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Everything posted by Schmuck Lord
It works, thank you home slice 👌
BYOND Key: khatayin Total Ban Length: Who knows, probably permanent (Ban was applied 2016-09-21) Banning staff member's Key: houseofsynth Reason of Ban: Reason for Appeal: Greetings and salutations, I'm acting as the surrogate poster for Khatayin and posting the request on their behalf since they are new to SS13 entirely. I convinced them to hop onto SS13 after I shared some stories from Aurora and for some of the rounds that have been had. I hadn't been around for some time but they were interested and between the huge changes Aurora has been under since I've been gone and interesting a new person into the roleplay community it was exciting for the chance to hop back into the pond. Unfortunately their IP was banned due under a different ckey. They've recently moved and changed internet providers completely but the ban on their account remains. Hopefully this is able to be removed so that I can subject them to old friends and older memories. Khatayin is gonna be making a forum account once they get situated with the lore and we hammer out the learning phase of SS13 to see if they are down. Side note, happy to be back, not the reintroduction I was planning on but hi everyone, I'll be rejoining the server one way or another so see you all in round 👋
BYOND Key: Schmuck Lord Character Names: Collin Fairfax, Edward Carja, Joseph Lock, E.A.R.L 17, Terrance Brannigen, Optikam Ratkh, Mpho Nkosi Species you are applying to play: Tajara What color do you plan on making your first alien character: A chestnut brown Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: As the latest on my conquest of the Auroraverse whitelist Tajaran weren't really something I'd ever expect to be making. Stigma from other servers and versions of the Tajara have more or less corrupted any perception I've had of them. Then I came to the aurora and actually went through the more recent lore that's been put up about them. Naturally I was happy to see that through a Tajaran whitelist I could be the nationalistic pro-authoritarian cog in the states machine that is otherwise lacking through the other whitelists and factions in the lore. The People's Republic of Adhomai and Adhomai as a whole is just the right amount of backwards to inherit all the fun themes of an early 50s Soviet Union. As such why I want to play a Tajaran is simple. I want to play someone who is a believer in the system with absolute delusion of his stakes within it. That kind of illogical groupthink is something that is very dangerous and very fun to play with in a roleplay setting. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: There are some glaring differences from that of a human, the first of which being the fact that they have fur and claws and are for all OOC intents and purposes, anthropomorphic cat people. The core difference between your Tajaran and your human though is their mindset relating to their level of development. Tajara despite their space-faring technology are still on a level of intelligence that could be considered slightly below humans. Their Pseudo-Industrial state essentially making Adhomai a third-world country means that they are behind the curve generationally at least how it pertains to education, leading to generations of less developed children and adults. Meaning more extreme reactions to stimuli socially such as statements that the Adhomai Liberation Army are a breakaway province and traitors and that the N'jarir Aristocracy is coming to take your children for their work camps. Physically there are different reactions too compared to human. They have cat characteristics and evolved into an omnivorous state from carnivores and they have primarily cat characteristics. They can hear better, see better in the dark, and ultimately move faster due to their hunter like biologies. They are much more sensitive to physical stimuli with the exception of the cold due to their fur coats. Character Name: Azarharurhi K'hlomarr Please provide a short backstory for this character Azarharuhi is a very old Tajaran by now, born in 2410 a Hharar in an agricultural settlement outside of Shungsta. He and his family we're from a long generation of farmers in services to the local plutocrats. As times went on Azarharuhi like many other Tajaran grew disgruntled with their royalist overlords leading to the first Great Revolution. Living in the more rural and regions nearest to the various Zhan-Khazan communities at the time the fighting was early and it was fast. The K'hlomarr family farm was destroyed within the first month of the war, from both actual fighting and royalist claiming the crop, leading to an economic downturn for Azarharuhi and his kin. Azarharuhi snuck off what remained of his family farm against his wishes to join the revolution as a teenager, wishing fighting alongside the rebels across the North-Western hemisphere of Adhomai. A few years of fighting with the hardship and stigma of youth and his skills with ballistics improved. Earned originally keeping dangerous wildlife off the farm paid off and Azarharuhi was inducted into the Ha'narr Corps around 17 for the duration of the first revolution for his fighting spirit and committment to the revolution. By the end of the Great Revolution, Azarharuhi obtained the status of a local Folk Hero in and around the rural areas outside of Shungsta, having fought in the mountains