that sometimes I might need help and I can’t deal with everything on my own so I know that there may be times where I have to rely on other staff members if things become too stressful or otherwise overwhelming. Anything Else You Want to Add: I’m aware I’ve not been back on the actual server for sometime, and I’m afraid that may make people who don’t use the Discord unfamiliar with me. Along with that, I believe the Discord portrays me as someone who purely exists to make jokes, and while that’s true I believe I’m also able to shift into a more professional mindset. That all said though, if it’s believed that it would be better for me to become more recognized on the server itself before reapplying to be a moderator, or if I should attempt to lay off as many jokes firstly before applying, I would not be offended in the least by that.
  15. Hey all. I decided to recently try and start playing again, and I wanted to really get into the good old RP focused roles, and more importantly, one that is in regards to my major. I currently only have three (a consent form and two assessment tools), but if the feedback is good I will add more assessment tools since I am basically just transferring public domain tools to SS13. This may be too complicated for some people, but seeing how heavily this role focuses on RP, I believe adding more options will give people more room to work and add a starting point instead of having to come up with things on their own on the spot. How do we use these? Awesome question. Assessment tools, if you aren't aware, are usually short questionaries that are given to a client either verbally or through a paper, they fill out. There are cutoffs, which is basically the maximum score one can receive before concern is raised for their wellbeing. A lot of times, cutoffs are done by a really in-depth look at the participants and the percentiles buuuut, we don't have time for that. Instead, there is just a generic cutoff for each tool. If a character has a score higher than the cutoff, go from there. Do not tell the character that they have a certain disorder because of the test, but instead, use it to start more investigation into the situation. Consent Form The consent form can be given to your patients when they come in or before so. It basically is there to create an atmosphere of professional and ensure the player that you're not just some rando who decided to pick psych. From an IC side, this form (if a character decides to ask) is basically there to inform them of what they're protected from, what can happen, and basically what's going to happen. A few things I added in can be removed if you desire, such as the Credentials section and the Contact Information (although, I would suggest leaving some form of contact just for realism sake. It would look like: And the code for it is: Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) This is used to look into patients with alcohol dependence. It's given verbally, meaning you will be reading the questions to your patient and using the fields to record their scores. A cutoff of eight is a baseline, but again if they score above this, don't say "you're an alcoholic." At the very least, use some tact. This form looks like this ingame: The form's code is: Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation This (currently) last form deals with social anxiety. To use it, your client will need to fill out the form on their own with accurate feedback, and return the paper to you. For this, the cutoff is considered to be 25. A client who scores higher than this could have possible social anxiety and steps to deal with this will need to be done ingame. It would look like this ingame: And the code for this one is: End Again, I'm really unsure if this is something people will use, will need, or even look at. If people do want it though, I am more than willing to continue pumping these out. Please let me know what you think through constructive criticism, because this actually took a decent amount of time to do. Furthermore, I am only a sopohmore with a Psychology major. Do not take any of these forms for gospel, or as a be-all-end-all. I am merely attempting to apply my limited education to the public.
  16. Kamusta. Time to break character once again and actually be serious (I know, right?). Before someone complains about me speaking on this matter even though I no longer use the forums, this still impacts me due to my lurking of the forums and use of Discord. I'll also try not to repeat Hive word for word. So, onto the actual issue at hand. Like Delta said (but in different phrasing) this seems much more like a personal squabble than anything that should be brought up to the general community. Yes, Delta is a butt, but he knows what he's supposed to do as a moderator. I can't recall if he was still on the Staff during the time period that I was, but if he was I don't recall him doing anything negative in terms of his position as a staff member. At the end of the day, this is what this post should be, a highlight of what Delta has done negatively as a staff member. The only thing I've seen you claim as the actual "complaint" is him being rude, which in itself needs you to be looking at it in a different perspective. Calling someone out, and basically trying to say "you are a horrible person" is going to get backlash from that person, so I don't understand why you seem to be upset that it came back at you. The phrasing was bad, and it just overall wasn't something that needed to be said where it was. In the end, like stated before, this seriously looks just like two people who are upset at each other and nothing more.