and plains, and all across Das'nrra. His original village however was destroyed from the fighting and the soil of his family farm was untenable. This forced Azarharuhi and what remained of his family to move south, eventually being granted new housing in Nal'tor due to Azarharuhi's service during the First Revolution. For the next couple of years Azarharuhi transitioned from his psuedo-armed service back into civilian life and worked in a new hydroponics facility paid for by NanoTrasen, learning to use the new technology with what little of his old skills as a farmer remained. He continued on as a card carrying member of the Hadiist party and while he did not carry the notoriety as he did in the now defunct duchy of Shungsta he was well liked in his community. Eventually the day would come though where President Rhagrrhuzau Al'Mari Hadii was assasinated. Azarharuhi was using his break-time to witness the parade and he like many others was shocked to see the assassination of one of their beloved leaders. Azarharuhi by all merits could be considered an Alarmist, his upbringing in the north in proximity to Zhan-Khazan communities meant that despite their dislike in the PRA he still saw them as good friends and equals. Now however all bets were off, his nationalistic fervor kicked in and he implored the recruitment office to re-enlist him. By then though Azarharuhi was entering his forties, he could not rejoin the Ha'narr Corps with his age as fighting and previous injuries much less join the general infantry of the Grand People's Army. So instead of fighting in the second revolution he continued working in a hydroponics bay, preparing cheap rations with foreign technology for the fighting men and women of the PRA. It was here he finally settled down, marrying a M'sai woman from the south and having one son. Azarharuhi begun to save to send his son to Trizar Medical Institute, despite the territorial changes. As he continued to age though his body could no longer healthily handle the rigors of his duties at his local hydroponics facility. At the insistence of his wife, he retired from the government ran hydroponics facility at the age of fifty one. Still wishing to earn money for his son however he convinced his local party representative on the merits of his service to enter him into a work program where he could continue to pay for his son. The representative obliged and now Azarharuhi has been shipped off Adhomai for the first time in his life at the age of 52 to work as a humble Librarian aboard the NSS Aurora. What do you like about this character? As far as characters go he has gone through almost his entire life believing in the tenants of the Hadiist party while still having these personal contradictions due to his northern upbringing. He's lived a long life and while he is entering into his twilight years he still has the fighting spirit of a true revolutionary even if it is just to make a few extra credits to get his son a good education. Even more he's a veteran and in some respects a hero of the first revolution something that I would imagine garners respect from both the DPRA and the PRA in some respect. Filthy royalists can go die in a hole but overall he is a character that's been isolated fighting amongst tajaran for all of his life stepping out onto the big stage in his old age. He's a remarkable character who is about to have his entire worldview shaken just by stepping off Adhomai, or maybe reinforced depending on how this all goes down. He's got potential because of his old age and history of conflict and I'm excite to explore it. How would you rate your role-playing ability? In general I always answer with a 8/10, I'm excited to get involved in a story and I type too fast leading to typos, this is improved with patience and even just general role playing ability can always been improved. Notes:
TO: Azala Huz'kai, Research Director, NSS Aurora FROM: AMS: CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to Viktor LeVant (Schmuck Lord). You may be contacted by the CCIAA for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions. -------------------- DTG: 05-16:11-TAU CETI STANDARD-02-2462 SIGN: CCIAAMS
TO: Optikam Sukaas, Paramedic, NSS Aurora FROM: AMS, CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report BODY: The investigation of this incident has concluded, and appropriate action has been taken for affected individuals. This matter will now be considered resolved. -------------------- DTG: 01-15:48-TAU CETI STANDARD-02-2462 SIGN: CCIAAMS
TO: Zeiluhak Ruul, Atmospheric Technician, NSS Aurora FROM: AMS, CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA Division to review. If necessary, you will be contacted by a CCIA Agent when an investigation begins. -------------------- DTG: 22-14:32-TAU CETI STANDARD-01-2562 SIGN: CCIAAMS
TO: Bar Shaleez, Electrician, NSS Aurora FROM: AMS, CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA Division to review. If necessary, you will be contacted by a CCIA Agent when an investigation begins. -------------------- DTG: 22-14:32-TAU CETI STANDARD-01-2562 SIGN: CCIAAMS
TO: Optikam Sukaas, Paramedic, NSS Aurora FROM: AMS, CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to Viktor LeVant (Schmuck Lord) You may be contacted by the CCIAA for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions. -------------------- DTG: 13-11:18-TAU CETI STANDARD-01-2462 SIGN: CCIAAMS
[Withdrawn] Hepatica's IPC whitelist application.
Schmuck Lord replied to Hepatica's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Based on my dealings with Hepitca in character I fully believe they have the capacity to hit the ground running with this IPC whitelist. Though after reading the brief backstory of CEREBRAL-PSY I would encourage you to explore the relationship between your IPC and its owner a bit more in depth. It is a bit vague the privileges CEREBRAL-PSY is allowed, particularly as it is in regard to saving money. It isn't impossible or even unlikely that the owner is sympathetic to IPC freedom, but it nonetheless is an important part of the character to explore. Overall though, It think you'll have a ball with this +1 -
Incident Report - November 24, 2019
Schmuck Lord replied to MasterAssistant's topic in Closed reports
TO: Derrick Mens, Security OFficer, NSS Aurora FROM: AMS, CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA Division to review. If necessary, you will be contacted by a CCIA Agent when an investigation begins. -------------------- DTG: 11-12:33-TAU CETI STANDARD-24-2461 SIGN: CCIAAMS -
BYOND Key: Schmuck Lord Character Names: Joseph Lock, Collin Fairfax, Izad Al-Tir, Optikam Ratkh, Edward Carja, Mpho Nkosi Species you are applying to play: Integrated-Positronic Chassis What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Beep-Boop Motherfucker Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: The machine mind is specifically something that I don't think can ever be played well by any human. It's intended to be cold, logical, and ultimately Alien to species whose emotions are governed by neurotransmitters and chemical glands in order to produce decisions. There is just something fundamentally different about being a machine of any kind when comparing their inner workings to ours. Electrical impulses in wiring just doesn't equate to biological processes thus attempting to imitate one with my flesh brain is next to impossible. The reason I want to play a machine though is that I am stupidly stubborn and am determined to attempt to do so anyway. I wholeheartedly believe in my ability to imitate a machine and by that extension imitate a part of me that is driven by a cruel logic and an unforgiving lack of morality. It's a unique experience that I think I can master to provide everyone who interacts with me an opportunity to discover something new and interesting in the world we know as the Aurora. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: I believe it is pretty evident from my previous answer what makes being a IPC different from being a human. Citing the wiki, IPC's depending on model or the positronic brain itself mimics humans to varying degrees. Even so this is only mimicry and only really done for the benefit of the humans around it. Based on how the unique positronic connections form in these synthetic brains is the best way to justify that these IPCs are not particularly volatile or reactionary. Obviously they are machines so by default they are unemotional but with an IPC you should be able to see a simple linear logic from A to B to C. With humans that logic could jump around or even derail entirely Such As A to B but then to X or even to step one or two. Humanity can make logical leaps, IPCs must inherently calculate those leaps due to their logic bound nature. This in turn leads to non-human speech patterns, awkward or uncomfortable gestures or mannerisms, or simply an absence of any attempts to appear relatable, approachable, or otherwise friendly. Furthermore, as they feel no pain they are able to make efficient and most importantly logical decisions on where to go or if it is viable. Self-Preservation is important but a especially durable IPC may be willing to risk an encounter with space carp without weapons in order to get a substantial haul due to the durability of its chassis. Character Name: Excavation and Reclamation Loader 17 (E.A.R.L-17) Please provide a short backstory for this character Earl-17 was the 17th in a line of 100 Hephaestus Positronic Brains that went into use in 2460 May 14th. Being provided with a G2 Industrial Frame, Earl-17 along with thirty other units from it's production line were in operation on the HBF-Armadillo as cargo loaders and industrial salvagers, moving and acquiring scrap, raw materials, or simply usable materials from abandoned stations or derelict ships. Throughout its operational lifetime, Earl-17 has predominantly only been in the company of other synthetics of its line with minimal interaction with human operators. Encoded Audio Language was the primary form of communication used as a result of this isolation. Earl-17 was naturally programmed with Sol Common in order to communicate with these human operators, but due to its interaction with other IPC's of its line, when it ends up speaking in human languages they are only short and direct sentences such as "Yes I shall" or "What does this do", incorporating gestures with its mechanical limbs and fingers in order to properly communicate what it is trying to say. Earl-17 at the time just calculated that it was the most effective means of