  17. Let's not beat around the bush here. There is something extremely wrong going on, and I think we all know that. It's been going on years now, and I frankly can't stand for it. The fact that you guys have let it go unchecked is downright disgusting and makes me almost ashamed that I was on the server. The issue, as we all know, is a simple one: a lack of good, quality memes. Now, I know what you may be thinking. "How dare you judge our meme quality? Why, the UN themselves regulate the flow of our memes and have declared them to be of the highest standard!", and to that I say "you're wrong". As we all know, I myself am the sole judge of what is and what isn't a good meme, and I merely allow the UN to act in ways they see fit. This also applies to their rulings on "good waifus", which is another subject in which the staff and players of Aurora are unable to meet the quality line set by myself, who is again the sole judge of these issues. So, with the fact of the UN's support of your memes rendered pointless, we must continue. Since I have such a high quality amount of good, fresh, and overall "dank" memes, I will be willing to supply staff and players of the Aurora with some of these high-end memes, but in return I must be crowned "Overseer of the Memes", and from here out, I will only be addressed as "The Person With The Best Memes". Failure to comply with these conditions will result in the Aurora having extremely poor memes, which will eventually result in an overflow of "bad tier memes", which will flood the server with useless, unmarketable memes, crashing the meme stocks that the admins and players all have. Frankly, I think it's plain to see that my high-tier memes and myself are the last hope to save the meme quality on the server, and I hope the staff will realize this.
  18. I thought about making it thought out but that's too much work. I made a thread like this about two years ago due to personal salt, and returned about six months later. Hopefully, this time I won't return, not to sound rude, but that's mainly so I don't go back on my word twice and hopefully so I do other things. Basically, I'm starting college, and don't know how difficult of a change it will be for me, due to the seven hour drive. As well, overall Aurora has become very boring and repetitive for me, and to be frank opening it up becomes a chore more often than not. I'm aware that the majority of the player-base doesn't really care either way in regards to my departure, but I feel that due to having been on the server as long as I did, I believe that finally leaving should at least warrant something.
  19. Hopefully this thread can be used for the hype leading up to the Stellaris release, and for after it gets released. What is Stellaris? Stellaris is a grand strategy/4X game created by Paradox Interactive, the same guys who made guys such as Crusader Kings, Europa, Hearts of Iron, and Victoria. Unlike the other games listed, Stellaris' main aspect is that it's in space. The game, due to being in space allows for a different style of play and stories. The game will allow you to create your own faction, with their own beliefs, ethics, government type, and traits. This will allow you to play anything from a pacifist isolationist group, to a faction of honor-bound warriors, to fanatical space tyrants. Want to go around killing every alien you see? You can do that. Want to help liberate (or "liberate") slave-held planets? You can do that. Stellaris also has the ability for you to be, and come across, non-human races. Each of these races fall in a overarching group, but can be told apart from different portraits, and of course your own roleplay aspect. Races such as the fungoids, who are quite literally sentient fungi, the anthropoids, who are bugs, the avians, who are birds, and reptilians, who are the reptiles are some of the larger groups a race can fall into. The wiki is here, while the subreddit is here, and the official forums for the game is here. The game currently costs $40 to preorder at the entry level, with the $50 Nova edition, and $60 Galaxy edition being the next two up. As a note, the system requirements for the game is rather high, so I can't be for sure if these are actually spot-on, or if PI is just being generous.
  20. You also had hacked into multiple areas, and had been arrested for it (twice, I believe). The first time was near the start of the round, and the Captain told you to fix it. The second time you were caught hacking, it was after an engineer had caught you (and I believe you attacked them as well?) in the maintenance near medical. While hacking doors in and of itself wouldn't have been a problem, the fact that you continued to do so, combined with your other antics raised a problem. With regards to the pepperspray, you picked it up for no reason soon after being spoken to about hacking doors, and sprayed the Captain, then ran into the dorms and sprayed another officer, before continuing to run away. And, regarding the bomb, I'm not a hundred percent certain on what caused the explosion itself. What I do know is that you were, as an Assistant, trying to enter an area with high security presence, and after being sprayed ran inside the science hall, which caused the explosion to occur. While I should have spoken to you earlier, a lot of what you did during the round was pretty poor, and I believe it should have been pretty obvious that you were doing things you weren't supposed to be doing, as a non-antag.
  21. Next time, I want to be the one to crash the server.
  22. No, you should be saying 'thank you for telling us about how great tsunderes are'.
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