communication with operators who were disinterested in conversation and without providing too much additional downtime from work tasks that it is given throughout its battery life. Around November 2461 however the HBF-Armadillo was decommissioned following some upgrades and new classes of ship being developed by Hephaestus Industries. The thirty models stationed aboard were split apart and sent across the galaxy onto different Hephaestus owned ships and stations, or contracted out to the other mega-corporations. In the case of Earl-17, he was contracted out to the N.S.S Aurora for phoron mining operations and general salvage. For Earl-17 the tasks were never that different, it would cut, break apart, load then return. That was the logical path of what it did. Though for the first time it was alone, this didn't affect its work capability or its behavioral patterns. Being transferred to the Aurora though without any of its production line with it just make its calculations seem so empty. There were gaps in the equation and it has not quite calculated the most effective way to fill them. What do you like about this character? Earl-17 is a more different character that what I have done in the past. I firmly believe all the characters listed above have some desire to be involved and a part of a group of friends or movement. They want to belong or deal with not belonging in uncomfortable ways. Earl-17 is a character that does not need or event want for belonging, but all the same it was removed from an environment where it did. A machine intelligence trying to calculate loneliness and how to adjust it for a solely efficient objective just seems unique. It doesn't want to be with people for any kind of social value but it wants to develop working relationships simply so it can do its job more effectively. It doesn't understand the idea connections, even in a purely logical sense, because it never had too, so it will just continue operating as so it doesnt need to. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I mean, I've been around enough and my flaws at roleplaying are well known by now. All the same I rate my ability to play a realistic character rather highly
TO: Conner Mab, Paramedic, NSS Aurora FROM: AMS, CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA Division to review. If necessary, you will be contacted by a CCIA Agent when an investigation begins. -------------------- DTG: 11-23:38-TAU CETI STANDARD-14-2461 SIGN: CCIAAMS
TO: D'Jar Sa'Kuate, Head of Security, NSS Aurora FROM: AMS, CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA Division to review. If necessary, you will be contacted by a CCIA Agent when an investigation begins. -------------------- DTG: 11-14:07-TAU CETI STANDARD-11-2461 SIGN: CCIAAMS
Murderboning Antagonists and Validhunting Station Crew
Schmuck Lord replied to Naelynn's topic in General
The core problem as laid out is simple. There is a desire to win that can foster on both sides when roleplay isn't up to par or the more common excuse: for the sake of realism. The round referenced where two Vox raiders attempting to return a Captain in exchange for vault contents were back-stabbed I can't justify as being unrealistic to the setting. This admittedly is due to a disconnect of how rules must be enforced and a realistic setting. This isn't necessary on anyone fault but it is a necessity with the mainstream culture of the game and engaging in High-Roleplay. I don't think anyone would argue that SS13's cultural roots are in places like Goon and Hippie station. Furthermore one must also admit that as HRPers, we all have a sense of elitism in one way or another about how we act in relation to each other. Role-play of different characters while perfectly protected by the rules and administration may not be seen as acceptable by players, leading to ahelps and administrative actions being handed out based on interpretations of the rules. This isn't a critique either, Admin discretion is an important part with any kind of administrative enforcement, but the core problem I think as it applies to antags is that if people feel their round is ruined, questions of escalation and story progression are called into play. Currently I think the most common outcome is that ahelps go in the favor of the person making them. The thought being that this persons round was negatively effective, its our duty to make sure this server is fun to play on for everyone. This is compounded when very mechanically skilled players, such as Naelynn are directly involved as it is very easy to cast the metagamer or murderbone strawman on people who are just known to be very robust, but it is still the case just when we have one party significantly dominating another mechanically for whatever reason. It's unreasonable to expect a player psychology to change especially when the stakes can be reduced to being removed from a round or not. So, potential solutions since the administration does the best they can and we can't expect playstyles to just change without mechanical motivation or extremely strict policing of new policy, the ladder of which I am not in favor of. 1. The first solution I can think of involves affecting the station armory as it stands, primarily, modifying the armory contents to foster a particular kind of roleplay. There are two directions with this, as currently the ISD armory has the equivalent armament of a a paramilitary style fire-team, with full-sized rifles, carbines, shotguns, and an anti-armor weapon in the form of an Ion rifle. You can go either way with this as I am an advocate for extremes in order to bring about swift change to know the right direction. In favor of ISD, you give them the equipment to challenge murderboning. Get rid of the laser rifles and shotguns and replace them with four energy rifles, leave the Ion rifle in place. An alternative to this set up is to add EMP grenades, and lethal shells/slugs to the armory while removing the Ion rifle. This option heavily favors internal security countering murder-boning behavior though gives them an excessive amount of tools which they will inventively use, even in situations where they may not. If we go in the opposite direction, we remove the Ion Rifle and laser rifles, have four energy carbines, the standard shotguns with their non-lethal shells .45 ammo mix and a Grenade Launcher. This is my preferred options as I feel it leaves security with a relatively reasonable mix of firepower for Internal Security as the department name suggests. Plenty of options for detainment, the riot suppression that will never happen, and lethal action should the need arise. Furthermore, this leaves Internal Security one rung in equipment below Odin Civil Protection which I think should act as an important stepping stone to ERT level equipment as well, for both IC and OOC policy. It does leave them slightly under-equipped when dealing with anything beyond haphazardly equipped pirates but realistically, with the NDV Icarus patrolling the area, the expectation of raids happening with ships with cloaking fields should be very low. Internal Security shouldn't be optimized to deal with external threats and if they need the equipment the supply office is available to procure rifles, ion rifles, so on so forth. Even so, without interference it leaves the crew at risk for muderboning antags without appropriate retaliatory ability. You could also go with the third option that I heard off-handily mentioned and replace the ISD Armory with the TCFL Armory and call it a day. But that has no basis in actual thought, I just think the blasters are neat. All of these are designed to put a higher expectation of faith on one side or the other. It gives Admins an easier time deciding fault and gives either antags or security+crew a greater responsibility in roleplay. We can all easily agree the baton rush is ahelpable and a meme, even if it results in a very fast escalation when the antag just brains the fool. 2. OOC Policy Crackdown would be the second solution, one that I feel puts an unfair burden on the administrative staff. This would take the form of a few things. Enforcing actual science to be done in order to justify creations. Stricter enforcement of FearRP and PainRP which could lead to some unjust or unreasonable bans and notes. Enforcement of the skill system either through OOC moderation, point limits, or the skills actually affecting you mechanically. All of this though I think as stated is unreasonable to expect of our administration team. 3. Realism trumps all in the final solution I can think of. Increase lethality of things maintain the current state of medical and simply enforce things upon a guideline of does it make sense for the setting. This very much is the no fun option as realism within the boundaries of the round type could often take the form of antagonists engaging in very ends means thinking in order to complete objectives. Crew may do the same, especially LI'd Staff, however in turn this could lead to more dysfunction amongst the crew which could be good RP at its best or essentially ruining the game at worst. This in turn allows for some IC Policy implementations such as a restriction on the construction of Combat Exosuits without the requisite paperwork under punishment of X regulations, cargo procuring weapons, so on so forth (These things I find to be rarely problems though). As previously stated though, this is distinctly the no fun zone as the game becomes an exercise in succumbing to death at its worst possible level. None of the ideas I provide are inherently right or wrong in the same way that anyone else may or may not be, they are just options. While I might believe that mechanical incentive influences behavior in this game of spessman we all know and love it still will inevitably never change the psychology and get back to Naelynn's actual statement, which is can we reconcile the crew and antagonists as two parts of a greater story. I would like to think we can but the swing from Security Validhunting to Antag Muderboning in deadchat round to round is noticeable as it shifts between the two with the occasional off-department member going and doing something silly. You cannot expect people to not use things they have almost immediate access to nor can you punish them for it in high stress situations. People going out of there way to do so, yes absolutely, but if the tools are there people use them, this is the same for any role you might play on the server. So, change the tools to help push people toward a more amicable play for everyone. The round referenced was a round with salt and the next two rounds after it were even more rounds of salt and upset on the account of one side or the other being excessive in their pursuit of murderbone or valids. The problems here aren't anything new or anything invented by someone being upset, go back through the forum archives and I'm sure you can find similar discussions. So, let's compile some options and find a good fit? -
Soultheif96's Command Application
Schmuck Lord replied to Soultheif96's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Soulthief has historically been a recognized and well liked member of the community. If anything that can be seen by the feedback already received in this re-application. Furthermore the most evident factor in this application is that he as a player is willing to reform his playstyle to help engage in the round more and perhaps shift toward a more accepted style of play. This reason alone is enough to provide an endorsement and +1 though I would never say that Soulthief has ever been a bad command player or has crafted bad command characters. His intent on reformation though shows his dedication to the privilege he is asking for and the server at large. There is no reason to deny him getting it back -
TO: Kim, Librarian, NSS Aurora FROM: AMS, CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: An investigation has been conducted regarding the incident, and the appropriate action(s) has been taken. The matter is now considered resolved. -------------------- DTG: 10-11:38-TAU CETI STANDARD-31-2461 SIGN: CCIAMS
Character feedback: Natalie Duponte
Schmuck Lord replied to Natiform's topic in Character and Concept Feedback
My first interaction with Duponte was pretty simple. We were fellow antags and she shot me accidentally with a bullpup. Loved the character ever since. 10/10 would procure illegal arms from her again -
Wiggles as a player has been a consistently good representation of the kind of role-play that people should come to expect from the Aurora: Sec-man Bad. That being said there is no reason that anyone should bar him from pursuing his time making the Aurora a better place through influencing the round in a Command Position. His characterization is solid, he's always a joy to see in round and as far as can be seen, he doesn't have any glaring flaws in his style of play that would make him disqualified for a command position. +1
TO: Kim, Librarian, NSS Aurora FROM: AMS, CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to Viktor LeVant (Schmuck Lord). You may be contacted by the CCIAA for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions. -------------------- DTG: 10-01:48-TAU CETI STANDARD-10-2461 SIGN: CCIAAMS
TO: Oscar Easter, Security Officer, NSS Aurora FROM: AMS, CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: An investigation has been conducted regarding the incident, and the appropriate action(s) has been taken. The matter is now considered resolved. -------------------- DTG: 10-02:53-TAU CETI STANDARD-03-2461 SIGN: CCIAMS
TO: Oscar Easter, Security Officer, NSS Aurora FROM: AMS, CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to Viktor LeVant (Schmuck Lord). You may be contacted by the CCIAA for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions. -------------------- DTG: 23-09:18-TAU CETI STANDARD-09-2461 SIGN: CCIAAMS
TO: Drifting On Debris, Xenobiologist, NSS Aurora FROM: CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: An investigation has been conducted regarding the incident, and the appropriate action(s) has been taken. The matter is now considered resolved. -------------------- DTG: 22-03:03-TAU CETI STANDARD-09-2461 SIGN: CCIAAMS
TO: Drifting On Debris, Xenobiologist, NSS Aurora FROM: AMS, CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to Viktor LeVant (Schmuck Lord). You may be contacted by the CCIAA for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions. -------------------- DTG: 13-12:30-TAU CETI STANDARD-09-2461 SIGN: CCIAAMS
[Accepted] Snoopy11 - Command Whitelist
Schmuck Lord replied to Snoopy11's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Snoopy gets the big +1 from me purely on the merits of a recent round I had with Summer Snow. Snow took the reigns from me as HoS after due to the circumstances of the malfunctioning A.I rendered me unable to perform my duties effectively, in that no one could safely do surgery to fix my ribs, so I Had to wheel around on a wheelchair. Summer lead ISD into the core and negotiated the lives of the crew on behalf of the station. The only thing that ruined this were the desire for vengeance of the Chief engineer. I was unable to directly witness the command of Summer Snow, but she took charge of the department while I was clinging to life. Suffice it to say I'm impressed.